all for… what?

Categories: life

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Both my roommate and I are electrical engineers. In fact, I even have my Master’s, and when we were trying to replace an old electrical outlet, we had the toughest time. Seriously, an outlet isn’t tough… there’s usually only three wires to hook up (ground, neutral, and hot), and since everything is fused, shorting two of the wires won’t cause any explosions. The problem is that the house is so old, everything in the house is hooked up in serial. Yes, serial. Modern houses are done in parallel.

Beyond that, the outlet required a load to act properly. For some strange reason, the outlets down the chain only worked if something was plugged into the outlet that was fixed.

I’m going to be in LA for the weekend, so no updates till then.

One Response to “all for… what?”

  1. hey, im in electrical engineering too. at the university of washington