do you remember? (macross frontier 24)
Categories: anime, episodic review, macross
Tagged: macross frontier
“Remember, you’ll rarely find as wonderful a woman as me.”

Being attacked by a yuuuuge Ranka-puppy! I liked the reverse Minmay Defense (which will now be known as the Ranka Inverse of the Minmay Defense), and it’s fitting that she uses the song that Minmay uses to save mankind to help the Vajra…

Do you remember? The time when our eyes first met?
Do you remember? The time when our hands first touched?

Oh wow… wow…
(Would Sunrise kill off Lulu an episode before the final Code Geass R2 episode? And then bring him back 15 minutes later? Um, yeah. Nevermind.)

I guess I’m not getting a threesome ending now. Maybe I’m misinterpreting, but I thought that Sheryl wanted Alto to save Ranka because Sheryl accepted the possible threesome end scenario– then Alto had to screw it up by getting owned by Brera.

Didn’t turn me on like Nia being trapped by the Anti-Spirals… wait… am I sharing too much again?

Is that Michael’s skeleton or something? Hilarious if that was like his skull that Klan is so lovingly caressing.

Am I the only one wondering “Hey, that means both Mao and Mao’s daughter had illegitimate children or how else would Sheryl be a ‘Nome’ and not a different last name?” Promiscuous sex runs in a family? Bristol Palin is shocked.
(Mao Nome was 11 in 2008 in the Macross timeline, and Frontier takes place in 2059. Humanity goes from basically nothing to interstellar colonization in 50 years… we’d be lucky to have fiber-to-the-home in 2059 let alone space colonization. I have a theory as to how humanity pulls out a victory… the only way to explain such rapid development is spiral power! Gurren Lagann will save the day! They killed off Alto so they could introduce the real hero!)

And “Bobby” will wash off his makeup to reveal that he’s really Leeron!

Still trying to figure out why Sheryl not only did a 20 story drop to start her concert, but why she feels the need to change costumes and perform a real concert– when there’s no live crowd.

Then I realized that the horny old men in charge of NUNS need some titillation, hence why Sheryl’s hopes and dreams are on the front projection screen, blocking the view of the battle at hand. “You know what, we have this battle so in hand, let’s just stare at Sheryl’s melonpan the rest of the way. What could possibly go wrong? Nunnally being revealed as the Vajra queen? Ha.”

See, Frontier fleet wouldn’t have lost if they used Maid Guy Fold Voice instead of Sheryl’s shitty songs. Kukuku.

Probably a bad idea to give Sheryl, your necessary component for victory, a visual of her boyfriend pilot at all times. I mean, what happens if he gets shot down– oh I know– *raises hand*— she stops singing.

Why am I suddenly reminded of the opening scene to Look’s Who’s Talking when the sperm travels down the fallopian tube?

A Shinji Ikari move… nah…

Even though Lions are strong, they lick each other.

If you stare at me with those eyes, I… I…

Instead of a next episode preview, we got a tease of the greatest Macross Frontier-related scrapbook ever.

This week’s Grace is bat-shit insane montage.
(I’m really intrigued now as to how Macross Frontier will wrap up. Alto blowing up was a nice scene setter, using DYRL as the Ranka Inverse of the Minmay Defense was a nice touch, and seeing an opening for Gurren Lagann to save the day.)
(And, remember, I won’t have high speed internet for another week or so, so probably won’t see the final posts for Macross Frontier and Code Geass R2 very fast. So unless you are willing to mail me a DVD with them, don’t bug me about writing posts for them in any sort of timely manner.)
I am pretty sure Alto didn’t bite it. Too many unresolved issues. He probably ejected from his VF before getting hit by Brera-oniichan’s cannon. Kawamori is such a troll…
Humanity goes from basically nothing to interstellar colonization in 50 years… we’d be lucky to have fiber-to-the-home in 2059 let alone space colonization.
Yeah, but they reverse-engineered a lot from the SDF-1.
First, those are Mikhail’s glasses that Klein has. Second, AT&T, Comcast, and the FCC along with the rest of the US Bribed-by-Corporate-Interests government got nukes by the Zentradi when they attacked Earth and wiped out all civilization on the surface as well as one Grand Cannon base. That’s why they’re much more efficient in the future. Third, I see you no longer call Ranka-puppy-teamkiller cute anymore.
But batehit insane Grqce is sexier than a Sonozaki… and that’s a fact. Pity you missed Leon and his facial distortion.
got nuked, even.
Batshit insane Grace. Stupid small keyboard.
Yes you would hit that bate.
This proves my earlier comment about Grace’s breasts not being ‘despair and nightmares’ correct – it’s Ranka’s DFC which brings both despair and nightmares. Grace’s are Power and Conquest, which brings about the peace of the grave.
… and yes, I would hit Grace. Sexy Crazy Cylon is sexy.
Looking forward to a RankaxSheryl ending now?
I’d hit it (Grace that is)… with the first of an angry god.
I meant fist. >_< It’s late and I need to go to bed.
Chucky: I’d hit her with a missile after a passionate night with her. Or maybe not even the missile. So Ranka’s becoming a semi-Kerrigan/Queen of Blades type under Grace’s control. Y’know, I don’t think I’d mind Grace winning at the end of the series, just because everyone else on the ‘good’ side’s been somewhat disappointing, and Ranka’s gone over to the enemy while helping Alto meet his Mom again, or at least trying to.
In fact, I’m waiting for Grace to use one of the Queen of Blades’ lines:
“At this point, I’m pretty much the Queen Bitch of the Universe. And not all your little soldiers and spaceships can stop me.”
Don’t think it will end up like Zero (song of destruction + birdman)
We need a KyouXGrace ending. Purple haired characters are awesome.
Ranka has betrayed all of humanity. Now do you people understand why I hate her so much? Die, Ranka!
Roy: The reason you hated her was because you couldn’t stand the cute little sister type, not because she was a Sarah Kerrigan who went over to the enemy and got hundreds if not thousands killed. At least now there’s a very, very good reason to hate her… since she’s managed to beat Minmei in terms of ‘how low can a member of the triangle go’?
I called it. Ranka deserves to be killed. She will be killed. Come on, Macross writers, I know you have it in you.
Dude… have you listened to Kogarashi’s character song? Ouch… carrying a tune may be the one and only task that is beyond his means. However, your typical run-of-the-mill Maid Guy Voice should suffice. Imagine all of the Vajra paralyzed and forced to watch that naked grocer guy. [shudder]
They’re waiting until Geass no Naku Koro ni to pull that trick.
And Grace… I dunno, but I don’t find her as frightening as [insert Hellsing character here] or [insert Higurashi no Naku Koro ni character here].
>>>>Roy: The reason you hated her was because you couldn’t stand the cute little sister type, not because she was a Sarah Kerrigan who went over to the enemy and got hundreds if not thousands killed. At least now there’s a very, very good reason to hate her… since she’s managed to beat Minmei in terms of ‘how low can a member of the triangle go’?
What kind of freak keeps asking the same question about her star over and over and over again? The kind of freak that betrays humanity.
She’s not a cute little sister type. Cute little sister types don’t
1) have such ugly puke green character designs
2) betray humanity
Live, Alto. You must live in order to kill Ranka.
Kyou? I thought I’d never see her lovely face again…
I don’t mind that Ranka has “betrayed” humanity. It makes the story more interesting (more chaos and destruction doesn’t hurt either). Ranka is awesome.
If you’re saying you knew that this would happen, Roy, then I’m really a woman. :P You hated her character design and her voice – that’s why you hated her to start. To say that you hated her from the beginning because you knew she’d try to kill all her friends is utter bull. At least now there’s a good reason for the hatred – her actions versus her character design.
Besides, I want Alto dead – we can depend on Klein and company to do Ranka in if necessary. Hell, if she feels any remorse she could commit suicide.
Best scenario is Alto stays dead and Ozuma ends up killing Ranka. Then everyone wins.
im glad mrs.bison got to see this eps.
im glad mrs.bison got to sing in this eps.
Am I the only one who thought that the third picture down was of Alto. (I’m assuming it’s Minmay. Never seen the original Macross). That was a “OH GEASS NO!” moment and no mistake!
Bob: No, I thought so as well. Visiting this blog has confused us it seems.
Who else is going to watch the original macross when frontier is finished? (assuming of course… you haven’t watched it yet)
Th… They… Alto… They…..couldnt…. ……
*total system shock*
I actually do hold hope for Ranka still. It does seem like she has been tricked into doing it. Rolo-style.
(Which will make it very interesting when Ranka suddenly kills Berera, before giving her life running a gauntlet of Vajra to rescue Sheryl from her untimely death….)
Grace… Grace O’Connor… Screw her. I wish she would drop dead. Not “Shoot untill she cant move” dead. Not “Existance eliminated by Spiral Warrior” dead. I want “So dead Sunrise couldnt revive her” dead.
With the last episode coming next week, its quite easy to try to actually write up a complete plot for the episode based on everything that has happened before… let me have a try…
I am fairly sure I have listed more then a 24-minute episode of action. But I dont care, thats what I feel might happen…
You forget Max and Millia deploying in their red and blue VF-22S Sturmvogels to kick ass and take names with the Power of Love.
Brera-sama for the win!
Now if only Ranka-dono could kill grace and take her rightful place on the throne.
Sheryl shouldn’t be killed, instead she should suffer a painful death in the gutter.
>>I’d hit her with a missile after a passionate night with her.
Ummm… you did it wrong.
How about calling it the Ranka Wreck for freakin wrecking the song.
Wild Goose: Alas, there are no paired ace pilots to do that in this series, even though the Jenius couple got to do it in two different ones. Klein’s still a better pilot than Alto, and Mikhail’s dusted.
Cyclops: that ain’t gonna happen. This ain’t a Gundam series directed by Fukuda, so they don’t do cliches quite that way. Besides, even if Alto manages to forgive Ranka for killing friends and family, the government isn’t likely to. She’ll be lucky to get a prison sentence.
Roy Mustang, i got your back.
kill ranka. never liked her, never did and never will. kill ranka.
Okay, enough Ranka killings for a moment. Does anyone else notice how Alto with the earrings look even more womenly to me or am I too broken to notice he’s not a man.
Oi, Oi..not too many episodes ago you guys were all moe-ing over Ranka like she were a little green haired goddess. Now its “kill Ranka”. And why? Because shes a young and foolish girl? Better get to killing off a lot of young girls because intelligence isn’t something that falls out of they sky. If this thread isn’t a indication of that already. >.>
To be honest, I like Ranka a lot more now that she’s gone empty eyed and all powerful. Jason has been saying all along she is in the wrong genre, she needs to be in Horror shows.
Also, I like how there hasn’t been any discussion about the moral/ethical implications being laid out in this plot. Normally human kind are the ones on the defense, except here they really are the aggressors. This is all about Manifest destiny and Us vs Them. Kind of go’s against the spirit of Macross, which is all about unity and harmony.
There is a chance that Kawamori will pull a epic trolling, and really will have Frontier wiped out in a dramatic way, and forcefully rub his ethical message in our faces. That’d take this Anime into the epic tier imo.
See the caption for the first picture. Jason sure noticed that.
He’s way more attractive than say.. Nanase or Ranka, and rivals Sheryl. Which is frightening, really – although I will admit I prefer the way they drew Nene and Klein this episode, which makes them even prettier than Alto-hime in the above picture.
That scrapbook is a tribute to the original Macross. The ED video in Macross was a scrapbook of the show.
Basara, hands down.
I’ve heard some people speculate about the connection between the birdmen/man of Macross Zero and the Vajra, so what about Sara Nome? (Or whatever Mao Nome’s sister’s name was…dammit, I really do have to watch Macross Zero some time. XD)
Hmmm… I agree with the “insert character from previous Macross here” and hold out hope that they somehow manage to pull out Megaroad 1. Hikaru kicks all the happy pilots asses while Minmei outsings Ranka and Sheryl saving the day. Possibility of this happening is somewhere around .000001%. But that isn’t impossible, so I hold out hope. The good news is that all the fantasy physics could allow it to happen. Megaroad 1 could have been lost in a fold fault. Mr. Billra (or whatever they are calling him in your fansub) has figured out how to save them and BLAMO all our favorite original characters back only ever so slightly older. What a prefect ending for the 25th Anniversary!
Oh my hope glows so brightly… don’t kill it Macross… don’t kill it.
oh, Grace. can you ever be more insane and sexah?…