code geass r2 23
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass

There’s been some clamoring that a few people “predicted” that Nunnally was spared because there was a fake shuttle. Um, let’s see…
1. It’s Sunrise. Predicted that Nunnally was still alive is like betting red at the roulette table. Put your money on 27 (i.e. something like predicting that Lulu would hook up with Milly) and win, and then call me.
2. Why do they need a fake shuttle? The whole purpose of the fake shuttle is to fool the home viewer, not Lulu. FREIJA left no trace of anything, so why bother with a fake if FREIJA destroys all? I also like how they detected no other shuttle launches before or after FREIJA exploded, and they found nothing afterwards… yeah… whatever.
3. If you give 1,000 monkeys 1,000 typewriters, they will eventually recreate the works of Shakespeare. I think the same thing can be said about 1,000,000 anime bloggers (my conservative estimate), 1,000,000 installs of WordPress, and Code Geass R2. Though I’m still the lone anime blogger predicting that Marianne will come back to life to become Paris Hilton’s newest BFF.

Suzaku had like no lines this episode, but he did tell C.C. that he is Lulu’s sword and that C.C. can be his shield. Is this Suzaku’s subtle way of telling her that he consents to a threesome involving C.C.? This is a step up, right? Should I lower this week’s OH GEASS NO threat level from flaming bright red to just flaming red?

I did enjoy the C.C. and Lulu bed scene if only because it slowed down the plot a little and let it breathe. I also enjoyed the BGM in the background. But I enjoyed C.C.’s “I know Suzaku said it was okay, but it’ll never happen” face.

I noticed Lulu had a stack of books behind him. What would be the funniest book in his collection? I Once Loved a Minami Sister? (Explains Lulu’s brokenness.) If I Geassed Suzaku, This Is How It Happened? (Romance novel?) Mai Otome, The Collected Works?

Just a ridiculous sequence to kill off yet another melonpanriffic character. Yes, we know that Scheizel is even more batshit insane than his dad; yes, we know that Cornelia might have been the most sane Britannia family member; no, we didn’t know that Schneizel remodeled his throne room such that he can command machine guns with perfect accuracy with a fingersnap.
(The only family members left are Schneizel, Nunnally, and Lulu. With some many deaths, turnabouts, and infighting, am I watching Code Geass R2 or Keeping Up with the Kardashians? At least leak a sex tape or two, Sunrise!)

At least Nunnally is smart enough to ask, “Wait, where is Cornelia?” Oh wait…
(And doesn’t the FREIJA switch look like a bong?)

And really out of character for Nunnally to justify the killing of millions of innocent civilians like that, even if they were “evacuated.” She’s disgusted by Lulu’s geass ability, but she’s not disgusted in killing a shit ton of people? I’m still shaking my head as to how we got to this point.

Is this an example of more sexism in anime? Lulu has a footrest, but C.C. does not!
(Though I think the footrest is a bit too far away, and then I remembered that CLAMP does the character designs so all good, all good.)

Is this a promotion for Tamaki? I can’t tell.

Why use pink? Pizza Hut doesn’t use pink for their corporate colors.

I rather see the three remaining bridge bunnies compete to see who will become Paris Hilton’s new BFF than watch them suffer in Code Geass R2 any longer.
(I watched an episode of Paris BFF, and I think that show has even more backstabbing than Code Geass R2. It’s like if Schneizel, Suzaku, Lulu, and the rest of the gang were genderswapped into rich, spoiled, airhead blondes with giant fake melonpan. Oh wait– I think that’s been done already. My bad. Anyway, my favorite moment of the show was when they introduced the Taiwanese girl, who is so white-washed, I’m not sure if she can find Taiwan on a map anymore. Needless to say, I like trainwreck TV…)

So someone is preggers! I would have went with the dark horse Nunnally… but that still might be true. Gratz Villetta on joining the Bristol Palin / Jamie Lynn Spears All-Stars…
(As further evidence of the downfall of modern society, the Wikipedia article for Code Geass characters stands at 17,797 words, not counting sources or external links, as of when I wrote this entry. The Earth only has 7,896.)

Wait, Sunrise screwed up a perfect plot twist moment! What happened to Gino making out with Kallen?
(No surprise to me that the battle wasn’t very even– Lulu only has bascially Suzaku and Orange-kun while Schneizel has everyone else. It was so bad, neither Anya nor Gino seemed to do anything. Good to see Sunrise though keeping with their lopsided battle policies.)

You know what? If I’m going to be a tyrant sitting on floating fortress, I definitely want a hawt Satomi Arai-voiced meido standing next to me.

I have a special place in my heart for meido who always wear their bonnet. Even if they’re not wearing anything else.
(And I get the feeling Satomi Arai will be prominently featured in this year’s Best Of feature.)

Off to eBay with ya…

“No, just as battle is decided in one instant between two masters…”
“… attacks are going back and forth between them.”
Funny. I thought the end strategy is “Haha Lulu, I have more uberpilots and ubermecha than you do so I win!” I think I’m going to marathon Utawarerumono after this show is done just so I can watch some real battle strategy.

Poor loli world leader harem… pobrecitas…

How did we get to the point and teams we have now? Table humper saving Lulu’s ass? Cecile and Lloyd with Lulu, but Gino and Anya with Schneizel? Kallen with Schneizel?! Lulu against Nunnally like Alto against Ranka?!! Everything just feels wrong. It feels like everything the previous 50 episodes setup just keeps getting torn apart and down. And that’s exactly why it’s next to impossible to take this show seriously. There’s no flow. There’s no sense of direction. There’s no respect to the viewer. Code Geass, instead of building on what it has already done, seems to revel in destroying what it has already done and setup.

And, finally, from last time…
Myssa Rei: The pantsu-shot is ruined by the fact that there are BULGES readily apparent. More evidence that I’m still unbroken, and I’m still straight!
I think it’s proof that you are broken. Wouldn’t a supposedly straight girl be delighted at Lulu’s and Suzaku’s “bulges”?
Drakron: I think Sunrise is making the plot according to 2chan posts … Nunnally is popular? … lets get her back. Sayoko is popular? … lets get her back. Funny thing about that is that I think 90% of Geass posts are made as a joke or plain trolling, like when 4chan found about about the Bandai “post popular character†poll and massive voted for Clovis and he actually won.
But it worked so well for Snakes on a Plane!
Though I’m thrilled that Clovis will be returning in the next episode as Lulu’s secret zombie ubermecha pilot.
conan121: when i watched this episode, i remembered the clannad episode, too^^ apropo clannad: are you still playing the game? if yes, why isn’t there a update?
Been too busy, and those posts take me a lot of time to write mainly because I’m trying out various options for each scenario and collecting a lot of screenshots. They take roughly 10x longer than a Code Geass R2 post. I plan on continuing them later this year though (after the next thin slicing post).

K.K.: If Sayako is alive, wouldn’t she technically go right back to Lelouch’s side, instead of handing Nunnally to Schniezel?
Because that would make too much sense. Have you noticed that Schneizel’s inner circle is down to just him, Kanon, and Diethard? In other words, another sausage fest!
Cyle: ALl the bloggers are just plain haters, this show is 100% entertainment, even if some of the stuff dosn’t make sense, it’s a cartoon! It’s not sapposed to be realistic! And I clearly understood what was going on, it’s not that this show is too fast you’re just too slow.
Typical internet argument: I am right; you all suck because you don’t agree with me. Thanks Cyle, who’s too kool for an “k”. You must make your school’s debate team proud to have your awesome l33t debate skillz.
Taler: That’s right. People should learn that both Pizza Hut and Taco Bells (and a whole lot of other fast food brands) are owned by the same company. Pepsi.
No, they’re not. Pepsi spun off Yum! a long time ago, and the company is now mostly owned by the big mutual funds. Why am I talking about this during a Code Geass R2 post…
Andy: Anyone notice how Lulu’s become even more feminin with the emperor clothes? Anyone else notice how Suzu’s outfit is like the male match for Lulu’s. anyone else notice that everything is too white and lovely!!!!
Sheba: Two men, two horse. Am I watching Brokeback Mountain?
I wish I knew how to quit you.
bLAh!: I get it now. The whole Code Geass series is just an experimental spinoff that comes out of the combined staff of writer’s assess that are employed by Sunrise while smoking bad weed by watching Brokeback Mountain combined with Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. With Mecha (of course its Sunrise). With 24. Look at the fucking horses. Its black and white!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
Yep, these are my readers.
Geass is pretty dead in the water so much wasted potential…
On a completely unrelated note, It’s really weird that you mentioned Utawarerumono since Kurogane is rewatching it, I on the other hand skip to the good parts and you planning on watching it. I know what you’re really after though, it’s the Broken OboroxGuraxDori Trap Oh GEASS NO Threesome Moment Hahaha admit it, I’m right, right? XD Or maybe just the variety of melon pans in the show lures you to re watch it again.
“I have a special place in my heart for meido who always wear their bonnet. Even if they’re not wearing anything else.”
I think you mean “ESPECIALLY
if they’re not wearing anything else.”
Rest of my comment. Not sure what happened there.
Oh yeah, and I have NOT seen ONE Sayoko doujin from C74. I am very, very disappointed.
S-stupid Sunrise! It’s not like I wanted to write a post about your Code Geass! I-I just had a couple of screenshots lying around! T-That’s all!
I always wanted to type that. On another side note, Code Geass just went off the deep end for me. Never have I been so eager for another season of gundam.
I’m sorry, but that tactical map looks like it was done with a Lite-Brite.
Now that I think about it, I guess that means that if Cartoon Network were to ever broadcast Code Geass, Boston would ban this episode from appearing.
:: runs away ::
Wait… Is Sayako voiced by the same seiyuu as Tome (Nijuu Mensou no Musume) or am I just crazy?
And my god… the preview… “Me and Suzaku. When the two of us join forces, nothing is impossible.” Just no.
Also, what’s with that pink mecha, it brings back bad memories of Gundam Seed Destiny.
Sunrise is doing it ON PURPOSE.
To topple down what they have built on so far
In other words, Code Geass is like Domino?
what’s wrong with that?
It’s Geass Sunday! Yay.
I can’t get over how fugly Emperor Lelouch’s sword looks. It looks like he bought it off a Chinese eBay seller.
Wow just when Cornelia came back from the dead they killed her again. She just can’t catch a break.
How did Nunnalies character develop into batshit insane all of the sudden. I mean she doesn’t really even try to solve things with Lelouch she just decides to FLEIJA him along with millions of people. I could kind of see where this series was headed before but they really messed up that character. Hmm, Why hasn’t Lancelot just destroyed everything yet, I mean he defeated all of the other knights of rounds in a few seconds destroying an entire army shouldn’t be to difficult.
“There’s no respect to the viewer. Code Geass, instead of building on what it has already done, seems to revel in destroying what it has already done and setup.”
damn you sunrise, why must destroy everything that i care!!! lulu may destroy the world and remake it, but that doesnt give you the permision to do the same to this series!!!! Nunnally!!!!!!!!!
Wouldn’t it be ironic if Lelouch ends up dying because of Tamaki, somehow. Actually, since the likelihood of that happening in a normal series is about zero, it must occur.
Did anyone notice that Suzaku is getting more batshit insane (out of character) every episode? Or is it just Sunrise getting to me?
Ten bucks says Code Geass R2 ends with Schnizel and Lelouch dead, and the BK almost completely eliminated. That leaves the
killerlolis to rule the world.Either that, or C.C. is going to willingly give Lelouch her code, so he may survive. (“you’re his shield” foreshadowing?)
Also, Ougi must die. You know how it works in T.V. shows/anime.
I think I understand. You can’t look at the code geass plot line through the lens of such constraining laws of logic. After watching like 48 episodes in a week I believe I might be able to see through this dark cave of ignorance. Like how some people argue God can work outside the rules of logic by being able to create a boulder both too big to lift and still lift, Sunrise can transcend the petty rules of script writing. No, he didn’t say “how’s it going brotherâ€, he’s only in temporal time void with his gay half-sister/brother who was nuked twice and then had a fabulousifed brain make over, with his mother who is actually his daughter, cousin, cyborg pizza hut delivery boy. It’s the dawn of a new age of product whoring, I mean, man.
No matter how many times they say it, I can’t get enough of GG’s translation of “United States of China”, wonder what the official dubbed version is going to call it. It also seems that Tamaki is hard at work trying to educate kids to the standards of the “United States” part.
Did Author just become Lulu’s right hand man while he’s away??
And Jason, I’m throwing in a vote for the Ogi facial distortion before he got shot down for your next FD contest.
I hope Amesia-tan and Ogi name their child Tamaki, and becomes equally as useless as the guy he was named for.
Sooo…are we looking at the “they all die” ending?
Basically making CG as show that shows the pointlessness of revolution and the power of cheese….
….on pizza.
PS: Sunrise is raping my soul with a sand paper condom.
oh and in the beginning did anyone else notice Orange-Kun jumping off a float ship like a mile above the ground, and no one around seem to find it strange?
So much random Sunrise nonsense this episode but I’m beyond caring anymore. However the most random was the whole scene with Nina’s suprise at eating the hot-dog. Is this the 6pm JST way of saying she no longer loves the table and now enjoys more phallic shaped objects?
Even if the world is spiralling towards hell, even against the threat of a FLEIA stockpile, it’s reassuring to see that Cecile still has time to experiment with bizarre food recipes.
Also, I bet Cornelia comes back and backstabs Schneizel at the last moment, wearing a mask. (number 42 on the roulette table.)
She was the hot melonpanriffic one! Dammit, she didn’t even pilot a KMF before that. On the other hand, she might be alive. Who knows, Mao survived a barrage of bullets and Kannon looks like he might help.
How the hell did Lulu lift up a sword with one arm? Were invisible wires involved? And it’s frickin’ pink. Well, dark pink but still.
Viletta’s preggers and you know what that means. Ohgi’s gonna die.
When the hell did Tamaki got a notch in badass?
Yay! Xingke’s illness is back! That means Sunrise didn’t forget after all.
Poor Cecile having have to paint the other Lancelot pink. Pinkalot. Pinkylot. Let’s call it that.
What’s with that smirk that Diethard has when Lelouch looked at him? Is it the “I know what you did” smirk or something else entirely?
I like inexplicably hidden gun placements inside royal chambers that, triggering from such innocuous noises like the snapping of fingers or clapping, will spew deadly rounds of fire at whomever may be unfortunate enough to be standing in the way. I’d hate to be the night janitor mopping the floor and accidentally coughed.
The only thing I can say about Cornelia: brought back 10 episodes too soon.
And about Schneizel’s planning to fly into orbit and nuke the world: does this really have any practical purpose, other than being a FABULOUSLY cliched evil master plan?
So, which is a worse fate: being distracting melonpan in Code Geass, knowing you’ll be ruthlessly butchered at some point in an episode, or being the child of Oghi?? >_>
They’re both bad.
I was actually half expecting that Pinkalot was going to have a Hello Kitty sticker somewhere but considering that it’s CC, I’m betting Cheese-kun
The end will be epic… an epic trainwreck
>>>The end will be epic… an epic trainwreck
I genuinely fear that R2 might not have the lulz-worthy conclusion it should. Like the ’07-08 Miami Dolphins, who couldn’t finish the winless season, the pressure of being the worst trainwreck in modern anime history might be choking the Sunrise writing staff a bit.
Since exhausting the Evangelion well of classic psuedo-religious/metaphysical motifs in episode 21, they really do seem to be out of WTF ideas/plot twists. Nunnally’s return was a bit too much of JUST AS PLANNED, with no flair or rediculous over-the-top theatrics, Schniezel’s trying his best to be the textbook, boring Saturday-morning-cartoon supervillain, and while the BL moments are strong as ever, they really miss that faux incest style that Rollo delivered. There’s a remarkable lack of “freshly pulled from the ass” stench.
We all really hope R2 goes out in a riotous blaze of destruction, disorder, and depravity, but right now, it seems it’s just going to fizzle out in dull, drained, and dour smoke.
The only thing that could top everything that has already happened would be if the “Nani, mai hunni” girl was the mastermind behind everything. Or Rivalz. Code Geass would be my favorite show of all time if that happened. Also, I guess Xing Ke is dying again?
That’s the least threatening sword I’ve ever seen.
Oh, and on the issue of Cyle’s breakdown:
Did I just see a “WHY SO SERIOUS” face in one of the screenshots?
I don’t think I can stand another Deus Ex Machina from Sunrise….Geass has lost all hope/appeal/wow-factor….
Random aside – http://music.sympatico.msn.ca/.....ookup=true
^ look! It’s empress lulu!
I started snickering maniacally when Sayoko showed up and couldn’t stop until the credits rolled. If it continues like this I’m going to send Sunrise a hospital bill for my split sides.
By the way, you know just how far this show has fallen when Lelouch’s master plan is to rely on “oops I didn’t mean to kill thousands of peo- oh hey, can I borrow that foosball table?” Nina.
In all fairness, Lulu’s Earth is a hell of a lot more interesting than ours. I’m sure that Barack Obama’s Wikipedia entry would have a higher word count than all of the Code Geass pages combined if he could control Go… er… “The Will of Humanity”… like Lulu did.
You know what would make a great ending? Sunrise should have borrowed a page from Angry Beavers and borrowed the schtick from Bye Bye Beavers. Four seconds into the final battle, the production money is completely gone. Lulu and co. are stuck in a void with no background or no background music and must come to grips that everything is over. Essentially, it would be cast talk on crack. Anything goes, especially if it’s silly:
* Zombie Euphie? Zombie schmombie. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the three-headed curry-breathing Euphie.
* C.C.’s tired of pizza. She wants some *real* food. She eats all of the natto on which she can get her hands.
* Lulu and Suzaku try to picture a life together as lovers, but there are so many obstacles. Suzaku always forgets to leave the toilet seat down, and Lulu spends hours and hours on the internet. Oh noes, will their love survive?
* Geass fight! It’s just like a food fight, only with those freaky bird-like
plot contrivancespowers.* It’s a trap. They’re all traps. They’re all men. (Even Lelouch.)
* OMAKE: Some or all of the cast members try out for other anime. What would the Straw Hat Pirates make of desk-humping Nina? Would Kenji Harima consider Lelouch a rival for Tenma’s love? Will Bo-bobo and company reach C.C. before the hair hunters do?
* And, of course, the ending would be a nonsensical, over-the-top musical production.
Everything Lelouch touches becomes fabulous. He’s shaping Britannia in his own image.
Next up Avalon.
Lol, we have to look out for Gino, he might pull off the Kira Yamato impersonation.
I want the ending w4 thought up of. How does a Geass fight work though?
Hurray! Sayoko is not dead!!!! Thank You sunrise for reading all the cries of ninja-maid obsessed otaku and bring her back to life! But still, what is it with this company and killing off female characters?! Now its Cornelia! WTF? I mean Xingke has some desease thats going to kill him soom right? Yet he’s outliving all of the female cast dammit. If he winds up being the last surviver…I mean What the hell man?!
//Counts Syaoran Li, Kadian1364, W4
So this looks like three votes for an Excel Saga ending? Sidenote: Excel Saga was animated by J.C. Staff. They’ve come a long way, haven’t they? From geysers of blood to “urachai! urachai! urachai!”
I know it’s a stretch… Okay, a REALLY long stretch, but the second part of the World End song by Flow has these lyrics.
“What did I gain for my victory?
What did I hear
At the end of the war?
A cry of sadness”
Possibly Lelouch wins but at the cost of everyone dear to him. (including C.C.)
Then he’ll decide to try and remake the world like his father did. Probably. Maybe.
>>> And, of course, the ending would be a nonsensical, over-the-top musical production.
*Nods head in agreement*
I can see it now… celebrity personalities guest VA in the 3 hour musical finale spectacular…
Meryl Streep as C.C. is the independent, but overworked manager of an island hotel and mother of soon to be married Kallen Stadtfeld (played by relative, but very hot, unknown talent). However, Kallen, before she marries the bronzed and gorgeous Gino Weinberg, wishes to know who her real father is, so she mails invites to three men that could possibly be her true father: oafish but lovable everyman Ougi (Colin Firth), hip, cool, and spontaneous Charles Di Brittania (50-year-old hippie), and the FABULOUSLY dressed and FABULOUSLY British 2nd prince of Brittania, Schneizel El Brittania (Pierce Brosnan).
After much donkey riding, a parade of Greek maids down an island trail, numerous scenes of way-too-old gals giggling like teenagers, and a stirring(?) solo by musically… handicapped… Brosnan (“EVERYTHING IS BRIGHT!”), we reach the ceremony in a rustic chapel atop an impossibly tall bluff, replete with a winding trail along jagged cliffs and tubas (TUBAS!) in the wedding’s musical ensemble.
Who gets married? Who is gay?! Will we even learn who the father is after all 108 mind melting, teeth gnashing, eye gouging, ear splitting, unadultered, unrelenting, and unequaled minutes of torture??!!?! And yes, I do think Mamma Mia! is the perfect trainwreck ending for Code Geass. I would be let down by anything less, Sunrise.
This is why I hated code geass before the eps after Rolo died. Rolo was a turning point, it threw away that I have more uberpilot and redirected the focus on lulu and how he battles. While this battle was kinda dull till the volcano, it was a hella lot better than all the mech fights before.
Its a stand for your PS3/Blu-ray/DVD/ and Wii.
SO yah, I liked that they torn apart everything the last 50 eps set up. Well actually the entire R2 only, It was crappy had no flow, no sense of direction etc… Now since Rolo is dead it does has a sense of flow and direction. Exactly how the director said it would be and how he said R2 was extremely painful because of what he was made to do, and now he is trying his best to bring it back out of the crap hole he was forced to make (Effective post-Rolo’s death).
I now wait for the next Geass eps, instead of what I did before…”God damn it now i gotta watch the next eps, its starting to feel like DBZ.”
“Funny. I thought the end strategy is “Haha Lulu, I have more uberpilots and ubermecha than you do so I win!†I think I’m going to marathon Utawarerumono after this show is done just so I can watch some real battle strategy.”
This is why I hated code geass before the eps after Rolo died. Rolo was a turning point, it threw away that I have more uberpilot and redirected the focus on lulu and how he battles. While this battle was kinda dull till the volcano, it was a hella lot better than all the mech fights before.
“Is this an example of more sexism in anime? Lulu has a footrest, but C.C. does not!”
Its a stand for your PS3/Blu-ray/DVD/ and Wii.
“How did we get to the point and teams we have now? Table humper saving Lulu’s ass? Cecile and Lloyd with Lulu, but Gino and Anya with Schneizel? Kallen with Schneizel?! Lulu against Nunnally like Alto against Ranka?!! Everything just feels wrong. It feels like everything the previous 50 episodes setup just keeps getting torn apart and down. And that’s exactly why it’s next to impossible to take this show seriously. There’s no flow. There’s no sense of direction. There’s no respect to the viewer. Code Geass, instead of building on what it has already done, seems to revel in destroying what it has already done and setup.”
SO yah, I liked that they torn apart everything the last 50 eps set up. Well actually the entire R2 only, It was crappy had no flow, no sense of direction etc… Now since Rolo is dead it does has a sense of flow and direction. Exactly how the director said it would be and how he said R2 was extremely painful because of what he was made to do, and now he is trying his best to bring it back out of the crap hole he was forced to make (Effective post-Rolo’s death).
I now wait for the next Geass eps, instead of what I did before…”God damn it now i gotta watch the next eps, its starting to feel like DBZ.”
Sorry bout that, I tried q cite and all the quotes vanish. Sorry about the 1/2 double post.
So… how come Nunnally couldn’t tell that Schneizel was lying? He was holding her hand in that picture. Did Sunrise just “forget” that she can see through lies?
I’m thinking too much. *Slams head onto table* <– a couple more of those, and I can watch the next episode.
Let me be the first to offer up the theory that Orange and MEIDO will end up a couple by the end.
Yep, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
“Cyle: ALl the bloggers are just plain haters, this show is 100% entertainment, even if some of the stuff dosn’t make sense, it’s a cartoon! It’s not sapposed to be realistic! And I clearly understood what was going on, it’s not that this show is too fast you’re just too slow.”
Well, you’re partly right, but mostly wrong. It’s not that all the bloggers are haters, in fact, it’s probably the exact opposite. The fact that there is even a blog entry for Code Geass R2, along with some record-high follow-up comments speaks for itself. Also, I can’t help but notice that the Code Geass R2 posts are appearing on this blog like clockwork, which probably means speed-subs, as in, “someone is just ITCHIN’ to get their weekly fix of Geass”. “100% entertainment”? You tell me. So Cyle, despite whatever people may (and do) say about Code Geass, the fact remains that they have stuck around until the 23rd episode, and you can bet they’re gonna see it through the end, trainwreck or otherwise. That’s the marvelous thing about Code Geass. Whether they love it or hate it, they’re still watching it, which is the whole point. And that, you can say, is the genius of Sunrise.
“That’s the marvelous thing about Code Geass. Whether they love it or hate it, they’re still watching it, which is the whole point. And that, you can say, is the genius of Sunrise.”
¿Masochism maybe?
“So… how come Nunnally couldn’t tell that Schneizel was lying? He was holding her hand in that picture. Did Sunrise just “forget†that she can see through lies?
I’m thinking too much. *Slams head onto table* <– a couple more of those, and I can watch the next episode.”
Maybe Nunally COULD tell, and somehow is going to get the FLEIJAs to detonate inside Damocles (ninja meido did it maybe?). Or somehow help her brother.
The face remains that despite the trainwreck Geass is we all will still watch the remaining episodes, because despite being a plotless mess of a show there is something about Code Geass we are drawn to.
The most exciting bits were Tamaki’s moment of being slightly useful and Kannon and Schneizel’s gay eyes.
As for Cornelia I can’t imagine she is dead, her death wasn’t dramatic enough and she didn’t get any dying words (along the lines of “I’m coming…Euphie…”) unless Sunrise has actually done some original thinking and there is more meaning to it, she could be CG’s Mello.
One thing I think this show teaches is that the political figure you back probably doesn’t represent what you think they do – so pick the most geassessed one and you’ll probably come out ahead of the game.
Am I the only one who imagined Lulu’s voice coming out when Nunally “Kira’d!” that mike?
I think the only acceptable explanation for what’s going on in Geass is 2Ch.
Think about it; over 10 million users last I heard, and a good portion of those are probably anime-nerds. Who needs expensive and sometimes inaccurate polls when you’ve got 2ch? Just go in there, check out the commentary threads made about the last episodes, and edit your plot accordingly.
Now, how is this relevant? Of course 2ch is composed by a bunch of anonymous. Although clearly not as filthy, unwashed and retarded as the western “equivelant”, 2ch still sports some really hard-core, dirty-minded otaku.
My guess is that the scriptwriters start out with a blank slate for each episode after the first, like, 5 that were made, and then checked up to see what people wrote. Sometimes they simply randomly picked out a “prediction” that they went with; which would explain, for example, Schneizels über-throneroom machinegun.
I think they’re going to reveal, once the show is over, that the entire plot past that episode where they were chasing the cat with Zero’s helmet was entirely composed of 2ch content.
…On a similar topic, was I the only one who find it admirable that Lulu has completely forsaken Orenji for his beloved Liftlulubythesleevezaku, yet Orenji-sama continues to work diligently at his masters’ side?
I think, out of all the characters in the entire series, Orenji-kun is the only one that qualifies as having developed. AT ALL. From racist arrogant ace-pilot noble to temporary ruler of Area 11 to cyborg crazed-experiment Zero-hunter to Commanding Officer of Britannia’s army. All the while sporting the coolest blue hair since Amy in Sailor Moon.
Bring back Shirley. (And take this guy named Ike outta the room, please, he’s cutting into my anime time.)
>>I think I’m going to marathon Utawarerumono after this show is done just so I can watch some real battle strategy.
did you ever played the game???? it was quite hard to complete….. now that’s not really related to the post but yes Utawarerumono is definitly one of the greatest show for it’s strategy (the 08th MS team OAV was quite good too, certainly the most realistic show from the Gundam series).
>>And I get the feeling Satomi Arai will be prominently featured in this year’s Best Of feature
Speaking of which, I don’t think this series can qualify for the Best Trainwreck of 2008 anymore, it’s gone so far beyond that point. A new award may be necessary.
I’m thinking Best Systematic Destruction Of All Past Content, Established Facts And Anything Resembling A Preconceived Plotline 2008, but I appreciate this doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.
“How did we get to the point and teams we have now?”
Re-watching the show would help.
“Everything just feels wrong.”
How about thinking about things as they are, not as they “feel”?
Oh, sorry. Forgot.
““How did we get to the point and teams we have now?â€
Re-watching the show would help.
“Everything just feels wrong.â€
How about thinking about things as they are, not as they “feel�
Oh, sorry. Forgot.
Why are you here?
Wow cornelia got killed-off just like that. kinda sux. I was hoping for her to play somewhat of a role but I guess not. I also wondered what happened to Nunally telling if someone was lying by feeling their hands. I guess Sunrise just brain-farted there (not like they did a number of times already). Its just sad that Lelouch and Suzaku have to make themselves look like the villains to achieve their “Zero Reqeium.” But now we know Schneziel’ “true mask.” He’s pretty much gonna follow his father but through a different means.
From the extended preview, there are a number of things I noticied. It seemd like Tamaki was “defending” the Avalon. As for his intentions on this, I’m not sure unless he still believes in Lelouch. And it seems that Kallen is heart-broken to the point of tears as she is about to “kill” Lelouch. I think this maybe a determining factor in the “Lulu x so-and-so” pairing wars. I am eager to know what Lelouch will say to her at that point. And it looks like Lelouch’s “final card” may involve CC somehow.
Trainwreck or not, I am in to see the rest of the series up until its final moments.
If there is one thing I cam guarantee next episode its that lulu is going to have some uber thingamig and use it. From there I’m going to guess a lot of people die, nunnally will think shes wrong and switch sides. Then they all die from her accident button pushing because shes too blind to see the buttons and they are reborn next episode.
According to that status chart that was just updated, Cornelia, Oddysseus, and the other princesses are still alive. They just pulled a Mao with Cornelia. Schneizel is fucked…
So someone actually helped Cornelia go to the infirmary? Wait…
CORNELIAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! You’re still alive! This means that we’ll still get to see her hot sexy sexy highness.
I’m not surprised Cornelia isn’t considered dead yet. She only looked like she was just shot in an area that isn’t vital or just scratched. She may have survived, maybe not. As for the others, I’m not so sure but I guess we will find out soon enough.
I imagine we’ve seem people survive after getting much worse damage than Cornilia got.
On the other hand…how many episodes are left in this series?
@Ithekro: At the risk of making a completely obvious statement: two.
Rather, “At the risk of stating the obvious:”
I predict in some twist of fate Tamaki becomes a “Transcendent Hero” after watching his best friend Zero die protecting him. He then goes on to fight Damocles which turns out to be a GIANT KNIGHTMARE, and brings it down because his three bridge bunny sisters (kuro no kyodai) convinced him to go beyond the impossible. Sadly, he did not learn from Zero’s mistake and totally made out with Kallen beforehand after eating an entire pineapple cake making it impossible to escape with his life.
Oh right, Sunrise. Instead, C.C. will pilot
JusticeLancelot Rouge intoGENESIS’Damocles’ core and self destruct. Environmentally friendly and what-have-you.I’ve figured it out. The reason all this crap is happening is because of the LHC.
this Q&A is FTW!
I don’t see how you managed to write a blog post over the past three episodes. I think the Code Geass logic has given me some sort of weird block in my mind where I can’t come up with anything to say about it. Sort of like when Cartmen put that picture of his asshole on the side of a milk carton and the parents with ass-faces hunted him down.
My brokeness is broken.
Due to a delay (damn the person that caused me to rewatch all of Nanoha. From the beginning to the end of StrikerS… Not that I hated doing it…) I only got to watch this episode tonight…
Great load of plottwists this time. Nunnally wanting to fire the bomb… Cornellia being gunned down. Nina apparently HAPPILY working for Lulu (though, she doesnt know Lulu is Zero yet, does she?), Return of the Meido, Tamaki being usefull (it was a shock, I know), a battle that almost reached the level of Tyler-smart (unfortunetly, people eventually attacked), and Suzaku beating up the King (wouldnt that get him in trouble normally? And should that generate another meme name? beatzaku? bitchslapzaku? traitorzaku?)
And of course, it was all topped off as Lulu decides to blow up the Sakuradite in Mt Fuji to blow up his enemies (and any allies that didnt get the memo). I must admit that it caught me off-guard, and I didnt start laughing at it until AFTER it had started, and been going for about a minute.
This needs to end with an insane plottwist….. like, right up there with the pre-geassed GODS insane…. Maybe Marianne manages to re-emerge from Anya, which means she survives… that causes a problem since the geassed god/will of all mankind said she doesnt exist. In this one moment the entire of the universe grates to a halt because something is existing when it isnt…
Yeah, I read the plot of Dogma again recently…
When Ohgi’s ship was hit, I believe Lakshata was on that ship as well. However we only visually confirmed that Ohgi had survived. She’s probably dead too..
I dunno..all this killing and threatening to kill off female characters in my anime is getting on my nerves. It is the hallmark of writers who can’t really write drama/suspense and can’t shock people any other way. “Kill off a likeable female, that’ll get their blood boiling!” pffft
Anyone want to give a crack at listing all the unnecessary female deaths in anime?