code geass r2 24
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass
“Onii-san… please geass me!”

I can see the end!
One episode left of Code Geass R2, and I’m pumped. You could argue that for the past dozen or so episodes, we have been watching the trains figuratively crashing, and, now, we’re finally going to see the end body count. Something that strikes me as interesting is that the ratings for Code Geass have been pretty bad for Cartoon Network, but wouldn’t I expect train wreck TV to be good for ratings? How else can you explain the popularity of shows like Hogan Knows Best, Gossip Girl, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians? You’d think that if there ever was a market for train wreck TV, it would be America.
But, alas, Code Geass isn’t on the same level. Sure, it has a plot that goes down in flames, but Americans don’t care about plot as much as they do the characters. We watch people self-destruct on The Apprentice or The Island or Jerry Springer because they’re people going down on flames. It’s not really Lulu, Kallen, or C.C. going down– it’s just the show’s writing staff– and maybe that’s just not as interesting. (Plus there’s not a large market out there for emo facial distortions outside of this blog.)

The epic teamwork between Suzaku and Lulu that prevented the last FREIA with the Spear of Longinus? All I can say is they’re better coordinated that most figure skating pairs, most synchronized diving pairs, and the Doublemint Twins. In other words, OH GEASS NO!

Pew pew pew!

Lulu was almost willingly going to kiss a member of the opposite sex… and Kallen barges in. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
(Andohbytheway, I rank C.C.’s slave girl outfit first, then her Black Knights number, and this insane asylum straitjacket below the Cheese-kun costume.)
(C.C. couldn’t beat Kallen because Lloyd never installed a Cheese-kun bumper sticker on that Pinkcelot. If she had the power of Cheese-kun, it would have been like Infinite Justice taking on Destiny.)

Checkmate. Finally Lulu’s ability is of use. Though why didn’t Scheizel have a decoy shuttle? He prepared one for Nunnally, but didn’t have one himself? Hell, even Saddam had decoys and decoy trucks.
(It would be awesome if Lulu found Scheizel four episodes from now stuck in a hole in a ground like Saddam. But, alas, only one episode left.)

I liked the Anya who almost got into a foursome with C.C., Lulu’s mom, and Lulu more than the current Anya. This one’s no fun, but at least she kept her Peggy Bundy hairstyle.

“Onii-chan! Stop, stop… it hurts… IT HURTS!!!”

Two hawt girls fighting over Lulu in their oversized, overpowered, overpinked mecha… they’re just working out their frustration on each other because Lulu picked Suzaku. So according to recent history, if Lulu picked the older onee-san type of character, Kallen and C.C. would start frenching as the credits roll… mmm… mmm… MMMMMMM…


Scheizel has all the uber mecha pilots, and Lulu has a meido and Arthur. Hardly a fair fight. I can’t wait for Arthur to reveal his spiral powers like Boota.

Would I watch a TV show dedicated to overwhelmed DFC world leaders hugging each other in fear? Yes, yes I would. I would add it to my Tivo season pass ASAP and bump off Mad Men.

Wait, why are the bridge bunnies there? How’d they get there? Weren’t they injured with Ohgi? Doesn’t Lulu have any security teams on that huge ship? Worf! Where u @?

“You’re not even worthy of being geassed.”
What a great line. Diethard always wanted to be geassed by Lulu, and when Lulu didn’t put out, Diethard went to someone who would…
(Emo facial distortion!)

Chiko! CHIKO!!!
(Why don’t any of the female characters on this show wear earrings?)

Is Lulu auditioning for a part in Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter?

I knew Code Geass was in trouble when I saw the rollerblading mecha… back in episode 1. This was what I wrote originally:
If you told me that Sunrise was using CLAMP character designs for an anime series about rollerskating giant mecha a week ago, I would have been like a puppy dog getting a tummy rub. The unintentional comedic potential is just tremendous.
I wrote that back in 2006– Code Geass didn’t disappoint. It’s been definitely a series with highs, lows, and never, ever faltering in unintentional comedy. I mean… for example, Lulu’s outfit is just a constant fabulous outfit that just keeps giving.

Can you really take an emperor seriously when he’s wearing this?!

A Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video would be the most disturbing and riveting two-person heterosexual pr0n that Code Geass R2 could produce… yes or no?

Now those are some enticing bedroom eyes. I’m going to forget about how she was hit with a few dozen rounds from a machine gun earlier. And… wasn’t she on the Damocles? How’d they get her near corpse off it?

But… Gilford… my gosh… who next? Clovis? /a/ demands Clovis! YES WE CAN!

Lulu managed to defeat pretty much all of his family except Nunnally… the end boss… fifty episodes ago, I wouldn’t have guessed that Nunnally would be waiting for Lulu at the end. But I would have believed that Lulu acquired a huge and awesome harem just to see it disappear to just… Suzaku… who might get blown up by Kallen next episode. Watching Lulu lose out on Kallen, Anya, Shirley, Sayoko, etc has been like watching investment bank after investment bank go belly up… though I don’t think anyone is going to “bail out” Lulu unless it’s Suzaku…

(Guess who I’m rooting for as the real end boss.)

And, finally, from last time…
Tim: I don’t see how you managed to write a blog post over the past three episodes. I think the Code Geass logic has given me some sort of weird block in my mind where I can’t come up with anything to say about it. Sort of like when Cartmen put that picture of his asshole on the side of a milk carton and the parents with ass-faces hunted him down. My brokeness is broken.
It’s not easy, but lots and lots of alcohol helps.
(Am I developing a drinking problem because of Code Geass R2? That would be hilarious… maybe it’s not too late for me to become the F. Scott Fitzgerald of anime blogging…)
Hak: I know it’s a stretch… Okay, a REALLY long stretch, but the second part of the World End song by Flow has these lyrics.
“What did I gain for my victory?
What did I hear
At the end of the war?
A cry of sadnessâ€Possibly Lelouch wins but at the cost of everyone dear to him. (including C.C.)
Then he’ll decide to try and remake the world like his father did. Probably. Maybe.
Most intelligent analysis of Code Geass R2 that I’ve read lately. Stop it!
Have some nyan-nyan…
Ibrevis: I started snickering maniacally when Sayoko showed up and couldn’t stop until the credits rolled. If it continues like this I’m going to send Sunrise a hospital bill for my split sides
So are you still alive? After seeing both Cornelia and Gilford? I fully expect Shirley, Euphie, and Clovis to be enjoying afternoon tea in a rebuilt Ashford garden in the final episode.
Dustin: Wow just when Cornelia came back from the dead they killed her again. She just can’t catch a break.
She has 7 lives left… I wonder if Cornelia would be more of a kitten or a cougar?
Neriya: Speaking of which, I don’t think this series can qualify for the Best Trainwreck of 2008 anymore, it’s gone so far beyond that point. A new award may be necessary. I’m thinking Best Systematic Destruction Of All Past Content, Established Facts And Anything Resembling A Preconceived Plotline 2008, but I appreciate this doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.
I think it’s in the running for Best Series of 2008. From an entertainment standpoint, it delivered in spades, and that’s all I care about. Though right now, the only competition is from Daughter of Twenty Faces and Kamen no Maid Guy…
(Best Melonpan? Tiffania… now those are some hopes and dreams… can she be dethroned before the year is over?)
Alice: After moving and going two weeks without actual internet and not willing to risk it at work, I was looking forward to finally able to comment in discussion posts. BUT THEN YOU MOVE. shit, I’ll never get to have any fun.
I never said I would stop posting, just I would be slower. With that said, I’ll probably be 2-3 days late with the final Code Geass R2 post due to the move. Thanks to everyone who chimed in on my move. I decided to abandon Comcast for the DSL/Dish combo… cheaper by $5 too, but if Verizon ever offered fiber-to-the-home in my neighborhood, I’d just on that like Gino on Kallen.
Zalkyrie: The face remains that despite the trainwreck Geass is we all will still watch the remaining episodes, because despite being a plotless mess of a show there is something about Code Geass we are drawn to. The most exciting bits were Tamaki’s moment of being slightly useful and Kannon and Schneizel’s gay eyes.
Yep… these are my readers.
So, we’re doomed right?
Damn it… one more week to end this madness.
I don’t care what others say: Nunnally has beautiful eyes. They also need to get onto Nightmare of Nunnally next for more mahou shoujo with mecha.
Am I the only one who thinks Geassed Schneizel = buttsex?
Also I need to stop watching geass before I go to work; my stocking of staples shelves and hand motions while selling shit become more fabulous. I actually did lulu’s “geass lens removing” motion while telling my manager I should be paid more…. she called me a dumbass.
Oh wow…
I love how Nunaly turned out to be the Final Boss…
I reeeeeally hope C.C. lives. Goddammit, Kallen! Lelouch was about to recover from being gay, and you just have to come bursting in, ruining the entire picture!
P.S. C.C. can’t die yet… her real name hasn’t been revealed!
Also, I’m hoping for a ClovisXEuphemiaXShirley threesome in the end. That would be epic. Or am I just a fool that dreams(of Lady Tsuruya)?
“A Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video would be the most disturbing and riveting two-person heterosexual pr0n that Code Geass R2 could produce… yes or no?”
“Onii-chan! Stop, stop… it hurts… IT HURTS!!!â€
Damn…tough decisions..
its no surprise that nunnally got her vision back. more like it was only a matter of time but that did surprise lelouch though. What will he do now? Geass her or talk and see if he can gain back her trust in him? All I know is that we may be in for a huge ending! I hope…
CC does live. She ejected after her Lancelot got pwned by Kallen’s Guren. I feel sorry yet annoyed at Kallen since she doesn’t know what really is going on and is out for blood because of it. I just hope she opens her eyes soon and doesn’t do anything rash now that she is fighting agains the “live on” geassed Suzaku.
I kinda expected that Cornelia would survive but for Guilford to actually have survived is just plain stupid. Damn Sunrise for not keeping people DEAD!
I have a feeling Lelouch still has something in store for the Black Knights, seeing as how Sayoko and others freed the hostages like that. They were saying something about Lelouch threatening them, which I have no recollection of so I’m guessing Sayoko is up to her ninja ways for something.
The preview makes it seem like the last episode will have some kind of recap, which I am hoping not. Too many questions still lect unanswered that need to be answered damnit! Like CC’s real name and what the Zero Requiem really is.
This must be the only series end battle with a negative body count. Cornelia & Gilford both lived?! Oh SUNRISE…
At least Diethard died (usual caveats apply).
“Scheizel has all the uber mecha pilots, and Lulu has a meido and Arthur. Hardly a fair fight. I can’t wait for Arthur to reveal his spiral powers like Boota.”
Arthur is the real leader, lulu is just a figurehead…
“Would I watch a TV show dedicated to overwhelmed DFC world leaders hugging each other in fear? Yes, yes I would. I would add it to my Tivo season pass ASAP and bump off Mad Men.”
someone please write a pilot!!! think of the lolis!
“A Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video would be the most disturbing and riveting two-person heterosexual pr0n that Code Geass R2 could produce… yes or no?”
given the level of yaoi… yes, but only because is the only choice we have…
“Lulu managed to defeat pretty much all of his family except Nunnally… the end boss…”
All Hail Nunnally!!! Kill his @$$
LOL so Schneizel was like Mao, and Lelouch could easily read his train of though… patethic. Ohh well, just Nunnally hasn’t been Geassed by him from the entery Royal fmaily, so…
This will be a long wee.
About Lulu’s clothing:
I dunno, I find his outfit is kinda fun to look at.
It’s like the Pope suddenly went to spend a day in San Francisco or something.
So obviously it has some taste behind it.
I was disappointed when Avalon gets rocked by a missile and we get absolutely no bounce from Cecile. We know from the red dress that she has the assets for it. We get awesome dresses from Britannia but they fail us on the military uniforms. This is a Sunrise series, right?
Eww… the Xing-ke x Tian-zi video would be gross beyond belief. The sheets would be all bloody…from Xing-ke coughing up blood…
Never would’ve guessed Lulu would add Schneizel to his reverse harem (and with the re-addition of Guilford, not a moment too soon). Now all he needs to do is add Kannon, though I think he might be part of the whole Schneizel package.
Or maybe he’ll abandon his reverse harem to fulfill all of his siscon dreams.
I think it’s pretty obvious that the next episode is going to be the “last”. Why? Because they need an omake episode, of course! How else would they be able to launch their new Renaissance-based series: Codex Geass : Lelouch of the Revolt?
I’m not usually as broken as the rest of you, but when Kanon’s being-raped face was shown, I came. Not even Nunally’s beautiful eyes at the end of the live stream could avert my attention on such a pitifully drawn boner-thriller.
Man, I missed the Roller-Skates. It seems like they have been flying for so long.
And did anyone else notice. Lloyd finally gave the Lancelot a Ejection Seat :D
Then this boggles me. Lelouch is a world renowned Anti-Athlete, yet he was able to run up to the command center, record the video, run allll the way back down to the hangar. What happened to him being out-run by a girl in a dress?
At least Lulu made good use of Spearzaku’s Live On Geass.
One More thing.
Nunally/Sayako survived FLIEJA (or whatever the hell you wanna call it) because they were in a fake shuttle. Why the Hell did Guilford survive, because he got hit by FLIEJA for realz.
If he Geass’s Nunnally to forget that he’s her brother, this could turn “h” in a hurry. A Jealous Suzaku only adds to the suspense.
Once again, I have no idea why the hell GIno was ever introduced. If it was to be a Lelouch’s love-rival for Suzaku’s affections, he’s sort of failing (even with his Dio-braid)
“If he Geass’s Nunnally to forget that he’s her brother, this could turn “h†in a hurry.”
I believe this is teh true ending… at least in my mind…
“Can you really take an emperor seriously when he’s wearing this?!”
I finally understand: Emperor Lulu’s costume is Syaoran Li’s. Clamp was just lazy and recycled the outfit.
“Clamp was just lazy and recycled the outfit.”
CLAMP has been lazy for a long time running now. How else can you explain Tsubasa and the lets just reuse all the character’s we’ve already made just slightly different.
As for the episode. GinoxKallen is fact, how else could you ever explain them coordinating an attack of that caliber unless they spent all night working it out. C.C. losing was destined, but the close call on the kiss was disappointing. Lulu vs Nunnally will be an epic fight, I’m waiting for her wheelchair to transform, fly around, and have a FlIEJA warhead built in(it was where Schneizel put the fail safe warhead for when he escapes).
BTW, while the whole prerecorded thing totally worked against Mao, Schneizel the Magician who is so awesome as to have a machine gun ready to go at the snap of his fingers(with rubber bullets obviously) should NOT have fallen for such a simple trick. It must have been the zooming in and out that distracted him.
The Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video, first thing I thought was, “I wonder if he’d live long enough” But then, we’ve been expecting him to die for the last 15 episodes, he’d probably surprise us here as well. Then I thought of him coughing up blood during the recording….. and will stop there.
What, nothing on how Kannon looked like he was about to get raped? I mean that was like the hottest face anyone ever pulled in Code Geass, I was really expecting a tentacle raping monster to just pop out any second and have his way with him.
I’m pretty sure C.C. is still alive. Especially since she can’t die.
What we need isn’t Xing-ke x Tian-zi. What we need is Kaguya x Tian-zi x Anya x Nunally. One episode left; you can still make it happen Sunrise!
Yeah I was almost drawn into the Kallen X CC fight but then you realize, CC’s still immortal.
Nunnally sure asks a weird question, “Are you going to use Geass on me now?”. Lets see…. you shot a few FLEIJA at me and my army. Lulu should just shoot the non-blind still-crippled loli and get his homo ending with Suzaku. No need for geass.
Am I the only one who wondered why Nunnally could see properly after not using her eyes for 10+ yrs? Shouldnt she be somewhat-blinded by suddenly opening her eyes like that?
For F***s Sake! You need to put in some f***ing help for those who click submit before typing the f***ing anti spam number! I am f***ing sick of loosing my posts to it!
*cools down, rebuilds post from scratch*
I paused at this exact moment because of some distraction. I took a moment to look, laughed my head off, and then said “This will be on Derailed…”
I first read that as “he’d probably be sunrised on us as well.”
Im… Yeah, I got nothing else. Im just looking forward to the final episode.
Jason forgot MoeKannon?!
Shame Jason, SHAME.
I can’t believe you. I thought you wanted to break your readers. I mean I’m pretty sure 95% of Code Trainwreck’s readers have already tried to rape him.
Cornelia is alive. And back in her R1 hairstyle. Why? Is it because Guilford is with her or something? Guilford reminds me of the Matrix for some reason.
So I take it that Schneizel stocked up on refrain before Damocles was airborn.
For someone who boasted that he always win against Lulu, he sure fell for the Mao trick pretty easily. And how was it that Lulu was able to run up all those stairs and not be sweating bullets and cramping by the time he reached Schneizel? Wait, did a little of Spearzaku got rubbed off on him?
I’m just wondering how she came back into her wheelchair. Having not WALKED for ten years… WOULD be crippling to your legs. And I doubt she’s got the armstrength to pull herself up; especially considering that the chair is automated / always pushed by someone else.
>>> Wait, why are the bridge bunnies there?
Hell yeah! Bridge bunnies alongside reee-diculous Chinese w/ plot-AIDS storming the ship! Thank you Jason, I almost missed that.
As insane as it sounds to myself as I type this, even though the show has lost all semblance of plot and sanity…
I will miss this show. I don’t understand why.
I’ve turned tsundere for sunrise too.
Bluestreak2 (03:30:17, #166486) :
“As for the episode. GinoxKallen is fact, how else could you ever explain them coordinating an attack of that caliber unless they spent all night working it out. C.C. losing was destined, but the close call on the kiss was disappointing. Lulu vs Nunnally will be an epic fight, I’m waiting for her wheelchair to transform, fly around, and have a FlIEJA warhead built in(it was where Schneizel put the fail safe warhead for when he escapes).”
Regarding GinoXKallen, until we see them actually making out or something, then that “fact” is really just an idea or theory.
It was a bit disappointing that Kallen interupted a nice LuluxCC moment but it was nice to see the two engage in a mecha cat-fight, with of course Kallen being the victor. That maybe a factor for who Lulu will be with in the end maybe?
Hmm…I think the moral of this story is that never leave an armed rebellion on the hands of a fabulous (aka GAY), mountain (brokeback) borned, highschool student.
Because when all things were said and done…and all guns and mechas have been geassed, the only real winner in this tea party rebellion is…
Pizza Hut…(by C.C…with Cheese-kun)…
owww I’m too lazy to write anything intelligent (well would it be possible, after what became Code Geass????)……………….. OH GEASS NO!!!
Oh yes at least I remembered something intelligent I wanted to say …. maybe someone already said that but… don’t you think that Code Geass became a story quite similar to Dune (yeah the novel from Frank Herbert), I mean the fact the Lelouch became an emperor due to his super-natural powers (with a coup-d’etat) and the stuff about the rebellion ect… some points seemed VERY similar to me.
Okay, let’s face it, Lulu’s done everything he pretty much needs to do for the rest of the world to move on. I’m expecting Lulu, his Suzu, and the rest of his haerm to die and be listed as one history’s most evil dictators. Then hopefully, we’ll get a C.C.XKallenXCheese-kun ending because we all know he’s the real emperor.
No way’s Nunnaly’s the end boss, she opened her eyes in the last 2 minutes, given past record any threat she poses will be dealt with before the next OP plays, and then we can get into the meat of the episode; which reveals Cheese-kun is actually a split fragment of the emperor’s soul, whose many dolls across the world are actually all 648th generation nightmares equipped with anti-geass, WTF shields and OMG cannons.
Fortunately Lulu anticipated all this in advance and had OGIN Disturbers built into their hats. Episode ends with Euphemia detonating all the remaining unlimited FLEIAS.
(…it’s probably a good thing we’ve only got one episode left. )
Hmm.. I wonder what will be the ending?
Nunally and Lulu standing in front of each other, Nunally holdinga gun, and shoots, the white pope hat of Lulu falls of. He says he has a BFB (Big F*cking Bomb) on his chest, and if he dies, it will explode. Kalen or Suzaku watching with scared eyes and the screen goes black… And Sunrise says “HAHAHA suckers, R3 is coming out with 20+ new mecha toys for kids and 3 times more gay-scenes, MUHAHA!”
Other option is that Lulu geasses the whole freaking world, or Nunally gets a zombie-geass, which revives every single character, who died in the show. Either way the result is the same (season3 and more $ to Sunrise)
Nunnaly is so adorable. Lelouch was never serious about hurting her. He was just pretending to fight with her for the makeup sex.
Here’s my 50 cents about how this series will end. In flames yes but that we already know. I’m betting in the end Lulu will probably die either in, option a) Susakus arms, while Susaku is also dying in a very tragic and highly emotional unspoken love confirmation, or option b) the setting is still in Susakus arms, but only Lulu dies but before that, he uses his Gueass on Susaku, and orders him to BECOME LULU and continue his fight or revolution or conquest or whatever his GOAL was, if he indeed ever had one….At some point I think he did.
Really why is Nunally even here anymore? She’s a waste of valuable screen-time I say, why can’t Sunrise just settle for a typical end boss? I mean a a loli in a wheel chair? Common!? I love this series, despite the plot holes I still find each episode entertaining, but Nunally is the only thing that really drags this show down for me, I prefer the table-humper!
Also why Kallen!? Why did you have to go and barge in!? When I was so close to my Lelouch C.C happy end! God knows that’s the last chance they’ll get.
Nunally slowly gets up from her wheelchair and struggles toward Lelouch. She asks him, “It’s enough, isn’t it? It’s okay to cross the goal line, right?” As she reaches her goal, she collapses and dies.
And, yes, Fuko appears out of nowhere and builds a sandcastle.
~FIN Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
“Only series end battle with a negative body count.”
Apparently someone forgot about Mai-Hime already.
By the way, Jason – gg is scanlating Nightmare of Nunnally now, if you want more Nunnally action. And she does fight like Marianne in a Knightmare too, so that’s something.
And if that doesn’t catch your interest, Jason, it has Nekomimi Nunnally + Nekomimi Milly in the chapter. And Catgirl Kallen.
Yup, they’re hitting all the moe/fetish points with this series. No wonder gg got inot it.
“onii chan stop… it hurts”
good god jason.
“A Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video would be the most disturbing and riveting two-person heterosexual pr0n that Code Geass R2 could produce… yes or no?”
Xing-ke and Tian-zi going at it… wait is that blood from Xing-ke’s cough or from Tian-zi? Tamaki what are you doing here?!?
The cat fight should have been longer. A good five minutes would have done it justice and bumped it to the most epic cat fight of all time. And Kanon’s glittery eyes were creepy… In fact, it’s creepy enough to burn retinas, raise gas prices, and turn all men on to the straight path.
“A Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video would be the most disturbing and riveting two-person heterosexual pr0n that Code Geass R2 could produce… yes or no?”
Considering this is Code Gayass … I guess that either Tian-zi is a futa or she would be wearing a strap-on.
Don’t forget Arthur. Maybe Nonette too, she’s probably bored out of her mind.
Why can’t sunrise let the dead be dead? If this doesnt end with an uber happy ending then there was no point to bring these characters back from the dead (-_-;) Next thing you know, Clovis, Rolo, Shirley, Shirleys dad and Euphy are gonna spring back to life. Either that or they’ll do something like the gas in episode one was real and lulus been high this whole time. (>_<)
Tian-zi: Xing-ke just not like he once was. He’s distant. He doesn’t eat. He coughs up blood.
Kaguya: He coughs up blood?
Tian-zi: (Whistfully) Not like he use too.
Lulu geasses the world into forgetting everything, finds replacements for dead characters, and then goes back to Ashford Academy.
Could be worse…. we could get a lulu x suzaku x schneizel x kanon fabulous ending.
>>Could be worse…. we could get a lulu x suzaku x schneizel x kanon fabulous ending.
I could think of a few people who would support that. Not sure if that’s good or not.
Actually I would be fine with it too so long as they gave us c.c. x kallen and gino died(to be safe)
Kallen, or C.C. going down
This show needs more of this.
Somebody probably already made that joke, but I’m too lazy to read 52 comments. Honestly I don’t know how Jason goes through 52 comments of our retardedness. Probably has something to do with going through 50 episodes of Code Geass insanity… anime training America’s youth to tolerate stupid.
Yeah I’m surprised Nunnaly didn’t go “Onii-san, do you feel like geassing me?” and then maybe later pull out the Pizza hut box and start raking in the cash. I wonder how much net worth they made over 50 episodes so far? I can see how they’ll become the next best McDonalds over a possible surprise CODE GEASS R:PH (PH for Pizza Hut mind you). If I know Sunrise by now, they’ll do something like what the Simpsons movie did to the 7-11’s, OH GEASS NO…then again, would you mind seeing a hot looking Meido and a C.C look alike giving you pizza? I could change my mind on that factor…
Oh snap! Two Jasons!
>>would you mind seeing a hot looking Meido and a C.C look alike giving you pizza?
Since Tamaki was shot down in the ocean, the only logical step from there is for him to find Gawain and ride it to victory.
“A Xing-ke x Tian-zi sex video would be the most disturbing and riveting two-person heterosexual pr0n that Code Geass R2 could produce… yes or no?”
I’d watch it.
Off-topic: the day that Verizon offers FiOS in your area is how you’ll know Ivan Seidenberg geassed Mr. Stephenson. Either that, or Ma Bell’s pulled a T-1000.
>>“fifty episodes ago, I wouldn’t have guessed that Nunnally would be waiting for Lulu at the end.”
Called it!
At the second to last episode of Gurren Lagann I was sad because my favorite action anime was about to end. Now, I am sad because my favorite trainwreck anime is about to end.
I don’t think I can live anymore. What else do I have to look forward to now? My favorite broken anime ending?
>>Since Tamaki was shot down in the ocean, the only logical step from there is for him to find Gawain and ride it to victory.
Considering the logic in this show, I don’t doubt it. Jeremiah somehow survived, so I don’t see how Tamaki couldn’t. Hell, he is a minor character and he has made it this far in a main battle? Plus they thought Toh-Doh was good enough to catch his pod, but not Tamaki. Sunrise, you made Tamaki fans everywhere sad. Oh Wait, his only fans are the ones he was preaching to last episode.
>>I fully expect Shirley, Euphie, and Clovis to be enjoying afternoon tea in a rebuilt Ashford garden in the final episode.
More like Shirley, C.C, Euphie, Kallen, Vielsluta, and with her moe mode nunally, chilling in a bath House.
Clamp… Oh, yes, I figured the ending!
Suddenly a Miyuki-chan appears and all the girls in the world become gay for her. She is crowned empress of the whole world, all the male are killed and all end in a enormous orgy of hot lesbian sex.
Last image, a zooming out plane of earth, and a scream is heard… “Now nobody will want marry meeeeeee!!!”
Is it really sad that after watching Code Geass I feel a lot like Lane Kifin with Al Davis: “I’m not Fired and I’m not Quitting” Damn this anime and it’s trainwreck nature a lot like this season in the NFL
>>I don’t think I can live anymore. What else do I have to look forward to now? My favorite broken anime ending?
Well, there is a third season of Minami-ke being planned supposedly.
Asread’s producing it. :P
I expected a Mikuru Beam from the second picture.
Is it wrong to wonder what kind of other stuffs Schneizel could be hiding in that coat of his besides the pistol?
How the heck did Gilford survived that FLEIA blast!? That was just damn impossible, his entire Knightmare Frame was blown up in front of Lelouch. Even if he had used the escape pod, he would have been launched straight into the blast.
This must be Sunrise’s way of reinforcing their “no dead body = not dead no matter how impossible it is” motto.
Next thing you know, Charles will appear, laughing out loud and claiming the final victory as everything went according to his plan.
So uh…was I the only one in complete hysterics when Nunally fell out of her chair and couldn’t find the switch. Call me a terrible and twisted person, but seeing Nunally and how her character has developed, watching her trying to move somehow feels like sweet justice to me.
I just wanted to comment on how Xing-Ke and his slightly obese companion are so very brave going into an almost certain gun fight armed with swords however long they might be. They are probably so uber fast that they can block bullets with their swords.
And also has anybody else noticed how Lulu likes green dangly things. He has one hanging of his hat, some on his belt and sleeves, heck he even had two on his uber sword? BTW while I’m on it, why hasn’t he used his super uber sword yet? Has he saved it for Nunnally? What was the point of introducing the fabulous Pinkcalibur just so he could point with it once?
Yeah and one more of the greatest moments of the episode was Guilford’s “I’m so obviously blind, but that could never stop me from grabbing my princess’ hand with no problems what so ever – I can feel my princess’ presence in my heart”
All my joke predictions are coming true. I think the crew at Sunrise know damn well what they’re doing, they’re providing high class comedy entertainment under the guise of soap opera-esque drama.
I’m so excited for the final episodes. Of course I think we’ve all been forgetting about the nobleman Lulu was playing chess against in the first episode. He is so obviously the main villain, you can tell because he hasn’t had any screen time since the first six minutes of episode 1. He lost on purpose to Lulu to set his entire plan in motion knowing full well everything would happen exactly as it has. He also has a Geass that is a resurrection Geass allowing him to bring back every character who has the possibility of being dead. Oh he also has a code and can live forever while maintaining the Geass. If you’re asking why I ask you why not?
If that comes true, be prepared to answer everyother question that’ll pop up asking, “Who’s that guy?” Also, everyone’s head would explode from the WTFness.
Hey guys, I figured it out… The place where Cornelia and Guilford were is actually Heaven, and they ARE absolutely positively dead ;)
Aww… my post was deleted! Why, Jason, why? Why so serious? It was a perfectly valid theory, not to say a great joke.
Anyway, I’m too lazy to post it again. Evidences have been erased forever.
So I’ll say something regarding the series itself: when I think about Nunally as the final boss, all I see in my head is her delicious lolicious body (though her voice prevented me from really liking her) turning into some sort of Contra-series final boss.
There. I’m broken in a baaaaad way, I think.
Fuck SURNISE, I own you my apologies. What an awesome END!
So… that was the requiem of Zero, a way to eliminate Lelouch from the people’s hearts and gave the world the true freedom they deserved.
Rest in peace Lelouch….
Anyway, fuck yeah!