kamichu 7
Categories: anime, episodic review, kamichu
Tagged: kamichu
One thing that really makes Kamichu stand out is how it weaves its stories in a tapestry. This episode is a great example as just by paying attention to small things like Yurie’s dad fixing cameras all the time or Mitsue’s references to Tohru, one can piece the story fully together. It goes from swimming on the beach to exploring an old house to Yurie’s goddess induction ceremony and back again in a very organic way. After watching certain series from Sunrise, I almost forgot how coherent and logical a story can be. Great storytelling; great visuals; great series.
“After watching certain series from Sunrise, I almost forgot how coherent and logical a story can be.” — Noooo, we really don’t know what you mean here ;) *runs*
Just because SOMEBODY has to mention it…
Matsue’s rather…well-developed…isn’t she? Quite surprising to see bounce when all of the characters (ALL of them, even Yurie’s mom.) appear to be fairly realistically proportioned. But then, this IS the ROD team…