there’s no way my little sister’s life counseling can end like this 12 (true?)
Categories: episodic review, ore no imouto
Tagged: oreimo
“What did you say?”
(Say my name, say my name /
You actin’ kinda shady /
Ain’t callin me baby /
Better say my name)
I totally missed this episode. I saw “Ore no Imouto 12” in my RSS feeds, and I’m like, “I’ve seen it already.” Why couldn’t they just name this “13” instead of “12 true”? Come on, anime episodes should be like database ID numbers– unique! More to the point, the episode is 26 minutes long with 23 minutes pretty much the same as the original episode 12. I kind of wanted AIC to actually show different things or different lines… but… alas, same exact episode up until Kirino vanishes. You’re not missing much. Basically, Kirino goes to America… Kyousuke feels dumped… and, well, I feel like I should have done something else with my time.
Would have liked to see if AIC had the balls to run this episode eight times. That would be the greatest dick move ever, since at least Kyoto changed things up a bit… nah, greatest dick move is still Sunrise’s awesome April Fool’s prank about Mobile Suit Geass 00 where Code Geass gets re-imagined with Gundams. Lulu pilots Palantir Gundam with the all powerful eye (powered by G-particles), Suzaku pilots Elwing against him (until the halfway point when they get trapped on an island together and fall madly in love), Shirley/Kallen/Euphie would be the bridge bunnies, and political intrigue over Area 11 would be everywhere. Except Area 11 would be a Lagrange colony.
(The dick move is that they aren’t making this. What a tease!)
(Bigger dick move? Moving to America and not telling your brother about it! My gosh, we need to get Kirino and Kyubey together somehow. They would make a magnificent team.)
I almost did the same. But be fair, I seem to remember it’s just the stuff before the break that’s identical.
The sad thing is, if Mobile Suit Geass 00 had been aired some time in the last 4 seasons, it would probably have been the best anime of the year :/
Yeah I watched the entirety too, I suppose it was better than watching endless eight 3 times before I realized what was happening.
There’s No Way My Little Sister Could Make a Contract With Kyubey?
Hehehe, suckers. I just skipped around until I saw something new.
It’s never good for a show if it gets markedly better when the main character leaves, but that’s kind of how I felt about this episode (I really, really hate Kirino).
Say my name… woah it’s been ten years already since this song got out. Time flies.
Wait for Mobile Suit Geass 00 The Movie where Suzaku and Lulu uses their Gundams to spread their OH GEASS NO love to aliens in the galaxy so everyone can understand each other.
At least there was a bit of Kuroneko at the end. I could appreciate that. The rest of it, not so much.
you are not going to mention the “scatology sister”?