baka to test to shokanju 2
Categories: episodic review
Tagged: baka to test to shokanju
Five Things I Enjoyed About This Episode.
… and a toilet seat cover.
If it quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, and humps like a duck, it must be a duck, right? Yoshii sounds like Sunohara, acts like Sunohara, and get abused like Sunohara. He’s also a dumb ass like Sunohara. (I especially enjoyed how he superglued himself to the table… and then kept the table superglued on him for most of the episode. That was wondrous. If only he re-enacted the superglue scene from American Pie II.) And both Sunohara and Yoshii are bottoms. The big difference?
He has a harem! My gosh, only in anime can the stupidest, most pathetic loser in a class full of losers be fought over by the hawt girl and the sneaky hawt tomboy. And be such a dumb ass that he can’t appreciate the situation that he’s in. I find this scenario a lot less believable than a headless horsewoman going around Ikebukuro.
(Up next? The crossdresser and the class lead join his harem. As tops. OTL.)
“Why am I the Round Girl?”
All the summoned monster battles were… quick. I think they could be vastly improved, but it’s just who has a highest number. What this show needs is more Yu-Gi-Oh! and maybe a Battler vs. Beatrice summoned monster battle. Pants, for that, would be optional.
(I do enjoy Himeji’s avatar. It’s so cute! I feel like someone needs to make a Fate/Stay Night-tan with that kind of look for Saber-tan. I would watch that. In fact, why not a Capcom vs. Marvel-type fighter featuring a bunch of -tan characters? Like you wouldn’t want to see Himeji-tan, Haruhi-chan, and Index-tan go up against Saber-tan, Suzaku-tan, and Shana-tan?)
“Why are you having tea with these disgusting faggots instead of hanging out with me?”
(Can we get Ui to say this to Yui in the tea room? Please?)
Is this in the Kama Sutra? I’m sure there has to be a scenario like this in there somewhere. I do enjoy the introduction of Miharu’s lesbian friend. More than makes up for the loss of Kuroko and Misaka. Oh wait, Railgun isn’t over yet? We get two creepy unrequited lesbian couples this season? Can’t complain…
… after long, hard thought… my response:
Looks like Rika (or maybe Bernkastel) and Sheryl Nome getting it on.
I’m surprised that Jason hasn’t talked more about Hideyoshi, the way Shin has.
But yes, that’s a Sunohara type up there, except he has a harem. Only in anime, folks.
>I feel like someone needs to make a Fate/Stay Night-tan with that kind of look for Saber-tan.
Fate/tiger colosseum
So impressed with episode 1, and then 2 :P
Don’t know who my fav is, which is kinda rare I usually pick one by episode 1, but they’re all so very unique. I’ll probably pick twins. TWINSSSSSSSSSSSSS so tripped out by end of episode one. And I approve of the yuri, that’d be my fav pair this series.
meh I’m gonna pass on this show, I’ve seen too many loser harem leads.I know they can’t be all like Tomoki but still…
By the way, are you gonna make a thin slicing for this season? Always helpfull to help me pick some shows to watch, and those are the funniest posts read ^^
The Sunohara comparison was spot-on. I mean, really, right down to girls practicing pro wrestling moves on them.
Actually, in Youhei’s favor, he didn’t have two girls trying to break his limbs at once. (Of course, we’re assuming that Tomoyo and Kyou teaming him at the drama club doesn’t count as “trying to break his limbs”.)
The funny thing is that this show’s starting to remind me of Happiness in the sense that you get the feeling that people are watching this show not for the harem, but for the trap…
>“Why are you having tea with these disgusting faggots instead of hanging out with me?â€
Now that’s gg being awful trolls.
They cut out like more than half of the first book :(
I think I hate this guy now. Dropping this s–
–on second thought… DOWNLOADING
I am okay with this.
Curse youuuuuu. I caved in and watched my first show of the winter season because of this. This show is great. Poor guy, can’t catch a break- too bad his opponent in the 5-on-5 wasn’t Nina Einstein. I admit to having to rewind a few times- I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the cuts and motion and the direction reminds me of Shaft (and the OP of Azumanga with its afterimages).