hare hare!

(In case you missed Bouken Desho Desho, it’s here.)

20 Responses to “hare hare!”

  1. I challenge any one to try doing the Haruhi dance for the entire duration of the song!

    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. thanks for sharing this =)

  3. Was looking for this thanks ^^

  4. Thank you so much!!! You’re the best!

  5. *waits patiently for his CD to arrive from Japan*
    Support the ‘Make Hare Hare Yukai No.1 on the Oricon Charts!’ movement!!! XD

  6. >>I challenge any one to try doing the Haruhi dance for the entire duration of the song!

    I’m actually hoping that KyoAni will make a special for the DVD’s of the full version of the Haruhi dance :).

    >>Support the ‘Make Hare Hare Yukai No.1 on the Oricon Charts!’ movement!!! XD

    Ahh…. as much as I’d like to support that…., I can’t… barely having enough money to eat as of now _|-|0”’

    But damn… Hare hare Yukai is addictive… it’s been looping in my Winamp for over an hour now… the play count is shooting up like crazy :P.

  7. This song is way too catchy… looks like I won’t be able to sleep tonight.

    When I saw the title I thought this was going to be a post about HareGuu, one about the insane people living in Guu’s head.

    I’m only a tiny bit disappointed.

  8. >> I’m actually hoping that KyoAni will make a special for the DVD’s of the full version of the Haruhi dance .
    Supposedly the seiyuu’s are learning how to dance the ED dance according to people (Sushi-Y) who have been following the online radio shorts.

  9. Very good song. Its only flaw is the transistion; the bridging of two musical section. As I have sad before, the difference between good composer and the bad is how well they handle the transition.

  10. Contrary to all the praise, the full length single didn’t grab me as much as the TV edit… just seemed less snappy. Then again, I don’t dislike it so it might just grow on me with time.

  11. These full-length songs kinda bug me sometimes. Do they write the full one first, or the TV size one?

    It seems like all they do is cut and paste the whole song over again, or add a crazy weird bridge. Most of the time it ends up sounding like crap. Okay, end rant.

  12. I’d top that comment. I find the TV size version better somehow!

  13. probably because the TV one is more like… all the main goodies in one bite, while the full length one is more like… several mouthfuls…

  14. >>I find the TV size version better somehow!

    Listening to the TV version for me is always coupled with the show’s ED visuals, or some crazy guy dancing on YouTube. The song is a boring jumble of noise, too me. :\

  15. >>>probably because the TV one is more like… all the main goodies in one bite, while the full length one is more like… several mouthfuls…

    I like using the analogy of trailers in movies… you know how some trailers are absolutely awesome but the movie sucks? Full length OPs and EDs are often like that. They take the best parts of a song, and they slap it in.

    They do that a lot with movie soundtracks too… Everyone would be able to recognise the first section the of M:I theme, but how many people have heard it in its entirety?

  16. >> But damn… Hare hare Yukai is addictive… it’s been looping in my Winamp for over an hour now… the play count is shooting up like crazy :P

    I did the same for Bouken Desho Desho when it came out =P

    I still like that song better than Hare Hare, but one cannot ignore the awesome dance number for the ED

  17. Hare Hare Yukai, the Full Edition pictures are on the official website (but strung together [url= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....%5B/url%5D

    and the 25th (today) the DVD was released in Japan with the animated full version

  18. Is there an animated version for the WHOLE song, or just the TV cut?

  19. Reupload the file please.

  20. Very good song. the bridging of two musical section. Great performance. Looking forward to buying CDs on 11th singer. hope you know who it is :D

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