(Apologies to Life Line By Line. Dame… desu ka?)
Nagi needs to tap Mashiro’s ass. If he hasn’t/doesn’t, he’s hard gay. No other explanation. So this episode had more of Mashiro’s awesomeness, the tentacle rape, Irina’s tie-ons, and the moe super yuri lesbian action… I could honestly care less about “plot,” “character development,” “Mai Tokiha,” and “coherent writing” at this point.
“I am the King of Hige.”
“Cut it out, I’m trying to read this Tidus x Auron yaoi fanfic.”
“Nina… Arika… you started without me! How could you!”
“Resound, my Melos!”
“Super yuri lesbian love story?”
The whole room is in shock as Keitaro, Keiichi, Sagara, Shiratori, Tenchi, Yukinari, Negima, Shintaro, Hibiki, Shikimori, and Yoshitaka “accidentially” crash into the locker room.
“Before her water polo match, Nina always brings her game face.”
“This isn’t phyallic at all.”
“Hermaphodites are people born with both male and female genetalia.”
“Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice / Laid back… with my mind on my money and my money on my mind.”
“See, it’s written here: J-A-I-L-B-A-I-T. Jailbait.”
Mikoto thinks that Jason is butchering Moyism’s shtick.
“Trust me, I won’t post those revealing photos that I took of you on the internet.”
“So ladies, if the butt is round / And you want a XXX throw down / Dial 1-900-MIXALOT / And kick them nasty thoughts”
“Nina… I have a favor to ask…”
“… can you dress up as Natsuki? And I’ll dress up as Shizuru.”
“Don’t worry, Erstin is trained in super yuri lesbian fanservice.”
“Ratings suddenly increased 200% at the 10:30 mark.”
Sergay Wang. Best. Character name. Ever.
Arika is training for her post-Mai Otome career of working at soapland.
“Okay, who removed Club-to-Death Angel Shiho-chan’s halo?”
“Erstin! You’re cheating on me with Arika? I thought you’d lick me, and only me?”
“And then Tidus brushed softly against Auron’s warm coat…”
“Shit! Run! It’s the Feds!”
“Ratings suddenly increased 700% at the 18:13 mark.”
Wile E. Coyote shouldn’t have looked down.
Oyasumi nasai. As visions of moe super yuri lesbian fanservice dances in her head.
End Mai Otome 6, Life Line By Line 3. Next up: Gun x Sword 20, Lolitron 0.
Not as good as moy, in anyway.
Am I supposed to take this post seriously anyways, as in following moy’s format, or am I supposed to take it as a paroday post, in conjunction with your Top 10 Ways to increase blog traffic post?
LMAO, is this an hint that I should get off my lazy arse and start blogging again? ;)
Good caps Jason! A lot more witty than my lowbrow attempts. The Arika post-MO job and Shiho being the next Dokuro captions were hilarious!
Erm… Jason, aren’t you confusing Irina (bespectacled) with Erstin (blonde, Nina Fangirl)? – Goes back to ROTFLMAO –
Stahl, if you have read any of my older posts, you should know that the writing style for “Improve Your Sex Life” is a reversal of my usual writing style, and that should tip you off to something. After all, my previous Top Ten post was 2,000 words extolling Escaflowne.
moyism, thanks for not suing me. ^^;; It’s actually a very fun (but time consuming format) to write a post for, and I just wanted to try it out… and Otome is a very easy target. Next time I try it, I’ll use a series you aren’t blogging.
Zyl, my bad! I’ll fix it. This is what happens when I’m hopped up on Nyquil.
water softners water softners