haruhi crushes infidels
Categories: anime, anime news
Tagged: haruhi suzumiya
I’m only tossing up this post because I want to be #1 on Google for the search “haruhi + 涼宮ãƒãƒ«ãƒ’ + gaza + afp + mahmud hams + hamas + meido.” Despite the fact that the Japanese seem puzzled, the animesuki and the ANN crowds both think it’s real. I still think it’s a hoax. Someone must have hacked into AFP’s photo database [screenshot] or a photographer is playing a sick prank like either photoshopping an image or telling a poor little girl, “Hey, this girl here stands for ‘Death to Infidels’ in Japan.” Why would a supposedly Palestinian little girl be holding up a sign for Haruhi in protest of children killed during a Gaza raid? I’d think costume raping, bunny girls, and gay espers would be frowned upon in a fundamentalist Islamic society. Then there’s the fact that Haruhi is God. And where would they get the broadband internet access to download episodes, and, more importantly, I don’t see any Middle Eastern languages represented in anidb’s database for Haruhi fansubs. I’m brimming with questions.
Fact is sometimes stranger than fiction.
Oh, and with regards to the issue of Arabic fansubs, you must understand that it would be unlikely to find Arabic fansubs on an English website( not that it is impossible).
You’ll be surprised to see what anime you can find in the Middle East.
They will have their own distributors, just like how the Chinese fansubbers have their own( or any other language-speaking fansubbers).
well if this is the new god for the islam people i might as well convert right now. but if this is just an edited picture…i cant stop laughing. this seriously should make front page somewhere…i mean everyones favorite nonconformist being proudly displayed in a riot? shoot im there
Wow… awesome… I can’t see how it could be accidental. Whoever made that poster is a fan (and I doubt it’s the girl, look at the size of the handprints).
>”I don’t see any Middle Eastern languages represented in anidb”
But there ARE Hebrew translations, if you are wondering. Haruhi’s been somewhat known here in Israel, at least in the crowd i know (though no one i know actually bothers with getting Hebrew translations)
The picture does fill me with riddles though, it seems so out of context. Maybe someone could translate the text on the sign?
I agree with Skane I have run into the occasional Arabic fansub, the Middle East is not as backwards as alot of people believe. They have the internet just like we do and they blog just like the rest of the world. Their issue is that for a gamut of reasons only the suicidaly stupid and crazy or the really machivellian get the headlines and reigns of power. Just because a person prays five times a day towards Mecca doesn’t mean that the concept of MOE is incomprehensible to them. I was very suprised at the sale of some of the racier items in Egypt.
Just because Iraq has daily explosions doesn’t mean life does not go on there or elsewhere. Thing is they have the technology available though not in over abundance. The evolution of the IED is proof enough that even the craziest of their lot can adopt technology imagine what the sane population can accomplish. Even if the photo is doctored I for one would welcome our Middle Eastern brethern. Haruhi-sama welcomes all fellow seekers of aliens, espers, and time travelers. You may never be inner circle, but that does not rule out bearing witness to a Nagato Miracle, activities involving smoked cheese, and other marriage ruining incidents.
Perhaps one day I won’t have to find myself in the opposite trench. Besides mere mortals have failed to bring peace to the Middle East time and again. Perhaps we need the second coming of Haruhi-sama to blackmail Hezbollah, Hamas, and Ahmadinejad and make them grovel before pure awesomeness of our revered lady like the Computer Society President. If nothing else LOL-Fang-tan, Haruhi-sama, All-woman Mikuru, and Nagatochi are wonderful role models.
I hope they have heard of Haruhi-sama that way when I go to the sandbox I will have a few partners in crime to dedicated a few AFVs to Haruhiism, now that there will be no more snowflakes. Heck they might be making their own version of Hare Hare Yukai. Two-state solution 4TW!
It’s a tie-in to the KyoAni hype machine promoting the upcoming second season, as the sign translates to a hint that only makes sense if you’ve read book 4: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Just kidding.
Actually, it’s just some kid pimping her dad’s business. He’s on the next corner over, selling Arabic subbed bootleg copies of the R2 DVDs for $3 a piece. He’s billing them as The Melancholy of Oharuhisama bin Laden.
Also just kidding. As far as I know…
To those wondering what the placard reads… click on the links to find out. You can even read what the French article is about( if zee French iz mizerable).
I don’t feel like putting my French to use, especially since I probably failed the test I had two days ago.
This is slightly off topic, but I just checked out the http://www.haruhi.tv website… and it’s been updated.
Nin Says:
This is slightly off topic, but I just checked out the http://www.haruhi.tv website… and it’s been updated.
Yes, it is off-topic, but it’s also very cool.
Why Haruhism as the global religion would result in world peace:
1) Basic tenets include “life is an adventure desho desho” and the main commandment would be to “seek out espers, aliens and time travellers in order to play with them”
2) All priestess would be volunatarily arrested moe girls with lolita faces and large busts.
3) Priestess vestments include bunny girl, combat waitress and meido. Nekomimi meido for the high priestess.
4) Costume rape as a sacred sacrament
5) Rock concerts instead of hymns
6) Homilies universally contain acerbic wit
To Nin,
Thanks for the update. :D Yuki is love. :)
For the person asking for a translation, I believe it says: “Please do not kill children.”
Actually, I think there is High Haruhi Church, Middle Haruhi Church, and Common Haruhi Church, just like the Anglican church. Gary Ee is describing the Common Haruhi church, the most numerous and powerful of the three branches, except he is exaggeratting 2,3,and 4. High Haruhi Church is one where all the real leaders, the author, publishing company and Kyoto Animation, attends thus off limits to most of us. The Middle Haruhi Church is short for Middle age form Haruhic Church, which uses Latin and vernacular for the Missal. It is highly ceremonial and used primarily as retreat center for Common church members who needs some peace and quiet for a change.
This was for DarkMirage’s Haruhi time capsule campaign.
“Please do not kill children.”
Oh great. That’s why I hate brats. They only think about themselves.
As has been said, I don’t find it too impossible that there are Palestinians who watch anime. Heck, while they’re linked, Palestinian terrorism/resistance isn’t necessarily purely Islamic fundimentalist. While most Islamic terrorist groups like to co-opt Palestine into their list of greivances against the west, Israelis and Palestinians have been killing each other decades before Al Qaeda even existed, for somewhat more practical reasons than just religious difference.
Not to mention that, assuming the photo is undoctored and given the content of the poster, what probably happened is that some well-off Palestinian protester had a thing for anime and needed to slap together a placard for this protest, googled for pictures of a cute looking child, found Haruhi to his liking and printed it off and gave it to the little girl in the photo.
Of course we all know it was REALLY a conspiricy devised by the NHK to propagate Haruhism across the globe as a puppet-religion, thus giving the Japanese government a foothold in the Middle-east and paving the way for their global takeover… or something.
Palestine and Iraq have a relatively free internet, which would explain Haruhi.
Iran, however. That is a completely different question
The question is not “Is this possible?”. It’s “How likely is it that’s not shopped?” Have you actually followed the URLs? I don’t see this photo shown officially anywhere. How often are you going to fall for the same trick? If you think the whole world has nothing better to do than watching anime, you might want to check the O^2 saturation in your box. I rather believe that Jason is a paid guerilla marketingist as he’s so eager to point us towards lame publicity stunts.
I don’t think that it’s photoshopped. It’s too strange and tasteless to be a photoshopped publicity stunt.
I find it more likely that whoever made that sign just googled for a random image, found a cute picture of Haruhi, and used it. It doesn’t matter whether whoever made that sign knows a whit about anime or Haruhi or whatever, it’s just a cute image of a girl and they decided to use it.
But as others have said, there ARE anime fansubs in Arabic and Hebrew and whatnot, and believe it or not, people in the Middle East do have computers and high speed internet and geeky fan obsessions. It’s not too unlikely that someone who knew about Haruhi used the image deliberately.
It’s not shiped.
Have YOU followed the URLs?
This is a part of a newsitem published by Agence France-Presse. The photographer is Mahmud Hams, who had already received gun-shot wounds in the line of duty in the past.
There are no words.
To Chris,
I bet you’re the kind of person that tells little boys and girls that Santa Claus does not exist, and sneer, “Humbug!” at any given opportunity. :P
Cynicism is useful at times, and it occasionally pays to be prudent, but just for your information and in defence of Jason, I hope you realise that Jason did not rush out screaming like a fanboy that Haruhi was photographed in the Gaza Strip when he first heard of this news.
It took a long time before Jason decided to publish this article.
When the images first came out, people started investigating the validity of the images and to determine whether or not they were photoshopped.
Guarded optimism, so to speak.
It was only AFTER the images were validated, did people started publically to spread the word around.
>> You’ll be surprised to see what anime you can find in the Middle East.
anidb does have many Arabic and Hebrew fansubbing groups listed, like Dr.Jackel, and Asian fansub groups like XM are also represented. By no means is it complete, but they do a fairly good job at it and are reasonably accurate. By far the best website when it comes to tracking multi-language releases.
Haruhi would be doing a victory dance for sure if she saw that. “Yes! Publicity! I bet we’ll really start getting new members now!”
*A week later, a group of of muslims with AK-47’s show up*
“So who are you guys?”
“Resistance Fighters”
“OHH, Mysterious! Your IN!”
“I bet you’re the kind of person”
I’m afraid you just lost a million dollars. I’ve never talked with anyone about the existence of Mr Claus and I cannot remember to ever really believe in him either. Adults think kids are stupid but they are usually just smart and play along.
Yes, I have followed the URL to AFP but I still see no trace of this photo there anywhere. Also I don’t quite mind how many bullets have been driven through the photographer so far. That does not add anything to credibility. I’d even claim with a bunch of holes in your head, your more likely to spout nonsense than without.
So again, how likely is it that such photo is published and noticed by exactly the right bunch of otaku? If I could fart “Bouken Desho Desho” would anyone notice?
More importantly, would anyone care? (Assuming they aren’t downwind, that is….)
> I don’t feel like putting my French to use, especially since I probably failed the test I had two days ago.
It’s just talking about the Gaza incident and how people are protesting. I can’t find anything interesting unless I overlooked something.
Just to note on what Jason said, why would anyone hack into AFP and put a image of Haruhi up there? Maybe the Laughing Man…?
I think we’re a hundred years too early for that sort of incident. I think its pretty plausible that someone just did a random search and saw a image of Haruhi and thought “oh, cute, yeah those big puppy dog eyes will surely make a impact on those evil jews. Who’d want to kill a innocent, sweet and adorable girl like this..?”
>I find it more likely that whoever made that sign just googled for a random image, found a cute picture of Haruhi, and used it.
Me too. And if the people who made it had actually seen the anime, wouldn’t a Mikuru picture have been the more obvious choice for a “don’t hurt us” message?
To me personally, it just seems so amusing on so many levels.
..) Haruhi is a fictional depiction of a maybe-God. This leads to the humour of idolizing a false God, or God commanding you to stop killing the children.
..) This also leads to the joke of Haruhi unwittingly willing it to happen, which leads to this cosmic joke( which only a selective few will understand).
..) You could also be like Itsuki and spin a massive conspiracy theory on how KadoUSA is implanting SHnY images in the mass media in order to spread Haruhiism.
..) Etc…
If Kadokawa USA is licensing Haruhi, I presume they’re going to be licensing seasons 1 and 2. Not that it’ll knock down the number of fansub groups working on it, but it’ll probably just shift which ones a bit…
Kadokawa is a publishing company. They would be licensing the novels/mangas not the anime.
They deal with anime as well. They were involved in anime such as Chrono Crusade, D.N.Angel, Full Metal Panic (1st series and TSR, not Fumoffu), Haibane Renmei, Scrapped Princess… and many others. Though those were all “production”, they are the R2 distributor for several series including The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
They were the R1 license holder for Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid. They were the license holder but contracted ADV to do the translation, subbing, and dubbing and FUNImation to handle distribution. If they are the R1 license holder for TMoHS, they would do something similar.
Kurisu Says:
If I could fart “Bouken Desho Desho†would anyone notice?
If you posted it on YouTube, you’d probably get a few hits, yeah…
I am french, and as long as I don’t have the name of the daily newpaper (because it could be “Le Parisien”, “Libération”, “Le Monde”, “L’Express”, any newpaper I may have forgoten) and when it was published, I won’t believe it.
It is just so surreal, while it may be not the first time that an image had been used for what it was not meant for (let’s don’t get started on all those USSR propraganda thingies printed and used out of contest).
Haruhi-kamisama did NOT need Saimoe to make her way to the pop culture after all!?…
>>If I could fart “Bouken Desho Desho†would anyone notice?
That’s more like “The Melancholy of Howard Stern”.
The only church that seems to survive from all this mess… Is the “Church of the Almighty Cashflow.”
These corporations are robbing you blind. If not you, then the parents and people you get your money from to buy all that crap.
hey i am from egypt and i am a fan of anime only few arab know about anime about 99.9% THINK it is a cartoon for children but there are people who know anime as good as you people and keep up with the latest releases
I think 99.9% of any human population, not just Arabs, look down on anime. (including Japan) So that makes us all even then. ^_^
75% of all people on this planet probably when asked about anime would first think of sailor moon (its made its mark on humanity and we are all doomed for it)
I think the person you should be asking is the girl who was holding that sign. I think a reporter should track down the family of that girl and ask to interview her! That will clear everything up, cause all these theories are just speculation. They will validated once we find out from the one who really knows.
I just thought of something else. Maybe the girl used that image cause Haruhi’s pose was the right one to get her point across. The words that are on the sign are supposed to be her words, like “I want you for the US Army!” on the recruitment posters are supposed to be Uncle Sam’s own words. If you look closely at the picture, Haruhi has her index finger pointed at someone as if demanding something. The little girl wanted it to look as if Haruhi is demanding, “Stop killing kids or I’ll hurt you!”