seeing isn’t everything

Categories: life

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I go to a world-class engineering school… and this is what happens:

This morning, I was on my way to class. The building door that I normally enter with had a sign on it saying, “Door Broken, Please Use Side Door”. So I’m thinking, “How can a door be broken?” and try the door. It doesn’t open. Disappointed that I’ll have to walk an extra 50 feet to get to the side door, I start my trek.

All this while, someone was behind me and watching me throughout this. He then comes up and tries the door after seeing that I couldn’t open it. Guess what? It doesn’t open. He heads for the side door after me.

All this may seem silly, but it just shows how “seeing is believing” isn’t really true. As humans, we need to experience to believe.

That and the grounds staff needs to keep more doors operating at my school.

One Response to “seeing isn’t everything”

  1. If seeing isn’t believing I wonder what would happen if the prophesized return of the Messiah was ever to occur… I sincerely hope I’m not Gaea has reclaimed my life force at that point.