code geass 11, 12
Categories: code geass, episodic review, fanservice
Tagged: code geass
Code Geass quickly goes from tactical giant mecha combat to Pizza Hut whoring vehicle to a scintillating Melrose Place-esque opera. Only I don’t recall any table humping going on in Melrose Place.

Even though Lulu is pissed at the pilot of Lancelot for getting in his way and Suzaku is pissed at Zero for spreading false justice, we just know that before the end, these two will kiss and make up. And there’s nothing that we can do about it as evidenced by now Lulu passes up a Shirley buffet. OH GEASS NO! Though after seeing the Pizza Hut tie-in, Lulu x Suzaku is beginning to make sense.

I guess that cat’s (or the imouto’s?) out of the bag with this Pizza Hut Japan promo tie-in with Code Geass. I noticed that almost all of the redeemable prizes are pictures of either Lulu, Suzaku, or both Lulu and Suzaku. I think that says something about the intended target audience of Code Geass. I think by the time Code Geass finishes, Pizza Hut will go down as the go-to gay American fast food item in the eyes of the Japanese leap frogging Pink Taco. I also think that this reason is why Pizza Hut decided to ally with Code Geass of all shows… I can imagine Pizza Hut Japan’s chief officer thinking, “Well, so how do we lure the fangirl market to our pizza chain?”

Even though most of the relationship angst and tension from Code Geass is from Suzaku and Lulu, there’s an interesting dynamic between the ladies forming as well. The C.C. – Karen – Shirley triangle is getting interesting with developments during these two episodes that start to link the three.
First, C.C. saves Lulu, and Lulu tries to put some Flava Flav-class moves on C.C. in a secluded and private cave. As someone fearing the Suzaku choice, I applaud this development, and it brings out the tsundere side to C.C. as another bonus. Only Karen eventually catches Zero with C.C., and I sense some low energy jealous vibes from Karen to C.C.. If only for “WTF ARE YOU DOING WITH ZERO!?!? MY ZERO!”
Afterwards, Karen seems to be even more trusting of Zero and acts like his personal bodyguard. It’s like Zero cannot do any wrong, and Karen seems to be infatuated with him like how Keroro is infatuated with gunpla. But the juicier part, of course, is that while Karen starts tossing out jealously vibes at C.C., C.C. is doing the same with Shirley. Shirley completes the circle by being jealous of Karen and becomes even more suspicious when she finds out that both Karen and Lulu have been absent… together. Shirley, though, is a mess from finding out that Zero killed her father and runs into Lulu’s arms shades of Mai running into Reito’s arms back in Mai Hime. So the stage is set. The girls are all suspicious of each other, and the both have different feelings towards Zero.
Honestly, the girls should be much more worried about Suzaku instead of each other and should try to do everything possible (even if it means subjecting us to the first ever anime foursome) to prevent that. They need to team up and maybe even get Millay, Nanali, and Euphie involved. That’s the only way we’re going to be saved from the Suzaku ending. Though I’m not sure who I’d root for anymore– as much as I enjoy Karen’s mounting of Guren Nishiki, there’s something to be said about C.C.’s lunacy and Shirley’s persistence.
(Since it’s been almost a month since my last Code Geass post, a little reward.)

Then again, none of them come close to the ZOMG that is Nina. At first, Sunrise tried to take a racist angle with her, and now it seems like they’re moving her into crazy lesbian stalker category. Unfortunately, it’s not as shocking as seeing Shizuru going down on Natsuki (since, well, Shiruzu is still the ultimate lesbian stallker) but now we can at least debate the odds of whether or not Nina will, uh, Shizuru Euphie by the end of Code Geass. Still, watching Nina trying to pleasure herself against a table with a picture of Euphie… well… I mean, we won’t be seeing this series on Cartoon Network anytime soon. Spike TV, here we come! It’s definitely an over-the-top moment that made me rewind and make sure I wasn’t seeing things. I mean, wow, we don’t even get this kind of action on The OC.
(Of course, this begs the question… who the heck would think of something like this? “You know what, we have this giant mecha anime sponsored by Pizza Hut… what would drive it to the next level? I know! Tables. T-A-B-L-E-S.” I wonder if Sunrise scriptwriters read this blog because if they did, I’d just retire the YTAMR award because nothing could top them. And how would this scene effect their sponsorship with Pizza Hut? Can we redeem points for a Nina action figure with life-like table action instead of a Suzaku figure?)

And some final random thoughts…

When did Urd start making cameos in this series?

The emo facial distortions… a huge step back. *Sigh* But have I mentioned how I enjoy the improved cockpit of the Guren Nishiki lately?

Sadly, the thirty second battle between the Guren Nishiki and the Lancelot has been the best one thus far.

Orange-kun! Now this is a broken man.

Kinda cute. I think. The Zero outfit kinda works…

Though it works better this way. Does this mean that Lulu had to undre– OH SHI-
Yeah, I had to rewind a couple of times for the table scene as well. I think Shirley has a definite one-up on Karen and CC after pulling that “save me” act. They were kissing at the end, right?
I think Nina will Shizuru Millay AND Euphie, which is I guess progressive for Sunrise. And, when Nina does go into stalker lesbian mode, I think they need to give her makeover. Take off the glasses, unbraid her hair, and let Saeko Chiba speak in her Natsuki voice. HAWT.
>> Saeko Chiba speak in her Natsuki voice.
I completely forgot about this. The tables have turned!
I vote for Cecil. There is something attractive about a girl who doesn’t pull her punches.
karen is win o0
side note: why is blogsuki down??
I vote for Millay of the Busty Neko-Mini-Mode.
This is one series where the amount of eagerness for waiting between the episodes has not changed since it started for me. I think one of the most enjoyable parts of this show is the animation style, its so unique, at least personally I haven’t sen any other anime where the characters are all 6 foot tall and skinny as hell, well skinny can go into the higurashi category as well. Table scene, thank for clearing that up I didn’t go back to try and figure out wtf was happening, maybe I don’t wanna know what was happening now that I know.
I’m eagerly awaiting the next kanon post I’m curious about something.
heh. my first thought at the end of ep. 12 was ‘zomg go melodrama go’. I also laughed my ass off. i suppose i’m a bad person.
in related news, this show is now officially awsome. if only it had lolis…
Harem Sabermetrics update!
Code Geass (Nina):
Cousin: N/A
Classmate/Equal: Shirley, Karen
Mysterious Girl: C.C.
Little Sister: N/A
Underclassman: N/A
Childhood Friend: N/A
Promised One: N/A
Oneesama: Cecile
Rich Girl: N/A
Meido: N/A
Lolibait: Table (looks pretty new) **RED**
Itsuki: Euphie, Millay
I lol’d
I’ll second the please fix blogsuki Jason, for all the things that are good and holy.
To be honest, I was really wavering over Code Geass around episode 9 and 10. While everything is better with mechs, even they aren’t enough to get me to watch the OC. And then the world flipped. It’s like a row of sharks all lined up, and Sunrise is going to jump them all…
Here’s hoping the The Tantilizing Trio of CC, Karen, and Shirley realize that Lulu’s no good, and follow Nina’s example. Maybe with some kind of food stuff ON a table…
Also, CC looks like a cute vampire in the zero outfit. Insert mandatory pun involving blood, sucking, and me, arranged as you see fit.
Can we redeem points for a Nina action figure with life-like table action
Pizza Hut supports the lesbian masterbation.
Any more corporate bravery like this for the great cause of service-u, and socialism will be dead.
I hope we get to see C.C. in Zero’s outfit more often. Shes the closest thing we’ve gotten so far to a Goth Loli. Now, seeing the way Sunrise is randomly throwing things in, stiring it and throwing something else in…I still have my hopes up that a real Goth Loli, among other Moe modes, will make it in.
I rewinded the table scene like 5 times and didn’t notice that she was humping to a picture of euphie. Zomg. However, while all of you are hoping for a Natsuki/Shizuru reborn, I believe she is actually a closet Tomoe. Pretty soon shes going to let her hair down and give us some pantheon class Facial Distortions. I’m looking forward to it! Tomoe =
“I think one of the most enjoyable parts of this show is the animation style, its so unique, at least personally I haven’t sen any other anime where the characters are all 6 foot tall and skinny as hell, well skinny can go into the higurashi category as well.”
Never seen other series with CLAMP as character designer? Tsubasa Chronicle anyone?
Rizelmine did an all-girl foursome in the second half – unless you count the dog as making it five. (All the girls in the harem except Rizel.)
Shirley scores a kiss at the end of ep 12, though I don’t think it’ll make much of a difference to her odds. “I killed your father” seems more important than “I kissed you in the rain”…
Add: I vote for a C.C. VS Karen (VS Suzaku) Dr. Jack style!
When I saw the table scene I also had to rewatch it several times “Oh no they DIDN’T do what I just THOUGHT they did”, but turns out they did.
As a mecha fan I enjoy the match up between Guren Nishki and Lancelot: the ultra-high tech balanced type (slighly leaning towards ranged) vs the absolute close quarter type… my kind of fights.
*sigh* It’s a shame that no matter how I look at it, it still resembles Rah’Xephon fighting Rodimus Prime…
Is it just me or Shirley in the rain looks like Kaede… Boxcutter anyone?
And now… we have the legendary table corner.
Heck, I’d hit every single female in this series, barring Nunnaly. Even some totally secondary characters such as the blue-haired chick in the BK and the short-haired chick in Toudo’s group are smoking HAWT. Good stuff, good stuff.
I wanna see some pajama-wearing, Pizza Hut eating eye candy.
Man, that sounds like a weird fetish. And yet Geass delivers.
>Man, that sounds like a weird fetish. And yet Geass delivers.
Atropos: you may just have figured out this show. It’s a random melange of fetishes. The eventual appearance of lolis are now a given…
Hey, did I miss something, or has Karen figured out that Zero = Lulu? She’s awfully defenseiv e of him I’m going to have to re-watch the series: I don’t recall if she’s ever seen C.C. around the school. I know Lulu kissed her to keep her from noticing, though… Surely they’ve met, seeing as C.C. is staying in the Student Council building. In Lulu’s room, no less.
“Still, watching Nina trying to pleasure herself against a table with a picture of Euphie… ”
Oh thank GOD! And here I thought I was hallucinating while watching the show. Almost made me want to order a Pizza Hut to cure myself. Mite just make things worse though if I got a Luluzaku pic…
I’m still holding out for Orange-kun to come back with a mask as the mysterious Orange-Sama.
I can’t be bothered by code geass anymore (though the table story made me smile), I m only dropping so I can add my voice to those asking (respectuously) for an update on the blog suki’s situation. Sorry for the off-topicness.
oh shi- I picked the wrong one. I don`t approve tabling. Can I take back my vote?
I’m glad Sunrise came to the conclusion that what giant mecha animes lacked was some lesbian masturbation scene with improvised sex toys.
Well, regarding the poll, I’m going to have to buck conventional harem wisdom again and break the number one rule for harem anime: “In the absence of Horie Yui, always vote for Kikuko Inoue.” Otherwise known as the Naru/Belldandy rule.
As much as I am enamored of her oneesama perfection (shades of Kasumi Tendou), Cecile lacks the large boobs, long legs, and decidedly yuri tendencies of the other oneesama in the series. Thus I have to pick Millay, for the same reason Rin should have picked Sia in SHUFFLE!: Harem Ending.
Of course, speaking of SHUFFLE!, if boxcutters become involved, I reserve the right to change my vote to Kaed–er–Orihi–um–Shirley.
Orange-kun’s dying on the side of the road and the scientists guys honk at him. Why not just run over him and save the hassle of him limping out of your way.
I think it’s funny how you write about Anime with the focus of an American soap opera fan.
The Nina thing made me go WTF. I think they’re setting up some sort of tragic Nina-shoots-Suzaku or whatever thing. Being that,
A) Nina is racist,
B) Nina is has a repressed personality (perhaps psycho bubbling just below the surface?),
C) Nina is hot for Euphie,
D) Euphie will end up with Suzaku, or at least temporarily photographed in a compromising position with Suzaku.
You can see where this is going. I don’t think that Sunrise would pass up the melodrama here.
I’m really shocked that CC is beating Karen in the polls. How does a busty redheaded tsundere lose out to someone with as little character development as CC?
I move we table this discussion and go get pizza….
> I’m really shocked that CC is beating Karen in the polls. How does a busty redheaded tsundere lose out to someone with as little character development as CC?
Remember the poll where “mysterious girl” won the favorite type of haremette? CC is the token mysterious girl so i dont think its too shocking.
> I’m really shocked that CC is beating Karen in the polls. How does a busty redheaded tsundere lose out to someone with as little character development as CC?
What? They’re off by TWO votes. This is neck and neck we’re talking about here.
I am aghast at the lack of Cecil support. ^^;
I will lay it out for you: C.C. has a nicer ass. Who needs charecter development when you’ve got back that shines through Kanon levels of over-clothing.
That, and she’s a green child. We love our green children Nyoro!
I hope they kill Nina off. It’ll add to the drama of the show while getting rid of an incredibly annoying character.
But… but… busty! Redhead! Tsundere! Undercleavage plus leaning over in a mecha!
If I had predicted anyone competing with that kind of advantage, it would have been busty blonde oneechan catgirl-nyo.
Two shots from the OP I’m waiting to see explained — though one is kind of obvious: the school council being photographed in a police lineup. Obviously that agent is closing in on Lulu and the council will be dragged into it. Although I have to wonder: why the lineup? I would think Cornelia would have it against a solid wall, and the shooting being done with live ammo, not cameras.
The other shot is from the original OP: a half second of Jupiter right at the end…
>“I killed your father†seems more important than “I kissed you in the rainâ€â€¦
Unless its Sunrise, then your family (and/or former heartthrob)’s murderer is a perfectly acceptable love interest and practicaly seals the deal.
>Two shots from the OP I’m waiting to see explained — though one is kind of obvious: the school council being photographed in a police lineup.
Don’t read anything into that. The new OP changes it up and has other characters in a police lineup. The new one has two batches, the firs being Lulu, C.C., Suzaku, Euphie, the Emperor, and Shirley. The second batch is the yet to be named wierd masked/glasses guy, a guy that looks like an older version of Clovis, Nina, and the black haired resitance guy.
I’ts Sunrise. The OP is the plot! Usually… I mean, there weren’t any table-humping scenes in the OP, at least that I noticed…
Actually it’s now showing on Adult Swim. I wonder if they’ll take that scene out.
Actually they’re now showing the series on Adult Swim. It’ll be interesting to see what they do with that scene.
Well, looks like they actually kept the scene in. Just watched it last night. People at the [AS] message boards are going “WTF the actually aired that?!”