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Categories: news, snipe
I can only imagine an ad for this product… “Need Asian flat-chested model for perverted nekomimi cam. We pay above market rate!” Surely useful item for any discerning individual… but needs wi-fi. In other news, we are getting closer to the day when science conquers nature.
OH GEASS YES! Go, conquer tha worldo with nekomimi meidos!
>>>Rajiv Grover of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (Baaps) said he saw the research as a “positive development for medical science”
Oh yes… The things that we do for medical science…
Great increasing bust size is of paramount importance to medical science, now if we can only do something about cancer and HIV…
Will this be covered by HMOs?
Hmm, does the nekomimi girl come in a whole package, or just the clothes? :P /me gets ready credit card
Well… at least it still can’t shoot laser, yet.
Think about it, self-protection equipment for a Nekomimi-Meido who love to walk alone at night. A cat tail that can shoot laser!
That didn’t work for me…. I guess nekomimi meido isn’t for me….. Blashphemy I know…. I wanted to like it…. maybe put a latina with a body in that outfit and i’ll change my mind…. o well
My question is how do you talk your girlfriend into wearing that thing without looking like a perverted idiot?
Science just stem-cell-breast-enlargement combo’d nature FTW.
Stem Cells FTW, really.