commerical break

Categories: life

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For those of you who still watch TV, the DOAX commerical has been running recently (“for hot beaches, there’s no power greater than X”). Basically, I’m seeing a lot more console game commercials recently: DOAX, Orta, Mechassault, SOCOM, Metroid Prime, Zelda, and even Animal Crossing in addition to sports titles. Nintendo seems to use real life actors, even for Animal Crossing, which seems odd. Microsoft has this whole “greater than X” thing going, and I thought about it for a bit… match up column A with column B:

Column A
“For fanservice and ecchi, there is no power greater than… “
“For giant 60-ton mechanical crabs, there is no power greater than… “
“For apologetic women, there is no power greater than… “
“For passing UN resolutions, there is no power greater than…”
“For o_o, there is no power greater than… “
“For old school Street Fighting, there is no power greater than… “
“For Remember my Love, there is no power greater than… “
Column B

I’m debating whether or not to upload the commerical to this server, because I’m sure it will kill my server once people know I’m hosting it… if you want it, ask for it in chat.

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