code geass r2 16
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass
All hail Britannia! Nippon banzai!

A lot to get to this episode yet not much happened. In other words, yet another typical day at the UN.
(Sad puppy dog eyes 4tw. If only we can somehow combine Ranka’s hair with C.C.’s eyes… quick, someone get Fran on the line!)

“But I only have you… only you…”
Am I playing Clannad or watching Code Geass R2? It’s like Tomoyo’s arc, where Tomoyo and Tomoya had to break up because of the different castes that they were in, but reunited at the end with their love stronger than ever.
Now all together now… one… two… OH GEASS NO!

(Thankfully C.C.’s been buffering all the uncomfortable Lulu x Suzaku moments, which will probably get much, much worse before the series is over. My guess is at the end, Suzaku would take a bullet for Lulu and die in his hands. It would put Junjou Romantica, Antique Bakery, and Vampire Knight to shame.)

Cowering C.C. is very cute, and it’s odd that she loses her memories, and she’s still useful to Lulu. Slave girl C.C. deserves her own spin-off series or at least let her join the cast of Zero no Tsukaima Princess no Rondo or Spice and Wolf.
(If you had a slave girl C.C., what would you have her do? I mean, non-NC 17 rated. I’d probably have her clean out the garage. While wearing a french meido outfit. I’m boring that way.)

Damn, in the anime blogger office pool, I had “as soon as C.C. eats some Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza, her memories would come flooding back.” Though I can still win since it wasn’t Pizza Hut and instead made by Lulu’s personal chef.

It’s like she’s losing her pizza virginity all over again. Is it really appropriate for 6 JST?

The way Lulu is treating C.C. does remind me a bit of Yuuichi and Makoto. But what exactly happened to C.C.? She seems mortal now, but Lulu has not gained immortality. If the Emperor took that, then does is Lulu’s geass a dead-end? And are Rolo’s and Orange-kun’s geasses fake ones? Gah, hurts my brain trying to analyze this show.

As soon as C.C. brought up friends, I just knew that the next scene would feature Suzaku. So predictable, even I predicted it.

In other good news, I can’t tell who is the hawter captive. My gosh, there’s some serious talent in bondage in Code Geass R2… use it! We may need a Dr. Jack-style post to properly characterize the battle between Cornelia and Kallen.
(Am I the only one whose thinking, “Judging by her makeup, lipstick, and, uh, underarm area, she must not have been there long. Or Orange-kun is keeping her pretty”?)
(You only have two of the best mobile suit pilots locked up. A hostage exchange makes too much sense here? Though I did enjoy someone actually remembering Kallen on Lulu’s side. Just didn’t think it would be Lakshata.)

And she just went to town on Suzaku. That was great. Anytime a girl wearing a frilly dress where her breasts are in danger of popping out at any moment is engaged in strenuous physical activity, that’s a plus, right? At least she’s not behaving like she’s carrying Suzaku’s baby, and he just went in there to break up with her or anything.

Really weird to see to hear Inuoe Kikuo as the kind-hearted purple-haired lady in this show and then hear her as the manipulative purple-haired bitch in Macross Frontier. Though it’s odd to hear her voice in any anime that doesn’t feature a tea service.

Can you think of anyone in this series more sane than Lloyd? I can’t. And he’s the guy who passed up a Milly smorgasbord.

Wait, what’s going on here?

I was hoping Anya would go, “I write a diary because I can only remember the last 13 hours of my life.” And the phone she’s using is nowhere as awesome as either the iPhone or the iSlug. Big West is leading Sunrise in the anime fictional cellphone war.

Why was Anya geassed? There’s a lot of possibilities. A lot.
(I’d go into more details, but I can’t imagine any of them suitable for 6 JST.)

Doesn’t he only have a short time to live left? What ever happened with that plot point?

Loved the formation of the United Nations, only it seemed more like a traditional Japanese corporate conglomerate than a political entity. Please tell me why a military needs a CEO and a Command-in-Chief. Though the beauty of this list is that Tamaki makes it on as “Internal Cleaning Supporter” and neither Rolo nor Sayoko get on the list.

Also like how Onsakumaru characterized the whole conflict as just us versus them. Gee-whiz, thanks for that analysis. What Sunrise show does not eventually degrade into just us versus them?

Aside from C.C. stripping, probably my favorite scene. It’s already pretty hilarious with manly man Toudou putting on make-up. But that’s taken up a few hundred notches once Nagisa wants to discuss their relationship, and Toudou runs. Good to see a man acting like a man for once on this show.

Didn’t he fell off a cliff? *facepalm*
(I know Sunrise is known for their random deaths, but I just got suckered punched in another anime series… one that I completely did not expect it. In Allison and Lilia, right after Wil knocks up Allison, we see him leaving on a train. One minute later, we have their daughter telling us that Wil died on that train. Talk about random, meaningless death. And, yeah, that’s probably the last time I’ll mention Allison and Lilia in this blog outside of yet another MILF post.)

When I see these two on stage, I think I’d rather see them sing What ’bout my star? than lead a collection of 47 nation-states. How would I feel if suddenly, tomorrow, the UN was turned over from Ban Ki-moon to the Olsen twins?
(Probably, “At least it’ll make Saturday Night Live worth watching again.”)

Liked Tian-Zi’s stepping stool… should a world leader really need one?

She’s a lot better suited for starring as a Hinamizawa friend of Rika than the Empress of the United States of China.

Thought Milly was a weathergirl… how did she go from that to breaking the UN resolution #1 story? I wonder how many people at channel 2 did she have to sleep with to get that promotion.
Man the maps reminded me of the election results maps we use here in the States. Since Lulu put all the military power under the umbrella of a PMC it makes sense that his UN is Red state. Hence I dub it the Lulunation of Dumbfuckistan.
I just hope that with this new PMCed Black Knights that we will have ID tagged guns with ID tagged soldiers where war becomes routine. Lulu can then graft on the dead hand of Kurugi Genbu and fight Old Suzaku with KMF Ray vs KMF Rex to fight struggle against the Geass Cult’s AI systems. Trust me even if the plot is crazy as hell we’ll sell millions. Oh and let’s get all the women into Naomi Hunter outfits inaddition to those fabulous Britannian Dresses.
Sleep with? She likely just had to wear her formal dress to bend them to her will.
I have no doubt in my mind Cornelia is actually Yoko Matsugane
I <3 C.C.
I’d vote for Cornelia as the hotter captive – longer hair and more melonpan, plus she’s the one who put a knife through V.V.’s skull with a casual throw. Kallen needs to do the same with the Emperor before she can be considered a full equal, but she has potential.
Millay probably just intimated/sweet-talked the head of the TV station into allowing her to put on a penguin suit. She’s good at that sorta thing.
so uh.. what practical purpose does that “restraint” they used on Cornelia serve?
Loved that whole sequence where Sunrise beat us over the head with the Lelouch/CC symbolism. Cut on her ring finger? Lelouch putting a bandaid over it? Brilliant.
I wonder what Nina’s O-face is gonna look like when Japan gets nuked. Which brings up the thought, why are they arming the Lancelot with a nuke if it’s going to be in the land of their precious Sakuradite?
It must be like the start of Reservior Dogs – they all dress in suits to look cool but it adds nothing to the plot.
Was I the only one to notice that Sayoko kept her maid hat on in business attire? I can only think its surgically attached to her head for some reason.
Don’t worry; if you watch the end of the first episode of the Lillia arc, it’s made pretty clear what’s actually going on.
Cornelia’s definitely the hotter captive. its the dressing!!!
I’ve never seen a pizza like that before. Now I want to know what it is so I can find a place that makes something like it so I can get it.
So they used the colors red and blue to color the map of the world and boil it down to Red vs Blue…
It was amazing enough that at first the entire western hemisphere is under Britainian control, now it looks like half the world.
“I wonder how many people at channel 2 did she have to sleep with to get that promotion.”
none, either she black mail them or promised them a night with susaku/lulu… dammit I gotta stop getting weird ideas…
“At least she’s not behaving like she’s carrying Suzaku’s baby,”
cant wait for the doujin for that one…
Yeah it’d pretty clear what happened at the end of that same episode of Allison and Lillia. (Great show btw).
Tim:”Loved that whole sequence where Sunrise beat us over the head with the Lelouch/CC symbolism. Cut on her ring finger? Lelouch putting a bandaid over it? Brilliant.”
I think the fact that Sunrise makes up the plot episode by episode would contradict this statement, I doubt they looked that far ahead of the series for such a great symbolic statement to be true, coincidences coincidences… But good catch.
I can somehow see Anya joining Zero’s forces after she realizes all the things she’s been Geassed into doing at 6 JST.
What would I have slave CC do? Are you asking me, or asking what I’d think Zero would do?
Because I’m pretty sure Zero is going to bind her chest, give her a brown wig, and practice kissing ‘her’ and… OH GEASS NO!
I’d use my Geass on Anya if you know what i mean.
C.C. Is cute in the episode. But i dont like it when she reverted back.
>> Hikkiz: Im sure Sayoko didn’t have her hat when she was posing as Lelouch.
Why wasn’t I TOO surprised to see Lulu cave in, despite having his plans on a coalition that can stand against Britannia, at the mere hint that Nunnaly will get in trouble… And then he runs to SUZAKU, of all things?
Yeah, that really can’t end well.
As an aside Jason, Wil (from Allison and Lillia) ain’t dead, since it’s blatantly BLATANTLY obvious who the guy Allison’s been dating REALLY is. And the novels don’t really allude to it, as much as hammer the fact home to the reader… With a 10-ton sledgehammer.
…I’m gonna have to come back to this post again. I got derailed by “Asahina Shogo” in the list of names. It made we think, “What?! Why is there a relative of Mikuru in Code Geass?!” He must be related, the Kanji for Asahina is the exact same?! Father? Son? What is he to our Mikuru?!?
I feel like CC got butchered… *sigh* you’d think it’d be hot, but she lost her tsundere-ness all at once. It’s a good thing I’m a Kallen fan (so happy she finally kicked Suzaku’s ass). Now if only Nina would die, she’s somehow even worse than Suck-zaku.
Is anybody else really REALLY afraid that Suzaku is going to tell Lulu to bend over when he gets to the top of those temple stairs? How about really really REALLY afraid that Lulu will like it, and Rolo will come on a revenge mission?
Tim: There was even more symbolism with the chess board and it does not look promising for the survival chances of the Black Knights and the chances of Zero’s plans succeeding.
Black King covered in blood, only a few of the pieces left standing … the Sunrise school of suggestion.
What Sunrise show does not eventually degrade into just us versus them?
Gundam SEED of all things, for recent series. Arguably SEED Destiny, the EA was beaten down but never actually joined Zaft or Lacus’s merry meddling men. Of course Destiny also serves as evidence that making a show something more complex than “us vs them” isn’t necessarily a good thing…
Several older series would also fit, although I doubt most people here would have heard of them.
>Hikkiz: Im sure Sayoko didn’t have her hat when she was posing as >Lelouch.
She did. When she takes of her disguise in the “secret base under the school”, you can see it.
I love how Sayako wears a meido hat with her suit
Jason weren’t you at all suspicious that Travas didn’t like hot things? Also he flat out says it in episode 14.
By the by-Allison and Lilia’s OP is the best this season-it is fantastic.
As far as Code Geass-this episode was pretty ho-hum. Cowering CC was by far the highlight.
Milly’s parents probably own the TV station.
I hope everyone has seen.gif of Kallen kicking the shit out of Suzaku?
It’s strangely hypnotizing.
>>>I’d vote for Cornelia as the hotter captive – longer hair and more melonpan
You forgot to mention the most important part. She’s handicapped…
Mmmmm… handicapped…
>>The way Lulu is treating C.C. does remind me a bit of Yuuichi and Makoto. But what exactly happened to C.C.? She seems mortal now, but Lulu has not gained immortality. If the Emperor took that, then does is Lulu’s geass a dead-end? And are Rolo’s and Orange-kun’s geasses fake ones? Gah, hurts my brain trying to analyze this show.
I thought it was agreed that you would no longer do any such things.
As a woman, I find C.C.’s character regression degrading!
But as a moeblob fan, I can probably handle it for a few more episodes.
I’m with Jason Rason and K.K. – C.C. was better when she was competent. Hope she gets her strength back soon, if not her memories.
And why does “Variety Show Abrakadabra” have the Yellow Submarine in its logo?
I personally find it amusing that all of Australia is all white, as in neutral. Ya know what, I bet it’s still just a giant penal colony that Brittania has chosen to forget about. Odds that the operation fails and they lose the UFN’s support, and retreat to Australia, only for a new spin-off series to begin: “Geass Survivor: The Australian Years”
Re: Allison to Lilia
Yes, I know the “twist.” What I was commenting on was how casually the death was alluded to and how opposite it was in terms of melodrama to anything that happens in Code Geass R2. I was like, “Wait, what happened?”
“I hope everyone has seen.gif of Kallen kicking the shit out of Suzaku?”
I like to dub in my own, “FALCON PAWNCH!!” at the beginning. Those are the kinds of things that keeps me watching anime.
“By the by-Allison and Lilia’s OP is the best this season-it is fantastic.”
Really? Is it a different OP from the first half? Because I like the Xam’d OP better.
I think I’m going to start reading Jason’s blog before watching the new ep of Code Geass. It’s so much more randomly funny that way, and it makes the ep more enjoyable too.
Well this alternate universe had to make an Earth completely different than ours to the point where I’m sure the English language doesn’t exist in this Earth, but they are speaking English for the sake of it. Details are details.
So we can assume in this universe Australia somehow isn’t part of the Empire. I mean from the first episode, the map of the world makes it look like the empire is the entire western hemisphere and then suddenly up to now, the empire is most of Russia, most of Africa, and half of Europe. I guess they work fast in taking over as much land mass as possible.
“My guess is at the end, Suzaku would take a bullet for Lulu and die in his hands. It would put Junjou Romantica, Antique Bakery, and Vampire Knight to shame.”
I don’t think anything can top that extremely embarrassing Rain scene in Antique Bakery 3 … ughh … But that doesn’t change the fact I’m all for the bullet ending. I’ll be extremely frustrated if Suzaku doesn’t die by the end of this series. -grumbles away-
Uhoh. Lulu’s gone emo again, and there’s no Kallen around to “comfort” him. And it’s all his own fault!
I’m pleased to see Kallen’s treatment of Suzaku, and that she hasn’t defected yet. I’m also pleased to see that Anya seems to be on schedule to defect.
Anyone want to place bets on allegiances by the end of the series, or how Lulu’s house of cards is going to fall down worst? (I don’t think I dare. This is Sunrise!)
>> Wait, what’s going on here?
Rolo heard that Lulu was into the megane look.
Why is Rolo still alive?
What happened to CC scar? It is not there when she starts to take off her shirt.
So…There was a 1960s Geass version of the Beatles then?
Oh God…
I loved this episode.
But was I the only one noticing that Pizza Butt has been losing pounds? I mean, in the IMPORTANT AREA!
Sheesh, you get her off her diet for like… two days and this is what you get? Bad show!
I think it was a good episode. Suzaku finally got his ass kicked. And by Kallen nonetheless. I wonder though, what happens when Lulu meets Suzaku and finds out his lov… I mean, BEST FRIEND got beaten up by Kallen. And I betcha it isn’t him laughing at Suzaku for getting his ass handed to him by a girl.
Speaking of… doesn’t Lulu have any friends other than Shirtless-dono to talk to? Why him of all people? I’m still reeling from the fangirls’ screams on this one.
You know, it’s spooky hearing Nina talk about nuking millions of Japanese. Do you think Code Geass is actually propaganda of the revisionist parties in Japan trying to sugarcoat the events of World War II and overwrite Article 9? Btw, if you didn’t know, Article 9 of the McArthur-written Japanese constitution says that Japan will forever give up the right to have any kind military… sounds like ANYTHING you know? O__O
Anyways, when you think about it, not really too many anime don’t degenerate into us vs. them. In the end, most stories, not just anime, is usually like that…
The question we all have to ask ourselves is, now that CC has lost her geass immortality, does that mean she will actually start gaining weight from eating too much pizza now? she’s cute, but she’s going to start looking like the Real Drive girls!!!
Oh and Jason, that was a take-out pizza, Lulu said he had Sayako order it for him.
Hehehehe, kinda liked the Random Vietnamese guy listed in the Black Knights.
Viet Pride!!!!…… No, really.
“Oh and Jason, that was a take-out pizza, Lulu said he had Sayako order it for him.”
maybe Lulu bought out Pizza Hut since it would be cheaper to feed CC…
mmm… if i ever have a slave CC I would have her do the laundry and get rid off the bodies in the basem…. i mean take out the garbage…
>>>“Thought Milly was a weathergirl… how did she go from that to breaking the UN resolution #1 story? I wonder how many people at channel 2 did she have to sleep with to get that promotion.”
Well, off to apply for a job at Channel 2. Hear the benefits package is great. Everybody wish me luck.
Something else I just remembered from this ep. They were messing around in Guren, as in trying to unlock it’s controls so they can get someone new to pilot it. Is it potentially possible that they don’t even get Kallen to defect and just have some new random newb master child pilot it?
Or, however unlikely, Suzaku defects, frees Kallen and Nunally under the condition that Lulu will turn himself in. Then ago, this is Sunrise, you cannot even TRY to guess what will happen next.
Just realized something when rewatching the first episode. Rivalz asks: “do you want to become a CEO or something, Lelouch?”, Lelouch responds “No way, such grandiose dreams lead to self destruction…” Add that statement with Hikkiz said “Black King covered in blood, only a few of the pieces left standing…” I think that it’s safe to say Lelouch is going to get wtfpawnt by the end of this.
Then again, it’s Sunrise, we’ll just have to wait.
>>Gundam SEED of all things, for recent series. Arguably SEED Destiny, the EA was beaten down but never actually joined Zaft or Lacus’s merry meddling men.
Except even with the existence of the Kira and friends along side ZAFT and the EA, by the end, instead of making something interesting out of the the other two factions, it was pretty much Freedom and Justice against everything else. It was pretty much Us Versus Them even if not so in name.
Now that CC is no longer immortal, does that mean that she no longer has ultimate metabolism? WHAT WILL THE PIZZA DO TO HER?
This was a decent episode.
The spoilers so far are going according to plan. Anya’s memory modified by the Emperor, Suzaku and Lelouch’s meeting at the Suzaku Shrine before the great battle; Nina entrusting Suzaku her nuke to blown up Tokyo, Orange-kun speaking with Gilford (surely about Cornelia) and a few more that will lead us to the world’s end. Will SUNRISE do the right thing for the first time since Cowboy Bebop? Only time will tell.
Don’t worry, all this United Federation of Nations is just the prologue for Gundam 00 2nd season. Remember my words in October.
I’m with the symbolism on this episode between Lelouch, CC and the chess board. Let’s hope for the outcome for both of them; Lelouch’s final showdown with his father, and CC’s true wish.
I may have to retract my statement about Allison and Lilia’s OP being the best of the season. I just watched the first ep of Kyoko’s Case files and that OP is pretty tight as well.
I think………
Anya is Marianne.
Ok to be serious. I don’t know what happened but I did come up with this theory…while omitting Anya’s visual age.
But anyway Lelouch would probably recognize his mother. So out goes that theory.
Heck, even Ougi forgot about it. Someone told him “we are going to rescue Kallen!” and he was like “…Oh! Right…”
1. The Emperor has been alone for quite a while.
2. Anya eerily resembles Marianne.
3. Anya has been geassed by the Emperor a couple times
4. ???
Easily tied with moe C.C. for the best part of this episode. That scene would have made this Sunday an epic Geass Sunday on 4chan… if there had been a 4chan at the time.
That was a psychosomatic condition, influenced by his impossibility to get imperial loli poon tang. Now that he’s getting enough of it, he’s been nursed back to good health.
Did anyone else notice that Britania does not infact include Great Britain? Is that like the Holy Roman Empire that is neither holy nor Roman nor an empire?
Alright. Two hawt, nubile mobile suit pilots in captivity. Instant win.
C.C. scarfing down that pizza slice in 3 bites in 2 seconds is incredible.
Suzaku getting wailed on isn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be. It’s TOTALLY so much more satisfying as I thought it would be.
Lulu’s cowering self after Daddy Dearest pops back into the picture? Yes, well… I’m pretty sure this isn’t Oliver Twist.
“Did anyone else notice that Britania does not infact include Great Britain? Is that like the Holy Roman Empire that is neither holy nor Roman nor an empire?”
I can’t believe people are still saying things like this.
Lolicon is a disease. An incurable, often fatal condition in the many who are afflicted with it. Fortunately, the symptoms are easily treatable provided the appropriate resources are available. Coincidentally, Japan with its age of consent at 12, is the perfect environment for treatment of this illness. China’s being 14, is not ideal, but also capable of providing adequate treatment.
Moving on…
I loved the way they brought up Kalen there at the end. Not even a “Now we can go rescue Kalen”, but a “Hey, this means we can rescue Kalen while we’re at it!” “….Oh Yea!”. Oh how the once proud ace who ruled the skies in a bunny suit has been reduced to a mere side dish in a frilly dress. I think I feel more sorry for her than I do Shirley…Lulu at least went out to kill people when Shirley kicked it, he probably doesn’t even remember who Kalen is anymore…Just like the rest of his army….orz
I also love how our the Leader of the New world is taking strategic political advice from a girl with the mind of a Medieval European slave loli. I guess we can call that one of those “even idiots have moments of brilliance”.
…So who wants to bet Suzaku tries to take Lulu hostage and/or repeat their encounter from season 1? I’m willing to place money on there also being some yaoi rape along the way…orz
And lastly, I still want to know what Shogo’s relation to Mikuru is….
>>Did anyone else notice that Britania does not infact include Great Britain? Is that like the Holy Roman Empire that is neither holy nor Roman nor an empire?
Supposedly the British were driven from there after losing a war, and reestablished themselves in North America. However, this does beg the question, why did they take over 70% of the world but didn’t bother taking their ancestral homeland. Wouldn’t have that made a pretty good excuse to invade the EU?
Oh wait, right. Sunrise.
Bah, forgot to add. The Holy Roman Empire might not have been Roman or Holy, but it definitely was an Empire even if for a short time or his name wasn’t Charlemagne.
“[…]that was a take-out pizza, Lulu said he had Sugiyama order it for him.”
(Just correcting a little mistake.)
Does anyone else find it worrying that Lelouch still feels perfectly comfortable cruising around most likely non-immortal C.C. with his permanent, uncontrollable Geass eye exposed? I sense a possible “Oh Shit!” moment coming sometime down the road. Better hope he has Orange-kun on speed dial or things could get pretty messy. Or he might tell her to “Just eat your pizza” and C.C. will be back to normal.
Lelouch needs to make Cornelia into his onee-san haremette. Afterall he already has the Nunnally imouto in his collection
This has got to be Kallen’s most awesomeness moment. For an episode without much action, I found this to be rather enjoyable. Maybe because things are actually moving forward at a nice pace, with plenty of new possible twists coming up.
And Milly has been reduced to random recurring character to appear every time someone turns on the TV, regardless of channel and reason.
Isn’t it funny how all C.C. Scars from season 1 have magically disappeared in R2?