nichijou 13



With Yukko that sick, I would be terrified to touch any magic act of hers. If trolling is a central mechanic of Nichijou (like digging for Terraria), then being paralyzed with indecision when decisions must be made is a secondary mechanic (like fighting for Terraria). Mio is just paralyzed with indecision such that it leads to the terrible but humorous outcomes that it leads it.

Wouldn’t a GOB and Yukko team up be the ultimate team up for magicians? It would be like Superman teaming up with Batman or something like that. Like you wouldn’t watch that. Actually, like you wouldn’t watch an Arrested Development spin-off that was all GOB.

Shark sponge cakii?! Want!

(I went to a country fair recently, and I was very disappointed that they didn’t have shark sponge cakii, or really, shark anything there. They had funnel cakes, garlic fries, and deep fried Twinkies, but it’s not the same. The shark just pushes everything up a notch, like how Lannisters just push political intrigue up a notch. Still, I spent a good chunk of me time holding a huge turkey leg at the fair, so well…)

“The bait’s worth it.”

It’s a trap! When Sakamoto-san willingly and happily walked into the trap to enjoy the fish, I was reminded of this.

(And “The bait’s worth it” is probably the third best TV quote this year behind “Winter is coming” and “Do you want to be a magical girl?”)

I don’t like where this segment is going. You just know by episode 20, the little kid will be asking, “Nee nee, Grandpa, have you ever been anal raped?”

Love this face on Professor. So cute. This episode had– gasp– some plot-like substance with Professor giving Nano permission (LOLWUT? She’s like seven.) to go to school. In the manga, Nano is going to school like a boss since day one… so I’m not sure why Kyoto would decide to finally let Nano go to school. Maybe to inject plot into something that really doesn’t need plot? But still heartwarming to see Professor do a nice gesture for Nano… even if she is doing it for her selfish snack-related needs.

(And, yes, I loved how Sakamoto-san sleeps in the best place. He knows the score.)

“It’s okay. I just went a little.”


And drowsy just woken-up Nano? Adorable. Seems like Nano would be a monster in the sack. If she weren’t imaginary and a robot and all. Or does being a robot help that? Mmm. Or am I just thinking too much? Or not enough? Gah! I’m paralyzed with indecision!


The say Yukko pimps her 80… it’s the exact same as Nintendo pimping their 3DS.

Professor headbutting Sakamoto-san? Awesome. I am convinced Keiichi Arawi is a huge rasslin’ fan. With headbutts in Full Metal Panic, Kanon, and now Nichijou, is Kyoto the go-to studio for head trauma?

Hug get! Still am not sure how Professor lives by herself without supervision, especially if Nano is going to school. And wouldn’t Professor need to go to school? Or did she bust through K-12 plus Tokyo U in 200 days? And isn’t it weird Professor could go up to the school and sign Nano up? Wouldn’t questions be asked? Questions would be asked! I’m asking questions!

(Speaking of questions, if anyone asks, “If lasers move at the speed of light, how can Gundams dodge lasers?” at the Gundam panel at AX, it may or may not be me.)

Something the opposite of this happened to me before. It was an RFIC class midterm, and it was just incredibly hard for me. I ended up getting I think a 26. Out of 100. But the mean was like 22. Still feel like I failed.

Three MVPS…


15 Responses to “nichijou 13”

  1. And Czech flag is there! (and it’s not in many anime shows)

  2. “If lasers move at the speed of light, how can Gundams dodge lasers?”
    Analysis of the distortion in the gravitoelectric field, which is instantaneous. Alternatively, they’re detecting the trigger mechanism for the weapon and calculating the trajectory of the shot from the position of the weapon, thus having that fraction of a second to change their position.

  3. I would say love helps them to dodge laser beams like that. Only bad thing is in this case, it involves ugly gay Gundam Fuc..

  4. From what I figured out, about chapter 20 of the manga the author decided to retcon Nano being at school and gives us this part with the Professor allowing Nano to start going to school (and gives Nano a name it seems). I guess KyoAni decided to make this thing in chronological order…the opposite of what they did with Haruhi in 2006.
    I’m guessing the Professor’s award and grant money will make it so questions are not asked.

  5. @gundam, because they’re not lasers! Particle beams? At least in UC. Gundam Wing uses plasma? SEED has some positron beams and other stuff…or something! At least the majority of beams aren’t “lasers”…
    After that, let’s just blame minovsky particles(or whichever other series use) for slowing them down. They disrupt electromagnetic radiation and stuff.
    Also blame alternate Gundam universes for being bad.

    “When positive and negative Minovsky particles are compressed, they fuse into a new subatomic particle called a mega particle. In the process, a portion of their mass is converted into kinetic energy, giving the mega particle a high initial velocity. These fast-moving mega particles can then be focused into a devastating energy beam.”

  6. re Gundam: I thought someone pointed this out a LONG time ago (and Jason just chose to ignore it to make a running gag for the blog). Simply put, Gundams don’t USE lasers; instead all their weapons are particle-based, which means while they look like lasers, they’re really more like plasma, and travel in very specific (and predictable) velocities.

  7. Maybe they did…maybe I did? I thought about it before ^^. But I do think there are a few weapons specifically called lasers…:(
    plz no dodging with luv
    newtype will suffice.

  8. “Seems like Nano would be a monster in the sack.”
    Picture it – she’d be all cute and awkward and indecisive and not sexy at all. But still very kawaii.
    Hakase would be far better (once she’s old enough).

  9. @ bluemonq
    Changes in the electromagnetic field and gravitational field propagate at the speed of light :)
    Otherwise, we would have to throw causality out the window, thanks to special relativity…

    @Poki @Myssa Rei
    Particle beam weapons tend to use relativistic particles, which travel significant percentages of the speed of light (e.g. 80%, 95%, 99.9%, etc). At those kinds of speeds, you’ll barely have a chance to see the particles coming towards you before they actually hit you :)

    Of course, you could use slow particles, in which case you’d need to throw so much mass that you’re talking about essentially solid bullets…

  10. I was under the impression these were suppose to be bullets but the censors said no back in the beginning.

  11. Don’t know how or why, but the Nano Nano Nano/Hakase Hakase Hakase reminded me of

  12. “If lasers move at the speed of light, how can Gundams dodge lasers?”

    Too easy, jason. Gundams obviously move faster than light!

  13. Derailed by Gundam. :P

    Anyway, great setup episode. Can’t wait to see Nano at school.

  14. And isn’t it weird Professor could go up to the school and sign Nano up? Wouldn’t questions be asked? Questions would be asked! I’m asking questions!

    Don’t be frumpy. This is anime! All she has to do is scribble “Mysterious Transfer Student” in every blank on the enrollment forms and she’s gold.

    Hakase would be far better (once she’s old enough).

    Maybe if you’re into superglue BDSM play and shark fursonas, (and really, who isn’t?), but I doubt she’d be interested in anything she could get from someone that she couldn’t get from rollcakii.

  15. Don’t know how or why, but the Nano Nano Nano/Hakase Hakase Hakase reminded me of

    It reminded me of “Miaka / Tamahome / Miaka / Tamahome / Miaka / Tamahome…”

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