code geass r2 9
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass
Well, at least I’m glad that my rebellion anime has some… uh… cleavage overflowing dresses… err… I mean crazy emo facial distortions… no… mukyuu… rebellion in it.
(But Nina’s emo facial distortion is the #1 attraction of this episode. I’m so giddy. It’s like I just had 17 pounds of sugar and caffeine injected directly into my right temple after seeing this. My gosh, Sunrise… they got the touch!)

I have no clue where this series is going. A million Japanese people went to a tiny rock of an island off of China, and almost immediately, like hours afterwards, Britannia strikes a deal for the Chinese to sell the Japanese to the Britannians. Then hours after that, we’re treated to a fancy Chinese ballroom reception for the wedding of a creepy Euro guy to a loli Chinese girl. Getting a million costumes aside, how’d they setup a reception so fast and arrange for so many people to come over? More importantly, if Britannia is somewhat like puritanical America, how could this marriage occur outside of Texas?! Then hours after that reception, there’s a wedding between the Euro guy and the Chinese girl that ends with Xing-Ke and Zero battling each other, only the two should really be battling Britannia. Trying to figure out the plot and motivation for Code Geass R2 is mission impossible.
(Zero’s actions are inexplicable now. He kidnaps a loli political figure in the middle of her arranged marriage while the main wedding crasher looks helplessly on. Then he puts a gun to her head. He sure knows how to smooth it with the women. I’m hoping Xing-Ke will retaliate by kidnapping Nunnally like that one Full Metal Panic Fumoffu episode. That would be awesome. Sagara tactics 4tw!)
The good news though is that it is an excellent episode for cleavage enhancing dresses, emo facial distortions, typical harem moments, and a grown man defending an underaged girl for possibly wrong reasons and creating a rebellion because of it. At least Sunrise got the basics down.

I can’t tell anymore. Is this Higurashi season five or the dance from Kanon gone horribly, horribly wrong? Or am I just having a Daydreaming Maid Guy Illusion… OMFG MELONPAN!
(Post will be delayed by a few hours.)

I wonder if Code Geass R2 anchor’s Peter Griffin’s Side Boob Hour. I think it should. Another great part of Nina’s breakdown was that she was still obsessive about Euphie… even wearing Euphie’s dress. Sunrise really should have done four versions of Code Geass:
1. A serious rebellion show, maybe like Utawarerumono. Rolo could even be the non-genderspecific ranged weapons specialist.
2. A love story, maybe like Escaflowne. Only it’s between Suzaku and Luluko.
3. Full on hentai. Kallen just said “Yes!” to this immediately. I’m not kidding.
4. BL. I notice that many bloggers part of this all girl blogroll are watching Code Geass R2. I think it says something. (The funny part of their process is that a few guys are even pretending to be traps just to join. Whew. This isn’t the most broken blog around. But I do want to say keep up the good work to Jiiii and Death by Moe, two blogs that post more Kyonko than I do. Just for you two– and possibly Haess– Shirtless-dono x Lulu.)

Where’s her red dress?! No time to go conservative on us, especially with…

… a new challenger. My gosh, even the playmates on the Girls Next Door show have more modesty. More importantly, Lloyd just had two women dress up with massive amounts of cleavage for him… and disinterested doesn’t even begin to describe his demeanor. But, unlike Lulu, Suzaku, and Rolo, he doesn’t seem very interested in other men. So it’s hard to peg him as an OH GEASS NO… unless he’s secretly caressing Lancelot’s 44 magnum at night.


Speaking of pent up sexual frustration, I like how Zero’s inner circle is basically Kallen. But, more specifically, Kallen wearing a flimsy top and thigh highs. She looks more ready to work Hollywood Blvd (or Craig’s List) than pilot Guren Nishiki. If Zero were a traditional male, as soon as Diethard left, the bow-cha-cha music would have started, if you know what I mean.

Typical harem moment 4tw! Bow-cha-cha! Only it involves Lulu… so… no win.

Magnificent. I mean both Kallen and the typical harem moment interruption by C.C. who has a, “Give it up. I’ve been rolling around half-nakkid on his bed for the past year, and he wouldn’t touch me with a ten foot pole. Go grow a penis if you want to be in the game” smirk.

How’d she get pizza delivered to that island? “Hey, instead of setting up a base and getting infrastructure in place, I’m going to FedEx myself a pizza.”
That’s when I realized… “It’s not delivery, it’s DiGiorno’s!” Brilliant.

Two most disappointing things about this episode? Neither Anya, C.C., nor Kallen get into cleavage (or DFC) enhancing dresses. It’s like having an NBA All-Star game without Kobe, LeBron, or Chris Paul.

Wait, Kaguya is really Kaguya Sumeragi?! I don’t know what to do this with this information.

Ridiculous scene of Orange-kun sipping on cold champagne in the middle of a frickin’ desert. How many typical Sunrise moments did this scene nail? Pointless cliffhanger at the end? Check. Bringing back a character from the supposed grave? Check. Ridiculous setting for said character? Check.

If that was one of the most ridiculous, Tian-Zi calling out for Xing-Ke was the best. But let me break out two thoughts on this development… why do both Zero and Xing-Ke have an unhealthy obsession with powerful governmental figureheads who look like they should be in elementary school? Oh well, at least Xing-Ke isn’t blood-related to Tian-Zi… I hope.

My second thought was “Great, I’m watching the Chinese Kurenai. I just hope there’s less song and dance.”

She looks like Czeslaw Meyer around Vino. We should get Tian-Zi, Nunnally, and Sumeragi together for a world leader Rukia All-Stars conference.

Why does this exile from Area 11 remind me of Battlestar Galactica when Baltar decides to land at New Caprica. Needless to say, I stopped watching Battlestar Galactica shortly after that. Baltar is Hollywood’s answer for Sunrise.

Is this scene more or less awkward than Ray-J meeting any of Kim Kardashian’s new boyfriends?

I thought it is illegal to move your king onto a space under attack by an opponent’s piece. Lulu won the game by default. Though Sunrise has broken so many physical and natural laws with this show, I guess breaking a few international chess federation rules is no problem for them. I can only imagine their response being, “Kukuku. We don’t care about any shitty chess rules. SUNRISE CHECKMATE!”

And, of course, emo Nina to taper off with.
Nawww, man, I think that you’re supposed to assume that there are days in between the events, else how the heck did Xingke organize a well-planned rebellion in a couple of hours. After all, I bet it took a couple of days to get the frames and such to the artificial islang thingy.
This episode has SOME semblance of a plot, but like, it freaking drowns it in too much stupid. Basically, the plot is that Britannia’s trying to win China over by marrying a total milquetoast to a loli who’s flanked by several guys who don’t have wangs so they take their frustration out on humanity. This puts Xingke’s camp and Zero’s camp in a big pinch, so they go and act stuff out. And for some reason, Zero wants to add Tianzi to his harem that he never touches all because then he has command of a huge population of starving people and their crappy Gun-Ru frames.
Ah, well… I wanna see what happens next. I hope it’s where Suzaku finally dies, freaking heck.
Also, may I point out that using a king to check another king is illegal?
But neeee… that’s Code Geass for you.
Yeah… I have to wonder where this is all going. And also, I’ve heard a bit of news that is said to come from Newtype: “The last surviving member of the Han Dynasty, after her parents were murdered by revolting peasants and her brother, Mao, mysteriously disappeared before she was born.”
Thats right… Sunrise has set the stage for Mao to return. GUNSHOT TO THE NECK ISN’T FATAL!
First I want to say Orange is a badass and C.C. is not getting enough screentime!
Come on Sunrise we give you plenty of breaks…
Lulu not tapping anyone on this show (yeah that includes Rolo or Suzaku)
Hax Bots
Nina touching herself
You are right, it is against the rules, but it isn’t lulu’s game. If a player can not move without endangering his king, it is a tie game.
I still very much hate Nina, even though I love Emo Face distortion, something about her just really pisses me off.
Maybe because she is a failed yandere, who is missing the dere has no redeeming qualities cept trying to kill everyone. Which she does in a very pathetic not creepy/scary sort of way. And lacks the power to even follow up anything she does/says. Also it seems to me like she just a little kid who basically everyone else has to shuu her pathetic attempts to be a bigger character away. Kinda like how you would smack a childs hand if he found something dangerous then take the object away while the child crys.
Oh and I didn’t realise Tian-zi was a girl at first. When I saw the Prince and her together I was thinking geez Isn’t it against morals to do marry a shota when you’re like 40 years old. Then I thought wait… Britianian advocates not to have morals. So I let it passed. Only after I saw the wedding dress did it really hit me.
Sometime it is just so hard watch Nina’s breakdown and her saying “give me back Euphie”. Like she was really her lover in the first place, although if you count the table humping as evidence then maybe :D
And I am just liking how Milly got in costume O_0. Now I’ll be waiting for C.C and Kallen to wear the “High Class” hooker dress. Even if Kallen did show more flesh than a playboy bunny. I wouldn’t be surprise if Hugh Hefner get Kallen for the next cover for the Playboy magazine. It could happen.. lol.
And Zero’s laugh was so delicious :D He can definitively played the perfect evil man that everybody can root for lol.
Since everything’s made in China nowadays, it’s no wonder where C.C. got her pizza from. Funny there wasn’t any tabasco though.
man, some one needs to tell Nina to stop being a crazy bitch and that if she kills herself she might be able to see Euphie again
Hey, that Kurenai dance and singing scene was hilarious and awesome, if Code Geass broke out into Opera I’d break instantly, in a good way.
I love how every ep follows the same pattern, it starts off with some talking, and planning, and fanservice, and then it’s like OH SHI- did that just happen, and then there’s some like wtf cliffhanger and you’re left with the feeling of watching some awesome bullshit, yeah i like that feeling, reminds me of Gurren Lagann.
bethope that Suzaku called Milly in order get rid of Lloyd for a while and score some points with Cecile.…Of course, my hoping is probably in vain, he probably called Milly in order to use Cecile as a beard without depriving Lloyd of his.
hey hey i dunno if you guys noticed…
but doesn’t Xing-ke and Lulu look ridiculously similar, in the face, literally..
i’m beginning to have this thought that Xing-ke is Lulu’s long lost twin.XD
hah, and they’re both lolicons!! good job.
btw, Damn you Sunrise!! Show me more of CC already.
“unless he’s secretly caressing Lancelot’s 44 magnum at night.”
something tells me he preffers machines over people…
…and why does zero needs another loli for his harem?… when will it end??
You know, the less we see of Rolo, the less interested the men appeared to be in women.
Hell, the women seemed less interested in women.
hey Jason have you made a post on emo face yet?
Lulu’s laugh at the end was pure win, (instantly reminding me of Jinnai from El Hazard, now THAT’S the way for a megalomaniac to laugh) best way to gloat as he adds another loli to his harem.
I look forward to reading your CG blogs with every passing epi Jason. They are so filled with amusing comparisons and… other good stuff. :) How do think of all this stuff for not only this anime but like 10 other ones every week? you’re a genius.
Nothing says bad ass then to drink champagne in the middle of the desert and fantasising how bad ass he is….I wonder what would happen if we replace orange-kun with Hosaka hmm……….
Seemed like the whole chess thing was a subtle hint from Scheinzel to Lelouch that the Emperor was going to show up soon. “Don’t underestimate the white King.” Note that when everybody else is freaking out about zero crashing the ceremoncy Schienzel is like “didn’t i give you enough warnings?”
I think Lelouch and Schienzel have a similar goal-destroying their father.
Was also wondering whatever happened to Viletta and company. I mean they really should know by now that Lulu is Zero considering Lulu and Rolo have both disappeared for a while now (not to mention that Rolo flew in Zero to save the submarine a few eps ago). They are probably keeping this secret from Nunally or are they? Either way it’s another Sunrise dropped plot that won’t ever come back I suppose.
For the britannian dress designer(s): ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!!!
A trembling DFC figurehead leader of the Chinese Federation is fine too.
All I can say is, if Code Geass R2 becomes another Gundam Seed Destiny (in terms of setting up an awesome plot and then blowing it up with too much stupid), I’m gonna be very, very mad.
>>All I can say is, if Code Geass R2 becomes another Gundam Seed Destiny (in terms of setting up an awesome plot and then blowing it up with too much stupid), I’m gonna be very, very mad.
Eh… Isn’t this already happens? :P
You need only know this; the loli can do a spinzaku kick on ya as her little twirl around Lelouch at the 13:50 mark clearly shows their family line’s “technique”.
If Nina isn’t Emo-Facial-Pantheon class, nothing and NOBODY can make it in.
>>All I can say is, if Code Geass R2 becomes another Gundam Seed Destiny (in terms of setting up an awesome plot and then blowing it up with too much stupid), I’m gonna be very, very mad.
Eh… Isn’t this already happens? :P
definitely happened already.XD
“definitely happened already.XD”
If we were to believe Jason and some of you people, it happened all the way back during the first season and has never let up.
So any debate would be meaningless, since you’ve already reached that conclusion.
But whatever…some of us must be madmen because we disagree.
The show is pretty ridiculous but I think it’s far more enjoyable and even has more sense than Destiny, considering that, for one thing, there is no cast hijacking this time around.
OH GEASS NO, such heresy!!!!!!!
CC – tabasco on a pizza that already has chilli oil, she sure has spicy tastes.
Kallen – every single camera angle of her in that “whats-the-point-it-covers-nothing” top, pure win fanservice.
Nina – good to see table girl back in top emo mode again. I expect Sunrise will have her in another train-wreck storyline by season end and at the rate Zero is expanding his harem I can almost imagine a Nina + Lelouch love child sometime soon
Sunrise Director – so what if it makes no sense it’ll be cool and they’ll never see it coming, plus just think of the facial distortions that kid could pull !!
On another note…
“If only words could kill a person.”
…made me laugh.
The thing I found the most absurd/funny about this episode was Lelouch’s “So.. after this is all over wanna go back to Ashford” line. Does that mean that Lulu is planning on going back to school after conquering the world?
As blogs get more and more popular, more of these retar- errr special internet denizens posting “First!” start appearing. It’s especially embarrassing when they post that only to be beat by more than one person. I don’t get it. Do you get pie or something?
Anyway. There were a million threads on /a/ yesterday about chess and the best “explanation” was that they were playing a heavily modified version of international speed chess. The emphasis is, of course, on “heavily modified”.
What? You are telling me that there are people out there who are still trying to explains Code Geass?
Man, I really wish those brave souls good luck, they gonna need it. :D
I’m reminded of the fireworks ending of a couple episodes ago where Lelouch imagined all of his friend back together (no cc though).
I think his goals have expanded from revenge and world domination to some kind of happy ending where everybody survives the revolution and doesn’t hate each other. I think he realizes now how much he gave up to be zero and regrets it. Thus the attraction to refrain and the kallen stuff. She’s his only connection left to his time as a normal student. He’s having trouble dealing with the conflict of identity between Zero the symbol of revolution with godlike powers, and Lulu the tsundere boy of the student council.
He seems to not have learned last season’s lesson. last time lelouch let his desire to be a good brother trump his obligations as zero. if he starts thinking of suzuka, nina, and the rest as friends he must protect instead of enemies he must eliminate its going to be bad news bears for the revolution.
I would love to know the point in Lulu adding more to his harem when he doesn’t even ‘use’ them … haha?
(Yay shirtless-dono x lulu!)
I’m sorry, Jason, everyone, but I cannot have been the only one to notice these two things…
First: around 3:47 we see Toudou talking with his female subordinate in the background cooking something. Am I the only one who noticed it seems she’s wearing nothing more than an apron?
Second: Around the 6 minute mark when Zero is called to the Ikaruga’s bridge…it would seem that Code Geass has finally gotten itself some bridge bunnies. Who knows if they continue to be there in the future, but wouldn’t that just make for win?
Code Geass: not just OH GEASS NO! moments anymore, but now with bridge bunnies and nothing-but-apron cooking scenes. Maybe Sunrise has given up and decided to just try and fill whatever moe modes they can into the show to see just how epic of a trainwreck they can make it before it ends…that is, IF it ends. BWAHAHA
Thank you for the traffic =]
I haven’t had the chance to watch Code Geass S1 or S2 yet because of college and hectic schedule. I’ll get around to it this summer. Fun entry though, good mix of kodak moments in CG w/ various pop culture references.
I enjoyed Lulu and Kallen’s typical harem moment at the start. But then that’s par for the course for my Code Geass posts.
I was also wondering last episode how they were going to import the cast over to China…looks like I let logic get in the way of my guesses. Props to Sunrise and their drill.
Ahh, Nina’s gone batshit insane, Lulu and Schneizel get together for a nice game of chess, there’s a large amount of loli obsession flying round, and Orange-kun’s been fished out by VV, and he’s batshit insane too. Yup, this is my Code Geass.
Orange-kun is awesome, so I’m personally glad he’s back.
This episode was awesome too, if not really furthering the plot much. Once we get to the middle episodes it’ll start to pick up a lot, though, judging by last season.
God, this show is such epic shit.
Isn’t it traditional for the wife in a Chinese wedding to wear all red? I think you did point this out though.
And the best unintentional (or is it on purpose, you sly devil?) humor is that right beneath the sponser eyecatch consisting of top tier uber-cleavage it says BIGLOBE. If this doesn’t sum up the female cast’s costumery enhancements, I don’t know what does.
Oh, and right after te six minute mark, the shirtless apron woman is on the bridge… in her apron. What?
>> This isn’t the most broken blog around. But I do want to say keep up the good work to Jiiii and Death by Moe, two blogs that post more Kyonko than I do. Just for you two– and possibly Haess– Shirtless-dono x Lulu.
Sorry, didn’t see that when you first blogged it this morning. Too distracted by shirtless (albeit, strapped) Millay. Almost expected Nina to go table-humping after seeing Zero… going “gomennasai!gomennasai!GOMENNASAI!!” the whole time.
That, and also distracted by
HoroC.C. blandly eating pizza while Lulu fails to put hands on Kallen. Got derailed by multiple things.Also, one other thought that came to mind watching Anya with her portable blogging tool:
“Just saw Zero at a Chinese Federation party with a loli. Suzaku really is a masochist – he took her abuse without comment. Also a lolicon, given he hangs around Nunally vi Britannia.
I have a chance! ^_^”
Best. Episode. Ever.
If only for the Kallen underboob. Screw side boob (kukuku) that was so two episodes ago.
I would also ask how you tell an animator to draw that view, but make sure you show the underboob. Then I remembered it was Sunrise, they probably didn’t need to tell the animators, it has to be instinct by now.
I can imagine SUNRISE in their weekly staff reunion….
“Damn it, we need to bring back Orange-kun to the series”
“But he’s suppost to be dead.”
“Don’t worry, they’re used to it”
Damn it.
This show got stupid. Really quickly.
In Imperial Brittania, King checks you?
You mean these three?
it looks simple to me. not sure why everyone makes a big deal of lulu capturing tianzi. its all part of his plan. the evil laugh. its all an act to to lure Li Xingke to lulu’s side through tianzi. i think i remember lulu originally wanted to reach tianzi before the britanians so he can use his geass on her to take control of the chinese federation and prevent the political marriage being set up by britania. however since Schneizel and company got to tianzi first, that became a problem. so lulu devised a chess match to rid himself of suzaku leaving tianzi, Schneizel, and anyone else vulnerable to his geass. since the chess match ended without a clear winner, zero was advised, no rather warned not to show up at the ceremony tomorrow. so what does lulu do? he poses as to kidnap lulu in order to take advantage of the coup de tat led by Li Xingke. that explains why lulu suggested that Li Xingke made his job easier. So this also means that lulu might not even have to use his geass on tianzi to take control of the chinese federation. like a game of chess, in one single move, as lulu claims in the episode 10 preview, he will take the chinese federation. the nature of his words suggest coup de tat lead by Li Xingke. so now lulu will have “almost†enough power to stop Britania.
to those complaining about the chess match and the illegal movements Schneizel made with his king piece. yeah. you’re right. however thats not the point of Schneizel’s actions. he is trying to profile zero through a game of chess. if lulu lost the match he’d have to reveal is idenity to all in the room. since they were going to end up in a 3 round repetition where each would not concede to the other, the game itself ended as a draw, but all that was left was a philosophical debate between kings on a battlefeild. this likely symbolizes the motifs behind each king.. in other words the hostile doctrines and malicious social hierarchy of britania representing the white chess peices with Schneizel himself as the white king and all of the japanese and the order of the black nights lead by zero who represents the black king fighting for independence, justice, and revenge. where as Schneizel’s white king was aggressive and confrontational by moving forward to face off with the black king, zero in turn instead of taking the bait in attacking the white king head off, moved his black king behind his supporters and followers, behind the love and admiration of his army. so in reality Schneizel was able to learn a little bit about zero’s nature and lulu was able to come one step closer to finding the truth about his mother. afterall the man who knows the truth of his mother is standing before him. neither of them won the match, but they didn’t lose either. however i give the overall advantage to lulu simply because because he can utilize both his idenity as himself and as zero, that alone increases his ability to effectively design and work his strategems. not to mention the next day was the ceremony, during the confusion brought by the coup de tat, Zero’s job was “made easier†by Li Xingke’s actions.
as far as Nina goes… omg please die. shut the hell up. i don’t see anyway to help you. its sad, but you’re annoying and simply insane. yes. i did notice she looks more like euphemia too which is scary. her goddess huh. wow. i’d love to see kallen’s Guren mech use that radioactive move. sorry i’m not to up to speed with so many of the names of moves and parts and mechs. other than the hadron cannon, guren, and lancelot, float systems, thats all i can easlity recognize and refer to.
i’m going to go out here and say that C.C. is a goddess and V.V. is a god. they’re both immortal. cc tries to live in human world gets persecuted as a witch, finds herself alone in the flow of time. V.V. probably takes role of the truly evil god who for all intents and purposes wants to kill all of the other gods using the only available means, the atkashas sword… thus using and taking advantage of lulu’s father, charles’ lust for power v.v. makes a contract with him to “likely†recover the various shrine/locations around the world….. whatever we saw on that island where suzaku, kallen, and lulu fell and landed infront of Schneizel, i think that place was one of those shrines. looking back again, c.c. was captured and had experiments done on her, i think she had a purpose more than simply to ‘live among humans’ might have wanted to protect various shrines and/or destroy the means as to which that will activate the atkashas sword. my main point is that c.c. might be seen as a witch to most humans, she might actually be one of the gods v.v. talks about even though he doesn’t seem to openly reveal that to charles. they might want c.c. because they think she can reveal the locations of these other shrines and also to use her and nunally as hostage against zero whose force begins push back britania and i’m talking zero’s direct power and influence on a global scale, not sure how the EU would weigh in, they’d probably work with zero.
okay i hope and pray that C.C. does not die. i love that girl. a lot of people might like her because of her interaction with lulu. shes cruel, cold with other people, especially lulu and she likes to tease him a lot. her very persona underlies a womanly and devilish charm that makes lulu signifigantly reliant on her support as zero’s ally, but causes lulu to become emotionally attached to her through and towards the end of season one. especially after euphemia’s death. lulu was shaken and crying, but she suddenly stopped, walked over in front of him and cajoled, comforted him in his times of frustration and despair. basically saying, “do not worry, no matter what happens, even if the worlds turns against you, i will always be at your side,†so by this time C.C. herself had become attached to lulu just as mao was to her. at the beginning of everything, lulu obtained the geass through a contract with c.c. in that lulu would grant her greatest wish… then later on rooftop at sunset, lulu makes his own contract with C.C. in that she would help him and zero create a better world, that she would stay at his side. then towards the end of the season they hit that geass trap at the shrine on the island and lulu learned a bit more of c.c. past and emotional state. interestingly enough she confided in him that she was all alone by herself in flow of time and lulu stopped her by saying she wasn’t alone and that he would be with her always. as she is a witch, he will be warlock. then she kissed him before they were to part ways in order to save nunally. then haha wow, season 2 comes and c.c. and kallen both come to save him.
as for the other girls who love lulu. sherri represents the possible love if lulu kept to his secluded normal life in the ashford academy. however as the reality sets in she’ll likely remain good close friends with lulu.
euphemia – was very kind and also lulu’s first love. however as reality set in and euphemia wanted to bring back the past where as zero as lulu was working with eyes set on the future cause these 2 potential lovers to part ways as euphemia took a liking to suzaku’s way of thinking. ironically she was doing so she could be with lulu and nunaly like they used too, and suzaku and company. it didn’t come out and would not have worked out that way due to the power and influence of the totalitarian britanian hierarchy.
kallen – I LOVE KALLEN. anyways, she is the lover ‘wether she admits it or not’, who represents and works under zero’s command and with lulu himself. though upset at lulu’s dishonesty and general failure to confide in her and believe in her, she seems to secretly harbor intense feelings for not only zero, but lulu himself despite his dishonesty in season 1, infact i believe as a result of lulu and zero being one and the same and also her passion to support zero, her emotional need to feel close to lulu has signifigantly deepened their bond. haha, thus prevoking the playful teasing brought about by c.c..
kaguya – well hm. i don’t know. yeah she is the â€goddess of victoryâ€, however, lulu did say he didn’t need a goddess of victory because he made a deal with the ‘devil’. kaguya thinks of lulu as her groom to be and doesn’t mind that kallen and c.c.’s subconsciously obvious affections. really, i wasn’t sure about kaguya at first when i saw her, but she seems very likable despite being a bit younger. shes definately older than tianzi and shes pretty smart too, being diplomatic to cover for lulu in front of suzaku and schneizel. she did name herself, kallen, and c.c. as lulu’s pillars, or guardians or maidens, i’m sure of the exact reference. i thought she said something about dolls. anyways all three of them are stuck to lulu like glue. aside from kaguya herself since she doesn’t know lulu is zero, however i suspect she would be even happier if it was him.
i just want to say about suzaku. hes a real bastard. i was really irritated watching him restrain lulu while his father werote his memories. bastard. also i know the reason they didn’t kill lulu. it was all to see if c.c. would try to make contact with him, where if she did they could kill lulu and take c.c. yet because they chose not to kill him i believe will lead to charles and v.v. ultimate downfall. especially suzaku since he is a traitor, i’d like him to do something to redeem himself. something that would clearly contrast his arrogance with lulu and his ignorance of those fighting under zero. his own countrymen and possibly others who can and will fight.
jerimiah. why…. why.. does he still live. i liked the comment about him being like team rockey comedy relief. not sure of the accuracy of that, but i laughed anyways.
the one thing that concerns me about lulu. he really is going against the world, or rather he’s going against britania and he in c.c.’s words, “holds the weight of the world on his shoulders,â€. there seems to be so many personalities and faces that are against lulu/zero. suzaku, the knight of rounds, we only know the details on few of them, not sure if they’ll all play prominent roles. also jerimiah, schneizel, guilfords knights, v.v., charles. as for potenial allies, i can see suzaku…. not sure of him, but there is the issue of the disappearance of cornellia. it might be that she decided to investigate once more the scenario and conditions behind lulu’s death. it could be thought that she would and will return fighting for lulu, ultimately reuniting with her guilford knights who in turn fight for lulu in order to protect nunally who would by this probably be in real danger because sooner or later the fact that zero is a britanian prince will get out. i have no idea how that will affect zero’s officers and army, even kallen who still doesn’t realise that lulu is actually a britanian prince. im sure it would make her stop and bitch lulu out, but she’d still stick with him. i’m sure the black knights would stand with zero as well considering hes brought them this far. or it might not get out at all. but i think kallen will know eventually if she doesn’t already know of lulu’s past history and trama.
im thinking wow, its all just a battle of the gods fought on earth, basically. its symbolic if you look at the ending theme screenshots from season 2. kallen, cc. lulu are all dark themed with black wings and torn clothing. britanians are dressed in white with angel wings being held down by those golden chains. especially suzaku who is wearing black but obviously wearing the marks both him both as a traitor and constantly conflicted with how to do things while hiding and running from his past.
And wow on the bridge bunnies too.
Bridge bunnies? Awesome.
You know, it’s easy to see how Jeremiah survived. Even if he was in the CRUSHING DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN, he, unlike C.C., was in that massive, armored, watertight flying orange.
That thing was probably built to withstand huge amounts of water pressure. The emperor’s people probably just pulled him out and fixed his brain, by the looks of it.
As for Apron-chan, She does have a shirt on, its just skin colored. High rez ftw.
Regarding Kaguya: I’m in love. I can’t think of any Loli I’ve found so moe with such little screen time. Every moment she gets on screen she really makes the most of it. I’m not sure whether to hate Lulu because he’s married to her..or because he isn’t hitting it..>.<
Orange-Kun: This poor guy…Necromancers would blush at how often Sunrise resurrects this guy.
As far as plot is concerned, I’m really not paying attention anymore. I think Sunrise relies very heavily on “suspension of disbelief” to make their shows work.
omg @ dragon. That has got to be the longest comment I’ve ever seen!
With CLAMP behind them, creating a BL version of Code Geass would be easy for Sunrise imo XD
Almost a blog within a blog….
dragon attack everyone with “wall of text”!
it is super effective!
everyone faints!
(nah just kidding nice rant dragon)
Now that Sunrise has brought back Orange-kun from the dead they might as well go all the way and bring back Euphemia and Clovis for all I care. They can choose to have them either rebuilt as a half-mecha or just wearing a mask that doesn’t really obscure their faces well enough to not be recognized.
@Pieter: Jeremiah’s been in the opening since Episode 1… they can’t have been intending to shock us with this.
Nor is the mask supposed to hide his face. It’s just orange and cool.
Also, we clearly saw Euphemia and Clovis die. We didn’t actually get to see Jeremiah crushed by oceanic pressures, which is why he’s still alive.
Yes, those three. BTW epic gratz for the link/pic. It was most needed and quite delicious
ya know, somewhere in dragon’s ranting comment, there is a valid point which Sunrise has yet to exploit…when the shit is Cornelia gonna make her miraculous resurrection?!?
wow dragon. i bet yer real emotional after watching Geass huh.
lemme guess, u did a S1 and S2 marathon? haha.
Wow, comments has hit the big six zero….
@ Exec
Thx for the link. And who is this pink haired maiden? I can’t read Japanese… http://www.geass.jp/world_03_e.....ra_50.html
I remember from Newtype (I think) that she was a fan-made character that’s appearing in the Ashford episode(s) (I think episode 12? Not too sure). She looks like Jun + Rolo + boobs to me though…
KG, thats exactly what i did. yeah it was fun. i know what you mean about that emotional feeling, its how you might feel walking outside of a movie theater after being absorbed by the most awesome movie ever.
now i have to wait like everyone else ^_^
I noticed the chess part too! So Lulu won after all… LOL! I’m seriously wondering why I’m watching this show anymore. I don’t know which is more stupid: the million Zeros + dog with a Zero helmet from last episode (I mean, how did the Order of Black Knights get that budget even for the dog, no idea xD) or Orenji-kun comeback with an Orenji Mask. We need (zombie) Mao again for the lolz.
Why are people so worked up over character revivals? This is the same studio that brought us GSD and Mai-HiME/Otome.
Have Muu, Kira, and the entire case of Mai HiME + maido-aoi taught you guys nothing? Not to mention Orange-kun v2 in season 1…
no one here would probably get the reference but a good song that would go with his seemingly constant revival is ”mechanical man”, from the original command and conquer game on sega saturn. it goes something like, “i’m a mechanical, i’m a mechanical, i’m a mechanical man,” xd
oh by the way yeah it was also my first time watching code geass too before i did that marathon. i kept watching the protagonist lulu and by the end of the first episode i was like OMFGROTFLMFAOXD its like ”yagami light”. by the end of the 2nd episode i was like, yeah…. this is great! ^_^
There actually is a restaurant chain called C.C.’s Pizza Buffet. 3 bucks all you can eat, but the Pizza is horrible by all accounts. They might just be up in the northeast.
hah… wow yeah you’re right. i think they’re pizza is pretty good. but cc is one of my favorite characters so yeah thanks for pointing that out. thats pretty cool. so there are actually 2 references to pizza in the anime. pizza hut and cc’s pizza. ^_^
Maybe the producer likes eating pizza here in the states. C.C.’s pizza would be 100% better if they decided to use her as their mascot.
I’m surprised I didn’t catch the C.C. pizza reference, we have them down here in Florida too. lol
My 2 cents:
The “abduction” was Kaguya and Tian Zi’s idea, Zero was helping them out. The flaw in the plan was in not informing SHINKUUUUUUU.
Good god, C.C. is eating the Pizza Hut weiner-crust pizza. I didn’t even notice that until I saw your screenshots. How is she not a size 16 yet?
72 comments? What the hell are you people talking about? (And why the hell was I dumb enough to read them all, so I could answer that question.)
@Dragon: Oh yeah, I remember. PC version. Mechanical Man and Hellmarch. Good stuff.
@Kaisos & Epi: I was surprised and not surprised with Orange-kun’s revival. Surprised because I always skip the OP and ED of every anime I watch. Not surprised because, as Epi mentioned, it’s a Sunrise series after all. But I was just wondering, in the Sunrise mindset, who could be brought back back next. Maybe Cornelia then?
actually cornelia isn’t dead. she is thought to have died i believe. however the guilford and the glaston knights believe she disappeared and will wait for her to return.
heres something interesting. if you remember back to the duel zero had with guilford, zero says, “Let me ask you something, Lord Gilford. If there is evil that justice can never win over, what will you do? Will you dirty yourself by going evil against evil? Or will you follow justice, following your beliefs until the end?” i’ll try to break down what i think is a possible hint.
zero’s first asks guilford if there is evil justice can never win over, what will he do? this might imply since guilford isn’t evil, that he is justice. since guilford is justice, why is he fighting for evil?
zero then asks if guilford would dirty himself by going evil against evil? this would imply zero being evil against britania being evil. zero is essentialy asking guilford, won’t you join my fight against evil?
zero’s last question asks if guilford will follow justice to the very end. implying that if guilford would fight for britania to the very end.
interestingly enough, guilford’s response is ,”My justice is to live with my princess!” This already says something about guilford and his commitment to britania is only thinly veiled. his true loyalty and of the glaston knights is to cornelia. this leads me to suspect that cornelia will return as a surprise ally of zero prompting guilford to switch sides.
also to note is zero’s response to guilford, “I see. If it’s me, I will become evil to destroy evil!” meaning insteading of bringing simply justice to himself, fighting just for nunally and to avenge his dead mother, lulu/zero will become evil so he can destroy evil = charles representation of britania.
anyways one more thing i’d like to point out is during the opening sequence we see lulu riding on a horse to hill over looking a city,town,settlement, and he turns his horse to the side. not sure if anyone might see it, but the reference of lulu riding the horse was not only a symbol of zero’s desire to protect and conquer, and to fight, and liberate. it was also a historical reference to ghengis kahn on his horse riding to a hill over a persian city that he tried to make peace with and whose persian govenor insulted his peace offer, killed his merchant missionaries, and stole his treasure. so ghengis kahn rode on his horse on a hill over looking the city. i dont know too much of the details but i thought it was interseting.
My second thought was “Great, I’m watching the Chinese Kurenai. I just hope there’s less song and dance.”
That was the best part of the show, and you know it.
Looks like C.C. has a shimp topping. Not a good flavor for me. Yes I’ve tried it. Just no.
too much free time my friend.