it’s a raw deal

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We had some friends over for some pure X-Box fun last night, and it quickly became apparant that games are complex enough these days that n00bs don’t stand a chance anymore. Generally, if we do 2v2 matches in Halo, it always breaks down to my roommate vs. me. If we run into the other enemy team member, it’s basically not a challenge. For example, the most competitive game match of CTF ended up with 3-0 caps with my roommate at 25 kills, me at 35 kills, and the two n00bs at a combined 3 kills. One problem is that they have a hard time adjusting to using the right thumbstick to aim… the mainly just use the left thumbstick to aim, which makes them a sitting duck. Keep in mind these are people who also own X-Boxes, but for some strange reason, don’t own Halo, Mechassault, or any of the other A-grade X-Box games.

Things did get a little better once we switched to Mechassault, but that’s because we did coop. Until the team killing began.

At this point, I was like… “Why don’t we play a game we all have?” So we started up Jet Set Radio Future, and immediately someone said, “I don’t like that game cuz it looks funny.” At this point, I wanted to smash a chair across his back. Despite everyone having this game, it still wasn’t much of a match– seems like I was the only one who played the game.

Then after a little Orta and Two Towers, I realized that all the X-Box games we have focus around war. Blake vs. Wolf in Mechassault. Humanity vs. Covenant vs. Flood in Halo. Insanely pimp dragon w/cute rider vs. evil empire in Orta. The Police vs. The GGs in JSRF. Do I even need to point out Two Towers? At this point, it was definitely some Xtreme Beach Volleyball time… which basically amounted to watching the intro over and over.

The main problem with multiplayer gaming these days is that steep learning curve that most games have. I know X has gone long stretches without losing in GGX2, and the last time I played with my friends, I was 15-0… using random character select. This is why I really think games need to ship with a handicap system.

Last of the series of three Ziyi pics. This is from Jackie Chan’s birthday party. Damn lucky guy. I think I’ll make this series of three a regular feature on the blog… let me know in the shoutbox who you want to see next.

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