lucky ☆ star 19
Categories: anime, episodic review, lucky star
Tagged: lucky star
A Tsukasa draws near!
> Fight

Another episode about not much. Every week, this changes a bit, but right now I think Lucky Star is 30% Haruhi infomercial, 20% Azumanga clone, and 50% Seinfeld minus hilarity plus DFC. I’m sure next week it’ll spike closer to 50% Haruhi infomercial… just a hunch!
Shooting Stars

Konata’s “people who talk to fish must be lonely” rip on Kagami makes no sense. Wouldn’t talking to a virtual dog be worse than talking to goldfish? Of course, it’s still better than naming one’s testicles “James Westfall” and “Doctor Kenneth Noisewater.”

“You can find my people anywhere.”
I’m not sure if featuring Tamura for half an episode is a good thing, but she’s not as interesting as Doujin Work‘s Najima and feels fairly generic. It’s not like we haven’t seen an introverted yaoi/yuri-luvin’ character before. Of course, I’m just glad we get something other than a Haruhi reference. I think Kyoto should spend an episode of Lucky Star parodying Higurashi with some sort of murder mystery amongst the girls, like trying to figure out who killed Miyuki, only Miyuki’s not really dead but just lost somewhere.

Though it’s worth putting up with Tamura just to get the scene where Yukata asks, “What’s ‘yaoi’?” That was great, if only for the o_o;;;;;; expression from Tamura and the :3 expression from Yukata. I vote for Darry to ask the same question to Han Rasen Nia.

I think it’s fantastic that Konata and her papi can have a life talk using Gundam as a reference. It’s almost scary. I wonder if he used Mai Hime to teach her about the birds and the bees and hence is why Konata is secretly aggressive towards Kagami.
(I did enjoy her rant about Gundam spin-offs. I’m a big advocate of Gundam spin-offs… I’d love to see something like Da Capo meets Gundam or Yakitate Gundam! or even Magical Lyrical Girl Gundam-chan. That would be awesome.)

And, yes, I enjoyed LOL FANG-SENSEI’s expanded role this episode. At least she didn’t wake up hung over and next to Matt Leinhart. Whew.
(Is it a good thing or bad thing that the animation style of Lucky Star is starting to resemble Charlie Brown? I say good thing.)

Good grief!

And LOL FANG-SENSEI can dish out some punishment too. But if I had to pick a fictional anime sensei for a high school teacher, I’d have to pick the great Onizuka first. All-Woman-And-Then-Some Yoko would be a close second. Oh what am I smoking? AWATS Yoko is first. Onizuka second. Becky third. Pink Supervisor fourth. LOL FANG-SENSEI fifth.

Prioritizing sleep isn’t a bad thing. I do it all the time, hence why I’m having trouble keeping up with AoMM… OH SHI-
(Episode 20 coming soon. I just don’t have the youthful energy anymore to follow two series at once anymore.)

Tsukasa crawling into Kagami’s bed before of a scary movie? Wha? Why weren’t we told about this earlier? I’d get Saw, The Ring, The Shining, and Ecodome Fed-Ex’ed to her place ASAP.
(Andohbytheway, as someone who has stayed up many, many occasions studying, nothing beats some hot, black coffee along with some plain H2O. Unlike “energy” drinks, there’s no sugars that’ll lead to a crash an hour or so later, plus caffeine is a diuretic, which makes one goes to the bathroom more… especially coupled with drinking lots of water.)

Concerning boy/girl studying, upon my youth, I have observed in a few undergrad libraries that they are very popular pick-up joints. But, alas, being an engineer, there were no girls who I could study with.
(For any engineering majors in despair, I give you a tip: volunteer to tutor basic math and science classes. Goldmine, almost.)

A clumsy Kagami is fine too. Wait, what am I typing… ?

I mean… a ツンデレ Kagami is fine too. Wait, this seems off as well…

Why is Konata using a VCR?!? Doesn’t hit her hax image. I fully expect something like a Neuros box or a XBOX running XBMC.
(I wonder sometimes if like the webmaster for a site like Neuros would go through their referral logs and go, “WTF?” when they see AoMM.)
(Andohbytheway, I can’t believe Konata was dissing baseball like that. Remember in my Gurren Lagann 21 post where I said Yomako turning back into Yoko was a chill moment? One of the greatest anime/manga chill moments before then was in H2 when Hiro takes the mound for the first time and goes, “Let me show you how to play a game with no time limit.” I get goosebumps just typing that.)

Melonpan! Can I get a show of hands for people excited about Shana’s return? Or are we still collectively bummed out that we already got Quasi-Shana in the form of Louise already?

Poor Taniguchi. Loved Akria’s smirk through it all.
(Andohbytheway, can’t be more time appropriate. I’m going camping soon myself. I’m not by any means a survivor man or even an REI man, which was only reinforced one time when I was hiking and met someone who told me, “Yeah, I woke up when I realized that a bear was nibbling on my shoulder. I went back to sleep and the bear eventually stopped.” I mean, now that’s a survivor man. Hint for Taniguchi: play dead for grizzly bears; run from black bears. Or was it the other way around?)

And, lastly, we get the lovely Kamura and Akira blowing bubbles while Taniguchi regales us with his original song, “How a Man Should Live.” Honestly, the lyrics and scenary couldn’t be less fitting. One part of me thinks it should be like a typical rap video with the distorted camera, the fly girls, and the bling bling. Another part of me thinks they should just show Youtube footage of a guy sleeping while a bear nibbles on his shoulder. Yet another part of me thinks, “Who the fuck do you think I am?” should also be prominently involved.
(Who the heck do I have to beg to get a duet between Taniguchi and Aya Hirano? With Aya’s Engrish and Taniguchi being Taniguchi, I vote for them to sing “A Whole New World.”)
Was anyone else disappointed when Akira didn’t tell Minoru that he was going to the forests of Fuji to make himself taller?
If anyone had any naughty thoughts while reading this post, raise your hand.
aside from that, I wish taniguchi would kareoke more random kyoto songs. How retarded would he sound doing Tori no Uta? It’d be classic.
Still a great show.
The header for the article seems very similar to something I did on my blog for episode 13 of Lucky Star. My choices however were Accept, Don’t Accept, Kill Her, H Her however. The Final Fantasy Style Basic Option Layout didn’t cut it for a twisted mind such as myself. Still the answer when encountering a loli is run. Always Run, as they are always horribly overpowered death machines (at least in Enix and Eroge RPG’s). I swore this to myself in a quote that somebody is now using on Animesuki as part of their sig.
Sigh, seeing as my regular user name is STILL on the moderation list, I’ll try the other one I’ve been using, hopefully it doesn’t lead to too much trouble when the time comes to look through the list, or at least one get’s through since there’s nothing wrong with anything I’m about to say:
The header for the article reminds me of something I did on my blog for episode 13 of Lucky Star. My choices however were Accept, Don’t Accept, Kill Her, H Her however. The Final Fantasy Style Basic Option Layout didn’t cut it for a twisted mind such as myself. Still the answer when encountering a loli is run. Always Run, as they are always horribly overpowered death machines (at least in Enix and Eroge RPG’s). I swore this to myself in a quote that somebody is now using on Animesuki as part of their sig.
>>>With Aya’s Engrish and Taniguchi being Taniguchi, I vote for them to sing “A Whole New World.
Konata’s hax image? No offence but she’s just a lam0r. Playing MMPORGs hardly makes you a h4x0r. Well, ok, in your mind maybe.
[quote post=”1145″]A Tsukasa draws near!
> Fight
I vote for:
> PUT IT IN[/quote]
I’m pretty sure FIGHT was intended as a synonym for wrestle. Possibly naked and oiled up.
[quote post=”1145″]A Tsukasa draws near!
[quote post=”1145″]I’m sure next week it’ll spike closer to 50% Haruhi infomercial… just a hunch![/quote]
You’re gonna love it. I guarantee this.
*Sigh*… I can’t believe I’ve dropped a lot of other shows, but am still watching this series, along with Gurren-Lagann. Then again, my nephew enjoys this show too. SHOCKU
A whole new world sung by them would be epic.
At least this show has something which many other shows lack. That is, something that keeps me watching until the end of the credits.
Cause It ain’t over till Taniguchi sings.
[quote post=”1145″]Cause It ain’t over till Taniguchi sings.[/quote]
I senses a new catch phrase here. :D
I disagree, I think the VCR is an all important part of Konata’s anime loving. The whole “real” anime fan image is that if you were there in the day when they traded VHS’s of Battleship Yamato and Zeta Gundam you were win. While Konata’s not old enough to be in that generation, she obviously has an interest in older things – such as Timotei.
[quote post=”1145″]A Tsukasa draws near!
> Run
You try to run. The Tsukasa’s Aura of Kawaii causes you to collapse. You are eaten.[/quote]
I did like the reference to araki’s art style, that was long due.
and it doesn’t feel right if i just make normal comments, so
A Tsukasa draws near!
Jason said, “I think Kyoto should spend an episode of Lucky Star parodying Higurashi with some sort of murder mystery amongst the girls, like trying to figure out who killed Miyuki, only Miyuki’s not really dead but just lost somewhere.”
~~~~ ~~~~
If KyoAni animated Higurashi…
Anyone catch the half-sec still of Akira and Konata’s mom in this episode?
[quote comment=”152904″]Anyone catch the half-sec still of Akira and Konata’s mom in this episode?[/quote]
Only by using pause button repeatedly.
“A whole new world sung by them would be epic.”
Can’t wait to hear Konata ” SCREAMING ” a whole new world just like she does in Dragon Ball’s “Cha la ~~ Heat Cha la ~~” ^.^
@Skane: I prefer Higurashi without Haruhi and Kanon characters in it, as well as focused on the important matters at hand, such as the mystery of Hinamizawa, not advertising for Kadokawa, referencing other anime and jumping between scenes at random. Cheers.
Whats the name of that new girl, the one with the fang and brown hair? I haven’t quite got all the new peoples names down yet but I really am enjoying her seiyuu. Her personality is kawaii too; if LoL-Fang-Sensei is a adult version of Tsuruya, then this new fang-tan is Churuya’s more human version. I wonder if she likes smoked cheese…
The Fang-tans are multiplying o.o;;;
[quote comment=”152909″]Whats the name of that new girl, the one with the fang and brown hair? I haven’t quite got all the new peoples names down yet but I really am enjoying her seiyuu. Her personality is kawaii too; if LoL-Fang-Sensei is a adult version of Tsuruya, then this new fang-tan is Churuya’s more human version. I wonder if she likes smoked cheese…
The Fang-tans are multiplying o.o;;;[/quote]
[quote comment=”152902″]
If KyoAni animated Higurashi…
Funny because Tsukasa was originally voiced by Rena’s voice actress in the Drama CDs. (and she sounded way more childish too)
I improved on your Tsukasa joke. enjoy!
How much experience do I get?
[quote comment=”152888″]
I vote for:
> PUT IT IN[/quote]
Yup…you’re going straight to hell. (Upon reading that I thought the same thing; but couldn’t bring myself to post it after looking at the picture again).
[quote post=”1145″]A Tsukasa draws near!
> JAM IT IN![/quote]
Cute opening to the post.
I would have chosen options such as:
Take Home
Love Her Tenderly
Do Not Rape