five images: homo side characters
Categories: anime, five images
Tagged: evangelion, haruhi suzumiya, midori no hibi, ouran, sister princess
It’s finally time to give homo side characters their proper respect. You know, those male character whose close relationship to the star makes you think, “Mmmm, I pray to Oyashiro/Oharuhi-sama that no yaoi is going to break out” and “I wonder how much fanfiction has the fangirl community generated for this pairing thus far?” A very neglected harem stereotype to say the least.

Paves the way for Kira and Athrun’s uncomfortable friendship eight years later. Yes, I was worried where after Wing got taken down in the desert, Heero would have had to hitch a ride on Deathscythe… sitting on Duo’s lap. Very worried.

More uncomfortably gay in the manga, but it’s not often when one’s harem consists of one’s right hand, one’s left hand, the uncomfortable homo side character, and the hawt girl with the melonpan. Of course, Seiji doesn’t pick the hawt girl with the melonpan.

“Your face is too close.”

Let me put it this way, Wataru had to pick between a carefree life on a tropical island with his twelve cute sisters or a cutthroat boarding school with his too friendly male friend. He picks the boarding school. Least believable sequence in an anime outside of a Sunrise series.

The omega, from which all homo side characters are based on. (I’m glad Shinji at least picked Rei’s dying body instead of Kaoru’s dying body.)

Very uncomfortable. Very. I’m positive Tomoe was based on Tamama.
I can’t believe I wrote this post. Now excuse me as a impale a butcher knife into my right temple.
Wasn’t the whole of Wing gay, though?
Obviously, you forgot Adashino and Lancer.
I enjoyed it, though I wonder what kind of emo face you’ll make when the knife enters your temple. But seriously, ambiguously gay characters in anime are a lot more bearable than their counterparts in American or German television…usually.
>>I’m glad Shinji at least picked Rei’s dying body instead of Kaoru’s dying body.
you mean Asuka’s dying body?
No gay girls? What the ?
>>I can’t believe I wrote this post. Now excuse me as a impale a butcher knife into my right temple.
My government training dictates that I must aid you as this is a profession of suicidal thoughts. Seriously though suicide is not a funny thing, just calm down noticing yayoi overtones doesn’t mean your gay (nor is that any reason to be ashamed). Furthermore if your felling down do a five screens of any new meido sightings to buoy up your spirits. Dying is easy living is hard. :)
I also take it that you are distinguishing gay and lesbian, and thus you have omitted the yuri overtones in a lot of shows. Besides I doubt you’d complain that a female yuri side caharcter is a bad thing anyway.
>>I’m glad Shinji at least picked Rei’s dying body instead of Kaoru’s dying body.
Wait being a incestuous (possiblitiy that Rei was Shinji’s mom’s clone) necrophiliac is better than a yayoi necrophiliac? A moral quandry, perhaps…way back when people were ignorant about the village people. Then again… ;)
>> I was worried where after Wing got taken down in the desert, Heero would have had to hitch a ride on Deathscythe… sitting on Duo’s lap. Very worried.
Just as a reference – in most fanfics Duo is uke, so it would be more proper for him to sit in Heero’s lap (I wouldn’t have minded in the least, you know ^_^, and will pray to any god to have some Athrun x Kira yaoi action in the upcoming movie, but I am realistic and know there’s no chance for this to happen T_T *goes to sooth her pain with a few fanfics*)
Anyway, I enjoyed this post.
Tamama is so overtly gay I’m surprised that no one in the series seems to have noticed. Keroro Gunso just wouldn’t be the same without Tamama Impacto and his jealousy though.
>> No gay girls? What the ?
I wrote that post already:
>> I also take it that you are distinguishing gay and lesbian, and thus you have omitted the yuri overtones in a lot of shows.
I have never heard “homo” used before in anime until The King broke it out, so I’m using it the same way he did. ^^
>> Just as a reference – in most fanfics Duo is uke, so it would be more proper for him to sit in Heero’s lap
I’m just waiting for the killer lolis to come after me now and get this knowledge out of my head.
Aww, how could you leave out the best homo side character in all harem anime: Hanagata from Saber Marionette? He even has Koyasu Takehito’s voice. :D
Btw, I feel Duo’s a bit superfluous here – Wing is probably the most fangirl-oriented mecha show EVER (sometimes I feel it’s just Weiss Kreuz with mecha and a somewhat better story), so it’s naturally chock full of fanservice. (The official art is even worse.)
This post is another sign that Haruhi is changing the anime world, Haruhi Fujioka, that is.
I always block the homo-side characters out when I watch anime – so I haven’t acknowledged any of these ^_^
Very OTP, but i don’t know where to put this info…
Kono Sono blog reports that KyoAni is doing a second season of Suzumiya Haruhi!
I pray to Her that this is true…
>Kono Sono blog reports that KyoAni is doing a second season of Suzumiya Haruhi!
>I pray to Her that this is true…
Please please please let it be so!
Duo? Surely there are far, far gayer characters in Wing. Hell, Duo moves in with a girl for at least a third of the show, and can be seen with the ladies while Heero sulks in a corner early on in the show. Quatra, on the other hand, shouts Trowa’s name every 3 words. Its those fanfics that lump Duo with Heero, simply because Heero is fodder for fangirls, and Duo is far and away the best character in the show.
Haha, this made me randomly think how I went from being an all out “yaoi fangirl” (middle school days) to watching harem series like SHUFFLEï¼(High school/current) and obsessing over Asa. It used to be all about the guys of anime but now it is all about the girls. Not to say I don’t like reading shounen ai, but I just don’t obsess over it. I’d much rather read shoujo ai now. Or stare at Mion and Shion and try to figure out which I like more.
Now that I think about it I was more perverted when I was in Middle school. I really don’t understand.
Errr… I thought Tamama was a girl? At least in those fansubs I watched she is.
>> I pray to Her that this is true…
Um wow. See, this is the type of news that AoMM covets.
>> Or stare at Mion and Shion and try to figure out which I like more.
Um wow. See, this is the type of reader that AoMM covets.
(And Tamama is most definitely male.)
Tamama is shota. Keroro is a shotacon. O_O
*leaves a giftwrapped killer loli on Jason’s doorstep.
I liked Kaoru from Eva…though he SPOILERS
Turned out to be the bane of humanity and died. Personally, I think Shinji should have maybe experimented a little at that point XD (after Asuka of course, much love for her) though I think Kaoru’s love was more brotherly than…other. Besides, he was a higher lifeform than human so he probably understood what he was doing.
Ok so I am figuring I will get hated for this but oh well.
Shinji and Kaoru, Rei and clones.
Gendo (the bastard) cloned his own son Shinji with the right technology it is possible to change a clones sex it is of course not a perfect clone. But what can I say Gendo missed Yui and all he had left was his son, whom he ostracized. In theory this should work (If not NGE is fiction and therefore possible) Male to Female cloning remove Y-chromosomes and replace them with X-chromosomes (XY = Male, XX = Female) it is a simple matter of gene splicing. It is a delicate and unstable matter but theoretically do able. So Rei should be based off of Shinji’s DNA (I swear Misato freaks out somewhere in the series about Commander Ikari cloning his son into what he wants). You can even say that Rei is male and went through sexual reassignment if you would like.
Although it makes sense that Shinji is cloned because he is the perfect pilot since his mother’s soul is in Eva 01. And a mother loves and wanty to be near their children (or at least Yui did). So a genetic replica should also have a good chance for a good sync ratio with in the Eva.
Rei is Lilim (Stated in series) the first of the Lilin The first demon child of Lilith and Asmodai (found through research), who somehow fell in god’s graces and became the Angel of Intelligence. Just as Kaoru is Tabris the Angel of Freewill, who did not like the humans (born of Adam and Eve) who were trying to become god, nor did he like the Lilin who are essentially demons. But than he found Shinji (Gods 2nd Adam) and so he fell in love with this pure soul.
Shinji who doesn’t truly know the meaning of love openly accepts the affections from Kaoru (who wouldn’t?). Kaoru stats that he is in love with Shinji and later Shinji admits to Misato that he loved Kaoru back. This is not like Gundam Wing where Hiiro sits on Duo’s lap. This is stated in the series.
So this is love, I am not saying true love, just love. It was a blossoming love that never bloomed to its full potential (whatever that full potential is). So, for all the people who do not like to see/read Kaoru and Shinji intimately together. The series plainly has Kaoru die (Therefore Tabris should return to heaven) so unless Tabris falls Kaoru is not coming back. And god picked Asuka to be he new Eve, to be with Shinji.
I am sorry I just didn’t see how Kaoru and Shinji could fall under the same category as Hiiro and Duo. But than again I am one who does not believe extra characters should be made so the (fe)male character that was left out, in having an obvious cannon pairing, can have a love of the opposite sex. For ex. I saw a fanfic where Jakotsu (one of the Shichinin-tai in Inu-Yasha. Flamboyantly gay cross-dresser (calls woman filth)) fell in love with a woman. Which wouldn’t happen based on the charecter.
Sorry this is so long. It is my own opinion based off what the series stats. And my opinion I am entitled to, as you are yours.
Sorry for being late to this party; just discovered this site.
“Fruits Basket” is loaded with clearly gay or ambiguously gay characters. The Soma family also has a disturbingly large number of transvestites.
^ That’s why Kaoru was one of my favorite characters, because he was the most “Angel” like of the angels. He thought humans were lower beings at first, met Shinji, understood what (whatever diety working the show) had in mind for humanity, and took a liking to him. He also developed human love. So I think they could have kept him alive for a bit or at least brought him back for a small scene.