public service announcement

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Personally, I think Friendster is a complete rip-off the old sixdegrees except that Friendster stresses the dating aspect. (Why are all of their testimonials from Silicon Valley… makes you wonder…) sixdegrees, btw, tanked because it really wasn’t that useful past a slight novelty. I’m not sure who would want to date a friend of a friend of a friend. How is that “secure” or “on target”? Is that really better than meeting a girl, through, let’s say, church? Or even randomly asking someone out at the line over at Fresh Choice? Are people really basing their decisions on the connection network or the fact the service provides photos, turn-ons, and measurements?

More useful, of course, is STD-ster. Logic goes– if a girl has a lot of STDs, she’s more likely to put out… and that’s more useful info. Of course, the other logic states that you really should avoid these girls… either case, it’s good, solid info you can use to base your decisions on.

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