haruhi novels 9 and 10

ANS reports that novels 9 and 10 for Haruhi Suzumiya are forthcoming titled Division of Haruhi Suzumiya and Astonishment of Haruhi Suzumiya respectively.

10 Responses to “haruhi novels 9 and 10”

  1. Shushi-Y posted some spoilers for these books at the Animesuki forums.


    I don’t know how to make short links, sorry.

  2. Let’s hope Haruhi won’t do a division by zero.

  3. >>Let’s hope Haruhi won’t do a division by zero.
    She can if she wants to.

  4. >>>She can if she wants to.

    Damn straight.

  5. >>>>Let’s hope Haruhi won’t do a division by zero.
    >>She can if she wants to.

    >>Damn straight.

    Don’t tell her or she will.

  6. Interesting… and it reminds me, I havent read all to eight as well D:

  7. book 9 comes out 3/30, so chinese translation prob out by mid-april to early may, though eng ver prob takes a while longer

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....38;search=
    I Know this is off topic, but sometimes you just gotta post about something somewhere.

    and i thought you guys might give a crap.
    (i presume the flashes its mixed out of are not new, if so google iosys + touhou + those other few)

  9. >>SH

    Surprisingly enough, I gave a crap.

    That was a surreal video, and surprisingly well-sync’ed.

  10. when will the “The Astonishment of Haruhi Suzumiya” volume 10 novel come out?
    reading all the novel was the best.

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