code geass r2 21
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass
I’m a terrorist straight out of hell
I don’t have a mother or a father
Because I killed them both
I don’t have friends or a girlfriend
Because I killed them all
Kill, kill, kill your fucking parents
Satsugai satsugai se yo
Satsugai satsugai se yo
Satsugai satsugai se yo

So Code Geass turned out to be a tragic love story between Charles and Marianne? Ugh. I’m not disgusted because the plot is once again in afterburners, I’m not disgusted because they made a big deal in everyone meeting at Kaminejima last episode and doing nothing with it, I’m not disgusted because of the nonsensical revelations that were just impossible to even hint at over the first 30 episodes of this series. I’m just disgusted that I didn’t pick up on the Detroit Metal City connections earlier.
It all makes sense. The Lulu part wants to live a simple and happy life with Nunnally and his same sex partner Suzaku. The Zero part wants to be a leader of a global military organization and hang around hawt bunny girls. It’s just the same conflict that’s part of Negishi/Krauser. Just like how Krauser would do things Negishi will not, it doesn’t mean that Krauser is Negishi or vice-versa. They’re separate people with separate goals, and, even if they don’t know it themselves, they have the same end goal. Lulu/Zero is the same, and Suzaku just realized that. Just because Zero appears when Lulu puts on that mask, Lulu isn’t really Zero, and Zero really isn’t Lulu. They’re like Negishi/Krauser with the make-up.

And that’s probably the most important line of this episode when Suzaku realized what Euphie was telling him that Zero is not Lulu. He finally gets it now, and that’s why he’s willing to become Lulu’s Knight of Zero and start off the worst case OH GEASS NO scenario.
(The difference between Negishi/Krauser and Lulu/Zero, of course, is that Lulu actually killed his parents while Negishi only sings about it. Though just don’t start thinking of Suzaku as a “pig” for Lulu, and you’ll be fine… satsugai satsugai se yo)

*Suzaku drops down and somehow breaks metal spears by kicking them*
*Cut to Kallen, looking worried* “Suzaku… why?!”
*Cut back to Lulu* “Let me introduce you to my knight, Suzaku Kururugi. I’ll give him a title above all the other Rounds, the title of Knight of Zero.”
*Cut to Sumeragi, looking extremely worried* “Him… and Suzaku?!”
All at once now… three… two… “OH GEASS NO!!!”

That damn smile… that must be a “Lulu and I just spent the past month getting reaquianted” smile. OH GEASS NO!
Seriously, since the beginning of the Code Geass and knowing that Suzaku and Lulu are BFF, there’s only two possible scenarios for the end. One is if Suzaku and Lulu fought to the death (end of season 1) and the other is if the two kissed and made up, which is the logical OH GEASS NO conclusion to R2.
(Screw trying to analyze the plot. I’m more interested in what the BL fangirl community will do– do they scrap all those Gino x Suzaku fanfics and focus on the Suzaku x Lulu now? Or do they break off into factions for like Suzaku x Lulu and Gino x Schneizel? Or do I need to try harder in breaking them so we can get some Anya x Marianne ingeasscest?)

Probably didn’t help that Lulu crossed his legs in the most effeminate way possible. Thankfully 5 JST prevents any sort of Basic Instincts-like revelation.

Man, loved this double geass emo facial distortion. I could literally watch it on a loop… it’s one of the greats. Good times, good times…

Run Ranka-puppy! Don’t let Szilard eat you!
Oh wait… I’m mistaken. Similar ridiculous plot and pacing… and the green hair must have confused me.

C.C. rocking back and forth, slightly trembling, is a pretty nice sight. She’s trembling not because she’s scared of what’s to come or of Charles but because she knows her choice here basically seals the Suzaku x Lulu ending. C.C. just have to comfort herself with Pizza Hut… how many stamps does she need for the Cheese-kun vibrator?

Now those are bedroom eyes. Insane bedroom eyes but nonetheless.

I even think this is kinda gruesome for 5 JST. Though I like how Marianne, on the verge of death via 20 some bullet wounds, can still geass poor little Anya.
(Bedroom eyes as well?)

At this point, the amount of deus ex machina that Sunrise can pull out is incredible. “Thought Elevator”? “Sword of Akasha”? WTF? Is this rollerblading mecha anime or Evangelion episode 25/26? The ultimate deus ex machina moment came when Lulu geassed the poor “Will of Mankind”. Lulu can geass god? Egads.
(The second best deus ex machina has to be Lulu sealing Charles inside last episode and then deciding that no one can get out by destroying the door outside. Except Suzaku, Marianne, and C.C. all made it in. With the destroyed door. So the door of Ragnarok is a permeable cell membrane? Maybe it’s like a sperm and an egg… *looks at the above screenshot*… nah…)

Obligatory Milly screenshot. She got more screentime this episode than Kallen I think…

Suzaku must know that something is wrong because Anya is showing like 50 times more emotion here than ever before. I wonder whose side will Anya end up on… Schneizel’s? Black Knights? Lulu’s? I find this intriguing.

And, more importantly, what would any Anya x Marianne situation be classified as? Ingeasscest?
(The only way things could be even more fucked up is if Anya were Marianne’s daughter and/or clone. Sunrise missed a golden opportunity! Grammar girl my ass…)

Kind of a meandering 10 minute conversation between the Britannians. A lot of it is just mindless garbage, but I do find it fascinating that this show series has been about teenagers rebelling against their parents and ultimately killing them. Is this the message Sunrise wants to send? Or did something happen to the heads of Sunrise to make an anime where the two main characters kill their parents and most of their dysfunctional families?
(Though if Lulu spared his parents, we could have gotten the most fantastic reality TV show ever: Meet the Britanninans. It would be more riveting than The Osbournes… I mean… can you imagine Thanksgiving dinner between Schneizel, Cornelia, Charles, Marianne, Euphie’s ghost, Nunnally’s ghost, Lulu, and Lulu’s “friend” Suzaku? That would be epic.)

Another interesting bit is that this Ragnarok Connection (sounds like an apparel store that appeals to skaters and thrashers) can bring back the dead. Marianne even tempts Suzaku with “I can bring Euphie back!” You probably know me too well if you know that I’m terrified that there’s a way to bring back all the dead characters in one fell swoop in a Sunrise anime.

If McCain or Obama make this type of hand motion, I’ll vote for him. I’m sick of politicians doing the knuckle wave a popularized by Bill Clinton. I want real, fabulous hand motions from them.

And, finally, from last time…
Spaniard: What the hell. They could have made this simple, instead of making such a convoluted confusing mess of the plot. I really shouldn’t be surprised but that whole Marianne thing came out of nowhere. So basically she was in cahoots with C.C. the whole time THUS starting this whole thing? Wut.
Except that Marianne is not in cahoots with C.C. but with Charles! Take that! The plot is even more convoluted and confusing than you thought it was! They are who we thought they were! And that’s the way we took the damn field. Now if you wanna crown them, then crown their ass! But they are who we thought they were.
Chronic: I’m curious why Lelouch didn’t just stay outside and seal his dad in the chamber.
He wanted to have a chat with him about how Marianne died. I’m still more curious as to how Marianne, Suzaku, and C.C. entered this “sealed” chamber.
Symophonia: Good to know I’m not the only one who thought Anya was about to jump C.C.. I was blaming having the line “Pink goes good with green!†stuck in my head from listening to the Wicked soundtrack too much.
If I were building a fan soundtrack for Code Geass, definitely Popular will come before Satsugai.

(Lulu as Satsuki… with the skirt…)
eaglearcher: Now the doujin of Anya #$%!ing with Lulu is much more disturbing
You mean that Anya is also Lulu’s mom kind of disturbing or that Lulu doesn’t care for the het kind of disturbing?
braincraft: So, are we taking bets on which characters are gonna have amnesia in the third season?
No, there’s no third season. Once Suzaku and Lulu kissed and made it, it’s pretty much the end of this story. They could always explore medieval times in a Code Geass prequel though.
danainae: On another note, am I the only one worried about Cornelia here? I mean look at how tight those pants are?! I bet it’s giving her a hell of a wedgie. Look at Zero Suit Samus, her suit isn’t that tight.
There’s Zero on the opposite side of that spectrum. My gosh, what steroids and hgh did he use?!

Eroge: I have a feeling everything Lulu did was JUST AS PLANNED for Charles. Being stuck in a room with Luluko for eternity and without his 108 wives, is this the making of an epic incest gender-swaping c75 doujin? Rolo, Suzaku, and Bismark must all be getting jealous. Hell, I am – I want Luluko for eternity too ~
Yep… these are my readers.
Yeah, the plot swings from WTF to holy shit and back. Gotta love how Suzaku rationalized getting back together with Lulu, and Lulu Geassing God to kill his folks with death by sparklies.
Poor Anya. The loli always gets the shaft in Geass.
Odd how the Emperor and his knight wear school uniforms though. But they’re better than the ‘fabulous’ clothes we see in next week’s preview. But if Suzaku made a promise to kill the Emperor and now Lulu is Emperor… I see Schneizei’s plan.
Just as planned, indeed.
Thats is all I have to say. But you have to wonder, now the Lelouch is now the emperor and has Geass couldn’t he basically have the most awesome orgy ever? He does have the best harem…and now he can even bring Rolo back!
This episode was so freaking stupid it just wasn’t funny anymore. Lelouch Geassing God? God being Jupiter? Marianne being evil? Anya being nothing other than loli bait? C.C. back in her sexy prison outfit instead of wearing the sexy commander outfit she wore at the start of the series…I mean come on!
Does CG season 1 have different writers than CG R2? I mean 90% of the characters introduced or reintroduced has had little to no effect on the series as a whole and it seems that the whole series could function as a standalone barring a few facts from season 1…
For some reason it seems that the WWE and Code Geass have the same writers…I mean son gets defeated, dissapears and suddenly comes back better than ever.
If only Colors started playing when Lelouch came out from behind the curtains and when Suzaku did a run in and it would be a bonified wrestling angle…
And finally didn’t Cornelia and Jeremiah set up some guards around the house I clearly remember Lelouch geassing her and her saying something to that extent…and what about Jeremiah…heck where is Jeremiah?
Also what’s up with Marianne her trying to draw on Suzaku, that spin thing when she reintroduced herself to Lelouch, her sudden alliance with Charles? Is she crazy or maybe her Geass backlash affected her psyche?
Theoretically this episode could have been the end of the series:
Charles dead
Mariannes cause of “death” revealed and her real death
Lulu & Suszaku friends again
Lulu is now the Emperor
Ragnarok subplot (more or less) resolved
Now they have a free hand to wrap the story up, some conflicts remain to tie in Action scenes (Schneizel, OotBK). Of course they could also introduce more new plotpoints than they can deal with in the remaining Time. (Fatal illness isn´t Fatal at all)
Death by Sparklies. My number three favorite thing about Sunrise, right behind fabulous character designs and train-wreck plotting.
Man, I love this show so much. Zero’s “You mean the people I care about are dead because of you two fuckers?” was brilliant. I was almost expecting the background to turn into a room full of Anyas-in-a-jar. And they still have enough episodes for a whole arc!
I don’t care if it didn’t make much… if any sense. This episode was damn entertaining and in the end thats what matters. IT WAS FABULOUS. Suzaku x lulu I don’t care anymore, I WELCOME IT. ALL HAIL LELOUCH, emperor of the broken and fangirls everywhere!
Can you imagine Thanksgiving dinner between Schneizel, Cornelia, Charles, Marianne, Euphie’s ghost, Nunnally’s ghost, Lulu, and Lulu’s “friend†Suzaku?
You forgot Rolo’s ghost. >:(
And this isn’t even the last episode. How can they top this level of deus ex brokenness? Forget trainwreck, the finale is going to make 9/11 look like Kallen/Viletta symmetrical docking.
Complete “Holy S***!” moment at the end for me after I finished watching the episode. Just when I thought there couldn’t be more twists, the kind and loving mother figure that we were all suckered into thinking ended up being the U.M.M.W.U.T. – ultimate manipulative mastermind wifey uber twist.
Somehow I ended up having the feeling at some point that Charles had sent Lulu and Nunally to Japan for their own good – somehow, it doesn’t feel very vindicating that I was right. Oh well.
C.C. was unusually sad at the end of the episode when she was standing off to the side. I don’t think she got her Cheese-kun back when they left the World of C(razyfuckedupness).
The only way this could get better (and I know with Sunrise, chances are it will anyway) is if the next use of the upgraded Geass is this:
“Lelouch vi Britannia commands you – all mai hunnies, come to me!” But instead of it being Kallen, Millay, Cecile, the bridge bunnies, and the chicks from the school fair, it ends up being a reunion of the Oh Geass No chippendale squad… OH SHI-
The term ‘refuge in audacity’ has never been more appropriate than for this show.
Oh, two interesting points of the episode… I wonder if that’s what Marianne’s Freshly F***ed Face looks like, and we get another appearance of Miya-Miya in Britannian court – although, that’s an incredible dress cut and a really impressive tattoo for someone of such noble birth…
plot? wut plot? fabulous episode is FABULOUS! from the start of this season i should have watched it just for all the naughty foreplay between lulu and suzaku, real or imagined.
look at the 5th pic, look at that face! how can you NOT conclude that suzaku had the most awesome earth shattering orgasm with lulu?! forget bout the whole convoluted mess and just revel in the hanky panky brokenness that is Code Geass R2.
I find this hard to believe. HOW is this blog not ripping on Sunrise for finally telling us that Nunnally survived, reveled at 22:27, unless of course the GG subs are just screwing with us.
Shit, I meant 20:27, sorry, orz
I think it was probably referring to when they “found” at end of the first season, which of course is no big news to Lulu – hence, barely an reaction from him.
Oh, to be Lulu’s friend for five minutes.
Hey, Lelouch. Remember when I lent you an eraser back in high school? Well, I just heard that you brainwashed God and was wondering if you could do me a little favor. Can you have God give a 45-minute-long belching fit every time someone invokes the will of God to further their own agenda? Oh, and I’d like to be 30 pounds lighter.
[long pause] …oh, okay. *KER-GEASS*
[now 30 pounds lighter] SWEET! I don’t care what the internet says about you! You’re a great guy!
[long pause] ….thanks. Now I must be going. I’m flooded with requests for “Mako-cakes…” whatever the hell those are…, images of Akiko wearing nothing but her special jam and… who the hell is Kyou, and why are they saying that her thighs are delicious?
Yep, we are Jason’s readers.
What was that?
Ohnothingatall! Willya look at the time? I gotta go. Thanks! We’re even now!
this episode just confirmed that its either the writers are batshit insane, or they’re just plain old Sunrise.
“Does CG season 1 have different writers than CG R2? I mean 90% of the characters introduced or reintroduced has had little to no effect on the series as a whole and it seems that the whole series could function as a standalone barring a few facts from season 1…”
actually there was an interview back about how the director Taniguchi was force to change most of the plot for season 2… yep, at this point i am just ignoring the whole thing and just accept it…
“All at once now… three… two… “OH GEASS NO!!!—
Oh, Geass. does that mean we have to swear a new oath along the lines of ‘I for once welcome our new yaoi masters”?
i’m pretty stoked from this ep as now it’s only a matter of time till we get a great exhibitionist doujin featuring luluXsuzaku humping like bunnies on the throne with the entire geassed audience watching.
So, Lelouch geassed the royal family and became emperor… Now, the entire Black Knights struggle becomes pointless because he could have done this as soon as he got geass.
At the very least, this series seems to be headed for a happy ending now. United States of Britannia anyone?
Why are they still in their Ashford uniforms? Is that the only set of clothes they own?
So now that Lulu’s emporer, does that mean the OoBK has to suck up to Lulu again? I mean, they know that Lulu’s zero now, and they’re just gonna think Lulu used them to get the throne. But then again, he might give them back Japan. I can imagine how they’ll suck up to him.
First time reader, first comment
That final scene, WTF!! Uber Twist.
i did consider the posibility that marianne were in charle’s side, but i believed that she was on lelouch side. there i wasnt that surprised . But Lelouch Emperor of Britiannian??? and Scheinzel now leading the Black Knights WTF.
In just 3 Episodes they switch armies, that is a Twisted Twist
PS. Why they have their school uniforms????
Why did they bother skipping the plot forward a month? That scene could have happened the next day, and there wouldn’t be any *more* continuity deficiencies.
Did that dude say “we found Nunnally” at the end? Or is my subber smoking crack. How is that not an important plot point to anybody, they just keep going and ignore him. ARE THEY NOT AFRAID??! This was the dude that was going to marry Tian-zi after all – WE KNOW WHAT HE DOES TO LOLIS.
I need a stiff drink.
He was referring to when Nunnally returned to Britannia (courtesy of V.V., I think?) after the end of season one.
Whoot! I totally knew Suzaku and Lulu would hook up! I mean, when they started doing the love-hate thing I tried to settle on Lelouch x CC, but now that it’s come to this, I’m perfectly eager to go back to the BL.
And yay for Charles and Marianne! They love each other! Squee~!!!
…Sunrise is doing a pretty good job of pleasing the ladies. :D
Sunrise found a new way to be environmentally friendly by recycling old lines. xD
There were enough dna-spiral twists in this episode for it to be the finale of any other series, even a Sunrise one. I now have absolutely no ideas left how it’s going to end, none, nada, zero ….
Oh, by the way, I don’t know who the hell keeps coming up with the various Totoro character impositions (the other hilarious one that comes to mind is the Final Fantasy XI one) but this one definitely takes it in craziness… do we have to call him Lulu-cakes now?
Then when I saw C.C. in her prison outfit, I just thought “Oh Geass No.” Maybe if Lulu wasn’t obsessed with men he could have ordered her into a bunny outfit. I think the entire female cast in bunny outfits symmetrical docking would be a good end. Either that or the Hot Tub Scene.
wait… Charles and VV were at one point the same size as each other?? Who or WTF kind of milk did he drink to out grow VV by that much??
I’m amazed Lulu and Suzaku took over a nation in their Ashford school uniforms. One’d think they can wear something a bit more glamorise, for example, a tux for Suzaku and a wedding dress for Lulu.
Lateral: Charles aged from a loli to a non-loli. V.V. appears to have had ‘loli’ set as his default setting, which meant that Charles grew up and discovered girls… which made V.V. jealous enough to kill.
And personally, I prefer the Ashford uniforms to the stuff we saw in next week’s preview. I’m betting Rivalz is thinking ‘What the hell? The Emperor adopted Ashford Academy’s uniform as standard regal dress? And
… and continuing from where I got cut off, I think he and Millay are more concerned that a siscon-obsessed teenager is running their nation now.
You know what? I don’t care anymore for this show. Lulu and Suzaku can be fuck buddies for all I care. Shrew the rest of the episodes because they should end it right there and now because Sunrise is on some serious Shrooms after the 15 episode :( Wtf!? is the plot about again?
>>wait… Charles and VV were at one point the same size as each other?? Who or WTF kind of milk did he drink to out grow VV by that much??
Well, once you get the mark, your body stops aging, as we saw from the flash back of C.C.’s memories. I assume the same happened with V.V.
I figured he stopped aging when he got Geass-granting power, just like C.C. did.
Wow, did anyone catch that new shoulder-less getup Suzaku has now in the previews? I’d really prefer Mako-cakes’ turquoise dress.
Just a thought:
Lulu’s eyes must be really irritated. I’ve come to realized all the times that Lulu took off and put on his contact lens with nothing more than a swipe of his hand. I mean, that’s definitely gotta be tricky to pull off and quite painful.
Just a thought……
May I ask how in the hell did LuLu obtain the power of Geass in the right eye? They have better explain that.
Sunrise has officially gone off the deep end with this episode. Part of me thinks it’s glorious plot twist and the other is stark raving mad over the WTFness.
ronaldhennesy: The same way Lulu got a perma-Geass in the first place – Geass powers seem to grow with time and/or usage. That’s how Charles got two, being the old and skilled Geass-user he is, and how he got V.V.’s code.
So, Nunally is not really blind and crippled, she’s only Geassed into thinking so, right? Just thought to mention that.
As for the rest of the episode, I just kind of throw up my hands in resignation. I have to hand it to Sunrise, they’ve really outdone themselves this time. What do we even have to look forward to for the Final Four eps? Schniezel and the bumbling Black Knights are nothing when Lulu can death-by-sparklies his immortal Pops and just-came-back-from-the-dead-JUST_AS_PLANNED-and-is-really-evil Mum.
We all really know you earnestly wish for it to happen, Sunrise being Sunrise and all. Actually, just bringing back the dead would be too mundane now. I predict: dead characters come back, all with Geass of their own, and enroll in Ashford Academy, where we’re treated to the Typical Harem anime ending to end all Typical Harem anime endings OH GEASS NO.
Forget it! Just make the wildest, most whimsical, and imbecilic prediction you can make about the end of Code Geass; it will probably happen.
@Kadian1364: The planet turns inside-out, with the molten core becoming the surface and the crust and mantle becoming the inside…and Jeremiah becomes the King of Oranges.
Is it a bad thing that my only reaction to this episode was “WTF, Brittanian dressmakers, you really failed Marianne big time”?
On the bright side, at least it doesn’t seem like the writers are making it up as they go like last season’s Eleven Genocide and LOL STRANDED ON AN ISLAND LOL.
On the bright side, Lelouch and Suzaku are together again! He breaks steel spears with a quadruple spinkick from the friggin’ ceiling like a friggin’ ninja spider.
>>>Whoot! I totally knew Suzaku and Lulu would hook up! I mean, when they started doing the love-hate thing I tried to settle on Lelouch x CC, but now that it’s come to this, I’m perfectly eager to go back to the BL.
And yay for Charles and Marianne! They love each other! Squee~!!!
…Sunrise is doing a pretty good job of pleasing the ladies. :D
In the meatime, I’m just…jaded that I’m a fan of Code Geass, and that I’m grouped with her.
Oh the unifying power of Code Geass. It’s like the United States of Anime now.
Geass lvl1 – can only be used once and only one target.
Geass lvl2 – anyone in the area can be geassed except C.C. and already geassed characters.
What is the agreement between Lelouch and Suzaku during that 1 month, probably find a way to escape the World of C ?
Suzaku’s spinkick become powerful. Did he train himself in the World of C ?
Lelouch mastered his Geass lvl2 during that time ? Planned a lot before taking the throne ?
C.C. busy searching for his old outfit ? Would she give her code to Lelouch to save him from dying ?
All Knights of Round have already shown up except for no.4. Does this mean no.4 is Nunally or Sayoko if ever alive ?
Maybe Anya have feelings for Lelouch and would support him. Since she had pictures of him. Probably that’s other main reason she was there aside from what Marianne explained .
Sunrise being Sunrise…
Jason, are you thinking what I’m thinking?
We’ve now got the ManRam of anime studios…
Looks like were having a lelouch x suzaku bedscene at the end.. At least up to the point that JST 6 would allow. And knowing what JST 6 would allow, that wouldn’t be pretty. OH GEASS NO!
I don’t get it. Why didn’t Charles just kill V.V. eight years ago?
He killed your wife and wanted to kill your children, dude. Surely killing the little prick is better than sending your children to the god damn country you’re at war with?
Why the hell did any of the Lulu + Black Knights stuff happen again? This episode made everything else a bit pointless, not only that but it wasn’t really much of a “Oh I see it all makes sense now!” moment as a “I wish I was smoking whatever it is the Sunrise writers are on” moment.
Can’t we just go back to the good old days of S1 where the most exciting thing that happened was that Lulu made his sister kill people? I mean that is pretty fukken simple compared to all this.
I just want Sneezy and Corny to beat Lulu’s smug arse, it’d be far more satisfying.
(Also yay to the return of C.C’s S1 outfit)
lets all cheer to welcome doujin writers who’ll be drawing up a lulu x suzaku story.
All Hail Lelouch!!
This episode completely derailed Geass. For it to have had any real impact the director needed to drop some breadcrumbs, not just plop it all down. On a more positive note, that Totoro pic with Lulu as Satsuki is so moe I fucking died.
I hereby dub thee: AllieswithLuluinaveryhomoeroticfashionzaku! Sheer brilliance!
Marianne reveals how much of a bitch she is and goodbye. Hey why would you take 1 month to declare yourself emperor with Suza…oh god dang bloody ahhhhhh! Quick call in the Fangirl Riot Squad!
C.C. is aloof and in her straight jacket again! As long as she gets on the phone to Pizza Hut sometime soon, I’m pretty sure the rest of the plot will just fall into place.
I’m tired of this shit; from now on I’ll be watching Strike Witches. At least there, there’s no pretense of a plot to ruin with the last two fucking episodes.
Why aren’t you reviewing Strike Witches?
(No criticism this week. I don’t know where to start)
“Why aren’t you reviewing Strike Witches?”
Lolis with underwear mixed on with broken minds will probably create a ‘space time continuum’
“May I ask how in the hell did LuLu obtain the power of Geass in the right eye? They have better explain that.”
they already did
the first stage you have one geass in your eye and you have control
the second stage you cannot control the geass and is on all the time
the third stage is you have geass in both eyes…
did you forget or something?
The fourth stage: Geass must run into a castle filled with fire chains, lava and fireballs aplenty, jump over the huge turtle/dinosaur beast and grab the golden axe only to discover that Geass’s rebellion is in another castle.
No, wait…
The fourth stage: the ghost monsters chasing Geass are faster, and the center-screen fruit is an apple.
No, wait…
The fourth stage: The Labyrinth Zone. Geass must travel underwater in several parts. If Geass does not jump into giant air bubbles to replenish its oxygen, it drowns.
No, wait…
The fourth stage: Geass fights Chun-Li in China. If Geass wins, it advances to the bonus round where it must beat up a car in 30 seconds.
…that’s not right, either. What is the fourth stage of Geass, anyway?
The fourth stage of Geass is when your immortal, immune to all Geass, and have a craving so strong for pizza hut that your willing to betray anyone for a slice of stuffed crust.
No one caught on Kannon calling out Suzaku yet?
“He’s a man that has continuously committed betrayals from the very beginning.” (22:09)
On another note Cornelia’s arm seems okay now. Will she pilot a knightmare again? Seriously, she’s been nothing but sexy, sexy eye candy up till now. That and her demonstration of doing MacGyver right.
>>Screw trying to analyze the plot. I’m more interested in what the BL fangirl community will do– do they scrap all those Gino x Suzaku fanfics and focus on the Suzaku x Lulu now? Or do they break off into factions for like Suzaku x Lulu and Gino x Schneizel?
Why Schneizel? Is it the blonde hair or Schneizel’s fabulousness?
>>can you imagine Thanksgiving dinner between Schneizel, Cornelia, Charles, Marianne, Euphie’s ghost, Nunnally’s ghost, Lulu, and Lulu’s “friend†Suzaku? That would be epic.
But wouldn’t Marianne be a ghost too or are do you mean Anya under Marianne’s control? Marianya? I can’t believe you forgot Clovis’s ghost, Odysseus (the poor sap that keeps getting screwed up no matter what he does), Guinevere (who reminds me of Lust for some reason), Carine (the clown-looking princess), and Kannon, Mr. aide to Schneizel “publicly and privately.”
But really, I wish for a good end for Odysseus. He’s like the one good person that’s still alive who’s part of the Britannian family. He looks like the nice big brother type who actually cares about the other members of his family.
When will Super Charles fanart appear?
Did anyone else thought that Suzaku looks like he wanted Bismark to be there so he could rub it in his face that he’s the KoZ?
Didn’t mean to double post.
Alright, I’m going to comment on Sunrise Plot, but I can’t help it.
First off Orange-kun is still alive, has the Geass canceller and is looking for Nunally who was Geassed into thinking she is blind and crippled. Anyone else think she is going to walk through the door and tell Lulu to stop. Second I guess it makes sense that Anya has a picture of Lulu from around the age when his mother died because she was at his house but didn’t remember because she was geassed by Marianne.
Alright when Lulu said he was going to Geass someone else in the room I thought he was talking about Marianne because he had already geassed Suzaku and C.C. + Charles are immune, but he had never geassed Marianne or Anya for that matter so was it necessary to Geass the gods?
Why did Suzaku seriously creep me out with that smile at the end.
To Dustin
I believe because he got Lulu’s poontang during that one month they was busy :P
Gigi Giggity, .. ALRIGHT!!! :D
>>I believe because he got Lulu’s poontang during that one month they was busy
And that’s how he became Ninjazaku? Does this include C.C.’s ability to stay thin no matter how many stroke-inducing pizzas she eats?
Dear god. It’s like the Code Geass folk decided to rush and finish up the more strange ‘Ragnarok Junction’ business to make way for leet mech battles. Probably for the best. I think the developers were starting to get themselves confused with the plot.
I don’t like any of the remaining factions. So go Kallen. Woo.
Nothing made any sort of fragging sense. Charles could have turned into a giant piranha and I’d still be this confused.
And about the Suzaku smile. UHM. I am torn between thinking if Suzaku is just that deprived or Lulu is really that good. On one hand, Suzaku getting any in a Brittanian environment seems unlikely, seeing as he’s still an Eleven, but on the other hand, that would mean Lulu’s been… practicing? With C.C.? Kallen? Orenji? His harem of loli queens?
Oh fuck. There’s no way to look at this without somebody turning into a deviant.
So the most acceptible ending would be Kallen returning to her bunny suit, right?
I thought of something else.
How the hell did they get out of the World of C? Technically, shouldn’t Charles have had all the powers of C.C, meaning if she could have gotten out then he should have? Plus, we wasted almost 2 seasons of lelouch trying to find out who killed his mother to have it end up being him who will really finish her off?
I think the Brittanian dress makers of Mariannes time were actually fired, and due to her not changing into the new era of dresses, Marianne had to be killed. Women allowed to cover up? What is this, Sparta?
“Geass lvl1 – can only be used once and only one target.
Geass lvl2 – anyone in the area can be geassed except C.C. and already geassed characters.”
At the very beginning in R1, Lulu geassed a buncha’ people to kill themselves simultaneously.
Also, they sealed Ragnarok from the outside, and for some bizzaro reason it was still possible to exit and enter? Huh? In addition, what the heck happened over that month? I doubt it would take more than a couple days to plan what he did, unless Suzaku and Lulu were getting “reacquainted”.
I bet Gino is going to help Lulu.
Fact remains that Gino is still probably the last sane character. Everyone else seems to be discounted for either being just a bit batshit insane, forgiving their enemies because they hold the promise of wild sex0rz or wanting to destroy the chain that fixes us to Jupiter.
I LOL’d so much. Lordy lordy! I guess this is why I still watch Code Geass.
My new favorite Suzaku meme: Roofzaku.
That was truly epic twist ex machina. And show still continues. If they make ending any more twisted, reality will break and every Mai Hime character will be revived.
@AeS: That already happened.
“That was truly epic twist ex machina. And show still continues. If they make ending any more twisted, reality will break and every Mai Hime character will be revived.”
And this is what you get for daring the universe:
>>He wanted to have a chat with him about how Marianne died. I’m still more curious as to how Marianne, Suzaku, and C.C. entered this “sealed†chamber.
You’d think a guy would prioritise something over finding out why his mother died. You know, like not sealing himself away for the rest of his life – if blowing up the doorway had actually done what it was supposed to.
Well, he became Zero for 2 things.
1. Create a safe world for Nunally
2. Find out the truth behind his mothers death and kill his father
Just leaving him would have made everything worthless, since he believes Nunally is dead (There is a reason she is listed as “Whereabouts Unknown” on the website)
P.S. EP 19 of First Season just aired. They actually used a censor for Nude Kallen when Zaku pinned her(Not to mention the voices are total crap)
Speaking of Ep 22, Nina’s actually looking rather cute when she’s not humping tables or demanding the deaths of Elevens. No wonder she got a CG pic of her own in the Lost Colors game…