sora no otoshimono 9-10
Categories: digest of episodes, sora no otoshimono
Tagged: sora no otoshimono
It rung my bell.
Alright, let’s not fool around. Let’s get to meat of the matter– Tomoki’s pancake stand– genius. Pure genius. At its best, Sora no Otoshimono is just the right blend of ridiculousness, humor, and juvenile boob jokes. The egg really put it over the edge. The little things do make a difference.
And just when I thought I already laughed up a lung… here comes the Tomoki Tower. My gosh, Tomoki is awesome. Too bad the ladies beat the shit out of him before he could say the obligatory, “Drink up ladies, there’s plenty for everyone” line. At its best, Sora no Otoshimono is just the right blend of ridiculousness, humor, and juvenile boob and penis jokes.
Of course, I’m already half-hysterical with laughter… Tomoki’s Nipple Song. Can we get Mio to cover this for Afterschool Tea Time? At its best, Sora no Otoshimono is just the right blend of ridiculousness, humor, and juvenile boob, penis, and nipple rubbing jokes.
(Tomoki combines the sexual prowess of Dan-kun, the delusional fantasies of Hosaka, the womanizing of Adam Blade, the gar of Simon, the confidence of Kamina, the raw endurance of Kogarashi, and the Machiavellian guile of Lulu. In other words, he’s the perfect male in an anime sense. OTL. I’ll light myself on fire now.)
Why, yes, I did enjoy Mikako’s magical girl outfit. Thanks for asking!
But… I don’t know why… I like her pilgrim outfit even more. There’s just something heretical about it.
You gotta love any episode that just sneaks in a random swimsuit waitress scene right before a major band scene. They took Haruhi Suzumiya‘s playbook and improved on it… Sora no Otoshimono is the Starcraft to Haruhi’s Dune II.
Obligatory Sohara shot. Tomoki has three girls who eagerly want to jump his bones at home, yet he wants nothing but to show off his Tomoki Tower to random women he just met. Tiger Woods is just too easy of an target these days, ain’t he?
Wow, the orchestra was better animated than every season of Nodame Cantabile thus far. But I was disappointed that the rich school didn’t do the same theatrics that the S-OK did.
Plot? We don’t need no stinking plot! We just need everyone to rock out to some generic jpop. Is it because of Rock Band that it seems like so many anime recently has at least a rock band episode? Is it becoming like the obligatory hot springs episode? I hope so. Also, Saori Hayami is seriously impressing me in her rendition of Icarus… I like how her voice can portray the conflicted sides of Icarus, but when she needs to step up and sing, she does it. In a totally unrelated note, Taki and Saki save the world, again, but this time, by starting a band.
I had a conversation a few weeks ago when my friends and I were trying to decide what was the most attractive musical instrument a girl could play. Some argued for the guitar, some argued for the drums, no one argued for the cello. I argued for the bass. Bassists are rare to begin with. Female bassists? Hawt. Competent female bassists? Hawter. Slutty competent female bassists? Hawt like a burning star. Slutty competent female bassist who gets costume raped? Stupefying, ridiculously, wondrously hawt. Needless to say, all my friends still accept me, even if I’m a bit crazy.
(And, again, this explains why Mio has something like 50,000 images up in gelbooru right now. Mio is already a moe-type character, but having her play the bass? Genius. Almost as genius as the Tomoki Tower while coupled with the Nipple Song.)
This Nymph scene made me gasp. If the author was trying to get across the “The dudes up in Synapse are jerks,” well, he nailed it. It’s already an asshole move to abuse Nymph, but it’s going to another fucking level to ask her to decimate innocent lives that she cares for. Heartless bastards. They must work for Goldman Sachs.
(Every Nymph scene is legitimately unnerving. Sure, let’s toss in a hugely unpleasant abuse subplot into this anime about boob and penis jokes! The audience will eat it up! It’s a bad combo. Worse than Mrs. Woods and an nine iron. This whole Tiger thing… it’s just the gift that keeps giving.)
“I cannot allow this.”
Why is every shot of Mikako a bust or an ass shot? See, now this is a good combo. It’s like iced tea mixed with lemonade.
I just wonder… if Tomoki has the cash to setup more failed businesses than the TARP, why can’t he afford the DVD in the first place? You know what? Even with this logic disconnect, this show still makes more sense to me than Darker Than Black Gemini. Wait, how does she material a sniper rifle from her stomach? At least Utena stuck that sword in Anthy.
Why is Nymph the most popular one? There’s just something disturbing about guys who are attracted to girls with the physical outline of a nine year old boy.
The ED for this series… awesome. I really enjoyed the outtakes, the cheesy 3D graphics, and, most of all, the obligatory fanservice shot at the very end.
This series is winning me over. Just when I though it couldn’t top the migrating panties or the deserted island, it did. In spades. Even though there’s not great masterpiece show from fall 2009, there has been a lot of enjoyable ones, and Sora no Otoshimono definitely fits that bill.
(For a guy whose favorite DVD involves symmetrical docking, why the hell is he so spooked by Icarus’ kiss?)
Dammit man, now im gonna have to go watch (and probably enjoy) this crap…
Same :/
Already marathoned up to episode 7 and enjoying immensely even if I do have to switch off my brain before pressing play. The amount of effort they have spent on animating (flying) pantsu and a different ED every episode is staggering.
AIC is pretty amazing when they bring their A game. It’s nice to see them get over their digital format growing pains finally.
Jason you should know the power of Tsundere if didn’t think why Nymph is the popular one, especially that she have those child-bearing hips. hehehehehe
Episode 11 will blow you out of the water jason, I absolutely guarantee it.
I approve of the random Solanin reference.
And Mikako needs her own spinoff series, stat.
>There’s just something disturbing about guys who are attracted to girls with the physical outline of a nine year old boy.