kanokon, it doesn’t work anymore?
Categories: anime, episodic review, kanokon
Tagged: kanokon
“I’ll do lots and lots of ecchi things to you!”
(Emo facial distortion and dry humping. Welcome to Kanokon country.)

1. Do you know how hard it is to take this scene seriously? Especially with Chizuru’s pr0nstar-class melonpan hanging around? I had to use 80-90% of the effort I put into watching an episode of Code Geass R2.
(Sheesh, those melonpan look scary. Britney-class. And not a good way.)

2. “I’ll eat it if it tastes like Kouta-kun.” Wow, now that’s some devotion. In a probably related scenario, Kouta is currently third on the “most gar of the season” poll. I don’t know what to think of it, except maybe instead of taking gar to mean so manly, that manliness can only be contained by a mask and a meido uniform, it’s meaning, “Forget Chizuru and Nozomu, Kouta’s the prize in this anime.” Or maybe it’s just that the rest of the field is pathetic compared to Kogarashi. Or it really is that Kouta sounds just too tempting when Chizuru is forcing herself on him.
(Andohbytheway, if it weren’t for the fact that Chizuru is constantly reminding us that Kouta has a penis, I would be breaking out the “Just shoot me” line about now.)
(One big difference between Kanokon and To Love Ru is that Kanokon has a spineless male lead that doesn’t annoy me. Huh.)

3. Chizuru enjoys being on top I see. After a typical harem moment forces Kouta to fall on top of Chizuru, she quickly flips him over like Wanderlei Silva and Chuck Liddell going at it in the Octagon. The fact that Chizuru and Kouta haven’t gone at it yet is, by far, requires the biggest suspension of belief of any show this season. Bar none. Even beats the Japanese government creating an agency to regulate books and another to support books, and then arm the two better than the JSDF.

4. How beaten down of a brother do you have to be to be doing your sister’s intimate laundry? Tayura’s maybe only one or two tiers higher than Shinji Ikari right now.

5. Isn’t a plot hole that while Saku put the bracelet on Kouta, doesn’t it deny Nozomu the chance to flirt and dry hump Kouta as well? Wouldn’t she protest and put him in his place, thus derailing the plan? Or should I just not worry about plot holes with any anime this season that once featured a bunny girl?
I’m fine with whatever the series does, as long as it doesn’t spiral into the old formula each episode of new enemy->fusion->hadoken.
“I’ll eat it if it tastes like Kouta-kun”
Make me wonder how Chizuru will taste like with all the melonpan I been seeing lately :P
Wait, Haruka’s floating devices did not scare you, but Chizuru’s did?
Because Haruka is amazing.
“I’ll do lots and lots of ecchi things to you!â€
Why why cant more women embrace the Chizuru why!
“I’ll do lots and lots of ecchi things to you!â€
Why… Why cant more women embrace the Chizuru WAY!
Why do I think of Clannad?
Aaah, nothing fill better the plot holes that good old melonpan.
“(One big difference between Kanokon and To Love Ru is that Kanokon has a spineless male lead that doesn’t annoy me. Huh.)”
LOL WUT?! Kouta more spineless than “loser-that-don’t-know-how-to-handle-ANY-girl”? Kinda dificult to see after Kanokon’s lead at least shows much more concern over Chizuru than Rito over that annoying airhead-Paris Hilton class, Lala.
>> Wait, Haruka’s floating devices did not scare you, but Chizuru’s did?
Dear Sheba,
Chew before you shallow.
“We’re also getting close to the border between amazing and scary.”
Haruka Is Amazing
Rito is seceretly in love with Ichigo Kurosaki, duh.
I’m a bit confused about Tayura. In the manga, he had a sister complex and was in love with Chizuru. Now the class rep? -_-…
ugah!..im fine with Chizuru’s melonpans if they’re covered or shown in full view..but to show 99% and to cover the last teeny bit with a strand of hair?..GAH!!WHY!!!
Isn’t a plot hole that while Saku put the bracelet on Kouta, doesn’t it deny Nozomu the chance to flirt and dry hump Kouta as well
We clearly learn in this episode that Nozomu’s only interested in threesomes, competitive ones at that.
In another note: Stripes! Oh man, why can I only get stripes and ninja-equipped maids separately?
oh my god
Kanokon is the #1 rated program for elementary boys AND girls
Fanservice so strong it’s turning little girls into lesbians.
You said it yourself Jason, who cares about plot on a fanservice show…
Well, let’s go back to business…. US$ 167.35….
>> Kanokon is the #1 rated program for elementary boys AND girls
I don’t think that listing is right…. Cream Lemon is #18 and #9 respectively. I’m not sure how this ranking works, but it seems to be based on the popularity of the streams… yet the stream for Cream Lemon is not accessible for people under 18.