seitokai no ichizon 3
Categories: episodic review, seitokai no ichizon
Tagged: seitokai no ichizon
Everyone that she plays with dies.
At the beginning of this episode, I was wondering why Chizuru was shining her boots… and then it made sense fifteen minutes later. Solid writing. I’d be heaping more and more praises for Seitokai no Ichizon if it weren’t for this Studio Deen thing.
(I still think this show would have been #1 if it weren’t for Studio Deen. The poor animation is getting to me… when you have a show like Nyan Koi clearly better animated, it saddens me. Also, the lack of a home run OP/ED hurts this show as well. They should have splurged and gotten either a ring singer or better seiyuu. This low cost method production method really isn’t doing such a wonderful series justice.)
(Can we get Kyoto to make this? They’ve made an anime about five people goofing off in a music room… about five people goofing off in a literature club room… surely they can make an anime about five people goofing off in a student council room.)
If it weren’t for the occasional emo facial distortions, this would have been the worst pairing since Yui and common sense.
Enjoyed the Jigoku Shoujo reference… still amazed that an anime series that repetitive managed to get 78 episodes. For 8 volumes of manga.
(And, really, if your harem is waiting for you in hell… that’s a bad sign. It means that congrats, you do have a harem, but it’s made up of Mariya, Mizuho-neesama, Natsuru-chan, Kyonko, Tieria, and Mako-cakes.)
(Mmmm… thinking about it more, that’s a pretty strong harem.)
“Oh Kurimu, you were here? You weren’t in my field of view. Since my boobs are so large, I have problems seeing down.”
Great line. It’s antagonizing. It hits Aka-chan’s weakpoints. And it’s the truth. Though I feel sorry for Toudou… I feel like we’re missing out with her not in the student council as well. Can’t they expand it to let her in? I feel like we need a foil for Aka-chan.
(I liked Ken’s “Don’t be ridiculous! There’s uses for those who are short and have small breasts too!” line as well.)
Poor Mafuyu as well. She’s definitely not a major character, but I full support her in her hobbies of video games and yaoi, especially how she referred to it as “boys hard” and “boys soft.” Yeah, I know it means different, but in straight up English, it’s hilarious. I think it won’t take a big nudge to get her into eroge as well. Muhahaha. Wait, am I thinking out loud again?
(No wonder Mafuya’s the easiest route. Sigh. She’s more Nadeko than Senjougahara.)
(Though I like all the random Mafuya service scenes. That’s one thing about this show… when you think they’re going to do a service shot, they don’t. But then randomly! OMFG! Pink stripes!)
The scene where Chizuru is feeding Aka-chan… C-U-T-E. There’s no question in my mind that Chizuru has already explored every peak and valley of Aka-chan’s body. None. They’ve gone farther than Suzaku and Lulu.
“All you guys ever do is lounge around and goof off. How can that possibly be fun?”
Two thoughts: one, Toudou is tsundere for the student council. She’s more tsundere for the council than Buriburi is for Touma. Two, this student council sure sounds a lot like the SOS Brigade… I wonder what would happen if Haruhi and Aka-chan swapped a la Wife Swap? Would Haruhi costume rape Mafuya? Would Aka-chan and Mikuru get along? Would Ken destroy the world by trying for a (non-possible) harem ending with Haruhi? Would Rena try to take Aka-chan home?
We know you like eroge, Ken. We get it. But… you’re no Capturing God. There can only be one Capturing God. And that is not you.
But is it anatomically correct? And look where Aka-chan is starring at.
Reminds me of an old Rocky quote, “How did everything that was so good get so bad?”
You don’t mess with the student council. Ever.
(I think this student council, if only for Chizuru’s Chizuruness, Aka-chan’s cuteness, and Ken’s clear and agreeable priorities, is more awesome than the student councils in Mai Hime, Hayate, and Asura Cryin’. Not that those were tough opponents, but still.)
I really like Nyan Koi! It’s my third pick of this season, so far. Mind you, that’s out of four that I’m weekly watching, with Kimi ni Todoke, Darker than Black and Railgun. All four of these shows having there best episodes so far this week. I guess with the exception of Kimi ni Todoke because all of those episodes were good and made me go d’aaaaaaaawww every few seconds. My main problem with Setokai is that they are trying to go up against Zetsubou-sensei and that ain’t happening!
Ken should consider Toudou as a bonus path; the GameStation 3 version, which adds sound, barnacles, Pucchan, and Toudou.
I think the two best parts were Chizuru dominating the conversation.. and then Toudou going tsundere for the council at the end, although the way they got Mamiko Noto to go from her Enma Ai voice to a ‘WTF?’ response when he ran past her was… nice.
That last image has EPIC POTENTIAL to be the next internet phenomenon.
1st picture: All is good.
2nd picture: [Insert template here]
3rd picture: Then all went bad.
IM NOT EVEN JOKING this is the next big hit :D
Not as strong as the last two episodes , but it still has a few moments.
I wonder how many people are thinking “Why the but?” at this point.
Absolutely. Probably. Depends on perceived potato factor. Absolutely.
I really think Ken and Chizuru are whats keeping this show interesting and funny. The rest of the cast aren’t that memorable and Aka-chan is nothing without the two of them together.
This whole bashing the series for being animated by Studio DEEN (which i know ruined the whole 2nd season of Higurashi) it’s ungrounded. Watch anime with fresh eyes everytime, don’t just go pointing fingers at nothing. Also, couldn’t help but notice you never mention FMA running around. It may not be the best anime, but it’s still a refreshing experience this season.
So you don’t even mention the drama? Seems you’re in denial, ignoring the awful parts so you can keep watching this for the good bits (wich seems to be fewer and fewer every week)
I lol’ed at the Umineko Tea Party reference.
What raw said. It’s easy to be an armchair director and throw out arbitrary declarations that things would be better, but there’s no reason to believe that KyoAni would have added in all the visual gags (which are not in the novels that this is based on) or the service shots at all.
I actually like the fact that this anime looks cheap. That gives a certain “behind the scenes” feel to it. Like those programs about talk shows which are just a guy in front of a camera and a bunch of clips. The sentence in the blackboard at the beginning of the episode adds to it. I imagine the student council going, “well, that’s the theme of this week, we have to improvise some comedy for ~30 minutes”.
So yes, I’m seeing fourth wall breaking where there is none, but what the hell.
I completely failed to realize that Toudou was voiced by Mamiko Noto.
Like Endless Eight?
The Mai HiME student council had Haruka Suzushiro. That automatically makes it superior to any other anime student council ever.