kanon 17
Categories: anime, episodic review, kanon
Tagged: kanon
“I don’t like people who write posts like this.” Kanon 17.

I wonder if this cat talks… Ayu greets Yuuichi after coming home from another late night with a girl. Remember what I said, uh, one post ago about flashbacks to explain what happened five minutes ago? It may be infecting Kyoto as well.

Flashback to the end of the conversation originated in the previous episode, and Kaori explains that Shiori isn’t about to live much longer yadda yadda yadda, and I really thought that she was going to turn the corner, yet maybe not. At least not yet. Meanwhile, Yuuichi is fighting off the “Wait I just dealt with a girl who was going to die and now have to do it again?” face.
(Still, walking along a snowy river at night lit up by city lights… seems kinda romantic.)

I, for one, welcome our Sleepy Nayuki overlords.

To drive home the repetition, Yuuichi goes to see Makoto for guidance on Shiori. He must be thinking at this point, “Okay, the next girl who I get involved with, she’s getting a full medical exam before the first date.”

Prior to Kanon, the last time I watched an anime featuring a girl sitting at a fountain waiting for a boy, one of Lolilaika’s snipers headshotted the multisexual twincest loli necrophiliac ax-wielder. Hopefully, neither Shiori or Yuuichi will require so many colorful adjectives to describe them.

“Zutto… zutto…”
Shiori’s giving me the shakes here. By far the most romantic and girlie of the girls. Oddly enough, for an h-game turned anime, it’s an element that’s been missing. If wooing a girl is as simple as bringing her a beef bowl, I’m sure Japan wouldn’t be looking at possible population constriction if that were the case. No, demon hunting is not romantic. No, ringing bells are not romantic. No, sleeping is class is not romantic.

It’s like Kyoto’s animation abilities improved during the series, or that they finally got their software that generates snow to work. Reminds me of Weta and LotR where they didn’t get their Massive software running until TT and then improved on it for RotK. I can’t wait for episode 25 where Ayu is found in a coma in a huge blizzard with the aurora borealis dancing overhead.

“The day-to with you was equally fun!”
I must admit, Yuuichi’s not doing a bad job of teasing/leading-on Shiori. I think he needs to open his own dating tips website or informercial… “Hi, I’m Yuuichi Aizawa, and I’ve bagged my share of the ladies. Young? Old? Crazy swordswomen? Yep, done them all. And I’ll show you how in my new twelve step program…”

“What kind of disease do you have.”
“I forgot the name.”
Most diseases have a common name with their scientific name, like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for Lou Gehrig’s disease. But with Shiori’s motor skills, I doubt that she’s afflicted by this disease. Cancer would ravage her much at this point, and she wouldn’t be running around. I’m guessing something like a weak heart or arrhythmia that makes some frail but not too frail but can kill instantly. Maybe the next poll should be, “What do you think is Shiori’s disease?”
(Oh, by the way, New York Knicks fans, your starting center has a $60 million contract, and he suffers from heart arrhythmia, and the first two doctors that he saw told him to quit the NBA.)

Very cute scene. Pretends to be pissy just to get ice cream out of it. As Tamama would say with eyes bulging, “That manipulative woman!!!”

You win Kyoto, I’ll just hand you the “Best of 2007: Best Animation” trophy right now. Alongside “Best of 2007: Anime” for The Quietness of Yuki Nagato.

After dealing with the brain dead Makoto, the expression-less Mai, Yuuichi must be glad to find someone who has an upbeat personality, even if she is about to die. Maybe that’s the only way Shiori can deal with the situation without breaking down– just be leading her normal life not thinking about her timer. Sadly, Kaori seems to be going the opposite way. Kaori seems to be very concerned about the disease and even looking past it, yet she’s not taking into account what Shiori wants. A much more selfish approach on Kaori’s part.

Is Yuuichi expecting the cat to talk back?

Very cute. Someone at Kyoto must like me to toss in two Sleepy Nayukis in one episode.

Ayu really does look like a little kid compared to the rest of the girls. Yuuichi wishes Ayu, “Sweet dreams.”

The next morning, Ayu opens up conversation with, “I had a horrible dream!” Anyway, good to see Akiko up and about, Nayuki almost collapsing into her food, and her cat slippers are adorable. Very Nayuki-like.

School Uniform Shiori is not as cute as Sickly Sweater Shiori.

But I loved, Jun’s, “Wait, when did you start dating a freshman?” response. First Mai… then Shiori… then ZA WULDO! Meanwhile, Nayuki has either the “Wait, another one?” face or the “Wait, another one I have to add onto the list of stabbing victims?” face.

As Nayuki watches Yuuichi approach the newer, younger girl, her faces changes to the “Wait, another one I have to add onto the list of stabbing victims, and I better make her first” face. I would take the job if Kyoto and Key gave me the directorial keys to a “re-imagining” of Kanon, much like Sci-Fi with Battlestar Galactica. In my alternate universe, there would be a serial killer roaming town, Makoto would be replaced with LOL FANG-TAN, and many, many other fun changes.

Shiori’s “What the hell is this?” face. Only with that uniform, she looks like she’s twelve years old and should be attending middle school with Ayu-chan.

Shiori’s “I don’t care anymore. Just shoot me. No way there’s a penis on this. None. I won’t accept it.” face.

Shiori’s “OH GEASS NO!” face.

Shiori’s “I’m the jealous-type too” face. Gotta love a girl who uses her hands to gesture something other than a middle finger. World needs more of them.
(Enjoyed her “I want to eat the same thing as you!” Puppy love 4tw!)

With Sayuri and Mai out-of-action, Yuuichi hasn’t been getting his homemade bentos. Until now! Shiori offering to make him food… my oharuhi-sama… “…in my new twelve step program I’ll show you everything from teasing the ladies, to caring for the ladies, to walking the ladies home. I guarantee that she’ll be cooking for you in thirty days! Act now…”

There hasn’t been any lapses of silence in Kanon recently. It’s been pretty packed an non-stop, and I am disappointed that Kyoto hasn’t worked more scenes of just silence and serenity into the series. Kanon itself seems to lend itself well to just periods of… nothing… and I’d be fine with that.

“Satoshi Satoshi Satoshi!”

<Insert your own catchphrase. Not gonna type it.>

Okay, we need to re-open the debate. Is Shiori more or less wife material than Sayuri? Sayuri is older, but a threesome with Mai would be hawter than a threesome with Kaori. Then there’s the issue of Shiori’s ice cream addiction where she becomes of the 400 pound aunts that we see all the time on Jerry Springer. Mmm… isn’t anime fun?

Seems like Yuuichi takes each girl to a different tea/coffee shop. We need charts, graphs, Powerpoint presentation, everything on this subject.

If Shaft were in charge of this series, we’d see a Measousa, a Cartman, and a Triforce doll in the window. This is why I’m glad Shaft is not in charge of this series, but I’d love to have their help for Bizarro Kanon.

I thought that Kaori had turned the corner the previous episode as was more willing to accept Shiori. Guess I was wrong… Yuuichi has some work to do that the obvious right thing for Shiori right now would be to re-unite and reconcile her with her sister. They both want it. Shiori wants this desperately, and Kaori wants it in her heart. Yuuichi is the catalyst. He has to make it happen. He must become Shiori’s “Make-A-Wish” foundation. And the Bears should just have Rex Grossman kneel three times on offense and punt and just let their defense score points next Sunday.

Actually, this solution of getting Shiori and Kaori to come together again was so obvious, even Ayu thought about it. How would you like to be outsmarted by Ayu? I wouldn’t. I think I would commit seppaku if Ayu somehow beat me on Final Jeopardy just because the question was “What is taiyaki?” or at least have the “Diekembe Motumbo sitting next to the First Lady at the State of the Union address” face going.

And I’ll end with… Kyon! Good to see you. How have you been?
I think I started liking shiori more as a character after she got out of her homeless clothes. In the way that I started liking Makoto’s character more as they proceeded through her arc, the same applies to shiori, at first I was like I dunno how you’re you’re gonna die or when or whatever is gonna happen to you but I hope its soon, but now that they’re in her arc she is a much more enjoyable character to see and now I hope she dies, after more time. Semi-Same thing goes for Makoto.
Thank OHaruhi-Sama Mai never left us.
“Please don’t die Shiori, I don’t want to go into the Ayu arc!” Anyway, this arc is about twice the pace of Makoto and Mai’s, and I kind of feel bad for Shiori… being shortened just to make the Ayu arc superhighway.
Same as above, Curry eating Shiori is an awesome moe mode
I thought it was odd also that Kaori breaks down over her sister and yet in this episode reverts to type.
Hard to care too much since Shiori crushed my moe-meter into sub-atomic particles.
It’s kinda weird how they completely shunned the whole Mai arch at once. I know they’re in the hospital, but isn’t he gonna visit them or something? Hell, considering Mai to cure Shiori?
Btw Jason, are you gonna blog Manabi Straight? Seems like a fun show to see you blog.
I’ll preface this by saying I really like Shiori as a character. She’s looking at very little time left on her clock, and she’s probably the most upbeat and positive character in the whole show. If that’s not admirable resilience, I don’t really think I know what is.
And that scene, as Shiori is walking away in the snow, under the street lamp, so beautiful. sad yet serene. And then, she turned, with a smile and a hushing finger to her lips. And I thought, “So cute! Very much, a character you just want to hug and protect. But it’s too bad Asahina Mikuru already got to the turn-and-hush long ago, patented it, and blew you away with the blouse and miniskirt.”
I think this episode is when I realized that I really wanted the Kanon OST. The background is probably at least half the emotional content of the series, since I find a lot of the supernatural-driven drama to be just the tiniest bit contrived.
Also! To those of us suffering from withdrawal from, as Retsgip puts it, Black Lagoon rush, I want to promote Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou. The first ep. was unbelievable: it was fast-paced, with clearly better action than BL, gorgeous animation, and potentially a lot of different stories to tell. Here’s hoping it continues to be subbed, and that Jason picks it up. Just in time, too. I was getting the shakes.
Red-faced curry-eating Shiori ftw.
With most diseases that have a fixed time frame, Shiori should be showing symptoms of deterioration by now. The only congenital thing I can think of that kills suddenly is an abdominal aortic aneurysm, though that’s nearly impossible to diagnose before it strikes, and if it is detected beforehand, can be treated with surgery.
So she must be suffering from NADS, or Nameless Anime Disease Syndrome, whose typical prognosis involves going in the space of a couple days from seemingly genki, to bedridden but still moe, to suddenly coughing up blood and dying in Kyo– uh, Yuuichi’s arms.
Yuuichi just better not rip off Shuuji’s speech to a dying Akemi about her being a beautiful woman, or I’ll lose all respect for KyoAni.
No comment on the series action over the spicy foods? Come on now.
I don’t think they’ll kill off Shiori, since they seem to be taking the ‘happy’ ending for each girl (sans Makoto, but no idea what happened with her). The emotional impact would certainly be higher if she dies.
Still glad Mai didn’t die. Swordgirls =
I expected Shiori to say “Classified information!” when she did that finger pose.
It looks like Kyoto Ani is starting to work in more interaction scenes between Yuuichi and Ayu to build up their relationship. Nayuki gets no attention from Yuuichi this far in the series, so it’s a good bet that we’re headed towards an Ayu ending.
Also, gotta love how Kyoto Ani inserted a self-reference of themselves with Yuuichi’s “I forgot something at the Hundred Flowers Shop!” – Hundred Flowers Shop is the name of the production group for Kanon (the name appears right after the logo).
>>> You win Kyoto, I’ll just hand you the “Best of 2007: Best Animation†trophy right now.
I still think ‘5cm/s’ will win this trophy
>>> Hell, considering Mai to cure Shiori?
Mai told Yuuichi that it will be several month before her power starts to return at the last episode.
>>> So she must be suffering from NADS, or Nameless Anime Disease Syndrome, whose typical prognosis involves going in the space of a couple days from seemingly genki, to bedridden but still moe, to suddenly coughing up blood and dying in Kyo– uh, Yuuichi’s arms.
well, so far we had fox-turned-girl disappearence; psycho-swordgirl who first tries to kill her power then tries to kill herself… then tries to kill her power again… then tries to kill herself again; and a freeloader-in-a-coma
i’d say NADS is about the most normal out of the bunch, sadly enough
>>> Seems like Yuuichi takes each girl to a different tea/coffee shop. We need charts, graphs, Powerpoint presentation, everything on this subject.
I think they’re all supposed to be the same shop. Take a look at these screenshots of the storefront.
Episode 1, 14:26 http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/3526/ep1my3.jpg
Episode 6, 16:00 http://img144.imageshack.us/im.....061bc3.jpg
Episode 11, 9:69 http://img144.imageshack.us/im.....369ri2.jpg
Episode 14, 16:18 http://img406.imageshack.us/im.....456nx0.jpg
Episode 17, 18:09 http://img404.imageshack.us/im.....p17os1.jpg
They all look the same. Note the number and position of windows, the green lines that run along the bottom of the lower ones, and the similarity of the buildings next to it. the The furniture inside looks similar as well. On top of that, Yuuichi always sits at the same table, and is always on the right when looking at the window from the inside. There’s also the fact that it plays Kanon inside in episodes 1, 11, and 14.
There’s a few continuity errors, though. Can you spot them?
But, but… Shiori is going to live right? What is her miracle, I don’t remember well…
Oh well, we knew since the start that KyoAni would go with the same ending than TOEI. After all, she is the big start around Yuuichi and the girl more attached to him in his childhood. I’m happy for Shiori, because when you’re in a situation like her, is hard enough to keep that smile, taking one step at the time and enjoying every second left (apparently) without a second trough.
Seven episodes more to go!
Shiori is too, too cute.
Kyoto wows me with the lighting on this episode again.
Although it was ironic that I was listening to “Our Farewell” by Within Temptation while reading this post. It fits, oddly enough.
I’m really glad that Kyoto put in Yuuichi visiting Makato for realism sake.
Shiori’s condition reminds me of that movie Stepmother, with the real mom having cancer, and not being able to do anything, ending up going around smoking marijuana. Wait… Shiori with marijuana?
Ok, I enjoy Kanon, but I ran across another something that looks interesting. Jason (or anyone else)… I am pretty sure it is a new anime, but if anyone has any info post on it please!
I comes out April 2007 – Thanks!
>>I still think ‘5cm/s’ will win this trophy
C’mon u cant really compare a TV animation with a Movie animation, their budgets are HUUUGE difference….
>>Anyway, this arc is about twice the pace of Makoto and Mai’s, and I kind of feel bad for Shiori… being shortened just to make the Ayu arc superhighway.
I disagree, as much as I like Shiori’s arc, I dont really see a reason to drag her arc for another episode. There’s not enough story to tell of her arc anyway, its straight and simple. Extending her arc would only lead to repetitive and frustrating results. On the other hand, I’d pretty much prefer the most vital and best moments packed tight together reasonablely than to have fillers dragging along.
@Syaoran Li
>>But, but… Shiori is going to live right? What is her miracle, I don’t remember well…
Oh well, we knew since the start that KyoAni would go with the same ending than TOEI….
It’s been 3 days and its still haunting me, the fact I found almost every spotlights of the show I found points to Shiori dying… the title “diminishing”, Shiori’s famous quote, the handling of “miracles”, continuity for later arcs…. for the first time I hope someone can prove me wrong.
Yay! Shiori’s arc is almost done! Can’t wait to see Nayuki get bitchslapped in the face when Yuuichi falls in love with Ayu. Haha!
>> Btw Jason, are you gonna blog Manabi Straight?
No, I only really have time for two shows at a time, so that means Code Geass and Kanon until spring. Plus, this winter season has been a disaster… ugh.
>> Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho
Not a complete disaster. Still, Kyoshiro was a lot worse than I expected.
>> http://www.setonohanayome.com/index.html
It’s a harem comedy about a guy who has to merry a mafia mermaid. I’m serious. Go read the manga… the mafia mermaid bit was interesting, but Seto no Hanayome quickly degenerated into generic harem comedy.
>> I still think ‘5cm/s’ will win this trophy
I think Makoto Shinkai has fallen to M Night Shyamalan territory. Great out of the gate. And each film becomes progressively worse. In fact, I think we’ll be getting Makoto’s version of Lady in the Water by 2012. But, prove me wrong! World needs more good anime directors, and sadly, I think they all work for Kyoto atm.
>> I expected Shiori to say “Classified information!†when she did that finger pose.
+10 points! I was thinking it reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put a finger on it.
>>World needs more good anime directors, and sadly, I think they all work for Kyoto atm.
Is this because you count Hayao Miyazaki as retired? O.O
@crix: what’s shiori’s famous quote?
>>Not a complete disaster. Still, Kyoshiro was a lot worse than I expected.
“Not a complete disaster” refers to Tokyo Majin Gakuen, and “Kyoshiro” refers to Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora?
I watched ep 1 of that Kyoshiro, and I was immediately struck by a few things. One, they have enormous balls ripping off the extremely generic but memorable name of the excellent Ai Yori Aoshi OP. Second, for a shonen action, it spent way more time on the lead girls angst than on the kinda strange action. Supersizing a single body part? Not a huge fan, here or in D.Gray-man. And any girl who goes weak-kneed for a guy who kisses her right after frenching someone much cuter has something screwed on seriously wrong. Third, the art and animation reminds me of shows in the 90s. Muddy colors makes me a sad panda. Needless to say, this one got the drop immediately after ep. 1.
As for not blogging Tokyo Majin Gakuen, I can completely sympathize on the time committments, though it certainly is a shame. It seems like there’s unlimited blogging material to work with when one of the villains is a pyrokinetic goth loli with a screw in her forehead and who flips from Ichigo Mashimaro –> Higurashi just like breathing. Plus, I firmly vote yes on beating the snot out of high school wannabe thugs. The leader got towel-snapped into submission, for crying out loud!
Ah well. In any case, the SHnY reference in the scene where they part actually kinda broke the magic for me. It’s pretty harmless, but I don’t see why KyoAni would want to distract us from focusing all our attention on Kanon in that moment, which is pretty pivotal to developing our connection to Shiori and which they must have put a lot of effort into.
**Rant complete**
I agree with what has been said about the disease. There is nothing that has you walking around in the cold all day until the moment you die unless it is acute, and then it is impossible to predict the time of the event.
Damnit, how can Yuuichi possibly be going to turn down Shiori for Ayu? I mean the only way he could do worse is if he went with Makoto instead.
Ah well. I’m enjoying this arc while it lasts, and can only hope we get Nayuki’s next, rather than a double length Ayu one ~_~
Wow, Shiori seriously moe-crushed me on this episode. I have never been so moe-crushed since Hisui’s route in Tsukihime.
Ayu’s and Nayuki’s seem to be intertwined. I think we’ll get both.
Well… about Shiori’s disease, I speculate a little bit about it.
Click Here
>>No, demon hunting is not romantic.
Not romantic the way you see it. There are many different forms of romance, though demon-hunting might be a bizzare one.
>>And I’ll show you how in my new twelve step program…
You seem to have some communication skills for marketing. Is your job somehow related?
>> Well… about Shiori’s disease, I speculate a little bit about it.
Why do you guys find the need to explain a disease that is so conveniently portrayed?
My guess is along the lines of “artistic license”, “plot device”…
“Nya” would do just fine.
>>>He must become Shiori’s “Make-A-Wish†foundation.
It occurs to me that becoming Shiori’s “Make-A-Threesome” foundation could be a better way to get Shiori and Kaori to reconcile, and he’d certainly get more out of it.
>>Seems like Yuuichi takes each girl to a different tea/coffee shop. We need charts, graphs, Powerpoint presentation, everything on this subject.
Was I the only one to notice that Pachebel’s canon in D wasn’t the background music in this café?
They have not stated Shiori illness yet?
I would not bother with the poll since going by 18 preview its going to be there.
>>>Was I the only one to notice that Pachebel’s canon in D wasn’t the background music in this café?
I noticed too. KyoAni probably wanted to keep the scene upbeat for their date instead of going sentimental.
Ya know…it’s probably a good idea that Yuuichi has been giving Nayuki the brush off for the past year. He spent a lot of time with Makoto and she reverted to a pet and then went directly from solid to a gaseous state, though that may have just been due to global warming. He ate lunches with Mai and Sayuri every day, and they got mauled by a bear on school grounds. He brings Shiori ice cream until her cold becomes a terminal illness. She should have taken a lesson from Kaori, who now runs from her sister AND Yuuichi, lest his deadly mojo infect her too. Ayu is probably going to develop serious diabetes from all the taiyaki he keeps buying her.
So, Nayuki is lucky. If she actually spent time with Super Player Action Yuuichi, she’d finally lapse into that coma that we all know is just around the corner…
>>> ash
true dat, it’s like Conan and Ran going to your party, definitly OH-GEASS-NO moment
should we all submit Nayuki’s transfer papers to get schooled with the girls of Shuffle! at this point? since Shuffle! Memories looks like its going to give us all the main endings (sorry Kareha and Mayumi fans…not really, Kaede and Sia are far superior), she’d get her happy ending too.
RE: The Disease
Basically every other J-Dorama features someone with some disease that shows no symptoms except for ‘weakness’ and death. If I had to pick, personally I’d go with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: ( http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic129.htm )
Bascially this is a relatively symptomless heart condition that can cause sudden death. Sounds about right, although Shiori has a set date. Then again the docs might have just said ‘she probably won’t live past 15’ or something, and the family took it as meaning… ON THE DAY OF.
>>>And the Bears should just have Rex Grossman kneel three times on offense and punt and just let their defense score points next Sunday.
Poor Payton Manning…
>>>“Diekembe Motumbo sitting next to the First Lady at the State of the Union address†face going.
I think the funniest part of this was not that he was sitting next to Laura… but the asian woman on the other side of him which was 1/2 his size and which he could probably crush accidentally!
I wonder, don’t they need wipers with eyes that large?
>> the mafia mermaid bit was interesting, but Seto no Hanayome quickly degenerated into generic harem comedy.
I donno… the conch shell assassin-bodyguard was also an interesting add. Still, too many characters being thrown into the harem by volume 9; think I’ll stick to Mx0 for now.
>>Is Shiori more or less wife material than Sayuri?
Do we really need to know the answer this question? Yuuchi should “develope” a relationship with Shiori first. When Shiori dies of her mysterious illness after being Healthy Girl Shiori a bit too much, Yuuchi can then turn to the loving arms of Wife Material Sayuri and Mai.
>>I wonder, don’t they need wipers with eyes that large?
Finally, someone else who openly points out what I’ve been thinking. But they probably would need a big apparatus for the wipers and the jets to spray the window cleaning fluid