melancholy of haruhi suzumiya licensed by…
Categories: anime, anime news, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, snipe
Tagged: haruhi suzumiya
I just got home and saw that those dependable people at 4chan [thread will approach limit soon, so link may not work] seemed to have stumbled across ADV posters at Otakon that show none other than Ms Haruhi Suzumiya. Official word expected Saturday. I really, really hope that they don’t screw this up… either way, I’m looking to pre-order.
GL with it
NO WAY! That’s awesome! It seems people in that thread are disappointed that ADV licensed it…is there a reason behind their lack of enthusiasm?
ADV is well known for despising their own customers and hating anime fans in general. Their official PR guy said about as much in an interview to Wired (I even have that amazing document saved somewhere). So, many people are disheartened when good shows go ADV way.
Wow, that was fast. I wonder what the record is for the fastes localization announcement (not counting the ones whose rights were bought before the show was aired in Japan.)
@pete, can u find that? i think it’d be a very intersting read :)
Dai Nyuuzu! Dai Nyuuzu!
Now if only someone would license Sexy Commando…
>> is there a reason behind their lack of enthusiasm?
ADV was horrible a few years ago, and they haven’t been able to shed that image. Their newer releases have been quite good. They are also slow… slower than Geneon but much faster than Bandai (finally saw Mai Hime DVD 1 at Best Buy whereas Geneon has Ichigo Mashimaro DVD 2 out already).
Still, could have been worse. At least it’s not Funimation, 4kids, Sony, Viz, or Animeigo (which would probably have meant a 2015 release date).
>> Wow, that was fast. I wonder what the record is for the fastes localization announcement
Pretty much every Geneon show since you know after seeing the first episode credits, i.e. Black Lagoon.
Slow… ADV announced the license 2 years ago (or whenever it was) for Kurau and never again mentioned it… You fail, ADV, I hope you go out of business.
Bandai actually releases their shows, but it’s a whole other thing that the video quality is often shit (from more recent ones I’ve had the ‘pleasure’ seeing: Scrapped Princess, My-HiME, E7), but then again it’s also true for ADV (Maburaho), Geneon (Girls Bravo) and probably Funimation (haven’t seen much of the new stuff).
>>Now if only someone would license Sexy Commando…
Now that I think about it, Sexy Commando is probably half the reason I enjoyed MoSH so much. Association… formed.
I wonder if ADV can be bothered for little gimmicks like Kyoto did? Cults are made, not born.
I was thinking a couple weeks ago about which company would be the best suitor for Haruhi (as well as Honey & Clover) and couldn’t come with a definite answer. I think ADV is a good fit for Haruhi (let the dub casting speculation begin??) but the logo looks a little strange with English lettering, especially the white “u”. It’ll probably grow on me but still…
One thing I’m wondering now is “how many discs will the series released over?”. With 14 episodes including Episode 00, will ADV go for more money and better quality by stretching it over 4 discs (e.g. 4-4-3-3) or will they try to squeeze it onto three (e.g. 5-5-4 or 5-4-5) and “save” fans some cash but have smaller bitrates per episode? Or they could pleasantly surprise me and release it all as one box set like Naruto Uncut. That would REALLY make my weekend.
I think if there’s one thing ADV likes, it is money. Seeing how they release their popular anime (FMP) and less-popular (Mezzo DSA 3), I’d say (if they do have Suzumiya) they know it’s popular and they know people will pay, so they will release it on 4 DVDs.
Quality wise I don’t see why 4disc could -automatically- mean better quality than a 3 disc release – it’s all about the encoders, authoring people (lol???) and whether they go for single or dual-layer.
no chance in hell that the dubbing will come even moderately close to the real thing in terms of quality.
I dread to see what will happen with the songs in episode 12….
Good thing there’s always the subbed version.
Here’s to hoping for bunny haruhi figurine extra, or at least a life sized mikuru poster =o
Errr, the panel mentioned on that poster is the Kadokawa Pictures panel rather than ADV, so I’m not really sure wher e ADV comes into this. For all we know, Kadokawa could be dealing with Funimation here (or Funi AND ADV, ala FMP!2nd).
Don’t jump to any wild conclusions, anyway.
DiGiKerot: You’re right about the time matching with Kadokawa’s panel. Maybe the light novels (but not the anime) will be licensed …or perhaps this is all just a tease and the company will just be talking about Haruhi and not announce anything. We’ll just have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to find out for sure.
kacpy: Encoding and authoring are definitely more crucial factors in a show’s video quality on DVD than episode counts, but in my experiences with ADV-published series, a volume with five episodes usually features smaller episode file sizes (about 80,000-100,000 KB smaller) than those on four-episode volumes from the same show. I guess I should have said “SLIGHTLY smaller bitrates”.
>> “(finally saw Mai Hime DVD 1 at Best Buy whereas Geneon has Ichigo Mashimaro DVD 2 out already).”
wait… didn’t the mai hime dvd 1 come out in, like, march?… or was it february… either way, your BB must be slow… I had the dvd 1 (+ crappy box) back in may… and i believe they have already put out dvd 2… i remember seeing pictures of it floating around somewhere >.>;
since then, however, i think i’ll hold off for the rest of the series to be released… maybe i can get a discount for mass purchasing DX
omg! no!!! i was banking on del rey to get the licensing T.T
oh nvm, jumped the gun, thought it was the novels @@
The logo looks butchered v_v.
Age: 16 years old
Affiliation: SOS club (apparently it’s not a brigade any more -_-)
Can’t read the last line, looks like it either says “interests: Aliens”, or “Location: ……..”
If they keep the japanese audio track along with the english one, I’m not too bothered by the quality of the dub. I just hope that it somehow becomes available in britain (where I live)..
You know what I like?
How people take one example (ie Kurau) and apply it to everything a company has done!
(also, My~HiME volume 3 has been out for like…two weeks, where the hell do you shop?)
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Good for ADV. There’s nothing more amusing than seeing ignorant fanboys and otaku pissed off.
>> Errr, the panel mentioned on that poster is the Kadokawa Pictures panel rather than ADV
Kadokawa is the Japanese distributor for Haruhi. Most of their titles go to either ADV or Funimation, but their panel is after ADV’s, not Funi’s. Yes, it could still go either way or even do a split like TSR. We’ll know in a few hours.
>> (also, My~HiME volume 3 has been out for like…two weeks, where the hell do you shop?)
Deep breathes, deep breathes, chill man. I like how I wrote “Best Buy” and no one seemed to have noticed.
Looks like ADV is going with UtawarerumonoShadow Warrior Chronicles instead.
Good for ADV. There’s nothing more amusing than seeing ignorant fanboys and otaku pissed off.
The only thing more amusing than that, is seeing pretentious anime elitists, pontificate in the comments section about their disdain for fanboys and otaku.
Chris B (site owner of AoD) has posted on the forums that he has confirmed with ADV that they HAVEN’T annouced that they’ve licensed Haruhi.
It’s great if Haruhi gets licensed.
The horror of Utawarerumono being renamed Shadow Warrior Cronicles can’t be expressed in words. Can there be a name more lamer than Shadow Warrior Cronicles. If they wanted to have an english name then why didn’t they use something like “the one being sung”.
And if someone knows who this Shadow Warrior is supposed to be, then please tell me because I have yet to see even one Shadow Warrior in Utawarerumono.
…And the Kadokawa panel has passed with only Shuffle having been licensed, to an unspecified licensor.
The final word from ANN:
“The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya does not currently have a distributor, but Kadokawa has received several offers from companies; Sakuda expects it to be released in the US next year. With the first volume having sold 60,000 units in Japan, it is one of the most successful anime properties currently on the market.
Distributors have not yet been picked for The Third, Demon Bane, or Karin, but Sakuda said that those titles will likely be seen “next year.†As for The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, the company is looking to release it theatrically in the US.
When asked about the Haruhi novels and manga, Sakuda said that the company has received offers, and there is a chance that those too will be seen next year.”
>> The horror of Utawarerumono being renamed Shadow Warrior Cronicles can’t be expressed in words.
It can: “Samurai X”. I’m actually horrified about this development too… at least status quo for Haruhi is good news. Much better than “ADV licenses Haruhi Suzumiya, renames it Alien X”.
>> Chris B (site owner of AoD) has posted on the forums that he has confirmed with ADV that they HAVEN’T annouced that they’ve licensed Haruhi.
LOL AoD defends the industry from 4chan.
@Baka-Kun: Uh, when did I ever try to pass myself off as elitist. I’ve just been an anime fan for seven years. Granted during that time I’ve watched and read a lot of stuff, paid attention to the industry and fansub community, and even spent five years, and counting, moderating an anime board. I’m not sure where along the line I’ve become an “pretentious anime elitist.” You seem to know more about me than I do.
ANN reports:
>> The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya does not currently have a distributor, but Kadokawa has received several offers from companies; Sakuda expects it to be released in the US next year. With the first volume having sold 60,000 units in Japan, it is one of the most successful anime properties currently on the market.
full report: http://www.animenewsnetwork.co.....php?id=370
Honestly, after seeing the care that was taken in subtitling it, I really have to wonder how good the ADV sub will be.
And the dub… well, forget it.
If the most likely candidates are ADV and FUNimation, I pray to OHaruhi-Sama that ADV gets the license. Better ADV than FUNimation. They already took my beloved School Rumble. :'(
*A moment of silence for the impending slaughter of such a great show*
>> And the dub… well, forget it.
Haruhi dubbed? LOL WUT. Aya Hirano FOREVA!!!
You heard about Utawarerumono getting licensed too right? Goodness the english name is Shadow Warrior Chronocles. I’m like..why not name it something less genaric. Goodness, and if Haruhi is really going to be done by ADV they better do it right! If not, Head will roll!!!
I wonder, how many of you whining about ADV releases actually BUY them?
99% of them are perfectly fine with absolutely no problems whatsoever. If you don’t like the dub, don’t watch it. DOn’t like the name? Ignore it, you know what its called.
Every so often they DO do something…odd, like with Milk-chan or Ghost Stories, but those are exceptions, not the rule, and there is no reason for anything like that to be done to Utawarerumono.
So really, why must every single place I go today have people flipping the fuck out?
Oh, and Jason, about the Best Buy thing, you do realize that that has to do with your Best Buy sucking, and nothing to do with what company released it right?
There’s a few decent dubs on Youtube…I can’t find the one were she pimps red bull, but I thought that one was funny.
Haruhi creates the SOS Brigade ^
^ Ummm….Haruhi reboots the world to Germany > . >
^ ….WTF?
^ I’m only including this for the duel lack of Ouran and Family Guy on this site.
Anyway, if ADV gets it, it will be the second coming of Evangelion without a doubt.
@_______@; What I have feared has come to pass!
I can’t imagine anyone but Hiranosama voicing our Haruhisama… but I probably wont be able to hold out in curiosity… now I know a sure method to kill myself (if I ever want too)! I pray they get some good acting talent… I hope to Haruhisama they work on this proffessionally, whoever licenses it. (XD I love that it says “offers”… Haruhi popularity sugo~)
Weird my comment didn’t come up from the morning…
So are you really all for Geneon? I seem to get this vibe from many sites.
I personally really dislike them for relesing such good titles yet at expensive prices
… even at Best Buy! Not exactly sure
I also have not really liked the voice actors in a couple
of recent animations.
Funimation has recentely been my favorite company, good titles
good V.A.’s, and good prices on their releases. Funimation
does not take that long with their releases in my opinion.
Much of the hatred I see towards Funimation is unfounded
and based on past history that was not really that bad to begin with.
A.D.V. I’ve always considered a company that thinks that
adding more than needed curse worse to their anime makes
them more mature. huh I also think they release more older
stuff than anything so it truly is surprizing to me that
they may have and internet-fan favorite anime on their hands.
I did not ever think that they were bad to the fans though.
That’s without reading the new comments.
To Maxtreme,
The Red Bull parody was yanked off YouTube.
If you google the following terms,
haruhi red bull
AoMM comes out as the first entry. As for fellow fans who wish to see this surreal piece of entertainment, all is not lost. :)
An alternative site for the “SHaruhi & Red Bull” video.
When there’s something lost… on the Internet. Where do you search? Go GOOGLE!
Cheers, and enjoy.
Ahaha…you guys are awesome.
Edit: It cut off the rest of my post…agh. I meant to say that I’m the girl who made the Red Bull video before it got taken off YouTube, and glad you guys liked it.
Am I the only one that wants it done by VIZ Media? I find their dub quality to be pretty good (Zatch Bell!, Naruto, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)
Hey, they did manage to pull it off wih azumanga daioh. I thought that adv films did a great job with that. Hopefully they dont ruin the fuking voices like funimation just did with kimi ga nozomu eien (rumbling hearts) Dispicable
^ or 4Kids’ terrible hackjob on One Piece (Sanji’s voice)
Oh joy! ADV screws up another series-on the subject of dvd quality-has anyone ever noticed that R2 dvds have much better video quality than R1’s?
Does anyone ELSE want the person that dubbed Haruhi’s voice for that Red Bull commercial parody to do her voice for an official dub? =P
Funimation… I think they did Fruits Basket well. *shrugs*
Actually, it’s been handed over to Kadokawa Pictures USA and the distributor will be U.S company; Bandai Entertainment.
As stated on the ASOS Brigade promo site to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.