more new york times anime coverage
Categories: anime, anime news, snipe
New York Times has an article up on the currently running Tokyo Anime Fair. I liked this quote: “He, and the like-minded colleagues he greets as he makes his way through the crowd, don’t see themselves as belonging particularly to their country; if they have an affiliation at all, it’s to the confederacy that the Japanese call otaku — the vast network of slovenly, asocial and diffident fanboys who spend their days watching anime on DVD; reading the heroic, erotic, cutesy or literary comic books known as manga; and surfing the Internet. The otaku are a proud group, in their way, but they’re not used to getting medals of honor from state officials.”
Shintaro Ishihara you bilibous purple pissing coward how dare you show up at an Otaku meeting to spread your brand of filth! I’ll bet Ishihara doesn’t even watch anime or any good ones for that matter. Al Gore saw more combat than him in Vietnam, that racist sexist pig. He better thank the stars that he lives in a democaracy because he and his hideous ilk deserve as much mercy as the groups he supports and worships, none. The greatest tragedy of the human condition is that such idiots like him still draw breath. It’s a real shame that Otakus are so polite to allow him in and not boo him off stage.
Sorry the minute I saw that infamous punk’s name I just snap everytime. I wish my beloved VP would invite the punk for some quail hunting. Watching that punk apologize
for being shot would go a long way in exposing his intrinsic superiority, in cowardice.
The NY times speaks as if such things were bad, geeks of all stripes adhere to the same quirks it is nothing to be ashamed of. Otakus come from all walks of life, hell even soldiers of the Imperial Forces like me are avid fans. Otakudom unite, let us collectively change the world for the better, and drive down prices all around especially PVC stuff and Gunpalas.
-We all look for happiness, but without knowing where to find it; like drunkards who look for their house, knowing dimly that they have one.
I wouldn’t call myself sloven. Wasn’t the article a little biased (i.e. Japanese=dorky)?
Or it’s my otaku-diffidence kicking in?
>Otakus come from all walks of life
So true, my friend.
Well, I view this article positively. This was no self-driven journalist who went to the fair on his own dime (otherwise, the review would have been more glowing). Hence, the NY Times sent him, which means the recognize the cultural value, well, ok, interest, its readers might have. It is a step in the right direction.
yet again , once again …maybe this too many time Anime and Manga are once again associated to p0rn , s3x and violance .
this is enough .
also , this : ”and surfing the Internet” . what does that mean ? does he think we all don’t have lives ? c’mon .
I suppose it had a small bias.
Well, you don’t encounter otaku in everyday life unless you become one.
And yeah, the otaku (at least in Japan) consider themselves Japanese. At the very least. Which would explain why some of the sites I go to have one heck of a blockade from US IPs(from what I’ve heard). (I’m not from the US, so I’m not affected~)