hyouka 10 quickie
Categories: episodic review, hyouka
Tagged: hyouka
“Home run.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll pay.”
For a while, I thought Irisu lead Houtaru to a love hotel where she would pay with her body. Thus leading to a 90210-like plot when Chitanda finds out. But NOOOOOOOO! Hyouka continues with yet another episode of trying to figure out a mystery film’s ending. Seriously, it’s really that hard to either (a) postpone the filming or (b) text the original scriptwriter? Well, I guess it is for Gainax.
(Irisu was so totally hitting on Houtarou and pumping him full of compliments. I haven’t seen a snow job like that since Brody Jenner on The Hills.)
Please, Kyoto, we don’t need to see a blurry video to show that Houtarou is fast-forwarding or rewinding playback. Okay, we get that he’s seeking through the file, but it’s such an anachronistic metaphor. What modern video player does this? DVDs don’t. BDs don’t. DVRs don’t. Media Player Classic doesn’t. MplayerX doesn’t. Hell, even iTunes doesn’t, and that’s made by the company that made a horrible faux-leather anachronistic metaphor calender app. You have to go back to VHS days… which… is really old by now. In fact, I think of DVDs as old. Does this make me old?
Lack of Chitanda (and drunk Chitanda) made this episode less enjoyable for me: she’s a star. Chitanda’s like LeBron James stuck on the Cleveland Cavaliers. Anyway, she kinda went into seed mode last episode– twice– once when she was reading the script (because, you know, it might be a good idea) and again right before she blacks out. It makes me think she figured it out. Why doesn’t she just tell Houtarou? Because we needed to drag yet another episode out of this mystery. The pacing for this show is killing me. It would be such a better show if it were a bit more compact. Though this episode did get me to rewatch parts of 9 again… so… yeah… am I interested in the mystery? Yes. Only because I don’t have drunk Chitanda to distract me.
(Andohbytheway, I did enjoy Houtarou’s momentary panic when he realized that he forgot about the rope. That was awesome. Since we never see a weapon capable of slicing off an arm like that, could the rope be rigged in a way to tear the arm off?)
Shaft being Shaft… err… “Sou ka.”
I’m having fun trying to beat him to the solution, and even when I failed at that I still called the rope ending, so hah!
I’ll watch this any day of the week just for OP though.
My theory is that there is no correct ending; they could not write believable ending for the movie, so they manipulated Houtarou to make up one. All those ropes and amounts of blood were just red herrings, to give him ideas.
The story about collapsed writer was just a story. This fits the facts a lot better. I already suspected that in last episode, now I’m almost certain.
At the end of Ep 9 I reckoned the whole movie was some sort of fake, to provide a platform for Irisu to wrap Houtaru around her fingers and upon which she could get him to figure out something… important.
Now I’m not so sure, maybe the entire mystery is reverse-engineering this silly movie.
Well there seems to be some consensus among the audience, that the movie was messed up by all the ad-libbing. For example, it is clearly evident the script did not call for an arm to be lopped off (hence the need for only small amount of blood instead of a whole bottle). Most radical theory even posits that the guy was not intended to be dead, just injured, the filmers just fouled up by assuming. But all put together, the changes turn the mystery into something that is impossible to solve.
The rope made a comeback at the end of this episode, but there’s still one thing they haven’t touched: the list of Holmes books and the cryptic symbol notation for them. They’ll no doubt shed some light on what the movie’s plot was intended to be. (Me, I believe the whole thing really is about figuring out the script, without any ulterior motives on Irisu’s part.)
Hey Jason, in case you haven’t heard yet, http://www.moetron.com/2012/06.....daptation/