momentum for september
Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon them.
Who’s got mo’?

iichan Translations and Utsura Uraraka: For this highly needed doujinshi dose [mirror] of LOL FANG-TAN. nyoro~n!
Tamaki is king: I’m enjoying the current Ouran trend of flashbacks where they show how Tamaki recruited each member into the club. He’s awesome… almost as awesome as Orenge-sama. My least favorite character? The twins. They’re working my last nerve now.
Louise: Desperately trying to fend off the Siesta and Jessica offensive, she tosses out Love-Love Louise Mode. Well done.
Shakugano no Shana: DVD 1 out this week. A year from airing in Japan to release in the US… not bad.
Hell’s Bunny: Winning hearts everywhere.
Newtype JPN: Yet more Evangelion rumors floating around. I won’t be surprised by anything at this point: Blu-Ray release? Live action film details? Evangelion musical? Remake of the original series by Kyoto? Remake of the original series as a murder mystery spanning eight reboots over 26 episodes? Remake of the original series into a harem comedy complete with twins, meido, and loli bait? Sequel set in dystopic feature crossed with Drifting Classroom? Definitive proof that Shinji is a wussy loser?

Kanon: If they’re going to make Yuuichi look like Kyon, why not just animate more Haruhi Suzumiya, dammit. I’m going to blog the series and just call him Kyon. Maybe Kaori would be LOL FANG-TAN. BTW, anidb currently is reporting a 7.57 rating (respectable) for the original 2002 series. The new 2006 series? 9.51. Higher than Haruhi Suzumiya‘s 8.85. Ye Oyashiro-sama.

Sumomomo Momomo: After thumbing through the first volume of manga, I think Sumomomo Momomo can turn into either the next Maburaho (dreadful with comedy), the next Tonagura (dreadful with fanservice), or the next Magikano (respectable with comedy and fanservice). Lolis. Beating the crap out of each other. As they try to seduce the poor male lead who behaves like K1 Maebara. You tell me what to think of this franchise. (Aya Hirano plays one of the support lolis, not Momoka… which might be a good thing since Momoka begs for sex like Mukuru begs for Puppy Chow.)
Who’s got no mo’?

Hakuoro: I can’t believe that they animated that DVD bonus where he and Oboro, uh, crap the bed. Figuratively. Literally. He was an awesome character up to that point… how can I take him seriously now? Hakuoro’s like Joe Montana after Joe did that “I’m going to masterbate” sketch on SNL way back.

Kanon: Wasn’t Kaze no Tadorituku Basho the second ED to the 2002 series? They’re reusing songs. Not a good sign. Then there’s the OP, Last Regrets, which looks like something Type-Moon could have dreamed up. Reminded me of This Illusion, and that’s not a good thing. Oh, well, at least the animation quality is much better.
Zero no Tsukaima: ANS reports that Zero no Tsukaima novels have reached 1.25 million units sold. In perspective, Haruhi Suzumiya novels last clocked in at 1.3 million units. Smut smut smut!

Detective Keroro: He should just open up shop with K1 Maebara. They’d be the New York Knicks of detectives.
Blu-Ray and HD-DVD: Dead out of the gate. Sucky movie choices + huge price premium + screwing over early adopters with ICT = New Coke-level of product introduction disaster.
Higurashi no Naku Kori ni: Production for 26 wrapped up. Details along with a cast photo.
xD What would you say, if I called you the Bill Simmons of the anime world?
“Hakuoro’s like Joe Montana after Joe did that “I’m going to masterbate†sketch on SNL way back.”
Dropping in the sports moments as randomly as that.
Is the Higurashi link intentionally linking to the first DVD volume for Shakugan no Shana? If it is, could someone explain the joke to me (I missed it)?
I never really liked Hakuoro. He’s as dull as Miki’s concrete blocks. Aruru, however, doing her little dive was just lolitastic.
That artist was born to draw Tsuruya.
Well, I don’t know about you, but Last Regrets is the opening that rightfully corresponds to Kanon (not like that mediocre opening for the 2002 series), and I would have killed myself (metaphorically) if KyoAni hadn’t made it the series’ opening.
And can we stop ranting about how wonderful would have been if KyoAni had animated more Haruhi? It’s not like ranting will make it happen. And we have already ranted enough (myself included). Just let it go and hope that KyoAni does their thing with Kanon.
Of course, you can call U1 Kyon, I don’t see no problems there (maybe Haruhi saw Kyon playing Kanon once, thought of something wacky and ta-da! Closed space, Kanon style -which also justifies the 14 episode run-, and Kyon is playing U1). But calling Kaori LOL FANG-TAN? God forbid, no way.
Oh forgot to say:
If Mai pulls a “Ni-pah!” on us, I’m happily ready to leave this world.
I don’t think Kyoto is necessarily reusing songs for the Kanon OP and ED, but sticking with the original OP and ED songs from the game. Seems to me they’re actually trying to keep the anime closer to the original with the use of the original songs and Yuuichi’s chara design.
Oh gawd!
I thought at first you were exagerating the extent of the joke for the Utawareru DVD bonus, Jason. That is until I saw it….. I think as punishment, they should force screenwriter to drink a bottle of laxative …maybe two. Ugh… i don’t now if i’ll be able to watch Utawarerumono the same again.
However, the Dori and Gura fanservice after the credits was pretty interesting. Still can’t tell if they’re male or female though.
@XiaNaphryz: My point exactly. Also, I would rather have Kyon playing U1 instead of Jay Leno (sorry, had to do it >.
What do you mean using Last Regrets and Kaze no Tadorituku Basho is bad? They’re still both good songs, and last I checked even the Fate/stay night anime had a remix of the original game OP as well.
KyoAni has a history of reuse classic songs from original work also
cough Tori cough no Uta cough
>> I never really liked Hakuoro.
I like him better than Shirou Emiya. By the time Rin still explained Emiya the rule of the Holy Grail War (in like what? episode 8?), Hakuoro already took over a country and got crowned as emperor.
>> If Mai pulls a “Ni-pah!†on us, I’m happily ready to leave this world.
Or a “Raising Heart onegai!”
>>> The new 2006 series? 9.51. Higher than Haruhi Suzumiya’s 8.85. Ye Oyashiro-sama.
You need to remember that Kanon already had a large fanbase even before its anime adaptations, the higher ratings are also helped by the trust of fans in KyoAni’s job.
Suzumiya Haruhi was barely known before this spring.
>>ANS reports that Zero no Tsukaima novels have reached 1.25 million units sold. In perspective, Haruhi Suzumiya novels last clocked in at 1.3 million units. Smut smut smut!
More adult Mikuru might turn things around, no? Suzumiya Haruhi’s more of a fun ride on the caroussel whereas ZnT is full of addictive guilty pleasures. BTW what’s ZnT’s novel target audience? Shounen, Shoujo?
I’ll keep an eye out for Sumomomo Momomo. Would definitely like a harem-ish Evangelion. Make Shinji eat whatever Saito ate before the first ep.
>>BTW what’s ZnT’s novel target audience? Shounen, Shoujo?
Seinen novel.
>>I’ll keep an eye out for Sumomomo Momomo.
I’ve just read some of that manga. Koushi is no K1, I tell you. He is more like a very sarcastic chap with some Miles Edgeworth mannerism when he talks about law. But that’s it. At least K1 can go against angry thugs unarmed and live, but Koushi would just chicken out.
I already have my money saved for the Shana Dvd but I have my eye out for the Suzumiya Haruhi DVD to come out in the states. I’ve been trying to find someone worthy to voice Suzumiya “God Knows Nothing” Haruhi but sadly I’ve found no one.
As for the voice actor of Shana, her name as been released. Tabitha St. Germain. I haven’t heard any of her works so I’m trying to find out if she can dish out the Shutups in english as Rie did the Urasais.
>> Is the Higurashi link intentionally linking to the first DVD volume for Shakugan no Shana?
Broken link. I’ll fix it.
>> xD What would you say, if I called you the Bill Simmons of the anime world?
I’m more of an Easterbrook fan.
>> last I checked even the Fate/stay night anime had a remix of the original game OP as well.
Too bad it didn’t include a remix threesome featuring Archer-ko…
ZnT (novels) is truly a very enjoyable series, I wonder if it can tie with haruhi. Best novel so far of haruhi is the fourth imo.
Can anyone fill in the blanks please?
Kyon = Yuuichi
Mikuru = Ayu
Yuki = ?
Haruhi = ?
Kyon’s Sister = ?
Koizumi = ?
Oh please don’t. Don’t.
>>Sheba says:
“You need to remember that Kanon already had a large fanbase even before its anime adaptations, the higher ratings are also helped by the trust of fans in KyoAni’s job.”
I won’t discount the KyoAni factor, especially after the pure concentrated win they’ve put out the last few years with Fumoffu, The Second Raid, and Haruhi, but the answer for it having such a high score in much simpler than that: The only people voting for it on anidb are the hardcore fanboys and fangirls (fanpersons?) who were fans of the first incarnation and are eagerly awaiting the KyoAni redux.
You’ve got to remember that no one has seen it yet, so only the most hardcore of the hardcore Kanonites are going to be visiting the anidb entry, much less voting on it. Add to that the fact that on sites like this, shows that have such rabid fanbases as Kanon does (and Haruhi) tend to have more fans cheating the votes, and that people who like the show are more likely to vote than people who don’t unless the show is really bad (how else do you explain ANN’s mean score of 7-something?). Wait until it finally comes out and has got most of its run under its belt, and then you can look at the number as more representative of the general feeling. My guess is it’ll drop down to around SHnY’s level, but you never know.
>>Silk says:
“Tabitha St. Germain. I haven’t heard any of her works…”
Looking on ANN the only parts she’s had that I personally recognize are as Alexis (the one girl out of the three human main characters) from Transformers: Armada/Energon and as Nazuna from episode 13 of Inuyasha (she’s the guest character of the week in the episode where you first find out about what happens to him on the new moon). She was also apparently Flay on Gundam Seed (and Destiny), who will likely be more recognizable to this blog’s audience, but I burnt out on Gundam Seed too soon (2nd episode?) to remember who any of the characters were. Hope I’ve helped at least one person nail down her voice.
On a lighter note, it’s good to see someone at Ocean’s still getting some VA work, what with most of their A-list talent apparently making a living via bit parts on SG-1 and Atlantis. They’re still my favorite Canuck dubbers.
I checked on ANN and I hadn’t heard any of her roles before. I was hoping she did something that really stuck out. I guess I’ll start youtubeing and try to find a sample. Thanks for the help. :D
>>>The new 2006 series? 9.51. Higher than Haruhi Suzumiya’s 8.85. Ye Oyashiro-sama.
Regression to the mean. Remember that Haruhi started out 9+ and then people who don’t like “over-rated” shows appeared. I predict that it will be lower than Haruhi in three weeks or less.
I’m actually looking forward to this as I’m a Kanon virgin.
>>Sister Princess Says:
Can anyone fill in the blanks please?>>
Thinking that you could make a 1:1 ratio like that is probably as big of a mistake as thinking The Zero Magic Mage was more tame than Shana…..
>>Kanon: If they’re going to make Yuuichi look like Kyon, why not just animate more Haruhi Suzumiya, dammit. I’m going to blog the series and just call him Kyon. Maybe Kaori would be LOL FANG-TAN.
While I agree with the former statement, the latter two constitute heresey and an insult. Perhaps I am still high off the new information I got about Kursk, but calling Kaori LOL Fang-tan…well suffice to say Totenkop will have gotten better treatment from the Soviets.
Still I agree the Twins from Ouran are annoying.
>>Still I agree the Twins from Ouran are annoying.
Well, at least that episode with Hikaru and Haruhi on a date reminded me of the Ultimate Male Tsundere, Kyo Sohma. Good times.
I wonder if the ADV execs are taking a figurative/literal crap. “We just bought a show that has what?”