zombies? who cares?
Categories: manga
Tagged: high school of the dead
Okay, zombies have overrun your city. Four hawt chix0rs are nakkid and are having fun in a makeshift bath. What do you do? Just such delicious human flesh ridiculousness.
A barrel roll, of course.
See? it’s turning into H-manga!
THATS IT, I’m gonna fix my .rar error and get this.
I don’t got no error in mine, so I enjoyed it thoroughly. I think everyone will.
Hmmm….delicious thigh and sweater meat. Which do you prefer?
I am glad I liked the nurse at first sight and put her on top of my favorite HSoTD characters =D
btw, apologies to all for the OH GEASS NO! moment I linked to yesterday. I believed it would get a jolly laugh. And I’m glad it did. hehe
Thanks for sharing and thanks to XLM for scanlating.
It’s ziped not rared :P
Though, if you still have problems you can try 7-Zip
Here’s for wishing for it to become an anime… although it hasn’t even been out for a year yet…
>> “Here’s for wishing for it to become an anime… although it hasn’t even been out for a year yet…”
Be careful of what you wish for. It could be animated by…. GONZO! And they would likely screw it up by adding mechas in it!
Can we get a favorite High School of the dead girl poll? I’m all for Busajima-Senpai.
Apparently, you’d end up waiting outside with an otaku with a creepy obsession with guns.
>> “Apparently, you’d end up waiting outside with an otaku with a creepy obsession with guns.”
At least his obsession proves to be useful in a crisis like a zombie attack.
I just want to know
I feel so rob of my childhood ;_;
damn you convienant steam!!!
>> At least his obsession proves to be useful in a crisis like a zombie attack.
Which is why we have always been in good terms with our school/college resident weapon nerd, right?
Seriously! And the cute childhood friends who wake you up in the morning and make you tasty obento for lunch…
And the boxcutter-weilding schoolgirls! The murderous, machete-weilding lolis! The mecha! THE FANSERVICE!
That’s it. I’m setting up tripwires at the local high school.
Why not just go the whole nine yards and throw in some nets too? Also could help when you go phishing
Those are some HUEG balloons.
So much delicious flesh to go through, so little material each release. Always keeps me wanting more. Well, at least every month I can expect some quality art about high school girls and zombies.
Not a bad idea, but I support the environment: a strict catch-and-release policy. Net ’em, take data (ht., wt., measurements, color-coordinated intimate wear?), then dump ’em blindfolded and far from home.
Too bad that the blonde appears to have some sort of grapefruit-sized cancerous growth on her back.
My anatomics fail me. WTF?! – 11 even – is going on in that picture? Is this a mono boob? If not what is it? Are these Siamese twins? If not where does one body start and the other one end?
thats the girl’s other breast mangator
Then smash zombie heads with bowling balls.
I’m sorry, am I the only one frightened of the breasts on these girls? It’s almost as bad as the DOA Volleyball bounce.
i don’t care, bring more girls, guns, zombies, and fanservice. onegai, oharihi-sama, let KyoAni make this into a slice of fried gold!
Glad to see people are enjoying this, it was quite the chapter… XD
One comment to the author of this entry, Our group tag is [XLG] not [XLM] :P
We used to be XLM, but not for a while now…
Umm, the mangaka for HSotD is part of digital accel works, an hdoujin/manga group.
Speaking of Zombies…
I never saw a comment by you about Full Metal Panic TSR’s OVA one-shot. I’d have thought drowsey Tessa would have gotten you going on for a few pages at least.
>> thats the girl’s other breast mangator
I’ve never seen a breast attached to the upper sternum before. Usually they’re a bit lower, and, um, to either side. Hers appear to be able to migrate around her thorax at will. Zombies I can take, but free-roaming breasts are too creepy for me.
>>Random Person
Yeah. Goes by the pen name “Inazuma” there. And there’s no Conveniently Placed Mist in his adult works.
As an aside, I *had* wondered where I’d seen that cute reporter before.
Well, it might just be that pic at the top, but it’s reasonable enough to consider that the appearance of the breast is a result of a combination of foreshortening and compression–against the nurse’s back. Also, the line of contact between breast-and-back is conspicuously whited out, as one might find in a “misted-up” fanservice picture. By the by, the girl’s breasts seem fine enough in other pictures and pages, so this might simply be an aberration of this particular shot.
On the other hand, I find this shot fine as is. Then again, the nurse wins me over easily enough!
Note that, in just about every other picture the artist’s drawn of a naked woman’s breasts, seem to conform to the criteria of “a bit lower and, um, to either side” well enough. So rest assured that you probably won’t have the same reservations about the rest of his work as you have with this pic! XD
>As an aside, I *had* wondered where I’d seen that cute reporter before.
I think I saw her in a Hentai somewhere but can’t remember the title.
Xellos fan much?
Hmmm…zombies and boobies are nice, but can it beat THE FULL HARE-HARE YUKAI DANCE VIDEO JUST RELEASED FOR THE NEW HARUHI DVD???
>>>Hmmm…zombies and boobies are nice, but can it beat THE FULL HARE-HARE YUKAI DANCE VIDEO JUST RELEASED FOR THE NEW HARUHI DVD???
That is the most awesome animated thing I have ever seen since the cut out version of the Hare Hare Dance.
Now for the Gundam version…
On that note… was there ever an official live-action music video of Hare Hare Yukai…?
I cried. Moé tears.
>> Xellos
I believe I saw her in a doujin called “Thunder Dome.”
It was about Onegai My Melody.
>>>Hmmm…zombies and boobies are nice, but can it beat THE FULL HARE-HARE YUKAI DANCE VIDEO JUST RELEASED FOR THE NEW HARUHI DVD???
omg i loved it so much
i cant wait to get it on dvd! should i buy the r2 dvds? lulz, yeah right…
rest for a while,then have some fun and fight on the next day