haruhi suzumiya ends at 14 due to kanon

According to random posts on Animesuki’s Haruhi thread, they are speeding up and skipping novels to fit seven novels in 14 episodes (they are apparently skipping novel 2 entirely). Why? Kyoto Animation needs to staff Kanon.

Yep. I knew it. *shakes head*

34 Responses to “haruhi suzumiya ends at 14 due to kanon”

  1. All that glitters is not Gold.

    Sadly most people are so near-sighted about money, that they inevitably miss out on big payoffs.

  2. NOOOOO!!!! that just ruined my month….

  3. Weird, I can’t seem to find anything on that animesuki link that suggests they’re gonna fit all seven novels in the 14 episodes (skipping novel 2 though, yeh).. or if it’s in there, noone seems to be talking about it

    Hopefully they don’t rush this meaninglessly for a conclusion. Just go Full Metal Panic styles and spread the seasons out

  4. Yep, random musings from folks in an anime forum are REALLY accurate indications of a conspiracy against the penultimate indicator of the true golden age of anime….right.

    One has to wonder when has Kyoto Animation ever been known for it’s full season series? The fact of the matter is that it hasn’t had any full season series as far as I know, besides the upcoming Kanon. Did the fact that FMP!:SR, Fumoffu, Air, etc. did not go for 24 episodes stop them from being some of the greatest animes of all time? Kyoto have never done wrong before with its other series and from the looks of it, it ain’t going to do no wrong with Haruhi either.

  5. There is no question that the aforementioned series were great and hopefully, Haruhi will be of the same caliber throughout its 14 episode run (assuming the news is true). Yet the reason this piece of news is so devastating to some is that Haruhi has more material that can be worked with. No matter how amazing the 14 episodes of Haruhi are, won’t it be better to have even more episodes that are equally great?

  6. And a series like AIR does not? Heck, Kyoto even made a 2 episode spinoff called AIR: In Summer showing off some of the stuff they left off of one part in a 5 part game(One part for each of the main girls, the summer part, and the AIR part). If they could a good 2 episodes out of just one part, just think of how many extra episode they could have had, had they taken everything from the game. Did the fact that AIR was far from being completely wrung dry stop it from being one of the best animes ever? No, and it shouldn’t be the case with Haruhi either.

  7. I think you completely missed my point. I’m not lamenting the fact that just because Haruhi is now only 14 episodes, it will automatically be the worst anime ever. I’m saying that its a pity such a great show won’t be longer, especially since its being relegated secondary status to a remake.

  8. >>I’m not lamenting the fact that just because Haruhi is now only 14 episodes, it will automatically be the worst anime ever.>>

    Wow, you are the first person I’ve heard to say that Haruhi will be trash just because it’s only 14 episodes long. Not even Jason went that far


    Does having more episodes always mean that series will be better?

    No, even though more of the story is being told, less of the series budget goes on any particular episode, and it’s production values would go down. Would Haruhi or AIR or Full Metal Panic have looked as good on the same budget if the series went for 24 episodes instead of their actual runs? I would not think so. In fact, that Kanon DOES go for a full season is my biggest concern for the series, unless it has a correspondingly larger budget.

  9. Ok…maybe my grammar isn’t the greatest in the world…but I’m pretty sure if you actually thoroughly read my comment you would have grasped what I was trying to convey. Especially since my second sentence goes: “I’m saying that its a pity such a GREAT show won’t be longer, especially since its being relegated secondary status to a remake.”
    On another note, I completely agree that if faced with the decision of length but drastically decreased production values versus same quality but shorter length, I would immediately choose shorter length.

  10. I’m hoping against all hope that there will be a 2nd season or at the very least a balls out movie production. An anime of this caliber and potential deserves so much more than a short 14 episode run.

  11. Personally, my disappointment with the length of the Haruhi anime is not just because I want to see more of it. I seriously question how effective a story Kyoto Animation can tell by compressing seven (eight by the time the series finishes) novels into 12-13 episodes.

    For comparison purposes, the 13 episode Full Metal Panic: TSR was adapted from two novels.

  12. Oh shit. mikemil828 totally didn’t get what Chariman Zhang was saying. I was ROFL-ing. While he was trying to explain that he is NOT stating something, you quoted him dissing him for stating it. OMG. “Wrong quote reference of the Year!” PPD style.

    And yes, a potential great + long series gave way to a remake. WTF. That’s if the news is true.

  13. >>Wow, you are the first person I’ve heard to say that Haruhi will be trash just because it’s only 14 episodes long. Not even Jason went that far>>

    If people got cookies for misunderstanding, you’d get a big, yummy one.

    Personally, I’m kinda glad that Haruhi is going to be short. It means that when the show is licensed (and it damn well better be), I can splurge on the extra-super-deluxe stuff to my heart’s content. I’m sure that if the first two episodes are any indication, there won’t be a loss of quality for the cut.

  14. Bloody remakes…I hope for their sake that this compression of 7 novels (6 since 2 got cut) doesn’t back fire completely or they will start a second season somewhere along the line to give all seven justice. In this case I dare say that any failure on their part may be fatal, economically.

  15. Was it that much of a surprise in the first place? Did we expect Kyoto, who has always done 13 ep series, to go for a 24-26 one yet still spending so much effort and detail on just the first two?

    Anyway, for the purists, I suppose you’ll all just have to read the novels. I know I will be.

  16. >>but I’m pretty sure if you actually thoroughly read my comment>>

    Of course I read what you said thoroughly, quite literally in fact, you essentially said that it is a fact that Haruhi is the worst series ever because it is only 14 episodes long, and you are not lamenting over it. That you made that big of a misstatement and got called on it isn’t my fault, its yours. It’s the responsibility of the writer, not the reader, to make him/herself absolutely clear.

    >>I seriously question how effective a story Kyoto Animation can tell by compressing seven (eight by the time the series finishes) novels into 12-13 episodes.

    For comparison purposes, the 13 episode Full Metal Panic: TSR was adapted from two novels.>>

    By looking at a different series (Yet again, AIR) it looks like Kyoto is pretty good when it comes to condensing series

    For comparison purposes, the 13 episode AIR was adapted from a over 600,000 word 50+ hour game. Taking all that and bringing it down to just over 5 hours is a major achievement to say the least.

    >>what Chariman Zhang was saying. I was ROFL-ing. While he was trying to explain that he is NOT stating something, you quoted him dissing him for stating it.>>

    >>If people got cookies for misunderstanding, you’d get a big, yummy one.>>

    >>*Other future random trashings of me for deliberately misunderstanding what Zhang said*>>

    If I didn’t get what Zhang was saying, you would think he would ask what the heck I was talking about, instead he basically acknowledged that he made a misstatement, which I pointed out.

    Once again, it’s your job to make yourself clear and check what you say, not the reader.

  17. okay this is omega ridiculous

    >>I’m not lamenting the fact that just because Haruhi is now only 14 episodes, it will automatically be the worst anime ever.>>

    Fact = Haruhi is now only 14 episodes
    Fact != it will be automatically be worst anime ever

    I don’t know how you can interpret it any other way.. He’s not expressing grief because it will now be the worst anime ever, but for other reasons WHICH HE THEN EXPLAINS.

    Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with shorter series.. consider it the HBO factor. Just got to hope that they don’t mow through the material.. coz from my understanding, it’s not as if the novels are completed yet anyway. So if you’re going to fake an ending, fake it earlier, so you can then later come back to canon.

  18. If they pay any attention, the Men In Charge now know than Harhui has a BIG potential in terms of payoff. They’ll might want to reconsider how to handle this show.

  19. >>If they pay any attention, the Men In Charge now know than Harhui has a BIG potential in terms of payoff. They’ll might want to reconsider how to handle this show.>>

    I doubt that they can make any big changes now, considering that the show is already on the air

  20. OUTRAGE!

    Yep, that was my first reaction, and I haven’t really been able to think past it quite yet.

  21. .. am I the only person who thinks this is non issue? Look at Kyoto Animation’s recent works:
    Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid – 13 episodes + 1 OVA
    Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu! – 12 episodes
    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya – 13 episodes + brilliant ep 0

    Kanon is going to be their first full 24 ep show and it makes sense

  22. Hop Step Jump! has made an article that ravages both Jason and the Animesuki conspiracists on this issue, Ouch.


  23. …all I can say is: “Are you kidding me?”
    Since my two explanations and the futile attempts of others have obviously failed to make you see the light, here is an explanation at your level of analysis:
    Haruhi=great show
    14 episodes of Haruhi=great show
    more than 14 episodes of Haruhi=even better

  24. Apparently you are incapable of catching my drift, so to speak. So I’ll take my own advice and make it clear, I knew what you were trying to say in the first place, however you worded it so badly that I could get a rise out of you by deliberately misunderstanding it, which you rose to the occasion admirably and continue to do so.

    However its getting old and its seems you are using that to get at me instead of something that is actually on subject to back up your claim that having more than 14 episodes would actually be beneficial to the show. So I won’t go into it any further.

  25. Question:

    Is there a source on this past “The Animesuki Forums”? because lets be honest, I wouldn’t trust most people on suki to be able to tie their shoes, much less give accurate information like this.

  26. mikemil828, just shut up and admit your misinterpretation. Your constant immature behaviour makes you look stupid. I know Chairman Zhang and many others are itching to say this but for the sake of harmony they are restraining themselves. But do I care? I see a immature moron I point it out. “You look/sound stupid.” Everyone understood Chairman Zhang’s words except for you. COINCIDENCE? And the fact you refuse to admit your mistake and go on to quote here and there to defend your screwed up fort makes you look ever more stupider. Reply as you like, I won’t be bothering coming back here to see a retard’s post.

  27. I completely agree with what _|_ said. Just stop, you made a simple mistake, and accept that.

    I on the other hand expect a great series, 14 episodes or more. I can’t see Haruhi screwing up at all. The only thing I am worried about is pacing, but I am sure KyoAni can pull it off.

    Excuse me, I think I have to go watch AIR again. I was reminded that it’s been a while since I rewatched it.

  28. I’m only worried if they try to compress 6 novels into 13 eps. If they do say, 3 novels, ain’t no thang. That’ll still give them 4 (the 7th novel is coming out next month, IIRC) novels with which to work with later, should there be a second season–because as much as I love this show, I at least realize that the reception to it has been very mixed.

  29. I don’t understand what’s the whole deal with Kanon. I’ve played the game and watched the anime. The game was ok but the anime wasn’t impressive at all. Sheesh, it’s just another hgame for crying out loud! No matter how touching, how interesting the story is, it will always be one of those harem animes where the guy has to pick just one girl in the end.

    And mikemil828, shut up already. I already understood Chairman Zhang’s first post the first time. Stop blowing things out of proportion by saying unnecessary stuff. It’s so annoying. This is not a blog for you to have arguments about each other’s posts. We are supposed to flame at the animators for their actions regarding Haruhi! And I say that’s crap Kyoto Assholes! Gimme back my Haruhi!! And I’ve already play the damn Kanon game, stop advertising the damn game!! If you wanted to make an anime, why not do Clannad you prickheads??!!

  30. AGREED. If they ever wanted to push Haruhi off, why not make a CLANNAD anime instead? Oh wait, a CLANNAD movie is coming out next year. Of course they can’t air a series now. And CLANNAD’s NOT an eroge, incase anyone is trying to slap that label on.

    But looking at all Kyoto works… They’ve all been 13+- episodes, so I doubt they’ll go out of their way to create a 24/26 episode series. Besides, it might be due to the short episode count that we are able to enjoy great animation and art… Surely we won’t want a shitty Suzuka like anime to haunt us do we? Oh wait, that’s not Kyoto. Kyoto always made great stuff… Why KANON anyway?! Argh… It’s Haruhi/CLANNAD for me.

  31. >>mikemil828, just shut up and admit your misinterpretation. Your constant immature behaviour makes you look stupid.>>

    >>I completely agree with what _|_ said. Just stop, you made a simple mistake, and accept that.>>

    >>Even more future trashing of me from folks who are unwilling to let it go to score a cheap point>>

    Err. Perhaps you guys need to to learn read what other people say before you go on about me.

    Did I not say multiple times that I ‘deliberately misunderstood’ what he said because be worded what he wanted to say so badly? I plenty enough understood what he said the first time around. I honestly didn’t expect this many people to get upset about something so trivial. Then again there are plenty enough people around here that despite evidence to the contrary, think that there is some sort of conspiracy against their wonder show based off of rumors in a web forum. Perhaps I should have been a bit more careful around this rather touchy folk.

    About me stopping, did I not say that I wouldn’t go any further on this as people like Zhang are choosing to use this instead of actually being on the subject? However it seems that despite what they say they want me to do, they are incapable of letting it go as I have. Just let it go.

    >>This is not a blog for you to have arguments about each other’s posts.>>

    Then follow your own advice. Pot calling the kettle black I would say.

    >>_I_’s name calling spree>>

    Oh you are SO COOL! Calling person a moron when that person has otherwise avoided doing the same, SURE shows how much on the moral high ground you are compared to that person! Good Job! *Thumbs up*

    Since we can NOW let this thing die (I doubt it, I betting that during the next 5-7 posts there will be someone attacking me for not dropping it when I already have), Lets get back to swapping conspiracy theories…..

    Did you hear the one where Kyoto is planning to completely gut Haruhi’s personality so that they can make it easier to end the series in just 14 episodes? THOSE SCOUNDRELS!!!!!

  32. ROFLMAO!!! “DELIBERATELY MISUNDERSTOOD”–the greatest phrase ever!
    Mikemill828, please, please, go into politics. If you don’t, one of the few skills you possess will be wasted. Your command of doublespeak rivals even the best politicians out there.
    Now, I would kindly like you to understand, something so futile I am amazed I even try, that I was UNAWARE you were “deliberately misunderstanding”. It is most likely because of your total LACK of satire in your post (#8) that caused this whole debacle.
    I invite you to attack my post as one that has gravitated away from the subject at hand, I found it necessary to defend myself in front of such ridiculousness.
    I avidly await news of your success in politics. You have shown that you would fit in just fine.
    p.s. mikemil828-to cure my poor wording, I used spellcheck, grammarcheck and even had my English teacher proofread this entry several times. :) –mordant satire

  33. *Exasperated*
    As I figured, you won’t let it go will you? Are you really that full of yourself?

  34. Be civil. Disagree, but be civil at it.