nekomimi akane clearance event
Categories: anime, fanservice, mai hime/otome, moe
Tagged: mai hime/otome
Ponytail Shana barely edges out nekomimi Akane… oh, heck with it, nekomimi Akane blowout! All images must go!

Categories: anime, fanservice, mai hime/otome, moe
Tagged: mai hime/otome
Ponytail Shana barely edges out nekomimi Akane… oh, heck with it, nekomimi Akane blowout! All images must go!
*standard nosebleed+faint*
Akaneko I love you!!
Finally justice for the poor Otome stuck with frisky door mat Kazu-chan. Now if I can get translation for them Japanese words I’d be set.
The Dice Gods were right Praise be!
First Picture:”I’ll definitely do something naughty-♥”
I don’t know about the second picture – something about her breasts…
Third Picture:”This’s embarrassing, Kazu-kun…” and then ‘bounce bounce’ sound effects.
Fourth Picture:”Kazu-kun…”
Worked out what the second picture says: “Cat breasts”. Turns out the the first word is a misspelling of the word ‘cat’ popular on some message boards. As if japanese wasn’t bad enough without deliberate spelling mistakes -_-.
they needed more of nekomimi akane in every anime!
more neko akane please?
“Finally justice for the poor Otome stuck with frisky door mat Kazu-chan.”
Needs more Akane/Kazuya sex de yansu.