minami-ke ~okawari~, has my rice already cooled down?
Categories: anime, episodic review, minami-ke
Tagged: minami-ke
“Having a night like this occasionally isn’t bad either.”

The funny thing about this episode is that while most of the US is suffering from a cold front or is trying to dig out of the latest snowfall, it’s been pretty much 65-70 and sunny all week in San Jose. And you wonder why two bedroom houses here cost half a million dollars. The weather has been fantastic out in Northern California and watching the Minami sisters freeze… well… that seems foreign to me.
It’s been a while since we’ve had an episode that didn’t bring out one of the big guns (Hosaka, Mako-cakes, and Hayami), and it’s a nice change of pace to see the Minami sisters fend for themselves, much like the Donner party. It does remind me of the early part of the original series, before Hosaka, Mako-cakes, and Hayami were injected into the equation. Like Haruka said, it’s good once in a while to get back to basics, but we all know who pays the comedic bills for this series. Nonetheless… ahh… weather charm Chiaki… Kana should have made good on her threat and tied Chiaki up.
(After seeing the future episode titles, I can’t wait for 8, “There’s Always Time for the Pool,” and 9, “Sadness? The Secret of Mako-cakes.” I bet you can’t wait either.)
Funniest Moments

Is Caterpillar Kana a potential moe mode? I’m not quite ready to rule on this one yet; we need more evidence either for or against.

Minami is amazing.
(If Fuyuki went over before the bath scene, I would have stabbed him myself. Repeated. With a rusty knife.)

The way Asread animates Chiaki, from some vantage points, she looks older than Kana. But headphones 4tw!
(I wonder what podcasts would interest Chiaki? Presently, I’ve been listening to NPR’s Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me. The Chris Paul episode was fantastic… an intelligent, charming point guard in the NBA? Good thing he didn’t get drafted by Atlanta.)

When Kana was borrowing Fuyuki’s manga (warning: he has stacks of shoujo manga!), it seemed like Kana was a dog waiting for a biscuit. I’ve never plowed through 40 volumes of manga in one sitting… I can’t believe that the ADD-riddled Kana can… yet she’s absorbed.

Chiaki’s wearing a mini-skirt while her sisters are wearing pants. What a trooper. I laughed at Chiaki’s, “Wait, how can you betray me like that Haruka-neesama?” face when she realized it was Haruka and not Kana who hit her with the snowball.
(Please no frozen thigh meat lines. Unless you want Chris Hansen to show up at your doorstep. Thanks.)

I want to be wrapped in a blanket with the Minami sisters too! Though I’m convinced that they let Fuyuki stay over because of the Donner party scenario. It’s cold. There’s no food or supplies. If need be, they need to go cannibal, so why not invite over the pasty-looking boy from next door? Not like anyone’s going to miss him if he’s gone. And Haruka even looks at him with a “should I season with soy sauce or chili powder” grin on her face.

But everytime I see Chiaki staring at Fuyuki, I keep wondering how he’s going to be broken… or he could already be broken, and I’m just guessing at how he’s already broken. Just shoot me. No way there’s an unbroken character. None. I won’t accept it.

When it took Fuyuki so long to open the door, was anyone else thinking, “he snuck a peak at them bathing, so he’s busying mastering his domain”? I can’t be the only one thinking that, right? If that’s the case, he’s broken. I can picture him rummaging through the Minami trash trying to find an old sock from Kana or something.
(It’s always more fun to have broken characters. Good boy Fuyuki isn’t as interesting as secret pervert Fuyuki.)

And from last time…
paparaharaha: So, how many Harukas does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Great question. Four. One to feed me grapes, one to massage me, and one to fan me while the fourth changes the light bulb. Mmm… just to be safe, make that five. Might need one on standby to answer the phone or something.
Internet Jesus: Oh, and one more thing…that duffel bag Mako-cakes found last episode? Totally Haruka’s. Explains the dominatrix gear PERFECTLY.
On second thought, make that six… seven. Will need one to be walking around in a dominatrix outfit scolding and whipping one in a school girl outfit. Wait, why am I sharing any of this with you?
sh: Kana’s dancing with Haruka was awesome, hmm i wonder if Kana would make a good stripper?… where the hell did that train of thought come from?
Up to eight. Will need one Haruka and a stripper pole. I’ll probably need a new sound system as well as buy a Def Leppard greatest hits CD. You got the peaches; I got the cream. Am I thinking out loud again?
Ithekro: While it is not impossible to screw this up, it may take a serious(ly bad) studio in the lead to make this a failure.
I can only imagine Gonzo’s version. The Minami sisters would be immortal mermaid yakuza space pirates. Actually… mmm… let’s go with nine. I need a mermaid Haruka in my fish tank. Am I sharing too much now?
Kaisos: Hosaka can be MY god any day… *ahem*
Yep… these are my frozen Canadian readers.
Add mechs, Rosario to Panties horrible color palette and Fuyuki as focal point of the show. That way, it couldn’t fail harder.
Screw Fuyuki, I think it’d be better if Hosaka opened the door and said “OH SHI-, I live next to Haruka” sporting the GOD belt, followed by some epic fantasies whilst he undresses himself ever so slowly in front of poor innocent Chiaki, making her deliciou….err body go 100% frozen.
Seriously this series is lacking the fantasies, and if Fuyuki isn’t massively broken somehow then Two-Tone Chiaki can go Rena on his ass.
I know! Fuyuki is a girl. A la Touma. It’s the only thing that makes sense. SO BROKEN IT HURTS.
That episode felt a little slow when compared to some other ones. Guess that happens without O-Hosaka-sama around.
Chiaki totally wants to bone Fuyuki.
Oh yes. She takes after Dominatrix Haruka.
This ep prolly had the most missed chances for additional comedy.
I admit I envy anyone who gets to be the meat in a minami sandwich, but dammit at least make a “just as planned” face like anyone else would have!
My meido sense is tingling. Or am I just (secretly) hoping for the best? Guess we’ll find out next week.
The “Donner Party” situation kind of killed the comedy in this episode for me. A power outage in a snowstorm is serious business. But the episode redeemed itself when Chiaki went after Fuyuki after he rejected their invitation to come over. That was the kind of sweet, heartwarming moment that makes Strawberry Marshmallow or your typical J.C.Staff cutefest successful, and I had stopped expecting to see those kinds of moments in Minami-ke. Good job.
Chiaki x Fuyuki is going to “happen” before Kana x Fujioka or Haruka x Hosaka. And I want to see it.
My theory is that Fuyuki was being so reserved because he secretly wants to make sweet love to Chiaki. But then again, who doesnt?
Makoto, and we all know how that panned out…
Hahaha, Chiaki listens to Drum n’ Bass. It could have only been better if it had been vague early 90’s rap.
We need more broken characters on Minami-ke, but I can’t think of anyone who isn’t already broken by the Minami family. As you have said, we need to know how Fuyuki is already broken or if Kana will help him on that task. Anyway, I already miss the snow on my town
>>Yep… these are my frozen Canadian readers.
Actually, it isn’t that cold where I live…
>> It could have only been better if it had been vague early 90’s rap.
Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]…
Would O.G. Chiaki be a viable Moe-mode?
Older Looking Chiaki = win, especially whens he gets annoyed at Kana. It brings out the Haruka-like features, with an angry expression that’s… well, maybe most men are masochists. :P
And Fuyuki’s pre-broken – that’s why Kana’s picking on him… although she seemed to give up after she asked him who his favorite character was, and he wussed out by asking for hers, then agreed with it. The ‘I don’t like spineless characters’ thing seemed to fly right over his head.
Erm….how about Minami-ke Sunrise version? Then, we’ll have mecha for all three of them. And not to mention that all three will be able to merge into one…
I can only imagine what would have happened if it was Hosaka that was invited instead. I can see him thinking about sneaking into the covers with Haruka but then gets stuck inside one of his trademark “Hosaka Fantasies”.
I’m half convinced Fuyuki is a serial killer.
Speaking of Hosaka, he has won his Round 3 in SaiGAR.
But the episode redeemed itself when Chiaki went after Fuyuki after he rejected their invitation to come over.I actually cheered inwardly when Chiaki tried to winkle out some genuine feeling from Mr. Repressed-nice-guy. He might become an interesting character yet.Chiaki x Fuyuki is going to “happen†before Kana x Fujioka or Haruka x Hosaka. And I want to see it.I hear you. Would be so cute to see how their relationship develops :-).