code geass r2 15

An emo facial distortion to rule them all.


In the previous issue of Newtype, Sunrise announced that R2 will complete the Code Geass story and that an R3 would be unnecessary. And I’m beginning to see why– they’re running out of characters to chew up and use up. Two episodes after watching Shirley die, we get to see C.C. downgraded to a 18th century meido (not a bad development) and see the “conclusion” to the Villetta and Ohgi storyline.


The big plot development this episode introduced a new concept: 18th century loli C.C.! Those Sunrise writers are sure hard at work! Apparently, geass is passed down from the immortal witch to the geass user. At some time, when deemed appropriate, the geass user kills the witch and becomes the witch. This is the only way the witches can die, hence why they search out for geass users who can fulfill the contract and eventually kill them. C.C. was used this way, as was V.V. before Charles killed V.V. and took his immortality.


But, more importantly, the thought of C.C. running around as the Paris Hilton of the 18th century armed with a geass makes me giddy. What happened back then? What kind of romantic entanglements did she get herself into? Where were Access Hollywood, The Insider, Perez Hilton, and TMZ back then? I want to know more about C.C. exploits in medieval Europe / Britannia / America. Love how she speaks like a normal teenaged girl back then.





18th century C.C. is awesome. I swiftly and promptly demand a Spice and Wolf remake where C.C. tags along Lawrence and Horo. Wouldn’t a Lawrence – Horo (Wolf God) – C.C. (Immortal Witch) love triangle top the current pantheon-class Alto – Fairy-9 – Q-1 one?


But didn’t C.C. only have one geass when she was a kid? She has two geasses… split one with Lulu and one with his dad? Or with V.V.? How did this work? How would you like having sloppy seconds from your dad? Well, I guess this guy didn’t mind that much.


Did I stumble across an episode of Mnemosyne?

(6 JST. 6 JST!)


Did I stumble across an episode of Dancing with the Stars?


I kinda expected worms to start popping out of Charles and regenerating his body. I’ve been watching too much anime lately.


Suzaku restraining Kallen… well… we thought Kallen would go useless this episode, but it turned out to be C.C.. The funny part is that there still hasn’t been any attempt at rescuing Kallen. Both she and Suzaku have been turned into minor characters. Is that what Suzaku has been raging about? That Rolo and Sayoko has been getting more screentime than him?


“Your own will soon will be gone, and you will do as I say.”

Sounds like a doujinshi I’ve started dabbling on in my spare time. Oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to share that just yet.


“I’m your enemy!”

“But I love you!”

“Are you an idiot?!”

Anytime a confession leads to “Are you an idiot?!” you know you have a winning scene on your hands. My second favorite part of the Villette and Ohgi scene has to be Ohgi confessing that he originally wanted to pump Villette for information for Lulu. Yeah… “information.” But my favorite part has to be that a heterosexual couple has been created, and Sunrise promptly tosses them off of a cliff.


Goes from being Nunnally’s handmaid (and got like zero lines the first series) to an uber ninja meido who is Lulu’s right hand meido. In terms of “making the jump,” is there even a sports equivalent to this? It’s way beyond going from Single-A Stockton to playing for the A’s. It’s probably like going from minimum wage hole digger to pilot of Gurren Lagann.


“I have become death, shatterer of worlds… the deflowerer of tables…”

(So in this alternate world, they are advanced enough to harvest energy from underwater nitrates, build flying mobile armor, but they just now finally discovered nuclear fission. Bravo. Though I loved how they exploded a nuke in Dallas… “Hey, instead of using that newly conquered Area 11 as a test bed for this dangerously radioactive weapon, let’s just blow it up near one of our most populated cities on the motherland!”)


Wasn’t Cornelia just with Orange-kun? Sunrise forgetting about where they placed some fresh melonpan after it came out of the oven? Never.

(I still think Sunrise enjoys introducing characters just so they can get rid of old ones. They also like ballooning a cast without any sense of where that cast is going. For example, where the hell is Xing-ke? They spend like five episodes fighting in China and now totally forgotten. Let’s not forget about Anya either. Or has she just been stuck in a line to purchase the new iPhone 3G?)


Wait, is that Euphie in the top picture frame?


Even nuns can go batshit insane. This is why I enjoy watching anime.


Interesting. Never knew that geass bounces around like lasers. Now is geass considered a wave, a particle, or a wave-particle duality? I want someone to write a “physics of Code Geass” book much like the Star Trek one. Can you imagine any possible scenario where Stephen Hawking would write a forward to a Physics of Code Geass book outside of “We have kidnapped your wife”?


Grace’s evil plot is discovered and foiled by Nunnally! Thinking back to all of Sunrise’s female leaders, which include such luminaries like Relena Peacecraft, Sumeragi, Marina, Cagali, Lacus, Euphie, and Natsuki, isn’t Nunnally the most capable of them all? Maybe lacking vision and mobility, she has gained wisdom and intelligence.


Kanashi sugiru unmei kara
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai

(The whole trippy sequence with the gears sure reminded me of dialogue between Rika and K1. Though I felt that the scene wasn’t trippy enough– must be an after effect of watching an episode of Hidamari Sketch x365 right before this episode.)


Cowering C.C. is cute! Definitely up there in cowering Mikuru’s class.


“Are you my new master? I can cook a little, clean, draw water, tend to cows and sheep, and sew. I can read a little. I can do numbers up to 20. Oh, I’ve been disposing of dead bodies too…”

While C.C. has reverted to her pre-geass state, Lulu has lost yet another valuable ally. But, on the bright side, pre-geass C.C. won’t be running up that Pizza Hut tab any further. But it does set up a scenario where C.C. takes a bite out of a stuffed crust pizza and her memories come flooding back, geass-style.

(18th century C.C. is awesome. I want to hire her as my meido.)

59 Responses to “code geass r2 15”

  1. Wouldn’t it have been closer to 16th century, given the dresses and the other things around her? And… well, C.C. this episode is so moe… the second moe green-haired girl of Spring 2008. :D

    As for the meido… she is a NINJA meido, and as Kamen no Maid Guy shows us, they are indeed formidable creatures. Who are also meido.

  2. NO! NO! NO! Not C.C! I hope she still loves pizza, I hope she’ll remember cheese-kun, I hope she doesn’t turn submissive…well, not completely, just a little bit…would be nice…

    Gahhh! I can tell if I want this or not!

  3. I want to love reverted CC tenderly.

    I think the 2 permanent geass eyes just shows the power of geass getting too strong.
    no permanent geass -> 1 permanent -> 2 permanent?

  4. wow damn, i just melted from a scared meido CC. That was so, freaking moe. I never did like CC’s char much until now but wooooot!! hope she stays like this the rest of the anime. Lelouch has the best chance in his life to *cough- but with his tastes in loli/whiny guys, siigh……

    You know i was set thinking this anime wouldn’t break me but I think moe CC just did. I calculated the spam protection math as 9+3 = 13. And i almost typed “I spelled the spam protection math as 9+3=13”

  5. I think I’m never going to bother start watching CG, because I now know that I won’t have a clue what’s going on.

    This is despite me being able to understand Gainax.

  6. I had three OH WOW experiences watching this.

    First one was, “Oh wow, Geass bounces like lasers”

    Second one, “Oh wow, They really can’t draw full-figure Charles!”

    Third one, “Oh wow, meido C.C.! MOE~!”

    Seriously, I can’t believe it’s the same voice-actor, incredibly different ways of talking…

    I think Suzaku’s served out his role, at least partly. He’ll get a few scenes up until the ending where he finally decides to follow his mai peesu and fight Lulu on a one on one… But knowing these kind of series, he’ll probably go against Kallen in a Knightmare duel, all the while sobbing “Why can’t I fight Lulu!? I love him! Euphie give me strength!”

    I wonder what they’re going to do with all the loose ends… visual novels? tie-in light novels, manga, ero-g…

    everything above?

  7. “a heterosexual couple has been created, and Sunrise promptly tosses them off of a cliff.”
    I am telling you yaoi-fangurls took over the writing team… no hetero couple is safe…

    “I have become death, shatterer of worlds… the deflowerer of tables…”
    my poor table…

    “Maybe lacking vision and mobility, she has gained wisdom and intelligence.”
    wow, Nunnally surprised me in this episode… I hope she becomes a great governor…

    “Are you my new master? I can cook a little, clean, draw water, tend to cows and sheep, and sew. I can read a little. I can do numbers up to 20. Oh, I’ve been disposing of dead bodies too…”
    crap, i never liked CC until now…

  8. “Sounds like a doujinshi I’ve started dabbling on in my spare time. Oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to share that just yet.”
    …but I was promised a NunnallyxKallen yuri-rape… is not fair!!

  9. BLAST! Now my evil plan of winning C.C. over with a pepperoni wedding ring is ruined.

    Well I guess its time for pie….. EVIL PIE!

  10. I think there were 2 problems with the whole shooting Charles with a Geass bouncing them off peices of glass technique.

    THE FIRST, Now that Charles took V.V.’s symbol he’s immune to the Geass. So Him shooting himself was just for kicks not because Lulu actually won.

    AND SECOND, It was relieved in the 2nd ep of the first season that he need DIRECT line o’ sight for his to work.

    So in the end, loved the C.C. flashback and new terrified slave-girl C.C. the rest of the ep could have been better.

    Also OMG, that is totally a screenshot of Euphie hanging on the ceiling of C.C.’s mind.

  11. “and new terrified slave-girl C.C. the rest of the ep could have been better.”
    slave terrified CC… mmm… that gives me ideas…

  12. Yes! pre-geass CC is cuteeee!!! i want her bad!!

  13. I’m disappointed that you missed these:


    Heterosexual? I think not!:

  14. C.C: 2 geass with control
    Charles: 2 geass with control
    Mao: 2 geass no control
    Lulu: 1 geass no control

    Seems like you need 2 geass with control to take an immortals life, which might be why C.C left Mao.

  15. It isn’t geass that bounces like lasers, it’s EYE CONTACT that bounces like lasers. Which is probably more lulz.

  16. New cowering C.C or the old sultry flirtateous C.C? Hmm, thats a tough choice but the deciding factor could be C.C in “Tessa” voice mode FTW!

    Did Nunnally always have this lie detector trick? If yes then she likely has always known more about Lulu than she has been letting on.

    At least one of Ohgi & Villette will survive, this is Sunrise remember. Probably Ohgi as he still has to betray Zero at some point.

    Nina with live nukes … you know this isn’t going to end well !!

  17. Hey Jason, can you imagine the implosion if C.C, Shion and Mion and Tsuruya all get together for a pizza hut dinner dressed as meido? With Kogarashi as their waiter/cook/usher? It will be awesome…oh, and what would you call it if they all docked simultaneously? It will be beyond symmetrically dock because they are beyond two people…hmmm, Circular Docking doesn’t cut it quite right…^_~…

    Hmm, if their are no pizza huts back in the 18th century, then C.C must be living off on mexican burritos and nachos to appease her pizza cravings…but wait a minute, isn’t Britain having a civil unrest and power shift back in the 18th century because the uprising of their colonies (like India)? How the hell did Britannia come into power? I bet that the ancestor of Lulu has done some sensitive finger cuffing on the king at that time….oh geass no!!!…^_~

  18. “I can count up to twenty.”

    OMG. I have never wanted to bone C.C. this badly until now.

  19. Just another example of Sunrise being Sunrise.


    I’m curious if anyone else noticed this.

  20. Never mind, I’m an idiot.

    Forgot about the glass reflection.

  21. Those aren’t lasers bouncing off the mirrors. Lelouch has already mentioned that Geass will work by reflecting the direct line of sight, such as via mirrors. Since we the viewers can’t see the direction of light being reflected off the mirrors, Sunrise just added the lines to help aid in showing how mirrors worked to his favor. That is, Lelouch was able to geass Charles using indirect method of light being reflected off mirrors.

  22. CC as the new Chigusa? Awesome.

    Oh, and the last Sunrise character to fall off a cliff came back in the end (Aoi).

    Can’t wait for the Lulu/Cornellia S&M action coming up next episode.

  23. Yeah I’m surprised you didn’t include pictures of the stripping C.C. in the next turn preview.

    So I was listening to reverted C.C. and at first I was thinking ok ok and then she gets to the “dispose of dead bodies” part and I go “huh”. I think she’s reverted to before she got the Geass as many have already guessed. Still that is one pretty messed up childhood to be disposing of dead bodies. Ahh I want to protect her like Lulu finally stepped up to the plate to do. Can we get a C.C. Lulu ending like we should have all along! Would you make this happen if you got on writing for CG Jason if so than “Yes we can”.

  24. Oh Charles. You trickster. Too bad he lost his powers. I wish Sunrise had somehow incorporated Lelouch saying “Get out of my head Charles!”.

  25. Wait a minute…. you mean to tell me that the reason why C.C and V.V goes around geass everyone is because they can kill them and become the next immortal witch? OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!! SUNRISE!!!! They had us waiting just for that?? Even I can do better than that.
    Then again, that will be the shortest anime I probably seen yet and it will not be an OVA. ” Hey, you want immortality? Willing to live for more than 100 years? Then I’ll ask you some questions, order as much pizza I want and I will give a power so that later on you can kill me and become an immortal. good deal isn’t ?”

  26. I may be going out on a limb, but I’m guessing the ‘dispose of dead bodies’ part is something an 18th century meido might do, given the times.

  27. For some strange reason the only person I can think of that would want immortality if he knew that getting a geass would eventually make him immortal, even though he’s not part of the Code Geass world is Vegeta from DBZ. He was always bitching throughout the series about how he wants to become immortal that if he knew that getting a geass, making it stronger, and then eventually killing an immortal witch would make him immortal, he would do so in a heartbeat.

  28. So C.C.’s hair is naturally green. It’s nice to know these things.

    And no YTAMR? Well, I guess that’s justified, what with loli C.C., nekkid C.C., cowering C.C….

  29. …an 18th century C.C. is fine too. Now bring on the moe!


  31. My favorite scene was Nunnally slowly reaching for Suzaku’s hand and he reacted like he was dodging certain death! XD She just trumped the Higurashi cast as loli I fear the mostest.

    “I have become death, shatterer of worlds… the deflowerer of tables…”

    Where’s a Neutron Jammer Negator Mircron Deleting Canceler Energy Invalidation Expunger when you need one?

  32. Now we just need Nunnally to meet reverted cute C.C. and see what sort of hot yuri actiondrama ensues.

  33. So the battle between the father and son for the world. Have turned into a battle for their women? that scene with the emperor hugging the CC and Lulu screaming in rage is hilarious.

    loli cc is win….

  34. But didn’t C.C. only have one geass when she was a kid? She has two geasses… split one with Lulu and one with his dad? Or with V.V.? How did this work? How would you like having sloppy seconds from your dad? Well, I guess this guy didn’t mind that much.

    No, if you pay attention she starts out not having the geass constanly active, but over time, one eye becomes permanently active just as Lulu’s has, and finally at the end, both become permanently active. It sets up the path that Geass users must all walk, Just as Charles used to have 2 Geass eyes, Lulu too will one day be stuck with them as well.

    AND SECOND, It was relieved in the 2nd ep of the first season that he need DIRECT line o’ sight for his to work.

    Probably due to the evolution of the geass. He can use it provided he has indirect line of sight now, whereas before It was still weak and he couldn’t.

    I may be going out on a limb, but I’m guessing the ‘dispose of dead bodies’ part is something an 18th century meido might do, given the times.

    !6th century person of CCs status, yes, but not maid. Maids did better things than corpses since they were actually hired by wealthy barons. However CC was a poor illiterate starving beggar. pretty much the lowest of the low in terms of medieval social class. Cleaning up corpses would certainly have been something she had to do to eat, but it isn’t something you’d go around telling people you did.

    Personally, I think Lulu falls for CC in this episode just as many of the above commenters have as well. If you notice he says ” I know what your geass was, I’ll grant you your true wish!”–her true wish of course being not death, but that which she sought when she first gained her geass: True love from another. So if Lulu truly does grant her wish, then Sunrise has set up a living heterosexual couple. Well, living for now I suppose.

    I’m wondering how long it will take Lulu to realize that the King no longer has a geass to use against him. Though immortality is certainly not going to be easy to bypass.

    Well I thought this series was done for after the hat-fair, but it looks like they’re finally running plot again. I’m happy.

  35. Kouryuu: Personally, I think Lulu falls for CC in this episode just as many of the above commenters have as well. If you notice he says ” I know what your geass was, I’ll grant you your true wish!”–her true wish of course being not death, but that which she sought when she first gained her geass: True love from another. So if Lulu truly does grant her wish, then Sunrise has set up a living heterosexual couple. Well, living for now I suppose.

    If this is true, then this sets up either Lulu and/or C.C. to die… since heterosexual couples don’t last in this show (look at what happened to someone who MIGHT have become Suzaku’s – Euphie. Or Marianne and Charles. Or Shirley who tried to become Lulu’s. Or Ougi and Viletta. How about Xingke, who appears to be dying already?

  36. I swiftly and promptly demand a Spice and Wolf remake where C.C. tags along Lawrence and Horo.


    But didn’t C.C. only have one geass when she was a kid? She has two geasses… split one with Lulu and one with his dad? Or with V.V.? How did this work? How would you like having sloppy seconds from your dad?

    Uhhh… her Geass got stronger? Is it that hard to figure it out, when we already have a precedent?

    Goes from being Nunnally’s handmaid (and got like zero lines the first series) to an uber ninja meido who is Lulu’s right hand meido.

    (Skipping the lame sports off-comment for my own convenience)

    Is she still not worthy of your Meido pantheon? And Mariel is still there?
    I don’t get you.

    Wasn’t Cornelia just with Orange-kun? Sunrise forgetting about where they placed some fresh melonpan after it came out of the oven?

    That’s because we are getting some Cornelia bondage on the next episode. I’m not complaining.

    (18th century C.C. is awesome. I want to hire her as my meido.)

    Yeah I have some dead bodies to dispose as well…

  37. At what point did I stop watching Code Geass and start watching End of Evangelion?

  38. It’s not end of evangelion until everyone gets turned into tang and a giant woman crumbles onto the earth while Kom Susser Tod plays.

    You know it’s Code Geass because this episode featured: haremette fanservice (C.C.), Unreasonable plot devices (does Lelouch have a bat-belt or zero-belt what have you? I love how the same device he was going to use to detonate Rollo turned into a uhh.. mirror bomb detonator?), some sort of love tragedy (Ohgi/Viletta), and Lelouch using the cunning tactic of blowing up the battlefield, again. Which bares the question: what sort of chess master is Lelouch? I wonder if the only reason he never loses is because he upturns the chessboard every time it looks like he’s losing. For someone Sunrise wants us to believe who honed his strategic mind from playing chess, it’s funny that the only strategy he ever seems to use involves invariably blowing up the battlefield.

  39. That whole scene with the memories C.C. everywhere had so many things flying around… How the hell did you notice Euphy?

  40. Did anybody else notice that C.C. no longer possesses her “V”/Geass symbol on her forehead?

    …Either that or Sunrise animators decided to get lazy since the episode is like 5 seconds from the ending and there is a bachelor’s party going on in the next room.

    Wait! If C.C. really has lost her immortality and immunities, does that mean Lelouch is free to geass the pre-geass mode C.C. into doing his biddings? I see an interesting revelation, and it does not involve Lulu’s homosexuality.

  41. Wasn’t that whole reflection thing sorted out in the Mao fiasco when Lulu Geassed himself with a mirror or something?

    Personally I’m kind of pissed off over this new CC, she was a bitchy pizzabutt who rolled around on beds and fell into crates of tomatoes. This new one seems like she’d just tie herself up and bend over, without even being asked.

    CC with her hair up in that red dress was hawt, and the whole crazy nun thing was beautiful.

    Basically they are taking all the people who understand Lulu and his situation away, until all that is left is Rollo. And that is horrifying.

  42. There’s not gonna be an R3? Oh noes!

    That explains why Sunrise is trying to screw up so bad with R2. You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if the truth behind Geass revealed in this episode was created on the spot while they were writing the scripts for this episode.

  43. Yes Yes C.C.! Count my twenty sheep and milk my cows!!!

  44. But on a more serious note, I don’t think that explosion is a nuke. The air outside of the window looks like its heading towards the event. My guess is that all the matter in the sphere disappeared (using Sunrise physics) and air is rushing in to fill the void.

  45. They…. Mind-nuked… CC….
    (though, I give them credit for showing the massive implosion readings at the exact moment CC and Lulu touch hands…..)

    But here is an odd thought… they are almost setting up the end partner for Lulu. Not his sister, not his fake younger brother, not the melonpanriffic half-britannian, not even the flat princess… no… its like they are setting him up to be with CC… I dont know if I can accept that…
    (now I just need to wonder if I cant accept it because of CC being stuck with Lulu, or Lulu being stuck with CC….)
    ((stuck with CC over Nunally, +3 brokeness… over Rolo, +12… over Kallen would have to be a “WHY DIDNT YOU TAP THAT?”))

    . I swiftly and promptly demand a Spice and Wolf remake where C.C. tags along Lawrence and Horo.

    hmmmm…. I might not be able to help there, but I can share this picture I stumbled upon….

  46. CC has always been the end girl. She is Lelouch’s partner. The witch to his demon king.

    Lelouch redeemed himself in this episode ( in my eyes at least).

    “living just to die is just too tragic”
    “At the end you should be smiling”
    After killing Charles “AYYYYYYAYYYY”

    All good stuff.

  47. I definitely agree with Kouryuu Lulu did fall in love with C.C. this episode. I wasn’t sure because at the end of last season they did share that kiss before she went off to implode the Gawain, but it seems like they always end with the Lulu C.C. closeness. In the first OP for R2 it sure seemed like that too. Personally I like the combination because she’s female and she’s hot, but I mean how many guys has she slept with…

    What I’m really questioning is Lulu’s amazing ability to get over Kallen being taken and Shirley dying so quickly although the line “I won’t let anything more be taken from me” kind of described Lulu’s important heterosexual love interest being taken one by one. They’re really setting him up for complete abandonment it seems with the black nights apparently showing some descent and all of the girls in his life disappearing, but atleast C.C. is still present.

  48. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY KALLEN AND C.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

  49. 1. Sunrise already has a crazy nun: the one from Mia Hime
    2. Suzaku is a pussy he should stabbed Karen with his juice and then given her that drug. This would have caused Karen to start her downward spiral into depression and prostitution nd bagged her more screen time.
    3. Nannully is not a good leader because her blindness and her sexy sexy parapallega. She is a good leader because unlike all the herions that you named she is not a ditsy idiot.

  50. Wait a sec. So Lulu’s choosing C.C over Suzaku? I don’t know if I’m supposed to be happy or furious. Curiously, I’m leaning towards happy. Suzaku can go jump off a cliff (no, I am not regretting how Sunrise got rid of Villetta and Ougi instead of Suzaku -mumbles-) for all I care.

    I demand a “pre-geass C.C vs. immortal witch C.C” poll to which I’d click the invisible “both” option. D=

  51. If I were lulu (the more manlier version of course) I would definitely say “You’re hired!!!” on the spot after hearing C.C said her qualifications,Awesome! And Jason,you’re prediction on how C.C maybe regain her memories by stuffing seems retarded but when I remembered that I’m watching Code Geass, it actually make sense!

  52. “Are you my new master? (Maidooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!)
    I can cook a little, clean, draw water, tend to cows and sheep, and sew. (All tools to a successful partner!)
    I can read a little. (Always good to know.)
    I can do numbers up to 20. (Name all the harlemets that you know who can do this.)
    Oh, I’ve been disposing of dead bodies too…” (OMGGGGG WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)

  53. I hoped it would’ve been brought up by someone else, but why is Charles even able to kill C.C?
    Charles gave up his Geass for the immortality that V.V had, so now he’s just like C.C. If he’s able to end her life, then that means V.V should’ve been able to as well. Why would C.C not just ask him to do it?
    Unless the ability to kill an immortal is something gained at the end of a Geass, separate from a Geass, which V.V never had because he was some kind of test-tube immortal. So if someone became immortal and lost their Geass, could they go around killing other immortals too?
    But C.C said that “the user takes over the position of the person who granted them their Geass.” Unless that was meant to be in general terms…
    I guess it kinda needs to be that way, otherwise Charles and Lulu (if he took C.C’s life,) would just be feuding eternally as immortals, until one locked the other away. On the other hand, C.C could kill Charles as well… which is probably how it’s gonna go.
    Or am I probing too deeply into the dark parts of Sunrise/CG physics/biology/mysticism that are never meant to see the light of day?

    This is why I need to stop thinking when watching shows like CG, and just enjoy the plot twists, melonpan and DFC… mmm… cowering servant C.C.

  54. Haess: or C.C. to die

    Precisely. They even established that in this episode: CC not only wants to die, but due to the contract is destined to die at the hands of Lelouch. So while I completely agree and do believe Lulu fell for CC this episode creating another heterosexual couple, I also am just as certain in my belief that before the series ends, she will die at the hands of Lelouch, for some reason or other that may or may not be contrived.

  55. It’s so much easier to kill an immortal in Baccano. Just eat him through your hand. Eh…
    I don’t know yet which CC I like most. There’s a lot of moe with new one(technically old one), but I liked normal intelligent version. Mindfuck was kinda at low level. Though I enjoyed the past of CC (nude FTW) And they showed the story behind that church picture from S1OP1.

    Some great moments:
    Nina with her blackened glasses. “Just finished my flight and now I’m gonna get some cold beer. Yeah.”
    When emperor tried to kill CC, my sensors went off the charts. OMG! Is this the ultimate dance move?!

  56. AeS: When emperor tried to kill CC, my sensors went off the charts. OMG! Is this the ultimate dance move?!

    It’s the secret ‘finishing move’ that Dancing with the Stars doesn’t want to show you.

    Kouryuu: Precisely. They even established that in this episode: CC not only wants to die, but due to the contract is destined to die at the hands of Lelouch. So while I completely agree and do believe Lulu fell for CC this episode creating another heterosexual couple, I also am just as certain in my belief that before the series ends, she will die at the hands of Lelouch, for some reason or other that may or may not be contrived.

    Except that, given how he’s lost Shirley after their reminiscences about the past, he’s admitted that he doesn’t want to lose anyone else around him… even if he’s apparently abandoned Kallen. C.C. wanted to be loved, not to die – it’s just that she saw death as the only way out of the empty love that her Geass inspired in others, and after centuries of disillusionment she had no other goals… especially after V.V. killed off Marianne.

    She may very well die, but I’ll bet on Lulu biting it before C.C. does, as it’s not certain she’s lost her immortality yet.

  57. …What, no comments about the revelation that V.V. liked Marianne?

  58. Super United Nations assemble!
    Japan! China! India! Mongolia! Italy! Poland!
    /cue Power Rangers-style posing and coloured smoke effects.

    btw, loved cowering CC listing her qualities.
    I wonder though how she’ll get the idea that Lulu wants to do the nasty, as shown in the preview. Doesn’t seem like anything he’s likely to ever say to females of the opposite sex(besides Nunnally of course). ;)

    Addendum: I’m kinda getting sick of them pronouncing Charles as Charlulu every time.

  59. I swiftly and promptly demand a Spice and Wolf remake where C.C. tags along Lawrence and Horo.


    A bit late, but…THIRDED. Especially because Horo == Kallen. XD

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