hyouka 15, 16

“I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before…”

Damn Kyoto, the animation is fantastic, the random backgrounds and signs are fantastic, and Chitanda is 25% cuter episode to episode. She’s the Michael Phelps of adorableness.

(After watching three thousand or so hours of the Olympics, I gotta say this: what isn’t whored out at the Olympics for cash anymore? I’m surprised we don’t have an official Olympics condom yet. And what is the IOC doing with all this cash they are hoarding? Feeding the poor? Researching cure for cancer? Buying steak dinners? Forget the Illuminati, Scientologists, and Pastafarians, the real secret society is the IOC. They’re the ones sitting all the secrets.)

Mayaka getting bullied by manga club is one of the few anime plots that actually address bullying in high school, which I’m sure happens to almost everyone. And not in a bullying Kotomi-chan way. There’s quite a bit of social commentary here too. It says something about human nature that Mayaka puts Manga Club ahead of Classics Club in importance despite much better treatment in Classics Club. It always says something that a lot of the club are bystanders, especially that president, and they do nothing about the situation. They just look and pity Mayaka while secretly glad it’s not them.

(At the rate that one girl is cosplaying, I fully expect Cranberry Jam if the festival went five days.)

Obviously, the Mean Girls. Though Miku seems, uh, more hopeful than usual.

Curious as to how Chitanda can forget so many things at such opportune times. Just happens to forget this is Houtarou’s sister. And I’m positive Kyoto watched a little too much Tool Time before deciding not to show her eyes. Though if we put her mouth with Wilson’s eyes… ThE GOGGLES! THEY DO NOTHING!

(Yep, let’s make her look like one of those people who go around selling pot brownies and “special cookies” to people lounging at Dolores Park.)

“I’m not going to be some crowd-drawing panda!”

The intro Satoshi proposed for Houtarou is excellent. It’s perfect. It could also be used as a WWE entrance, an at-bat entrance, or an Iron Chef intro. It works well on all those levels.

(Satoshi’s claim that he will catch Jumanji is cute. Though it’s about time someone other than Houtarou did anything. He’s been carrying them like Gabby Douglas carrying Team USA gymnastics, Taeja carrying Team Liquid, and House Hunters carrying HGTV.)

The progression of the thefts and connection back to Christie is interesting, and it’s the first well-done mystery in this series. The first half of the show was basically carried by Kyoto’s animation prowess and Chitanda’s adorableness, and now it’s finally gotten the mystery part, well, mysteriously interesting. While not an emotional plot or cerebral plot, it does do a good job of telling a story and making us feel a part of it. This is what Hyouka should be. Just a few episodes earlier would have been nice.

(Guessing the student council president did it. He wouldn’t raise suspicions and would have easy access to the clubs. Though it could just well be Houtarou’s sister as a left field choice. And, yes, if NBC did this show, they would run a commercial, “The student council president is remorseful for his crimes. And now back to Hyouka.” The only way NBC’s coverage could be worse is if they had The Voice judges replace Bob Costas.)

Chitanda said “Kininarimasu!” about six times this episode. It’s only slightly less than how often Bob Costas says, “Michael Phelps.”

(If a seventy and fifty year olds can compete in equestrian, how is that an Olympic sport? We might as well give out gold medals for dog agility runs or the very difficult “get the fucking cat off of the keyboard” event. We might as well add chess, frisbee golf, Nascar, bocce ball, and StarCraft to medal events at this point. Though I have to say watching Taeja has been more entertaining Michael Phelps this past week.)

(Nothing against Phelps, but NBC clearly has a hard-on for him. Almost as bad as Houtarou for Chitanda… err… nevermind.)

(And why do are there medals for different ways to swim? Do they give out medals for the 100m backwards sprint? The 100m lindy hop? Why aren’t there medals for slam dunks? Three point shooting? I feel like it should just be 1 medal. Best swimmer. Best sprinter. Best basketball team. Best gymnast [why is there a team medal for such an individual sport?]. Best Nascar driver.)

“Can it wait? I’m still using it.”

When Houtarou said this, I thought he meant he still needed to jack off to it. He already read it! Why does he need it still to solve the mystery? Just photocopy (or cell phone camera) that last page and hand it to Mayaka so she can win some stupid argument with horrible people who don’t matter. Also, I liked how Houtarou got totally trapped when he tried to tell just Satoshi but Chitanda gave him women tears. My gosh. How can anyone refuse Chitanda?!

Why does it feel like Kyoto and us have become an old married couple? At first, we were getting Mikuru costume rape, Haruhi bunny girl, Nayuki changing, Kyou in a gym storage shed, Tess in the shower, Tess at the hot springs… and… now… we’re getting this as the fanservice shot for Chitanda.

And just like an old married couple, it’s like if he was watching the thrilling finish to start of the men’s 100 meters, and she bursts into the room, “Honey, do you think we should give Aunt Gertude an Applebee’s gift certificate for her birthday?” Worst. Possible. Timing.

iPhones in my anime? Man, it’s replicated perfectly. Though I like the extra touch that Satoshi has a pink case, and it’s a newer type slip case rather than the older, bulkier cases. Andohbytheway, obviously not AT&T since it has bars of coverage.

(The light music club got hit?! I wonder if Kyoto rewrote the dialogue so they would say “keion” a maximum number of times. I was disappointed that Fuwa Fuwa Time wasn’t playing over the intercom, or Kyoto didn’t change the dialogue so it was the tea set or just a tea cup that was stolen from the light music club.)

My favorite image from episode fifteen. There’s just something incredibly adorable and non-creepy at all about Chitanda and her eggplant. And she has an orange slice for a pillow… if only she had Arararagi’s banana chair. Then she would have the ultimate fruit and veggie themed room decor. And… HGTV just signed Chitanda for her own show, “The Curiosity Room”. It’ll air Tuesday nights right after “Women Porn: Rugged Men Installing Granite Countertops.”

“Kininarimasu!” Things I’m Curious About

1. Is there life on Mars?
2. When will humanity reach Mars?
3. Was Arnold just imagining everything that happened in Kindergarten Cop Total Recall?

15 Responses to “hyouka 15, 16”

  1. Spoilers: were not landing a SUV sized rover with a uranium power plant right next to Cydonia for nothing.

  2. iPhone’s corners are not rounded enough, or maybe the my iPhone 4 should have sharper corners? Screen also looks bigger than normal. Last, it’s connected to wifi, at full bars. A high school having free, working wifi? I graduated years before the standard came out. Do high schools have wifi now?

    Chitanda bowing her head into the mic at the end was the funniest thing ever. Knew it was going to happen, but laughed hard anyways. How she and Houtarou were fighting over that manga was funny as well. The rest of the club know these two are meant for each other, but these two are too dim to realize it?

    Wait, iPhone 4 was released in late 2011, when was this anime supposed to take place? I thought there was references to the earlier 2000s.

  3. The first book was originally set in 2000, so when it was mentioning her uncle, it said the events happened 33 years ago. In the anime, they adjusted the year the show occured to fit with when the anime aired (I doubt there would be major protests in 1979 afteall). Thus, I don’t think it’s unusual that the people have 2012 cellphones since it’s set in 2012.

  4. Jason, when did you get married?

  5. Bwaka Jason, always think about fapping ?

  6. “I was disappointed that Fuwa Fuwa Time wasn’t playing over the intercom, or Kyoto didn’t change the dialogue so it was the tea set or just a tea cup that was stolen from the light music club.”

    It would be nice if their cake is stolen… But Jumonji stole a guitar string instead. I guess KyoAni won’t insert K-On! jokes because Kadokawa might cancel this show.

  7. But Chitanda never met Houtaro’s sister, did she?
    Either she met her off screen or she is seeing the Oreki family traits in her.
    Why is KyoAni so cruel and not let us see Tomoe’s face? T_T

  8. Keionbu was in the books, published before the K-on anime.

  9. Maybe it’s just because of the Code Geass picture book that recently came out, but Houtarou’s pose in Satoshi’s introduction reminds me of Lelouch. “Houtarou vi Oreki orders you: let me slack off in peace”. With Chitanda’s “Kininarimasu” replacing the Geass Canceller.

  10. Actually, I think Oreki-aneki is more Miss Bellum @PPG than Wilson @Home Improvement, as that fits better. Wilson is the other side of the picture.

  11. Chitanda is wonderful. Mayaka getting excited about something other than berating someone is surreal. My money is on aneki having the exact same face as Houtarou.

    Also Nunnally in Wonderland is begging for some blogsuki attention. Despite the picture book format, it’s an excellent parody of itself, and the writing is better than the entirety of R2.

  12. “My favorite image from episode fifteen. There’s just something incredibly adorable and non-creepy at all about Chitanda and her eggplant. And she has an orange slice for a pillow… if only she had Arararagi’s banana chair. Then she would have the ultimate fruit and veggie themed room decor. And… HGTV just signed Chitanda for her own show, “The Curiosity Room”. It’ll air Tuesday nights right after “Women Porn: Rugged Men Installing Granite Countertops.””

    Notice she has a watermelon decor on the desk too.

  13. The plot thickens! Also, the iPhone background continues the astronomy theme present in most (all?) episodes. Light blue, rings, heavy axial tilt: that’s Uranus. I wouldn’t be too surprised if next episode has some Curiosity-related references going…

  14. The President is getting framed. It ain’t him.

  15. I really hope for a resolution for Mayaka’s side story and I believe that the manga Houtarou’s sister sent is going to be the key for it.

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