qcf + p misery

Categories: life


I have been running a mild fever the past few days, and when I couldn’t pass Black May on survival with Ky EX (a.k.a. Sol-lite), I knew I needed some serious rest. I feel pretty good, just that my head has been very cloudy lately, and I haven’t been able to go a night without deep dreaming for a while.

So I decided to cancel a dinner outing and rest at home tonight sl33ping and watching TV. Sadly, only [b]Street Fighter[/b] was on Dish, and it was extremely painful to watch. I just could not believe that movie butchered one of the greatest fighting franchises. For one, they basically turned all of the characters into one-dimensional puppets, and Ryu and Ken are now Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson instead of being eternal rivals. Bison also seems to have shrunk a few sizes.

If I were making a movie based off of [b]Street Fighter[/b], I wouldn’t feature half the characters. Do I really care about E. Honda or Vega? I would fill the movie with cool special effects, a rockin’ soundtrack, plenty of fan service (despite the fact Chun-Li is the only female character), and a plot involving lots of twists.

“Ken… you were… my sister?!?!”

Ok, I better stop now– this fever is getting to me. I’m beginning to think that Megatokyo is so short of ideas that they’re ripping of Faust and Venom.

2 Responses to “qcf + p misery”

  1. Dang, you must have a fever! ^^; Piro drew Ed like that because of his accident… and because Dom is a huge Guilty Gear XX fan. XD He’s even got an animated icon right now of Faust and his scalpel running around. ^^

  2. “He’s even got an animated icon right now of Faust and his scalpel running around” … and this is good because?…

    At first I thought it was funny how MT parody’s so many different Animes/Games but sometimes it is just disturbing.