luna vs meyrin, dr jack style
Categories: anime, fanservice, gundam
Tagged: gundam, gundam:hawke
Ah, yes, the eternal question… left or right? Maybe Dr Jack can shed some light on which direction to take for the new poll.

Combat Abilities
Both are trained in small arms, and Luna is versed in mecha combat while Meyrin… I’m not sure what she does beyond relay communication between mobile suit pilot and captain. No contest really. Edge: Lunamaria.
Voice and Sound
I think that Maaya Sakamoto hasn’t been the same since breaking up with Yoko Kanno after around Wolf’s Rain. It’s like Kobe pushing Shaq out of LA, only without the rape trial. Ouran would be challenging Haruhi for blogging luv if they were still together. Also, does it say something that T.M. Revolution was probably the best seiyuu out of all of them? Edge: T.M. Revolution dying.
They both wear the standard Zaft uniform (which is funny considering Meyrin still wears it even after defecting to Orb). Luna wears a smaller size and has a miniskirt that Roy Mustang loves, and Meyrin wears that silly hat. Though Meyrin has more style when it comes to casual clothes whereas Luna kinda just wears that bland T-shirt. Edge: Lunamaria.
Maybe it’s because her head is always in a helmet, but Luna has helmet hair. Sorry, that’s just the way it is, and she has that nasty ahoge. Unless that ahoge helps her find melonpan or is really an alien mushroom, it looks kinda odd on her. Meyrin tries for the loli-Shana-dual-ponytail look, only she’s not loli enough to pull it off. Still, Meyrin with her hair down is a very nice treat… wish they’d make that her normal hair style. Edge: Meyrin.
Importance to Plot
I’m trying to figure out any value add either brought to the storyline. Up until Athrun decided to leave, Meyrin was a complete non-factor. Prior to that, she was known as “the girl who couldn’t fit into her sister’s skirt.” After Athrun left Zaft, she was still pretty useless. For the first half of the series, Luna was a bit more active, also gunning for Athrun, and her mobile suit was mostly stuck on the deck of Minerva, since it couldn’t fly on Earth. Neither were important to the plot… but they served the same purpose as nekomimi Akane: distract our attention from the on-going wreckage. Edge: Meyrin’s completely random stripping scene since it distracted me from the plot such that I didn’t question WTF is Meyrin running off with Athrun all of a sudden for a whole 24 hours after watching that episode.
Lesbian Tendancies
I wish.
Last Seen
Luna was last seen comforting a distraught Shinn… whether he’s distraught because he knows both Kira and Athrun are his daddies (figuratively… since this isn’t Otome) or because he realizes how much he sucks remains to be seen. Meyrin was last seen clutching Athrun, even though Athrun doesn’t acknowledge her. She’s rebound girl. Ugh. Talk about unlucky in love. Edge: Meyrin. I think Meyrin/Athrun/Cagali set the stage for Tomoe/Shizuru/Natsuki… Tomoe was waaaay more attached to Shizuru than Shizuru to Tomoe, and Shizuru dropped her once she got Natsuki back. I think there’s at least one or two smart people in Sunrise (Keroro team!) who said, “Whoa, let’s run that Meyrin/Athrun/Cagali triangle again, only use crazy lesbians instead of brooding despots!”
Plot Turn for the Worse
Both characters got screwed by Sunrise’s scriptwriting… they build up about 30 episodes worth of Luna pining for Athrun, then suddenly, Meyrin inexplicably runs off with him and clings onto him Haruhi parading Mikuru around. Luna then inexplicably starts smooching Shinn after he takes down the Gouf that Athrun and Meyrin is in… I don’t know where to begin or end. Edge: Both got royally screwed over by the script. Honestly, I just can’t stand Shinn… love the skirt, but sorry Luna. Final edge: Meyrin.
This is as about as exciting as a a race between Micheal Dukakis and Barry Goldwater. Still I’d rather vote for Luna in the vain hopes that she pushes Shinn out of an airlock than Mary Sue. Why? The D6 has spoken.
Luna does have the credit of spawning the most doujins of the Gundam girls, together with Meyrin.
Also, Luna’s ahoge is a wicked weapon which decapicitates enemies, reaps grain, caused Kira’s Freedom to lose to Shinn’s Impulse, killed Stellar, and turned Shinn into an emo wuss. Also,rumr has it that if you yank Luna’s ahoge, she turns into Dark Luna, with superleet MS piloting skills, and a wicked cool black beam of light as her final wapon.
What does Meyrin have? Cuteness! It’s more than enough to turn the tide! She’s so cute you just wanna r000 her!
They both are horrible, horrible dissapointments.
But I think anyone who votes for Meyrin is crazy anyways. She pretty clearly proved that she has roughly the IQ of a spoonfull of mayonnaise and is nothing but a worthless hanger on that can’t think for herself. The only reason anybody even remembers her is because of that shower scene/defection that were 100% on the go bullshit made up to boost her figure sales. At least Lunamaria is somewhat competent, since Meyrin would probably accidentally shoot herself in the face during target practice.
I was gonna say say there’s no contest at all until I voted and saw Meyrin ain’t that far from Luna.
Luna gets more love (pun unintended..) in err live action adaptations too. In this particular production I stumbled upon, the prettier actress was assigned to be Luna instead of Meyrin.
Lunamaria is flawed, but more real and interesting.
Meyrin is…there, staring vacantly and not able to articulate a sentence.
And Maaya Sakamoto man. So no contest.
I vote for Sakamoto Maaya. But since there’s no option there, I chose Luna, the next available choice. In the end I never figured out what role Meyrin played in Athrun’s life: Personal Assistant? Mistress? Sex replica of Kagari? Or all of that above?
(which is funny considering Meyrin still wears it even after defecting to Orb)
Ah, thanks Jason for the lovely headline image! Though I’m a Lunamaria fanboy, I like to think that the Hawke sisters complement each other, even when they are in direct competition e.g. over Athrun.
My favourite scenes were Gunner Zaku Warrior vs. Gaia (an even match agst Stellar), Lunamaria vs. Meer at Athrun’s room and Lunamaria-in-bandages chatting up Athrun.
Btw, in the series, apparently Shinn is the only one who calls her “Luna”. *wince*
Wait, “nasty” ahoge?
Wow… Meyrin is currently leading by 4 votes( as of this post). It’s kinda hard for me to say who’s better, but I do like Lunamaria more. I blame her current choice of boyfriend on the result of having emotional trauma from war and other mental-whips like her sister’s ‘defection’ and Athrun’s ‘defection’.
It is my fanboy desire that during peacetime, she realises that there are far better choices out there… It doesn’t have to be Athrun, just somebody else better.
PS: Lunamaria can probably whip any of the other girls in MS combat. I would pay to see them animate Lunamaria-Gunner Zaku versus Cagalli-Akatsuki, and I would still bet on Lunamaria winning.
.//Hackatsuki losing? Unpossible sir. Not with auto reflect on, 360 degree plot shields, and Rau’s dragoons to boot. Luna would only win if Cagalli was in something less broke, like her Strike Rogue.
But let’s face it, Luna would have been better if Destiny was done right and the random character flips didn’t happen (can we just chalk that up to bad writing instead of just figure sales?)
Meryin with her hair down :D
>> meowmints
[.. .//Hackatsuki losing? Unpossible sir. Not with auto reflect on, 360 degree plot shields, and Rau’s dragoons to boot. Luna would only win if Cagalli was in something less broke, like her Strike Rogue. ..]
Last I recall, Cagalli was hopeless in Akatsuki. No matter how super a mecha is, if the pilot sucks at piloting, well… the mecha is going to suck in battle.
Cagalli was not hopeless, definitely not. She destroyed/disabled more than enough enemies to be labeled as an ace herself in the Gundam Seed universe. It’s only confronted to Shin/Athrun/Kira that she is suddenly incompetent and unable to move (how convenient).
Well since both characters basically got messed up in the series, the only way to decide who is better is by looks and voice actresses.
Hmm, let’s see Luna = Maya Sakamoto, Meyrin = Fumiko Orikasa. I like both of them, though Fumiko Orikasa gets an extra point for having one heck of a range. As far as looks go: Merin hair down > Luna; Meyrin with hair up
>> eurys
[.. Excuse-me?
Cagalli was not hopeless, definitely not. She destroyed/disabled more than enough enemies to be labeled as an ace herself in the Gundam Seed universe. It’s only confronted to Shin/Athrun/Kira that she is suddenly incompetent and unable to move (how convenient). ..]
Destroying grunt mechas does not really help Cagalli’s case as Lunamaria has killed her fair share of grunts too. Thing is, Cagalli has never exploited Akatsuki to its’ full potential( though I blame this more on the script than anything else).
Which is why I would love to see the two of them in an one-on-one bout.
Lunamaria is like the NCAA Bball player who does well in the regular season, has a few disappointing games in the tournament and lets the team get upset by the Cinderella team in the Sweet 16. Meyrin is like the star player on that Cinderella team that coasts through the season and then suddenly delivers the goods in the big dance.
Who would you draft?!
The perverted answer would be BOTH.
Lunamaria is now in the lead by two votes. ^_^
Woah… I never expected it to be this tight.
>> Skane
Oh I’m not saying Cagalli would sure win against Lunamaria, just that you are dead wrong when you say Cagalli sucks in Akatsuki. The female pilots in this anime have a long history at suddenly sucking when the plot asks it (Luna’s missing shot at Jibril’s shuttle…)
>> Who would you draft?!
The 19 year old white European who looks FANTASTIC in closed, private workouts, of course.
>> Luna’s missing shot at Jibril’s shuttle…
Or Freedom getting taken down by Impulse because Shinn was hopped up on caffine.
>>> Luna’s missing shot at Jibril’s shuttle…
>Or Freedom getting taken down by Impulse because Shinn was hopped up on caffine.
I blame it on lag, personally. Which sister looked better in closed workouts?
Meryin should be winning, this poll is bs.
Luna vs Meyrin is the eternal sexy vs cute, whore vs virgin battle. You want both but you can only have one. >_>
My vote is Meyrin!!! ^_^
Diana’s Comment: I love Meyrin she’s cute she’s smart and she’s very very very NICE I mean come on NO CONTEST, MEYRIN ALL THE WAY! P.S doesn’t she die with Athrun or something like that?
Jessica’s Comment: Meyrin is so nice, cute and sweet just like diana put it umm.. there’s really no contest!
Well the only one good enough is Luna because she’s reliable and doesn’t worry about her hair all the time. Not to mention she’s cuter and nice! Well she does have flaws but not as much as Meyrin. Plus Meyrin hurt Luna by ditching for a guy who she had no chance with. Luna rocks forever!!
There is no contest… Luna is the best and cutest. Meyrin is just a superficial wannabe of Fllay Allster. She is the best and my vote is Lunamaria.
Luna doesn’t dwell on Athrun and moved on with a guy who semi likes her unlike Meyrin…Luna forever and ever. Plus pilot over CIC officer anyday…