rigging the vote: the real slim shinn

People sure like their breasts. Okay, let see if I can try to even things out a bit… hopefully, it’ll work better than my ill-fated campaign for Caster.

Remember when I compared Arika to Shinn and Mai to Kira? I got it wrong.

Shinn had a little sister whom he loved deeply, and her sister is personified by her cell phone. He also fell in love with a mentally unstable lady (Stellar) who shared a love with another man (Neo). Both of his loves were killed directly or indirectly by the warrior Kira, who is controlled by the nice-girl outside but very sinister inside Lacus. Shinn then seeks revenge against Kira while holding on tightly to his sister’s cell phone.

Mai had a little brother whom she loved deeply, and her brother is personified by his pills. She also fell in love with a semi-stable gentleman (Tate) who shared a love with another woman (Shiho). Both of her loves were killed directly or indirectly by the warrior Mikoto, who is controlled by the nice-guy outside but very sinister inside Reito. Mai then seeks revenge against Mikoto while holding on tightly to her brother’s pillbox.


Mai = Shinn with breasts.

Now… go vote for Arika.


18 Responses to “rigging the vote: the real slim shinn”

  1. Nice try.

  2. Nah, Mai still wins.

  3. ARIKA FTW! MAI BLOWS! Any complaints? LOL ;)

  4. I’m disturbed by the Gundam SEED Destiny comparison. I guess people don’t mind whiny bastards, so long as they’re shapely. :D

    Now, as long as Arika keeps from shouting “KIRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”, I think I’ll support her in that vote. Otherwise, I’m going with Natsuki, whose robe at least doesn’t look like it came from the mind if a blind, demented costumer.

  5. Mai still rox XD
    her imminent return is fueling mah otome watching desires XD

  6. omg that’s cheating! Now I need to go find my images of arika making contorted faces. *schemes* Jason maki maki maki

  7. Perhaps I’m the only one who hates Mai and Arika equally…

  8. mmmm


    nah, mai FTW!!!


  9. Mai still > Arika.

    Shizuru + Natsuki still > all.

  10. Mai FTW!

    And there you have a picture of Arika with contorted face.

  11. > her imminent return is fueling mah otome watching desires XD

    Yes, Mai Otome is going to be interesting. At last.

  12. Mai FTW. While I was swayed by the Caster post (well, not much, I actually like Caster better anyway), there’s no way Arika is, in any way, > Mai.

    Ramen FTW!

  13. You just blew the lid off the secret formula used by the scriptwriter.

    btw puni puni still > petanko.

  14. Mai = Shinn with breasts? …I dunno about that. a critical difference, I think, is that Mai didn’t take it to the ridiculous extreme Shinn did. Plus, Shinn lost his whole family, while Mai still had a lifeline in the form of her little brother. She also grew as a character as the series went on. (Man, I sure babble a lot.)

    And, sadly, Shinn was only barely-likable when he remained the main character, until the writers replaced him with Athrun and Kira in the second half of the series.

    So now, let’s ask for the real Slim Shinn to please stand up.

  15. I see the results seems pretty clear right now.

  16. It was 75/25 before I ran this post, so Arika made some headway. :) So if I do a Shana vs. Yoshida poll, I expect the same people who voted for Mai to vote for Yoshida as well? Based on cup size and all…

  17. Shana versus Yoshida… hmm. That wouldn’t work too well – Shana has a big sword, after all, and the Shana-tan episodes. Maybe a battle of meido outfits? Wilhemina versus Mahoro? :D

  18. That’s too objective an opinion there jason. If you did run that vote, I’ll be going for Shana. Not all fanboys are just perverts looking and thinking about cup sizes ;)

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