nayuki ending 4tw!
Categories: kanon, manga
Tagged: kanon
We really like you too, Nayuki!

Even though it’s waaaaay too short, I’m enjoying the 2006 remake of Kanon‘s manga. If the anime can have a redo, why not the manga? Of course, I enjoyed Nayuki’s story… I liked how short Makoto’s was… and the possible yuri ending for Mai… okay, this manga is waaaaay too short (except Makoto’s length was just fine).

I also stumbled across this weird Kanon & Air manga that features crossovers and story remixes between the Kanon and Air characters. It’s a bit odd, but it suddenly makes me want a Gundam 00 and Code Geass crossover. Or at least a Clannad and Kanon one where we stick Nayuki, Kyou, Akiko, and Ryou in the same gym storage shed… and… oh gosh!!! End of post!!!
(You can find translations for Kanon 2006 from Nayuki_Love and for Kanon & Air from Esthetique.)
(And epic MILF is epic MILF, even if Haess can’t properly identify her trademark braids.)
I’m afraid I belong to the Church of Combat MILFs, which puts Akiko right out of my denomination. She can survive being hit by minivans, but unless she can kill someone deliberately without employing the mystery Jammu, I’m afraid that she’s not within my pantheon.
You’re complaining about Akiko? GTFO.
Well said. Akiko is likely my favorite milf ever. I’d eat her jam-mu.
So… I think we need an Akiko ending. Worth a shot?
She is indeed worth that kind of shot.
who’s that dood in the first pic? He looks nothing like Kyon.
Professor, I believe that Akiko was originally a boy.
Yes. And?
“Professor, I believe that Akiko was originally a boy.”
No! Bad. Double punishment bag of punishment for you.
Combat MILF’s…..I came across a Kanon doujin in the past where Akiko had a split personality which was a killing machine, it was pretty funny where in she has her normal smiling face on when talking with Kyon2 and Nayuki but turns to her killer face when striking fear at a hopeless victim namely, Makoto. She hides a grenade inside a pineapple XD. I’m an Akiko fan too loved her in the second Kanon. Most of you guys probably know of it so, a good Akiko Doujin is “Akiko-san to Issho” Yeah again with the Doujin recommendations ^^
I’ve always considered myself a Nayuki and Sayuri man myself, but that second image nearly convinced me to reorder my priorities.
Also, despite the way that people react to it, I can’t believe that Akiko’s mystery jammu is anywhere near as dire as the Persimmon and Feijoa jam I was forced into eating by my aunt once.
That might be more vile-sounding if I knew what Feijoa was. As it stands, it merely rates “Toxic in very small doses.”
Feijoa is a small South American fruit. It’s generally pretty average, nothing that special, and it has a kind of yuck texture to the pulp.
Combined with persimmon, it’s… indescribable. I don’t know, maybe she used unripe persimmon or something. I must admit that I’ve sort of repressed the memory. It made me feel sick for a week afterwards just thinking about it. Incidentally the Jam in question was quite similar in colour to the Mystery Jammu – maybe it’s not such a mystery after all.
Are you a masochist? I mean, we already know you’re a small, Chinese schoolgirl desperate to break your readership, but only in the fevered visions of truly warped and insane minds can such depraved and miserable thoughts be born. Meaning it’s near the top of Sunrise’s “to do” list.
how about the “Sweet Jam” doujin? Akiko in naked apron FTW!
looking forward to “Akiko-san to Issho 3 
If I want helpless or hopeless aMiLF characters, I think I’d rather have Fumio Usui of Karin or Yasuko Takasu of Tora Dora fame. They just make you want to watch out for them and are dead-sexy.
Hahaha…wow…I think Haess is a heretic and he is committing heresy by blaspheming Akiko…unforgivable…^^
Dude, Akiko is high-quality top tier MILF in anime (Just below Hild in rankings for me personally).
I’d eat her jammu if you know what I mean…^^
As I said before, I don’t even belong to that church. How can I be a heretic, when heresy is defined as going against the church’s doctrines when I don’t belong to it? I like them able to fight or to be someone who can’t fight but really needs the protection. If she can survive a speeding van hitting her, I’ll leave her to protect herself through sheer indestructability.
Now Hils, on the other Gand, is definitely part of my pantheon. Rowr.
Fight-o Nayuki! It’s good to see her getting her ending. Shiori’s is only going to be 20 pages though, I want another full volume!
Hild, even. Damn this small keyboard.
For a post on a Nayuki ending….there is an awful lot of Akiko talk. But then of course Nayuki will look like Akiko in a few years…wait why didn’t he pick Nayuki again? Aside from them being cousins.
As as Haesslich points out, he is not a heretic, but he would probably be an classed as an infidel. Unless there is a better term I’ve missed.
Where the hell is my chapter 3 of Together with Akiko?
It’s idiotic for him not to pic Nayuki. I mean, you get your highly delicious and well-endowed cousin AND living under the same roof, there’s always the chance to get to give some comfort to the lonely MILF. And if you work hards, the threesome is also a possibility.
But you’re a Key visual novel’s main character, so what do you do? You pick an underdeveloped tomboyish girl who, being in a coma for so long, probably doesn’t even know to write and read and has a mental age of seven. Just great.
(I truly think that, but… I still find Ayu cute. Fuck.)
Personally, I’m more interested in a “Strawberry Jam 2” than in “Akiko-san to Issho 3”
Ithekro: From your point of view, I’m a heathen – outside your church. If I was part of your church and denounced Akiko in favor of Fumio Usui, THEN I’d be a heretic.
But for the record, I still prefer Fumio Usui or Yusuko Takasu. Much more moe or sexy, depending on how you look at it.
>>Well said. Akiko is likely my favorite milf ever. I’d eat her jam-mu.
Do ever wonder why you don’t see her husband or any boyfriends around? It’s people! Akiko’s special jam-mu is made of people!!!
*cough* *cough*
Doujin fighting games don’t count. It’s like saying that Mai’s supposed to be only a moe-blob instead of a stoic, or that Tomoyo is supposed to be the helpless moe-blob because a doujin showed her that way.
You are an otherworldly monster too, Miao.
sage: Does that mean you’ve abandoned Hiro? I’m sure Aroduc will be VERY happy to hear that. ;)
Again: unless it shows up in Kanon the game or the anime, it ain’t legit. Besides, look at Yasuko and tell me that she’s not attractive. Her and Fumio Usui…
Hahahaha…Hmm…Haess got a point in there…then he can be categorized as a “heretical infidel” or is it “infidelic heresy”…???
Dude, she’s the mom of Nayuki. That should point out her superior genes (bolstering her to an A to S hot ‘anime’ MILF ranking easily). And she is natural blue-haired…all the way….what more can you ask for?!….^^
Blah: most MILFs have that (pretty daughters) so that doesn’t boost her to S-ranking. We need more than that. ditto the blue hair – anime gives them all sorts of colors. You’ve failed to prove she’s an S-rank worthy or that she’s more than a generic MILF. Aki beats aliens, Nanoha and Fate can kill almost anything, Fumio is so sexy that she can’t hold a job long until she gets fired as she won’t give her body to her bosses, Chigusa can smile Wilheimina into submission, and even Haruka Nogizawa’s can beat Yakuza husbands into submission with a death glare. Hell, even Yasuko is sexy and has a childlike personality but manages to make Taiga apologize to her.
And I’m outside your religion so I’m a heathen, not a heretic or infidel. Get it right.
After reading all these silly religious diatribes, I thank whatever deities are out there that I don’t belong with any denomination. I love all goddesses equally.
Huh? When did I ever say that?
Also, I really wonder about what Haesslich is trying to prove with all these comments…
Weren’t you the one who said, if you had Hiro, you wouldn’t need anyone else? And here you are lusting after Akiko…