the world god only knows chapter 18
Categories: manga
Tagged: the world god only knows
Tomboy is next haremette. Though I think to take it to the next level, Keima needs to try to capture two different haremettes (not just twins) at once. I’m also disappointed that we haven’t had any meido yet– does anyone know Tamiki Wakagi’s e-mail address so we can start bombarding him with requests? (And for people rooting for a trap– no, it’s not possible since the evil spirits hide in women because they want to be reborn. The only possibility is for Keima to crossdress to try to capture a girl. And, yes, I just put in more thought into a theoretical situation for a nichely popular manga than I have the past month for Code Geass R2.)
…Wonder what she thinks of Keima’s drawing. XD
Well, if we can’t root for a trap then can we root for a hermaphrodite?
Okay so no traps, but what about broken-ness?
This is probably just a sign of exhaustion, but I can’t help but think it would be an equal mix of epic and horrible if Keima had to score his own mother. God, just thinking about it makes me laugh and shiver at the same time.
“The only possibility is for Keima to crossdress to try to capture a girl. And, yes, I just put in more thought into a theoretical situation for a nichely popular manga”
you have to pander to the brokenness…
“…Wonder what she thinks of Keima’s drawing.”
That is cute?
Looks like she’s the type that likes cute things, I think there’s an anime character with this same kind of weakness for cute things….I just can’t quite remember who. I also wanted a Meido next but this ones fine too. And since the Ojou-sama type is already done with, the probability of a meido appearing in the manga is pretty slim.
@ Ryggim: Sakaki from azumanga. Similar in the cute things weakness, not so much in general personality.
Something tells me Kami-sama is going to be beaten and bruised before this arc is over. Looking forward.
More likely: A cross-dressing girl. Think Touma.
Random P.S: Kamen no Maid Guy 11 is OUT!
this is truly one of the great manga I had read in my life. It’s very original in a harem genre since Love Hina. And of the next girl Keima-sama will catch is the cool sempai that secretly like cute things. i like to see how series will end.
Poor Keima, why do all these 3D girls want to inflict pain on you?
I still think a female dating game fanatic as a capturing target, i.e. Konata would be epic.
>> The only possibility is for Keima to crossdress to try to capture a girl.
This is acceptable too!
Trying to capture a dating game player might be a challenge. They’d both be busy looking for “flags” and probably trying to to create “flags”. It would be like in a harem game had a two player mode, but you didn’t know who player two was, or there were no story line for players one and two…yet they are the end pair.
That’s it! I realized why this manga is so brilliant!
People, People. You are discussing the fact that there cant be any trap action because the spirits live inside FEMALES and traps are MALE.
But I remind you that there is another angle to the situation… The Reverse Trap. A female dressed as a Male. Imagine Kami-sama having to go after THAT!
And for extra credit, the only way he can might have to be as a female….
(yeah, im broken for being able to rationalise getting traps into this manga)
I think they could get away with this by having some kind of transexual in-the-waiting who’s been raised as a woman because twins of the same gender are considered a bad omen.
And bonus points if said trap also dresses like a slutty nun.
Now now, there is of course the perfect chance for those of us who long to see a “trap”, that doesn’t involve Keima crossdressing (though this would be an rather gratifying development), as well as something not done yet. The target: A closet Yuri girl. Solution: Keima has to disguise Elsee as a guy and coach her into capturing the lesbian’s heart. Or something along those lines. Then its all win, and even Elsee would get to do something for a change. Not to mention, just imagine how cute she would be reacting in a situation like that?
As a matter of fact, this Manga runs in Shounen Sunday, the same magazine that runs Major, Hayate no Gotoku, Dective Conan, Zettai Karen Children, among many others. So it’s actually up there with Shounen Jump series. It’s just fairly unkown this side of the ocean because Kami has only been running for a brief while (1st volume of the manga having only recently been sold). So the popularity is most likely not niche, as the magazine is read by children and adults alike all over Japan, and if it continues, its not small either, as almost any Shounen Sunday series gets merchandised to death.
It’s things like that that make me wonder when will get a “Capture the girls yourself!” game or something like that targeted at little children, since they already have a “raise your ojousama” one for Hayate no Gotoku on the DS. (Becareful where you touch Nagi…)
well, at least this chapter seems close enough to you Lu Bu prediction.
Wow… From Wikipedia on Chaos;Head:
“Takumi NishijÅ (西æ¢æ‹“å·³, NishijÅ Takumi?)
Takumi is the main character of the series. He is a very reclusive person and only attends school at the bare number of times per week in order to fulfill graduation requirements. He often notes that he is not interested in girls in the three-dimensional world and avoids conversations with others whenever possible. He prefers to engage in watching anime, playing eroge, and massively multiplayer online role-playing games. He is a second-year student at Suimei Academy (ç¿ æ˜Žå¦åœ’, Suimei Gakuen?)”
Why does this remind me of Keima?