off to a winter wonderland
Categories: site news
Tagged: k-on:azusa, k-on:yui
I’ll off on vacation. You’ll be treated to stale auto-posts and maybe a few random Tweets (depending if I can track down internet service) until I get back… so… uh… enjoy! Anyway, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Maybe all your snow be licked off by delicious Azu-nyan.
Have fun Jason! And don’t forget to watch Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu. It’s glorious.
Have a nice holiday.
I will be in Japan visiting the winter Comiket.
I’m scared to see cockblocking Imouto Kirino everywhere… : (
Go have fun and merry X’mas
Have fun, my favourite blogger!
Omigod, that is one epic image.
Have fun. Merry Christmas and a good holiday to you.
Winter wonderland…… you’re coming to Canada? Have a good holiday and see you un the New Year hopefully full of traps, wincest, bromance, random body part fetishes and capturing bug demons and of course wonderfully broken readers.
cute image nearly ruined by terrible typeface.
Dibs on the blog should Jason encounter… difficulties. ;)
watch disappearance!
Merry Christraps, Jason.
Take a good rest Jason, we’ll be just fine ^_^
Merry Xmas my friend.
>cute image nearly ruined by terrible typeface.
And truer words have not been spoken.
Merry xmas Jason.
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the break!