diary of a hack

Categories: life


I wanted to get a review of [b]Mahoro 1[/b] up, but my DVD got “borrowed” before I managed to take screen caps.

In any case, I’m sure a few of you know about a certain [b]OMG![/b] website that was hit and defaced by a hacker last year. His site was down for a few weeks before it went back on-line, but not before a complete wipe of his forums.

One of the servers hosting my site got hacked a few weeks ago, and the group responsible for it has at least 20,000 (verified?) defacements in their portfolio. I’m sure their mothers are so very proud of them. They weren’t the best of hackers in that they did not spoof their IPs– we traced them back to Brazil, and our method for stopping them was to just stop accepting connections from Brazil. So, it’s like this: tens of millions of people cannot access my website because of what most likely is one individual. The difference between this hack and the one that occured at the [b]OMG![/b] site is that we were back up and running in a few hours, and no real data was lost.

It’s really a no win situation for us. We can accept connections from Brazil and sit and wait for a more serious hack from this very talented individual. The site will go down, and when it does go down, who knows when it will come back again, if ever.

Or we can stop connections from Brazil altogether, thus depriving a few million people of their Belldandy fix. Then people will start accusing us of “discrimination” and other bad things. (Sidenote– discrimination occurs against races, and an Internet IP address is hardly a race.)

Either way, the hacker won, and I lost. I’m sitting here trying to fix the damage, and I’m being called names for just trying to recover and protect myself from future intrusions.

This highlights how poorly designed the web is. We all [b]wish[/b] there is another way, but there is no fairy godmother around to grant it. True, the Internet can survive a nuclear assault, but can it withstand some bored 16 year old? May Al Gore (the inventor of the Internet) have mercy on our souls.

2 Responses to “diary of a hack”

  1. Scary stuff…I’m glad the site’s okay, and glad I don’t live in Brazil.

    I hope you find a solution to this quick, though! ^^

  2. Same here. I’m worried about what will happen if someone from the US hacks into SBA.