angel beats 6
Categories: angel beats, episodic review
Tagged: angel beats
A fallen Angel is fine too.
(Angel is approaching Azu-nyan levels of cuteness, isn’t she? At this rate, we need to get Sawa-chan into this anime somehow… need three sets of Sawa-chan meido fuku mk II… STAT!)
Ouch! Are you serious? Just wild heaven.
(Best part of playing mahjong in class? TK. Second best part? TK’s “I’ll be back” when he’s running away. Classic. Ah-nuld would have been proud, if, you know, he was actually alive and not the robot cyborg currently “governing” Coddyfornia.)
(Looking at Ah-nuld and Mark McGuire today… definitely, kids, stay the fuck away from steroids. Very short term gain for long term ugliness. Just wild heaven.)
Run Yurippe, run!
Three things that warrants mention: One, Naoi is starring straight at her melonpan. Two, almost exact same scene in Gatekeepers where that Yurippe is brainwashed and turns into the Black Hanekawa of Gatekeepers (damn right I used a 2010 anime reference to describe a 2000 anime). Three,
don’t these guys get more lives to respawn with than with the Konami code and Contra? So what if they get shot? They just come back. And why are they concerned with NPCs? Hell, I use NPCs for fodder and shields!
Though I like how Yurippe has ripped clothing and is bleeding yet shows no bullet wounds… when all the people against her are using guns. Okay, that came out wrong, and I’m too damn tired to rewrite it.
If I were Jun Maeda’s psychiatrist, I’d be a rich man. Does the dude ever stop thinking about sad scenarios? But… Naoi’s doesn’t explain how he died, which, you know, is why he’s stuck in this world. A world even more loosely defined than the world of Lost… but I wouldn’t put it past Yurippe to try to blow up the school with an atomic bomb. You want answers? Then come with me.
Yurippe wanted Araragi to free Angel to save them… yet he saves them by hugging another man. Great. Is hugging going to be to Angel Beats what sports were to Clannad? Speaking of being trapped somewhere with a cute girl…
… Araragi gets tossed into a jail cell (complete with a functional bed) with Tachibana, and all he wants to do is get out? Come on, I don’t need need an iPhone app to tell me how ridiculous that is. Only thing that made it worse was that Tachibana willingly hopped on the bed.
(She sleeps sitting up? My gosh, cute! And so freaky.)
If Shaft were animating this, you know and I know we would have gotten a spinning pan around Yurippe’s legs. How did we get to the point that the only decent studio left that still does fanservice… is Shaft?
Come on, at least give up a Basic Instincts parody here. If Haruhi and Yuri played a StarCraft II match, who would you think would win? I think Haruhi would try to do something stupid like rush with marines while Yuri would be waiting with burrowed hydralisks and just eat up Haruhi’s attack.
(Last three days… just an awesome amount of LeBron in my life. Maybe too much Global Icon and not enough hawt bassists. But just watching him collapse for no apparent reason the last two games of this Celtics series, I kept thinking of, “OMFG NOT ANOTHER EPISODE OF ENDLESS EIGHT?! WHY?! WHY!!!” Only I think this is ten times worse for Cavs fans… I thought about this for thirty minutes, and I can’t think of an anime equivalent to a sport’s greatest star and MVP not giving a damn in the midst of an early playoff fight… and then bolting his hometown team a few weeks later. Unprecedented.)
(It’s even worse considering that the other three series were all sweeps, so we only had the Cavs collapse to gawk at. This is like if Endless Eight were happening… and no other anime was airing against it… with eighteen fansub groups oversubbing it.)
So sad… almost as sad as Cleveland fans tonight.
(Only on hour three of LeBron coverage on ESPN right now… LeBron is to ESPN what Apple is to Gizmodo… or Mio is to blog好ã.)
This was surprisingly moe… maybe it’s just because of Angel’s hypnotic swaying…
Yet another anime that forsakes cell phones. Come on. It’s 2010. At least acknowledge that cell phones exist, k? At the very least, have Yurippe toss Araragi a walkie-talkie explaining, “We only have AT&T service in this world… which makes me suspect we’re in hell.”
(I also don’t understand the thou shalt not harm NPCs thing… they’re frickin’ NPCs! Harm them!)
Definitely liked Araragi asking Angel out on a mapo tofu day-to.
First: LOL, AT&T.
Secondly: I think the whole “Thou shalt not harm NPCs” is simply because they don’t think of them like traditional NPCs, but more like they simply haven’t taken the red pill. They don’t want to involve innocents, which is part of what makes them look so much like the good guys (even though they’re not sure they are themselves).
Thirdly: (Must be a word, spell check didn’t catch it) I don’t think Tenshi is weird for sleeping sitting up. When I saw her do it the first thing I thought of was that she was thinking about the guy, if she sprawled out on the bed, where would he lie? There is only one bed after all, so she propped herself up against the wall, unselfishly, showing how much she cares about others.
The amount of gayness in the episode amused me. I am surprised you did not mention the flower at all. That was like the Floral Mace of Doom + 2. Also, there was only one bed and one toilet immediately next to it. I wonder what Shinji would have done if they had procreated? Bet he didn’t plan for that. I wonder if that is possible in purgatory? What are the chances it would have happened if they couldn’t get out?
Well, in the novel, Yurippe cares not for NPC’s. But I like Naoi taking her down a notch. And the Tachibana Kanade cuteness. Cuter than the one from Shinigami no Ballad, and much more moe than half the cast.
Plus, this is the same Yurippe who wanted to kill NPC’s until God showed up. At least until Naoi put on his best molester face.
As a Cleveland fan, I know that if i were to die right now, I’d end up in this world.
>>If Haruhi and Yuri played a StarCraft II match, who would you think would win? I think Haruhi would try to do something stupid like rush with marines while Yuri would be waiting with burrowed hydralisks and just eat up Haruhi’s attack.
Nah, everyone knows Tenshi is a Protoss player. Haruhi would rush in with Marines with no detector support and Tenshi would simply slaughter her forces with Dark Templar (or Zealots with Arbiter support, but that’s SC I).
Meanwhile, Yuri wolud use Overlords to drop in a massive wave of Zerglings.
Jason: Cleveland’s past two season’s of basketball can be described like Eva. It starts out good but in the end all you can say is WTF. Then you have another try to make it all right. People are pumped and it ends in just a stupid stat as the last time.
@Vodak: No, Eva is like the 1997 Indians. There is no possible anime parallel for LBJ. My friends and I have been debating this Global Icon situation non-stop for three days now… the best we’ve come up with is if that you marry the girl of your dreams (who just happens to be bassist in an all girl band)… and for seven years, try to have a baby (but not succeeding)… and then she suddenly leaves you for Dustin Diamond and turns into Octomom.
Actually being someone who lives and is almost killed on a bi-monthly basis in Cleveland… i’m broken. Not by Yui, not by Mio, or Darry…but by my sports teams. But, gimme a few days, and i’ll hate everything and everyone all over again. And in the CLE, that’s a step in the right direction.
This was an awesome episode. Taichibana is ridiculously cute. Far more so than this Azu-nyan you speak of.
But you missed out her “Does this make me look cute?” screenshot with the flower! …Though unlike UTW Static Subs had the translation “Do you find it cute, I wonder?” which unfortunately is probably the more accurate translation.
Roll on next episode…I can’t get enough of Tenshi acting like a more socially aware Nagato.
“I’ll be back” made my day.
Angel is definitely becoming much cuter, the flower sword was sword. Before they made her look cold and heartless. I might have missed it but, why did they call her Tenshi/Angel to begin with? Did they just start calling her that because they didn’t know her name?
Gah…. “the flower sword was a nice touch.” (fixed)
I can’t wait until Angel Beats! (2012) when KyoAni cleans up this mess of a narrative.
Maybe it just me or having withdrawal issue without any sunrise/Code Geass show to watch. But I never seen so much bromance in this season since Suzaku penetrated Lulu. Yes Araragi san does swing that way.
Like I said for the previous episode, Tachibana’s definitely turning into the cutest and my favorite character since Azu-nyan. Definitely liked what I saw with this episode. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about episode 7 though. We’ll see what happens.
Angel Beats is still an okay watch, but I can’t help but have a nagging feeling of deja vu since it reminds me too much of an earlier effort of a different company to compress one of Jun Maeda’s stories: Kanon 2002. Everything seems to be going past at a train’s pace, and I have to wonder just how much of the original material was sacrificed.
WARNING: The big enemy is approaching at full throttle. According to the data, it is identified as TLDR. NO REFUGE.
Made even better by his nose-pinch-backflip dive. TK is a professional.
Why do we we need to need to know how Nao
toi dies? From what the anime has shown so far, the Purgatorio aspect of the setting has more to do with the character’s regrets and inner daemons than the particular reason they’re fertilizer.How much of the supporting cast is around? If Yuki is even aware of the server’s existence all bets are off. For that matter, Haruhi would just unconsciously rewrite the source code so whatever she does would support her desired outcome. Yurippe’s best chance would be to get Kyon to convince Haruhi that winning in and of itself isn’t as important as playing the game legitimately.
Sounds like a stereotypical Gainax Ending to me. (Then again I actually enjoy the episodes described as such, so…)
It’s no anime, but a good comparison would be the game Indigo Prophecy (aka Farhenheit). It actually starts of really, really well, and the occasional WTF moments can be excused (and would actually work better) as one character’s mental breakdown. Then they start introducing ancient Mayan AIs and zombie sex scenes and everything goes downhill.
Probably didn’t plan on keeping them there that long. One trimester, sure. Two trimesters, that’s reasonable. But three trimesters? What kind of self-respecting megalomaniac would be satisfied letting his predecessor languish for ~nine months without using his hypnopower to prove his superiority? (Besides, if procreation was possible there we’d have already seen a dozen mini TKs running around.)
Isn’t Angel Beats an anime original? Which would make it a different situation from Kanon(2002 or 2006)/Air/Clannad since there isn’t any original material to compare it to. Although I’ll agree that the best pacing for a visual novel doesn’t always sync up with a good pacing for a anime series.
@Myssa Rei – The anime is the original material, it just seems to me that Maeda wrote the scenario to a new visual novel while trying the write an anime original project and is now trying to cram as much as possible into 13 episodes.
@Myssa Rei: It also reminds me of the Air and Clannad movies. KyoAni doesn’t really get enough credit for their genius. Not just Maeda’s stuff, but even things like Haruhi. Would that series be half as good if KyoAni didn’t go completely novel and mix up the episode order?
Maeda’s great but he really should have waited for KyoAni to adapt his work. Angel Beats is a mess.
Roy: That may have been true back in 2005-2006, but IIRC, KyoAni has shed staff the past few years, which is how we ended up with the “K-ON-fication” of Haruhi S2, and Endless Eight to begin with. That was NOT inspired direction, and they didn’t seem to do as well art-wise this time around, despite this being a flagship product. And I don’t buy the “they had to save it for Disappearance” excuses either. I don’t think KyoAni’s up to it anymore either.
I’m more in agreement with CantQuiteGuess: Maeda’s trying to do too much with too few eps, and making a bit of a mess in the process.
CantQuiteGuess: Someone told me that there’s a light novel though, so I guess that could count as source material.
Haess: Indeed, they did lose a few people, which is a big thing as KyoAni is a small-scale company when you compare it to Sunrise or Bones. But as with all things, I’m reserving my opinions on KyoAni’s so-called slump, and maybe.
Myssa Rei: Angel Beats is supposed to be a multi-pronged story, which is told in light novel, anime, and manga, all of which come together to (supposedly) form a single narrative. Which is part of why this thing’s a mess, since it’s not meant to be consumed alone (you’re supposed to have read the light novel for more background and the events leading up to this, ditto the manga).
Well, Sunrise has multiple ‘studios’ to run projects, which is how you get Keroro Gunso going on for years alongside Geass and Gundam series, rather than being a small studio/art house (a la SHAFT). But, at this point, given the staff they lost after the Clannad remake (some of which went to SHAFT, IIRC), I don’t know if they’re up to redoing Angel Beats. I think the main issue is it’s not meant to be taken by itself, and so ends up being full of plot-holes which remain unpatched if you weren’t fully conversant with all the other materials, whereas something like Haruhi was confused (due to the episode-jumping) but self-contained.