zomg code geass lol

Categories: anime


26 Responses to “zomg code geass lol”

  1. laughing at how good the emperor hat looks on cheese-kun and how silly the black one looks on Lelouch. and imagining it smaller and somehow floating off his head like a proper sideways hat.

  2. Haha. I’d actually watch CG R2 if it had that in there, instead of the locomotive derailment that it is currently.

  3. So Cheese-kun is the unholy mix of a Ghost and Pac-man, eh?

  4. Wow, C.C. looks positively obese in that rakugaki… Then again, she probably would BE obese given how much she eats…

  5. lol, shouldn’t Cheese-kun be bowing down to C.C, as she probably makes Geass-land pizza hut half of their total profits.

  6. C.C.’s worshipping a girl made entirely of butter! And Jason thought I was mad. ^_^

  7. That’s Cheese-sama to you. Show some respect to the emperor.

  8. Oh, episode 24 was released already?

  9. The hat fits better for cheese-kun isn’t it? And btw, C.C is not fat in that outfit…she’s just a healthy girl! (as Haruhi once proclaimed)…^^

    The only thing missing is Churuya/Tsuruya (any of them is fine too…) “symmetrically” sharing cheese-kun between her and C.C….^^

  10. And here I thought Jason was busy moving, but he’s got enough free time to spoil CG’s ending for us! :)

  11. All Hail Cheese-kun!!!

  12. well I won’t be surprised to see Cheese-kun killing Lelouch and becoming the new protagonist of Code Geass, then he would resurect Lelouch and use him as a zombi-night and makes him fight against Suzaku, but then Suzaku who has been killed by Lelouch while triying to save him would brings his lost memories back and…….. oh well, forget about this.

  13. ….is Cheese-kun-ko next?

  14. >>The only thing missing is Churuya/Tsuruya (any of them is fine too…) “symmetrically” sharing cheese-kun between her and C.C….^^

    Half of him must be smoked than. Smoked Cheese nyoro~n.

    >>well I won’t be surprised to see Cheese-kun killing Lelouch and becoming the new protagonist of Code Geass, then he would resurect Lelouch and use him as a zombi-night and makes him fight against Suzaku, but then Suzaku who has been killed by Lelouch while triying to save him would brings his lost memories back and…….. oh well, forget about this.

    Makes about as much sense as any other plot twist this show has taken.

  15. So, a show where a yellow stuffed Pizza Hut giveaway gets more love than 95% of the cast (the remaining 5% required amnesia to get some) is where on the rating scale of brokeness?

  16. Cheese-kun pulls off that hat very well.

  17. @W4: Cheese isn’t butter. Get your terminology right.

  18. Also…w00t! Next chapter of The World God Only Knows scanlation released tomorrow! Judging by the timing of the past couple releases by Red Hawk, at least.

  19. forget Lulu, forget Brittania, All Hail Cheese-kun!!!!

  20. @Cat Megex: Augh! This blog and its rampant traps! “It’s not a girl; it’s a guy.” “It’s not a hiatus; it’s a jokefest.” “It’s not butter, it’s cheese.” Is nothing as it appears here? [sobs]

    Lelouch’s hat reminds me of the hats that the protagonists in Nerima Daikon Brothers wear. And if Code Geass were a musical anime directed by Nabeshin, I’d actually watch it instead of just reading the occasional blog about it.

  21. >>Lelouch’s hat reminds me of the hats that the protagonists in Nerima Daikon Brothers wear. And if Code Geass were a musical anime directed by Nabeshin, I’d actually watch it instead of just reading the occasional blog about it.

    I read musical and thought “What if Code Geass was High School Musical.” It made my brain sad. I don’t think I will sleep tonight.

  22. @Giant Humanoid Robot: …but how would we know the difference?

    //wonders idly what a cheese-kun with a ponytail would look like

  23. pizza hut sure invested with code geass the way schneizel did with fleia

  24. Code Geass 24: for some reason, some of the expressions in there make me think “DON’T TASE ME, BRO!!!”

    That, and Nunnally’s a lovely young woman.

  25. She’s grown up to be a lovely young woman, even.

  26. Cheese-kun reminds me a lot of Pokemon’s Wobbuffett there-

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