dissecting the nisemonogatari trailer
Categories: episodic review
Tagged: nisemonogatari
I see entertainment blogs write a thousand words on The Hobbit trailer. Movie doesn’t come out for 350 some days. I can write about a trailer about something that comes out… uh… pretty soon.
(Shaft’s artistic aesthetics still going strong, I see.)
Let me put it this way. I’m as excited for Nisemonogatari as:
A. Iskandar is excited for a night out drinking.
B. Haruhi is excited for a good ol’ costume raping.
C. Hosaka is excited about Haruka.
D. Sunrise is excited about milking the Gundam franchise.
Shaft being Shaft in the best way possible. The single pixel between nipples and no nipples should be known as the Absolute Tit Zone.
Sidetail! More importantly, will Mayoi refer to them as Tsukihi and Karen or as Ararararararagi? That could be what you call a bunch of Araragi… Ararararararagi.
(Pro tip: Karen is the one with the sidetail. Or was it Tsukihi… sorry, I spent my last few brain cells deciphering Penguindrum. I still think it was a travesty that we didn’t get a Rock Over Japan as the fade out for the final episode.)
Araragi’s cell phone’s dimensions have changed. It is less of an old-school slider look and more of a modern too-big-for-your-pocket Android phone. (Uh… does anyone outside of Pantech and LG even make vertical sliders anymore?) Only it’s the same monochromatic UI as before.
If this leads to a Basic Instinct parody… yes.
(Oh wait, they can’t. Still no Bakemonogatari for us R1 people. God damn, I just know Aniplex is planning something sinister… more sinister than $50 for a Madoka BD… more sinister than a $400 Fate/zero box set without a non-special edition (cheaper) option. That’s right. $31 per episode, but at least one of them is twice as long!)
“Why don’t you just kill yourself?”
Obviously, Senjougahara cuts her hair at some point. But she is damn cute.
“Why don’t you take your hoodie off, too?”
Nadeko… the superior DFC option for Araragi. I wonder when Shaft will make a tentacle anime. This trailer is nothing but pr0n-inspired positions.
“Virtue doesn’t make justice… power does!”
How ironic that Gundam Seed is also airing. ‘Cuz Kira Yamato spouts the opposite of Araragi yet does what Araragi says. Oh, English, how I can’t use you effectively sometimes.
“Don’t worry, Araragi-kun, I will protect you.”
Why does this look so sexual? And why is Senjougahara so bad ass? (Because she is.)
“Wait a sec… lemme strip nakkid.”
Unlimited Lesbian Book Works! Oh Shaft… in the best kind of way. I like how all the girls just throw themselves at Araragi… who must be kicking himself, “Dammit, why did I commit to Hitagi before I tasted the buffet” at this point.
“I wouldn’t mind being a master or a slave.”
Nadeko wants to put a squeeze on. Get it? Hardy har har.
“Do you know who I am?”
I am disappointed Karen and Tsukikikikihi don’t have different ways of addressing onii-chan a la Sister Princess.
“Adolescence is a battle to become the real thing.”
Great, the trailer for a show that has not aired just summed up Penguindrum better than Penguindrum did. Only that show had more penguins and fewer nakkid haremettes.
only show i am looking forward to in the new season.
no shinobu or meme
My body is freakin’ ready.
Very muchly glad for this second trailer. Equally sad that absolutely no one’s picked up Bakemonogatari. At this point, I’d even settle for one of those overly priced available on the company’s website only releases. Maybe.
So sad that Senjougahara is only gonna be a supporting character Q___Q (pulled off MyAnimeList, hopefully its not true)
Still sad that Aya got kicked off the team. I will watch the rest of the franchise with a heavy heart.
A bunch of Araragi would be the Ararararararagumiumimi, wouldn’t it?
hmmm I can’t seem to find “bakemonogatari” archive, did you blog about it?
Unlimited Lesbian Book Works? But I recall that all those books she owns are bara/yaoi.
…Are we sure that this show is about the fire sisters, and not Senjougahara going postal on every other female cast member for having kinky fun with Arararagi?
opps sorry I mean as a shortcut in the archive :P sorry about that.
I would squeeze Nadeko like the fist of an angry snake god, ifyouknowwhatImean.
Araragi’s cell phone’s dimensions have changed. It is less of an old-school slider look and more of a modern too-big-for-your-pocket Android phone. (Uh… does anyone outside of Pantech and LG even make vertical sliders anymore?) Only it’s the same monochromatic UI as before.
What’s even funny is that his shadow made it look like he’s holding a clamshell phone in the very same shot.
So glad it’s finally coming out, I’ve been waiting for this show for so long. They tried to fool me with Katanagatari, but it just wasn’t the same.
Just a heads up UTW translated one of the Nisemonogatari PVs and it’s sitting on their frontpage for those interested. Gotta say while prospects for this season are looking pretty thin, at least we have another season of Fate/Zero to look forward too in the future. Hoping all the new stuff will air soon so we can look forward to the new thin-slicing.
Just… just…
To be honest I like Kanbaru more than Senjougahara. I would have fallen into her trap if I was Ararararagi.
Just saying.
@Minoru +1.
Having read the novels, Senjougahara will be more than just a supporting cast. She will do something shocking to Arararararararararararagi.