code geass r2 25
Categories: anime, code geass, episodic review
Tagged: code geass, code geass:luluko
Suzaku penetrates Lulu. The end.

I was disappointed with this final episode, but it does follow the modern Sunrise formula where there’s a lot of action, a meaningless final mecha battle, and a messy end that just ends without, well, ending. My biggest problem with this episode is that it focused on the Kallen vs. Suzaku fight a bit too much, only besides the sexual tension between them and Lulu, there’s really no animosity between Suzaku and Kallen. Hell, Graham coming out of nowhere to emo facial distort Setsuna made more sense from a “previous 49 episode” standpoint.

Then, they neatly wrap everything up with Lulu becoming hated and then having himself die to take the hate with him to the grave. There’s only one problem with this tactic: he’s Lulu! He has geass! He can geass the whole world now into loving him– so why bother doing something “noble” at the very end when everything he has done has not been noble?
If I had just won checkmate against Scheizel, you know what I would do? Geass the rest of the world. And then take my sweet time in building the world’s greatest harem. For Lulu, he could have at least geassed the world (he can even use Orange-kun’s geass canceler to re-geass Kallen) and then lived happily ever after with Orange-kun and Suzaku. At least that ending wouldn’t be far fetched.
(Hell, he could have also geass canceled and then re-geassed the whole world into forgetting what happened… and then bring back Shirley, Rolo, and Clovis through a time warp.)
Time to hand out some final episode awards…

To Nunnally… who joins the Nemu All-Stars with her love/hate relationship with her brother. Of course, Nemu eventually beds her (step)-brother… I have no point.

To Nunnally… um… uh… mmm… ahh… that’ll do. That’ll do.

To Kallen… because I know Sunrise can’t help themselves and will revisit the Code Geass mythos much like how GAINAX cannot stop touching Evangelion like a horny teenaged boy and his newfound erection.
5 JST! 5 JST! 5 JST!

To Sunrise… because I wish they would push the sex/nakkidness envelope rather than the gore/blood envelope.

To Anya… but instead of commenting on her outfit and this angle, I’ll also hand her and Orange-kun the “Gurren Lagann vs. Anti-spiral Final Beatdown” award for how Orange-kun’s mecha kept de-matryoshka-ing itself as Anya destroyed the outer shells much like Simon and Gurren Lagann. The only difference is that Orange-kun doesn’t penetrate Anya like Suzaku and Lulu… oh wow… I can’t even tell if I’m dropping innuendo or not anymore…

To “Connected Eternal Storage”… I wonder what would be a better operating system for rollerblading mobile suits, Mac OS X, Vista, Linux, or Solaris? I think I would pick Solaris…

To Kallen and Suzaku… stop it with the fight scene. Stop. We’re not watching Palin and Biden talk normally, read prepared statements, and recite canned responses. We want Palin to slip up and say mavericky things. *wink* We want Biden to have gaffes and eat a human liver on television. Train wreck works in so many facets of life, including presidential elections during one of the most trying times in American history. We want plot train wreck, not Guren and Lancelot colliding into each other.

To C.C. and Lulu… and it should have been Kallen and Lulu. I would definitely watch a second season of Spice and Wolf where Lawrence and Horo run into country wench C.C. during their travels. Do I think that Lulu died? It’s Sunrise! I think that’s self-explanatory, though I’d love if someone submitted this question to the MythBusters. I think Jamie and Adam are the only people capable of solving this one. And if they end up blowing shit up in the process, all the better.

To this scene… because I keep expecting Vash to roll into this bar at any moment.

To MAI HUNI… they killed off Monica, but at least they didn’t forget about MAI HUNI for the last episode. I like how she’s on the bride side between Rivalz and Milly. And… my gosh… that’s a short skirt on the bride.

To Guren Llyodshiki… thanks for all the memories.

To the Chinese gymnast… how dare Sunrise end the series without revealing what happens to the Xing-ke x Tian-zi relationship. Wasn’t Xing-ke critically ill? Wasn’t Tian-zi under investigation for lying about her age? It’s going to be one of those eternal questions, like how far did Zack Morris get with Kelly in the original Saved by the Bell or what was in the box that Jack gave Damon in The Departed.
(Runner-up: WTF happened to Sayoko? Did she hook up with Orange-kun or not?)

To Rivalz… he needs to make at least one move on Milly, right? I would. Who cares if she gives you the dreaded “let’s just be friends” line? It’s Milly! Even though the odds are against you, you just have to buy at least one lottery ticket. Honestly, I would definitely get alcohol involved… anything to improve the odds.
(Would I watch a third season of Code Geass that’s like Love Hina where Rivalz is trying to get into Milly’s pants? Yes. Yes, I would.)

To Clamp… which is making the cast of the new 90210 series seem very, very fat. I’m disappointed in the series. They don’t have the same level of unintentional comedy (like Tori Spelling or Ian Ziering) of the original 90210.

To Sunrise… Suzaku counts as coming back from the dead, right?

To myself… who can’t seem to stay away from the code geass:luluko tag.

To Orange-kun… for fulfilling his manifest destiny. Quite possibly the best ending out of all the character endings for Code Geass. It might even be better than the theoretical Sayoko ending if you’re a lolicon instead of a meidocon.

To C.C…. may your travels be filled with cheese-stuffed crusts, Tuscany pasta, and $6.99 lunch buffets.
(Fantastic view.)

To Lulu and Suzuku… I wish I knew how to quit you.
Somehow I’m… disappointed in this post Jason. ;) I can’t quite explain WHY though. Maybe it’s because that the sheer crapstorm that surrounded the ending has literally passed with the new season? Mayhaps.
And yes, it does seem like Xing Ke died off camera. Notice the wedding picture. Yes, there are lolis there, but the Chinese lolicon is NOT in the photo.
Oh, and any bets that, two or so years down the line, we might see a CG: Knightmare of Nunnally or CG: Tale of an Alternate Shogunate series? The main plotline might be over, but there’s a LOT of alternate universe material that can be used.
It would be hilarious to see the Zero in Knightmare of Nunnally animated though. It’s beyond ridiculous — HE BREAKS KMFs IN HALF WITH HIS BARE HANDS.
Don’t worry Jason Sayoko is at the orange farm making dinner. And Myssa we are disappointed because of the new season and thinking there would be moar OH GEASS NO! moments. Jason just needs to get the rust out or cry more now that Geass is over.
Xinke can’t die…..He’s voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa and HE NEVERS DIES CUZ HIS VOICE IS TOO AWESOME.
“Spice and Wolf where Lawrence and Horo run into country wench C.C. during their travels.”
And C.C. beats Horo in the contest for “Who can annoy the character voiced by Jun Fukuyama faster”
“To “Connected Eternal Storageâ€â€¦ I wonder what would be a better operating system for rollerblading mobile suits, Mac OS X, Vista, Linux, or Solaris? I think I would pick Solaris…”
Anything than what the Gurren has now. All those error messages would scare anyone away.
What? No blatant Spice & Wolf season 2 reference in the last scene? (Yes, it’s a nice pic, I know, but I need my Horo fix too.)
Xingke is alive. During the meeting between Prime Minister Ougi (sic!) and Nunnally, we see the Shenhu in the background. It was stated that only Xingke could pilot it, and I don’t think they brought it just for decoration.
“Connected Eternal Storage” reveals that code geass is actually occuring in the same universe as Gundam Seed, and an evil Lacus Klyne is actually floating in orbit above earth, orchestrating everything that happens while singing trashy j-pop songs.
I have to say I’m disappointed in this post too…
“He can geass the whole world now into loving him– so why bother doing something “noble†at the very end when everything he has done has not been noble?”
Btw the whole kills father arc explains that he likes Free Will (Father trying to essentially Geass the world). But he’s willing to do evil for what he believes will eventually lead to a greater good. Also it technically wasn’t noble it was just the way to complete his plan. Noble is if he kills himself in regret for what he did. He killed himself to complete his Universal Goal, that makes it his own selfish greed (that greed is to make the world a better place). It’s only if you consider everything he did from the start to the end (since his plan started at that point) that you can say it was noble for he sacrificed a lot for the greater good. The death itself is not.
idk to me it ended nicely
Lulu show his master plan, clean up lose ends, +epilogue. Thats good for me.
The worst ending i hate would be like Code Geass R1 or Vandread where they purposely leave things hanging just incase they might possibly want to continue it later on.
This ending was just like Gurren Lagann which I like, Complete ending not making it so that it can continue (at least w/ the main characters) and having an epilogue which closes out any remaining things you have left.
He’s just /emoquitting over the fact Kallen didn’t win and Suzaku did.
Did anyone catch that Anya had an orange bra on?
“To Nunnally… um… uh… mmm… ahh… that’ll do. That’ll do.”
sex slave nunnally is hawt… errr… did i say that?…
“To Guren Llyodshiki… thanks for all the memories.”
I am going to miss those shots…
“what happens to the Xing-ke x Tian-zi relationship. Wasn’t Xing-ke critically ill? Wasn’t Tian-zi under investigation for lying about her age? It’s going to be one of those eternal questions”
two words, “Chris Hansen”
“Runner-up: WTF happened to Sayoko? Did she hook up with Orange-kun or not?”
I like to believe that they did and that his orange business made him a mogul in the orange industry. Sayoko is either prego/on a mission which is why she is missing. and they adopted/hire Anya and will sometimes have a threesome at night… God, I am sick/awful arent I?…
“Would I watch a third season of Code Geass that’s like Love Hina where Rivalz is trying to get into Milly’s pants? Yes. Yes, I would.”
you are mad… a third season would be an equivalent of a lobotomy…
“To myself… who can’t seem to stay away from the code geass:luluko tag.”
I hate you… (goes to a dark corner with the pic)
“Quite possibly the best ending out of all the character endings for Code Geass. It might even be better than the theoretical Sayoko ending if you’re a lolicon instead of a meidocon.”
I still believe in my theory… but a lolicon ending is fine too… but i still insist on the threesome ending… (we really need a harem ending…)
“To Lulu and Suzuku… I wish I knew how to quit you.”
I wish I knew how to quit this site…
Ah, what a good series. Pure entertainment is what it was. For all its lapses in quality it provided us with a bevy of interesting characters and ridiculous situations. Good times. Lots of laughs.
I am also a little annoyed we didn’t get a Kalulu end however, I was rooting for that end throughout the entire series damnit.
I’m a little annoyed that Sunrise reneged on their promise to reveal C.C.’s name… Wait, was I just ticked off about something plot-related?!?! This week without my daily derailment is just not good for my broken-ness~ Great to have you back!
Lulu’s tombstone for Suzaku used the word “consummate.” Huh huh huh.
Wait, what orange bra?
Sundays are very boring 2 weeks after Geass….
To Kallen… because I know Sunrise can’t help themselves and will revisit the Code Geass mythos much like how GAINAX cannot stop touching Evangelion like a horny teenaged boy and his newfound erection.
Ah yess… Bad memories…
Apparently consummate in the tombstone is used as an adjective. not verb. too bad.
Slave Nunnaly = Immediate Search for doujin….
And I just realized I’ve taken too much of Chaucer’s middle english… because I read “To Lulu and Suzuku… I wish I knew how to quit you.” as ” I wish I knew hot to get in your pants.”
(Middle english “quit” can also mean “reposte” “revenge” or “prick”, “prick” being a sly way of saying penetrate, which you so aptly made ample use of already.)
So how many people want to start betting that Gundam 00 starts taking the same route, with Celestial Being deciding to draw the whole world’s hatred upon them? We know Sunrise loves recycling plotlines…
Perhaps there’ll be an extra DVD episode to tie up lose ends? Or would that be asking for too much?
You know. I bet you anything Sayoko owns the farm with orange-kun. Anya’s just there because Orange-kun threatened her during that mech-battle if she didn’t work for him in an orange field, he would kill her. Sometimes I wonder if that’s the true purpose of Anya…or she’s just trying to find a job because we all know she’s poor now to afford anything.
>>I wonder what would be a better operating system for rollerblading mobile suits:
Mac OS X: Well designed interface. But the physical controls do different things than the same mech running any other OS.
Vista: Pretty. Mech operates half as fast as the same mech running XP. Don’t install on your key fighters machines. Mortality rates up due to having to accept a prompt before the escape pod releasing.
Linux: Reliable, but needs the tying skills of Lulu in Shinkirou to operate well. Also no flight pack installations mid fall since it makes upgrading unnecessarily difficult.
Solaris: …good for large armies?
Slave Nunnally = Immediate search for doujin…
This made me realize I’ve studied far too much of Chaucer’s Middle English because I read “To Lulu and Suzuku… I wish I knew how to quit you.” as “I wish I knew how to get into your pants.”
(In middle english, quit can also mean “riposte” “revenge” or “prick”, with “prick” being a sly way of saying penetrate in the way Jason has amply used it previously.)
As for the Orange-Anya ending…. totally out of left field. As far as I could tell, she was still under the memory Geass, and Orange must have had some relation with her in the past since he recognized her, and (presumably) canceled the memory geass, retruning her to “his” Anya that she once was? and yea, for all we know Sayako could still be working on the farm–as his personally maid?
Anyways, so how many people wanna bet Gundam 00 takes the Geass end path? with Celestial Being going down like Lulu?
“Sayako could still be working on the farm–as his personally maid?”
orange business must be good to have a ninja-meido and a loli working for you…
Kinda disappointing post. It felt like you wished too hard for the ending to suck more. It felt quite forced. Mostly the first part.
I think thre was way too much hype for this post with all the wait time… Oh well.
Welcome back Jason!!
Where’s my Macross F post?!
Suzu penetrates Lulu…SUZAKU IS SEME?! *shot*
But seriously, I was pretty satisfied with the ending. I had already predicted that because Code Geass is the reincarnation of Death Note, with mecha and pizza, Lulu was going to die in the end just like Lighto.
“Suzaku penetrates Lulu. The end.â€
I knew it!! I knew you’ll say that Jason, I just knew it…
>>Suzaku penetrates Lulu. The end.
>>I knew it!! I knew you’ll say that Jason, I just knew it…
Yes This Is My Jason
Wait… Didn’t Suzaku penetrated Lulu already? =D
… quite a few times if I remember correctly.
Oh wait! that was in a dou— shit! lalala~ nevermind~!
I dunno the ending wasn’t nearly as bad as you made it out to be. Lulu couldn’t Geass everyone because:
1) That would just be forcing everyone to do something they didn’t want to do, and when he killed his dad and mom that’s what he was trying to avoid.
2) Lulu didn’t need to be loved, it’s just that some people realized what was happening, but people realizing wasn’t part of the plan.
But I’ll stop being serious and just say that they need to make a Code Geass Rehash show where they use all the same character, but only in the context of a normal high school love comedy with sports involved. I love sports anime!
Now that I’m back from my moveNow that I’m slowly recovering from my Mass Effect addiction, I meet thy Luluko with an Alto pic.http://that.animeblogger.net/w.....281599.jpg
It looks like the infection must be purged. With fire and promethium and maybe cyclonic torpedoes.
>>Suzaku penetrates Lulu. The end.
I don’t know why I was surprised by that. This should’ve happened instead of Zerozaku stabbing Lulu.
“KNIGHT THE ZERO” Engrish yay? I liked how Arthur is the one seen by Suzaku’s grave, either paying his respects to him or contemplating biting the corpse’s hand.
Could’ve sworn that Tamaki wanted to be a bureaucrat not a barkeep.
And no comment on Schneizel’s slave outfit yet? With the not matching set of giant golden chains that do nothing? Or his apathy throughout the whole thing?
Orange with Anya. What?! Sunrise, you troll, what’ll happen to the CyborgxNinja-meido pairing I’ve been wishing for ever since ep. 24? Since we’re still in the subject of Orange-kun, I hereby nominate him for the GAR-est character in 08. Or is it 09? I’ve never understood these things.
I think I’ll miss those sweet ass shots more than the homolust, since fangirls are more frequent in making them. I miss Kallen’s thunder thighs already. They remind me of Chun-Li, ever since that episode where Kallen whupped out that 7-hit combo on Suzaku.
Does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, the writers have this itch at the back of their heads telling them that they forgot something? Like C.C.’s name, or Sayoko after that prison scene, or Kannon after that prison hold up or NONNETTE. Or maybe even NINA?
Freaking Gino is still alive and Cecile got conservative on her dresses.
>>Suzaku penetrates Lulu. The end.
I don’t know why I was surprised by that. This should’ve happened instead of Zerozaku stabbing Lulu.
“KNIGHT THE ZERO” Engrish yay? I liked how Arthur is the one seen by Suzaku’s grave, either paying his respects to him or contemplating biting the corpse’s hand.
Could’ve sworn that Tamaki wanted to be a bureaucrat not a barkeep.
And no comment on Schneizel’s slave outfit yet? With the not matching set of giant golden chains that do nothing? Or his apathy throughout the whole thing?
Orange with Anya. What?! Sunrise, you troll, what’ll happen to the CyborgxNinja-meido pairing I’ve been wishing for ever since ep. 24? Since we’re still in the subject of Orange-kun, I hereby nominate him for the GAR-est character in 08. Or is it 09? I’ve never understood these things.
I think I’ll miss those sweet ass shots more than the homolust, since fangirls are more frequent in making them. I miss Kallen’s thunder thighs already. They remind me of Chun-Li, ever since that episode where Kallen whupped out that 7-hit combo on Suzaku.
Does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, the writers have this itch at the back of their heads telling them that they forgot something? Like C.C.’s name, or Sayoko after that prison scene, or Kannon after that prison hold up or NONNETTE. Or maybe even NINA?
Freaking Gino is still alive and Cecile got conservative on her dresses.
Here’s the picture that I forgot to post.
These are one of those moments where keywords like “penetration”, “impaling” and “train-wreck” is used to define the essence of this series. And there will probably will be Code Geass R3 for more shits and giggles for the rest of us. It’s SUNRISE…^^
I got a weird feeling in my got that if the plot is properly constructed, logically C.C, Kallen and the Imperial Loli should have already died (including her Xing-ke). And Lulu should have been alive. It’s like for all the plans and actions you have done, you would just let yourself be stab by Suzaku…without scoring even once with…Nunnally…or even Kallen.
This is wierd shit I tell you. And it’s now time for Gundam 00 Second Season..
By the way, that stabbing/penetration thing? It has been done by lesbo’s in Mai Hime and Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny. Jason even has a post about it I think.
Personally, I blame Ang Lee for the penetration of Suzaku to Lulu. The only thing missing are the mountain setting/background and horses. Specifically black and white horses…aaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
lawl :D . Thx Jason for pointing that out for Orange-kun. Cause it didn’t come to my mind that in the end he farming oranges. He started out with the name Orange, then become Mecha-Orange-kun and now working on a farm picking oranges. Damn, he was called that name so much I don’t know he real name. Now that a damn shame. Well see u in Gundam 00.
Amazing as always. I think their just might be a little lolicon in me so Orange-kun definitely equals win in this situation. Still feel bad for Nunally though even after a week.
I probably should be disturbed by the fact that Lulu gave the costume with the most blatant bondage theme to his little sister, but I’m actually finding it kind of hot. Give it some nekomimi and he’d be set for some epic fun.
Ink, when you first see her at the orange farm. Anya has the orange bra on. You know what that means :D
Not your best material, Jason, but then again I never was a fan of yours.
At least a couple of your usual readers do admit this much, thankfully, and can appreciate the ending.
Hell, even some of your fellow Geass critics / mockers do.
Orange-kun, I always believed in you.
Great episode and good ending. Internet is little more lonely without CG.
R.I.P Lulu
unless Sunrise wants a Sequel…
but his death redeemed the series for me.. please stay dead Lulu..
To bad for Xing Ke. He’ll be missed. Don’t know what the Chinese would think of it. Before Code Geass s2 this blog was up most of the time in China but had some hiccups. Now with Xing Ke gone, this blog will probably suffer the same fate. Maybe with the new Chinese press regulations will have some effect on this blog. Keep the word alive! :-P
Oh, well still a couple of months to go before I leave China. Will have to backlog the posts if this site goes off the air :-P
I just found this site and i’m new to it…
I liked code geass and this one thing has been like a really bad itch but… but didnt like 13 episodes ago Sayoko dress up as a perfect copy of lulu.. so couldn’t he just geass someone into dressing up as him and dying for him, then go to create an even better harem than before…