girls gone wild visits windbloom
Categories: anime, mai hime/otome
Tagged: mai hime/otome
You’d think they would promote this DVD better. (Rapidshare)
Categories: anime, mai hime/otome
Tagged: mai hime/otome
You’d think they would promote this DVD better. (Rapidshare)
Uh… where the heck did that come from, and where do I get a copy? :D You’d almost think Nina was enjoying the… ah.. fanservice, even if she’s mortified by Arika’s exhibitionistic tendencies.
That just made my day. :P
Haesslich, tis the omake for Mai-Otome DVD v2. “This Week’s Armitage” which was pretty hilarious, especially how easily Arika won Haruka over ;)
I just picked that Omake up myself… and I thought it was the two cute kids who got Haruka out of ‘I’m invincible!’ mode at the end, myself, when they offered her the flowers. :D
Armitage is indeed a nut…
evilly laughing!!