fastest delivery 12
Categories: anime, episodic review, macross
Tagged: macross frontier
Macross Frontier 12, Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me edition.

The Minmay Defense is:
A. Named after Minmay, who used her live singing skills to conquer the rampaging Zentradi herd. Of course, it had to be a live concert and not just a silly mp3 file. And, of course, all aliens behave like fanboys at a Haruhi live event.
B. Hedging currency bets by possessing an equal amount of euros and Thoreni silver coins.
C. A crucial tactic used in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney’s third case, Turnabout Serenade, where Apollo summons the defendant, Minmay, to sing for the trial and disproves another one of Gavin’s ridiculous theories.

The reason Nana is so happy to see Ranka is:
A. Same sex marriage is now legal in California, and, by virtue of similarity, Frontier/San Francisco.
B. Ranka is cute! Nana must take her home.
C. Ranka has been busy preparing for her debut concert, so they haven’t seen each other for a while. Like in the past 4 hours.

Making bentos with onigiri shaped like her friends is a sign that:
A. You might have too much free time on your hands.
B. You might be yandere for one of those onigiri-shaped friends.
C. You might put style over substance, much like Soul Eater.

The Ecosystem Protection Act was enacted to protect which habitat:
A. Only a few animals have the propensity for spiral power, and it is these animals that the Ecosystem Protection Act seeks to protect. Their dwindling numbers is caused by the cruel and inhuman destruction of their natural habitat: cleavage.
B. The Ecosystem Protection Act was enacted to protect the Canadian loony, and the law has created many wildlife preserves for the loony across the globe, including Ashford Academy in Area 11.
C. The cafe outside of Satelight’s studios, because it is there where writers for Macross Frontier decided that it made sense for any sort of ecosystem protection when the job of Frontier was to introduce the most ecosystem-disturbing organism, Sheryl humans, to a peaceful and undisturbed planet.

Ranka is _______.
A. Brave.
B. Cute.
C. Win.

Jet engines are loud. Battlegrounds are loud. Why can everyone hear Ranka so clearly?
A. No one actually heard her. She just downloaded her mp3 into everyone’s iSlug, and they listened to that.
B. The speakers rigged on Michael’s VF-25 were pushed to deliver over 500 decibels of music volume. By the way, Ranka is now deaf.
C. The writers were so giddy at the prospect of Ranka standing up and singing in a plane quickly descending onto a battlefield, “logic” and “physics” weren’t words in their vocabulary at that time.

Finding a micron-sized original Macross at the end of the episode means:
A. Sunrise has taken over scriptwriting duties.
B. The original Macross isn’t small– it just shrunk from being stuck at a cold beach for so many years.
C. Their high tech gadgets and iSlugs could not figure out that there was a huge million ton slab of military equipment originally on this island?

Finding a deus ex machina-capable fold device just so conveniently stored at SMS’ hanger just when they needed it is a sign that:
A. Sunrise has taken over scriptwriting duties.
B. Oharuhi, Oyashiro, and Omichiko has blessed Macross Frontier. But not Onekosan, who is too busy caring for her children nor Okeima, who can already see the ending.
C. Said device will malfunction in episode 13 thus bringing Alto and Ranka to Earth and in the middle of a firefight between Galactica and pursuing Cylon carriers. As for Ranka’s attempted Minmay Defense to stop the Cylons… find out in episode 14!

The correct choice for Sheryl’s seiyuu is:
A. Maaya Sakamoto.
B. Maaya Sakamoto.
C. Maaya Sakamoto.

Sheryl is feeling the same things that:
A. Mion felt when K1 gave Rena the Shinku doll instead of her (except it was only Shion– oh wait– Mion– oh wait– which reboot was it?).
B. Simon felt when he saw Yoko kissing Kamina.
C. Ranka felt when Ranka saw Alto flirting with Sheryl at the Big and Tall Mall and at the movie set.

Ranka is _______.
A. A pop star.
B. A vampire.
C. LOL FANG-TAN’s and Johannes Krauser II’s illegitimate daughter.
I pick option d) Ranka is what Impz only wishes he could be. That, and Ranka’s Zent origins lets her violate various things regarding what a human body can or can’t do
P.S.: Temujjn was the only non-green haired-lolicon there. That’s why Alto shoved a knife into him, and tossed him into the sea. Pity there’s no happy gas Alto shots here.
The way Ranka jumped down from the fighter plane and started singing, all in the glorious (!?) Macross 7 style, just killed me.
Hell, even Macross 7 wasn’t this campy. (- -“)
Still, the discovery of the first Macross piped my interested (yeah, I’m being sentimental, sue me). So I’ll stick around to see what’s happens.
Oh and Ranka is: B. Cute (yeah, I still like her, even after the stunt she pulled).
Fear the fearsome fanboys, especially when their giants with big guns.
Wonder what would have happend to this blog (or world) if they were here for the Sheryl/ Ranka vote.
The fold booster was developed by LAI likely from the sample VF-27 that Leon obtained from Grace since VF-27 has similar system. How SMS obtained it from LAI wasn’t shown though they probably did it either through official channels or Luca stole it a la new Batman movies. Leon and Grace has been conspiring for a while now and it is likely the entire incident was orchestrated by Grace as well with Khyron 2.
Now is that actually THE Macross, or just A Macross. Remember that the Macross was originally a Protoculture battleship which was just restored by the humans in the first place. Notice that this Macross on the planet doesn’t have battleships for arms. I think it may be just another one of the Macrosses lying around.
Oh an Maaya Sakamoto FTW!
for the part on Sunrise taking over scriptwriting…isn’t the scriptwriter for CG2 the same as Macross F?
oh and by the way…seriously, wats all the hoo-hah over Ranka?…i mean she’s just cute…okay i will her home…
but but but..i will not forget Sheryl!!!
The arms look like the ones the Macross had in Macross Plus. Protoculture battleships look different than the Earth modified Macross. The Earthers rebuilt it, added a bridge unit, and I doubt the transformation system was standard issue originally, since that seems to be a field modification due to several um, missing parts of the Macross. So we are at a loss here.
The lost SDF-2 maybe?
All the haxx techniques Ranka had to use in this episode to be with Alto clearly show, that he righfully belongs to Sheryl!!!!!
My answers are as follows!
A, B, B, A, C, C (not so much physics… it COULD be done with awesome future technology… logic was lacking… or maybe they are directional speakers like the audio weapons currently in development. If so Ranka would hardly, if at all, hear them), D. A combination of A and C that results in a new super weapon that they can enslave the galavy for Ranka-puppy to rule.), B (why wouldn’t the devines bless Macross Frontier?), Err… what was the question… I was distracted by the picture, B, D. UNBELIEVABLY CUTE
Suprise at the end there… I’m excited. I wonder if they will restore it… (on the verge of geeking out)
BTW, transformation systems are standard on those. Also that would be a Supervision Army battleship… not a protoculture battle ship. I believe that the Zendtradi had just about destroyed the Supervision Army and were chasing down the straglers at the begining of the original Macross. Thats how they found Earth in the first place. Its not unlikely that these wrecks are scattered throuought the galaxy.
I wonder what Ozma will do to Michael when he finds out where Ranka has been and what she did. He wasn’t very happy when he found out Ranka kissed Alto in that movie.
And is it just me or has the Ranka vs. Sheryl fanboyism gotten a bit heated? The poll on this site was very close and comments from those like Bublifuk and KG are showing some real partisanship over 2 girls over a guy who is just know realizing their feelings for him.
For disclosure sake, I voted for Ranka and chose B. And did that little green monster just replace Ranka’s iSlug?
Pfff to all Macross 7 references. Basara wished he could have stopped that battle like Ranka. Instead, he need “Sound Energy” weapons to make a difference. Ranka won with pure moe. And those hair ears are probably great insulators as well.
Also, anyone who doesn’t listen to Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me (available in podcast form) don’t know what they are missing.
He’ll beat Mikhail and kill Alto – the first for putting Ranka in danger, and the second for crashing a VF AND putting Ranka in danger as well as getting her shipwrecked.
Leon only got data from Grace on the VF-27. Given that VF’s aren’t available all over the place, I suspect that the VF-27 was a project of someone like General Galaxy… which implies the tech itself isn’t completely unknown, but just very much in the development and testing stage.
Between that fact, and that Leon recognized the Vajra ‘fold reactor’ in Ep 7, I suspect that his family’s company (LAI) has been working on this tech for some time… and the surprise was more that someone else besides them had the tech. As whoever made the VF-27 may, given how it was doing a hyperspace jump away from the area at the end of the same episode.
I say that all those Zentradi are avid readers of Stripey’s blog, which explains why they’re all siscons (and Ranka does project those ‘imouto’ vibes…
I never understand why most shows that have Maaya in them either put her as the OP singer or a seiyuu. It’s never both, except with Escaflowne.
Maya Sakamoto as Sheryl, now that’s a pleasant thought. I think I’d like Sheryl a lot more if that was the case. But as it stands Ranka is D – The cutest thing in the universe!
*goes back to watching Kara no Kyoukai for Maya Sakamoto voicing psychotic tsundere/yandere* Incidentally Jason, any thoughts on Kara no Kyoukai?
11:21 of ep 11 has what appear to be a VF-27 being put into a container with LAI logo on it. Also it was mentioned that the ‘sample’ was delievered safely and that it matches the spec. It was also mentioned that LAI broke through the technology already.
I’m slightly dissapointed in the creators. The Zenteradi used to be feared baddies… now they are support characters and comedic support. I think they need to be more integral to the story seeing as how they are humanities main (only?) allies.
“Hedging currency bets”??? Minute-by-minute stock analysis for the repercussions of every ‘Oh Geass No’ moment??
I’m beginning to think that you’re really just a finance maven, that became a sacrificial lamb in the farce that was the Bear Stearns takeover.
Your company stock retirement plan went up in flames and you found solace in the comforting bosom of Japanese – very well – drawn meidos.
Of course, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m simply stating what conclusion this mounting pile evidence has (repeatedly) led me to.
Back on topic. Why do I feel the urge to answer ‘A,B and C’ to all of the questions?
*Waits for his lynching*
How many times now have we had the opportunity to say that we’d eat Ranka’s bento? Now we’ve turned it around and we can eat Ranka IN a bento!
The writers were so giddy at the prospect of Ranka standing up and singing in a plane quickly descending onto a battlefield, “logic†and “physics†weren’t words in their vocabulary at that time.
It was all done with Nano-technology. The same crazy, cuckoo, cosmic technology those pesky aliens use to propel their flying saucers through our atmosphere like the very wind at supersonic speeds without ever breaking the sound barrier.
The Minmay Defense is:
D. What the Minnesota Vike-Queens will have to use to beat the Green Bay Packers on opening day.
E. What New York Knicks GM Donnie Walsh will have to use to explain why 1st round draft pick Danilo Gallinari turned out to be the doofus that he is.
F. What Cubs fans worldwide who as we speak are gleefully exclaiming CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN!! will use to explain why they didn’t.
And as for the bento that resembles Ranka-chan and Alto-sama….you know what they say….You ARE What You EAT!!
When she busted out fang mode, I went moe.
Damnit, watching anime has turned my ideal girl into a large chested nekomimi meido with fangs. I’m going to be a virgin forever.
Ranka is ________.
D. Terrible.
I’m back to hating her. She’s so over-the-top cutesy. It comes across as fake to me. I don’t know maybe its the voice actress, maybe its the way she’s animated, some combo of the two—regardless, she rubs me the wrong way.
Also this whole Zentradi subplot-whats the point of it? I thought Fronteir was about the V-whatsits. When’s the last time they were even mentioned? How about little more plot, a little less plugging toys and soundtracks (although I guess then it wouldn’t be Macross >.> )
Clearly there is not ENOUGH sunrise influence, since Michael showed up with Ranka rather than pizza hut. (Though I suppose a pizza topped with Ranka would have been awesome.)
“A. Sunrise has taken over scriptwriting duties.”
Soon we’ll be seeing hordes of pizza hut advertisements replacing nyan nyan.
Hmmm…. I really liked the Mixer in Turnabout Serenade. It’s so fun to play around with. Until they permanently switched the songs because both songs are awesome.
It was probably the original Macross SDF-1. And they will probably find the centuries-old remains of Roy Fokker and then will revive him through protoculture (aka cloning). This is definitely Sunrise taking over…oh geass no…^_~
Fold booster technology was being/already developed by the time of Macross Plus, wasn’t it? The YF-19 had fold booster/FAST pack modules. Additionally it’d b make sense for scout/advance craft (like the one that came to warn Frontier that Galaxy was under attack) to have these.
I don’t know much about sound waves, but when frequencies overlap, they can be at constructive and destructive nodes right?
If you put Ranka at one of those destructive nodes, then she can safely avoid deafness. Also, she’s part Meltran.
Being my first taste of a Macross anime, this week’s episode with the appearance of “the Macross” finally forced me to read some Wikipedia entries pertaining to the franchise (still don’t understand the Zentradi species 180 from angry, violent military faction into giddy, swooning fanboy faction over the course of one song, but whatever…).
I’m getting the feeling that there’s some stuff I’m missing because I didn’t grow up watching Robotech/Macross. All the constant discussion about “Protoculture” and VF-twentysomethings makes my head spin.
One question: What is that green mascot thing? (I mean the animal, not Ranka HAR HAR)
The reason Nana is so happy to see Ranka is:
A. Same sex marriage is now legal in California, and, by virtue of similarity, Frontier/San Francisco.
B. Ranka is cute! Nana must take her home.
C. Ranka has been busy preparing for her debut concert, so they haven’t seen each other for a while. Like in the past 4 hours.
there should be a D: all of the above!!!!!!!!!!
I take it that even fewer of my readers listen to NPR than watch NBA basketball.
>> I don’t know much about sound waves, but when frequencies overlap, they can be at constructive and destructive nodes right? If you put Ranka at one of those destructive nodes, then she can safely avoid deafness. Also, she’s part Meltran.
Uh, not really. Wave cancellation happens for systems that can create a 1/2 lambda gradient in the wave pattern, and free space is not one of those conditions. Anyway, music spans many frequencies so even if one area is dead to one frequency, the others will be heard loud and clear.
>> I wonder what Ozma will do to Michael when he finds out where Ranka has been and what she did. He wasn’t very happy when he found out Ranka kissed Alto in that movie.
Um, nothing. Sunrise took over the script, ‘member? Dangling loose ends make anime so much easier to write.
>> When she busted out fang mode, I went moe. Damnit, watching anime has turned my ideal girl into a large chested nekomimi meido with fangs. I’m going to be a virgin forever.
I’m not sure if this is worse than pounding enough beers such that the fat chicks at the bar start looking okay.
>> How many times now have we had the opportunity to say that we’d eat Ranka’s bento? Now we’ve turned it around and we can eat Ranka IN a bento!
Bento paradox… my brain just exploded.
Ranka could have some sort of in-ear noise-isolating earphones, maybe like these except wireless:
My answers….
Incorrect – Its “Ranka-puppy is ______” and then B
D – Maaya Sakamoto.
Incorrect – Again, its “Ranka-puppy is ______”….
I have actually been watching the original Macross (not Robotech, but actually Japanese-audio Macross!) and have noticed one thing. Macross Frontier is just one constant series of Macross references. Not that its a bad thing…
I think when half your name is Macross you can make those references and noone will think less of you.
By the way, did anyone else notice that the Alto-onigiri has a sword through its head? I guess it’s true that she REALLY doesn’t have a crush on Alto-hime, and it may actually be more of a yandere complex where she wants him dead so he won’t interfere with her relaitonship with Ranka-chan.
Who’s the blond haired Onigiri in the back? Is that Sheryl? LOL
Now that Ranka has busted out the LOL Fang Tan Moe mode and even more cute dancing, I’m going to have to give up Sheryl. I feel bad for her, but she’s probably going to die soon anyway. ^^;
Ranka is like..my ideal waifu now, next to LOL Fang tan herself. XD
lol microcons